13,254 research outputs found

    Geochemistry and risk assessment of street dust in Luanda, Angola, a tropical urban environment

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    A total of 92 samples of street dust were collected in Luanda, Angola, were sieved below 100 μm, and analysed by ICP-MS for 35 elements after an aqua-regia digestion. The concentration and spatial heterogeneity of trace elements in the street dust of Luanda are generally lower than in most industrialized cities in the Northern hemisphere. These observations reveal a predominantly “natural” origin for the street dust in Luanda, which is also manifested in that some geochemical processes that occur in natural soils are preserved in street dust: the separation of uranium from thorium, and the retention of the former by carbonate materials, or the high correlation between arsenic and vanadium due to their common mode of adsorption on solid particles in the form of oxyanions. The only distinct anthropogenic fingerprint in the composition of Luanda's street dust is the association Pb–Cd–Sb–Cu (and to a lesser extent, Ba–Cr–Zn). The use of risk assessment strategies has proved helpful in identifying the routes of exposure to street dust and the trace elements therein of most concern in terms of potential adverse health effects. In Luanda the highest levels of risk seem to be associated (a) with the presence of As and Pb in the street dust and (b) with the route of ingestion of dust particles, for all the elements included in the study except Hg, for which inhalation of vapours presents a slightly higher risk than ingestion. However, given the large uncertainties associated with the estimates of toxicity values and exposure factors, and the absence of site-specific biometric factors, these results should be regarded as preliminary and further research should be undertaken before any definite conclusions regarding potential health effects are drawn

    A Framework for the Evaluation of Semantics-based Service Composition Approaches

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    The benefits of service composition are being largely acknowledged in the literature nowadays. However, as the amount of available services increases, it becomes difficult to manage, discover, select and compose them, so that automation is required in these processes. This can be achieved by using semantic information represented in ontologies. Currently there are many different approaches that support semantics-based service composition. However, still little effort has been spent on creating a common methodology to evaluate and compare such approaches. In this paper we present our initial ideas to create an evaluation framework for semantics-based service composition approaches. We use a collection of existing services, and define a set of evaluation metrics, confusion matrix-based and time-based. Furthermore, we present how composition evaluation scenarios are generated from the collection of services and specify the strategy to be used in the evaluation process. We demonstrate the proposed framework through an example. Currently there are mechanisms and initiatives to address the evaluation of the semantics-based service discovery and matchmaking approaches. However, still few efforts have been spent on the creation of comprehensive evaluation mechanisms for semantics-based service composition approaches

    Supporting Dynamic Service Composition at Runtime based on End-user Requirements

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    Network-based software application services are receiving a lot of attention in recent years, as observed in developments as Internet of Services, Software as a Service and Cloud Computing. A service-oriented computing ecosystem is being created where the end-user is having an increasingly more active role in the service creation process. However, supporting end-users in the creation process, at runtime, is a difficult undertaking. Users have different requirements and preferences towards application services, use services in different situations and expect highly abstract mechanisms in the creation process. Furthermore, there are different types of end-users: some can deliver more detailed requirements or can be provided with more advanced request interface, while others can not. To tackle these issues and provide end-users with personalised service delivery, we claim that runtime automated service composition mechanisms are required. In this paper we present the DynamiCoS framework, which aims at supporting the different phases required to provide end-users with automatic service discovery, selection and composition process. In this paper we also present the developed prototype and its evaluation

    The Hubtu in Neo-Assyrian Context: Typologies, Conditions and Functions (C. 1114-631 b.C.)

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    [ES] La violencia ha sido considerada uno de los grandes ejes que explican el devenir de la humanidad desde los comienzos de la ciencia historiográfica. Nos repele y nos atrae, deseamos olvidarla pero no debemos dejar que caiga en el olvido, aparenta estar ligada a momentos históricos concretos pero atraviesa nuestro día a día… Quizás por estas razones la violencia, en todas sus posibles manifestaciones, lejos de ser un tema obsoleto, continúa teniendo un gran potencial como cuestión historiográfica, tal y como muestran las investigaciones que conforman este libro. De la mano de diferentes especialistas, y en un recorrido que va desde la Prehistoria hasta la Edad Contemporánea, este volumen colectivo analiza las violencias históricas desde la antropología física, la historia militar, la iconografía, o la historia de la infancia entre otros puntos de vista. Guerras, conflictos políticos y religiosos y sus significados simbólicos, o la violencia como espectáculo son algunas de las cuestiones que abordan sus páginas. Si bien existen pocos temas que hayan sido más estudiados por la historiografía que la violencia, este libro, fruto del Congreso Internacional La Violencia en la Historia, celebrado en la Universidad de Salamanca en octubre de 2019, es una muestra de que las preguntas históricas nunca se agotan y de que las violencias pasadas deben seguir siendo revisitadas desde nuevos enfoques

    Dynamics of plasmodium falciparum selection after Artemether-Lumefantrine treatment in Africa

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    Towards runtime discovery, selection and composition of semantic services

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    Service-orientation is gaining momentum in distributed software applications, mainly because it facilitates interoperability and allows application designers to abstract from underlying implementation technologies. Service composition has been acknowledged as a promising approach to create composite services that are capable of supporting service user needs, possibly by personalising the service delivery through the use of context information or user preferences. In this paper we discuss the challenges of automatic service composition, and present DynamiCoS, which is a novel framework that aims at supporting service composition on demand and at runtime for the benefit of service end-users. We define the DynamiCoS framework based on a service composition life-cycle. Framework mechanisms are introduced to tackle each of the phases and requirements of this life-cycle. Semantic services are used in our framework to enable reasoning on the service requests issued by end users, making it possible to automate service discovery, selection and composition. We validate our framework with a prototype that we have built in order to experiment with the mechanisms we have designed. The prototype was evaluated in a testing environment using some use case scenarios. The results of our evaluation give evidences of the feasibility of our approach to support runtime service composition. We also show the benefits of semantic-based frameworks for service composition, particularly for end-users who will be able to have more control on the service composition process
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