47 research outputs found

    Expression profile of genes involved in hydrogen sulphide liberation by _Saccharomyces cerevisiae_ grown under different nitrogen concentrations

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    The present work aims to elucidate molecular mechanisms underlying hydrogen sulphide production in _S. cerevisiae_ associated to nitrogen deficiency. To assess, at a genome-wide level, how the yeast strain adapted to the progressive nitrogen depletion and to nitrogen re-feeding, gene expression profiles were evaluated during fermentation at different nitrogen concentrations, using the DNA array technology. The results showed that most MET genes displayed higher expression values at the beginning of both control and N-limiting fermentation, just before the time at which the release of sulphide was observed. MET genes were downregulated when yeast stopped growing which could associate MET gene expression levels with cell growth. The over expression of MET genes after nitrogen addition was confirmed by a new release of H2S during the new set of fermentation experiments. In addition, to confirm gene expression profiles observed from macroarray results, real time RT-PCR was performed on 6 genes using additional sets of biological replicates. These genes were selected based on the assumption that differences in sulphide production observed among strains are due to genetic variations of the expression of genes involved in the Sulphate Reduction Pathway. An integration of expression data of genes involved in sulphur assimilation and sulphur amino acid biosynthesis with hydrogen sulphide production is presented

    Mortalidade infantil em município do interior do estado de São Paulo

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    Considerando que a mortalidade infantil é indicador dos níveis de saúde da população, realizamos este trabalho, cujo objetivo foi identificar as causas de mortalidade infantil no ano de 1998 em Botucatu. O coeficiente de mortalidade infantil obtido foi 12/1000 NV, com maior participação dos óbitos neonatais - 8,3/1000 NV A maior parte dos óbitos foi classificada como reduzível ou parcialmente reduzível, mas a atenção necessária para viabilizar tal redução foi variada. Dos óbitos ocorridos, 21,7% eram inevitáveis, evidenciando que para redução dos índices de mortalidade infantil deveremos continuar investindo na qualidade da assistência à saúde e melhoria das condições de vida da população.Considerando que la mortalidad infantil es indicador de los niveles de salud de la población, hemos realizado este trabajo, cuyo objetivo fue identificar las causas de mortalidad infantil en el año de 1998 en Botucatu. El coeficiente de mortalidad infantil obtenido fue 12/1000 NV, con mayor participación de los óbitos neonatales - 8,3/1000 NV. La mayor parte de los óbitos fue clarificada como reductible o parcialmente reductible, pero la atención necesaria para viabilizar tal reducción fue variada. De los óbitos ocurridos, el 21,7% Bran inevitables, evidenciando que para reducción de los índices de mortalidad infantil deberemos seguir invirtiendo en la calidad de la asistencia a la salud y mejora de las condiciones de vida de la población.Considering that infant mortality indicates the levels of health in the population, we have accomplished the foolwing work, which goals were to identify the causes of infanty mortality during the year of 1998 in Botucatu. The rate of infanty mortality obtained was as much as 12/1000born alive with greater participation of the neonatal deaths - 8,311000 born alive. Though most of dealths can be classified as reducible or partially reducible, but the necessary attentionto make such reduction possible has varied. All the deaths that have occurred, 21,7% were classified as unavoidable, emphasizing that to reduce the rates of infant mortality, we must continue investing on the quality of health assistance as well as on the improvement of life conditions of the population

    Electricity portfolio innovation for energy security: the case of carbon constrained China

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    China’s energy sector is under pressure to achieve secure and affordable supply and a clear decarbonisation path. We examine the longitudinal trajectory of the Chinese electricity supply security and model the near future supply security based on the 12th 5 year plan. Our deterministic approach combines Shannon-Wiener, Herfindahl-Hirschman and electricity import dependence indices for supply security appraisal. We find that electricity portfolio innovation allows China to provide secure energy supply despite increasing import dependence. It is argued that long-term aggressive deployment of renewable energy will unblock China’s coal-biased technological lock-in and increase supply security in all fronts. However, reduced supply diversity in China during the 1990s will not recover until after 2020s due to the long-term coal lock-in that can threaten to hold China’s back from realising its full potential

    Produção científica sobre nutrição no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil: uma revisão de literatura

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