21 research outputs found

    Simula??o computacional para popula??es em ambientes fragmentados : estudo de caso com o macaco-prego-de-crista, Sapajus robustus.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ecologia de Biomas Tropicais. Departamento de Biodiversidade, Evolu??o e Meio Ambiente, Instituto de Ci?ncias Exatas e Biol?gicas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Modelos computacionais t?m sido comumente utilizados para simular sistemas complexos tais como a din?mica de comunidades biol?gicas. O estudo de popula??es sujeitas ao fen?meno de perda e fragmenta??o do habitat, transforma??o de ?reas cont?nuas em ?reas pequenas, geralmente circundada por matrizes antr?picas, tem sido o foco de muitos estudos dentro do ?mbito da conserva??o. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi desenvolver um modelo computacional, a partir da modifica??o do reconhecido Penna Model de envelhecimento biol?gico, a fim de se avaliar o comportamento de popula??es sujeitas aos efeitos de ambientes fragmentados, modelo denominada "Modelo Penna de Fragmenta??o". Como objeto de estudo foram utilizados os dados biol?gicos do macaco-prego-de-crista, esp?cie de primata (Sapajus robustus) amea?ada de extin??o, cuja distribui??o geogr?fica dentro do bioma Mata Atl?ntica se insere no cen?rio de intensa fragmenta??o do habitat. Foi realizada uma classifica??o de uso e ocupa??o do solo - utilizando t?cnicas de processamento digital de imagens e geoprocessamento - em uma ?rea contida dentro da distribui??o geogr?fica de S. robustus, a fim de se obter um panorama da estrutura da paisagem na qual a esp?cie est? inserida. As simula??es do modelo evidenciaram o comportamento demogr?fico esperado em fun??o de tr?s principais aspectos que acometem popula??es sujeitas a perda e fragmenta??o do habitat: tamanho populacional efetivo, ?rea e conforma??o dos fragmentos e os efeitos delet?rios devido ? baixa variabilidade gen?tica, considerando popula??es pequenas e isolados. A an?lise da paisagem revelou que a regi?o apresenta-se com uma composi??o fragmentada, com predomin?ncia de matrizes antr?picas bem como classes de regenera??o da paisagem que n?o s?o capazes de abrigar popula??es vi?veis de Sapajus robustus. A classifica??o servira, ainda, de subsidio para a continuidade da simula??o do modelo considerando popula??o e espa?o geogr?fico, na expectativa de gerar uma ferramenta capaz de demonstrar o comportamento de popula??es no tempo real e futuro, servindo de aux?lio para a??es de conserva??o e manejo.Computational models have been commonly used for simulating complex systems such as the dynamics of biological communities. The study of populations subject to the phenomenon of loss and fragmentation of habitat, transforming continuous areas into small areas, usually surrounded by anthropogenic matrices, has been the focus of many studies within the scope of conservation. The objective of this study was to develop a computer model by introducing modifications to the renowned Penna Model for biological aging, in order to evaluate the behavior of populations subjected to the effects of fragmented environments. As an object of study, it was used biological data of the robust tufted capuchin (Sapajus robustus), an endangered primate species whose geographical distribution within the Atlantic Forest is part of the backdrop of intense habitat fragmentation. It was also carried out a classification of the use and occupation of land -using techniques of digital image processing and GIS - in an area contained within the geographic distribution of S. robustus in order to obtain an overview of the structure of the landscape in which the species is inserted. The simulations showed the expected behavior based on three main aspects that affect populations subject to habitat loss and fragmentation: the effective population size, area and conformation of the fragments and the deleterious effects due to low genetic variability, considering small and isolated populations. The landscape analysis revealed that the region has become fragmented, with predominance of anthropogenic matrices and classes regeneration of the landscape incapable to support viable populations of Sapajus robustus. The landscape classification will also allow continue and further to improve the model simulation, considering population and geographical area. With the expectation of generating a tool to demonstrate the population behavior in real time and future, serving as an aid to management and conservation policies and actions

    European Expert Opinion on ANT-DBS therapy for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy (a Delphi consensus)

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    Introduction: Although deep brain stimulation of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus (ANT-DBS) represents an established third-line therapy for patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy, guiding reports on practical treatment principles remain scarce. Methods: An Expert Panel (EP) of 10 European neurologists and 4 neurosurgeons was assembled to share their experience with ANT-DBS therapy. The process included a review of the current literature, which served as a basis for an online survey completed by the EP prior to and following a face-to-face meeting (Delphi method). An agreement level of >= 71 % was considered as consensus. Results: Out of 86 reviewed studies, 46 (53 %) were selected to extract information on the most reported criteria for patient selection, management, and outcome. The Delphi process yielded EP consensus on 4 parameters for selection of good candidates and patient management as well as 7 reasons of concern for this therapy. Since it was not possible to give strict device programming advice due to low levels of evidence, the experts shared their clinical practice: all of them start with monopolar stimulation, 79 % using the cycling mode. Most (93 %) EP members set the initial stimulation frequency and pulse width according to the SANTE parameters, while there is more variability in the amplitudes used. Further agreement was achieved on a list of 7 patient outcome parameters to be monitored during the follow-up. Conclusions: Although current evidence is too low for definite practical guidelines, this EP report could support the selection and management of patients with ANT-DBS

    First report on dung beetles in intra-Amazonian savannahs in Roraima, Brazil

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    This is the first study to address the dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) diversity in intra-Amazonian savannahs in the state of Roraima, Brazil. Our aim was to survey the dung beetle fauna associated with these savannahs (regionally called 'lavrado'), since little is known about the dung beetles from this environment. We conducted three field samples using pitfall traps baited with human dung in savannah areas near the city of Boa Vista during the rainy seasons of 1996, 1997, and 2008. We collected 383 individuals from ten species, wherein six have no previous record in intra-Amazonian savannahs. The most abundant species were Ontherus appendiculatus (Mannerheim, 1829), Canthidium aff. humerale (Germar, 1813), Dichotomius nisus (Olivier, 1789), and Pseudocanthon aff. xanthurus (Blanchard, 1846). We believe that knowing the dung beetles diversity associated with the intra-Amazonian savannahs is ideal for understanding the occurrence and distribution of these organisms in a highly threatened environment, it thus being the first step towards conservation strategy development

    Simulations of populations of Sapajus robustus in a fragmentedlandscape.

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    The study of populations subject to the phenomenon of loss and fragmentation of habitat, transformingcontinuous areas into small ones, usually surrounded by anthropogenic matrices, has been the focus ofmany researches within the scope of conservation. The objective of this study was to develop a com-puter model by introducing modifications to the renowned Penna model for biological aging, in order toevaluate the behavior of populations subjected to the effects of fragmented environments. As an objectof study, it was used biological data of the robust tufted capuchin (Sapajus robustus), an endangered pri-mate species whose geographical distribution within the Atlantic Rain Forest is part of the backdrop ofintense habitat fragmentation. The simulations showed the expected behavior based on the three mainaspects that affects populations under intense habitat fragmentation: the population density, area andconformation of the fragments and deleterious effects due the low genetic variability in small and isolatedpopulations. The model showed itself suitable to describe changes in viability and population dynamicsof the species crested capuchin considering critical levels of survival in a fragmented environment andalso, actions in order to preserve the species should be focused not only on increasing available area butalso in dispersion dynamic

    Cytogenetic and DNA barcoding reveals high divergence within the trahira, Hoplias malabaricus (Characiformes: Erythrinidae) from the lower Amazon River

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    Molecular and cytogenetic data have provided evidence of cryptic speciation in the widespread South American trahira, Hoplias malabaricus. In the present study, karyotypes and DNA barcode sequences of specimens from seven populations inhabiting the lower Amazon River were analyzed in order to characterize the levels of genetic divergence within a single karyomorph. All the specimens presented karyotypes with 2n = 40 chromosomes (20m+20sm) that were consistent with the species' C karyomorph. The DNA barcodes revealed six haplogroups, with clear divergence between populations from Brazil and Argentina. The results support the species complex hypothesis and indicate that a single karyomorph of H. malabaricus may harbor more than one species.Dados moleculares e citogenĂ©ticos tem evidenciado especiação crĂ­ptica na traĂ­ra sul-americana, Hoplias malabaricus. No presente estudo, cariĂłtipos e sequĂȘncias de DNA barcode de espĂ©cimes de sete populaçÔes, habitando a regiĂŁo do baixo rio Amazonas, foram analisadas a fim de caracterizar o nĂ­vel de divergĂȘncia genĂ©tica dentro de um Ășnico cariomorfo. Todos os espĂ©cimes possuem 2n = 40 cromossomos (20m+20sm) os quais sĂŁo inseridos no grupo de traĂ­ras do cariomorfo C. DNA barcode revelou seis haplogrupos, com clara divergĂȘncia entre populaçÔes do Brasil e da Argentina. Os resultados apoiam a hipĂłtese de complexo de espĂ©cies e indicam que um Ășnico cariomorfo de Hoplias malabaricus pode conter mais de uma espĂ©cie