1,529 research outputs found

    Analysis of epistasis in human complex traits

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    Thousands of genetic mutations have been associated with many human complex traits and diseases, improving our understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying these phenotypes. The great majority of genetic association studies have focused exclusively on the direct effects of single mutations, ignoring possible interactions (epistasis). However, since genes operate within complex networks, interactions are expected to exist. The modelling of epistasis could further biological understanding, but the detection of such effects is complicated by a vast search space. In this thesis, we present a new statistical method to detect genetic interactions affecting quantitative traits in large-scale datasets. Our approach is based on testing for an interaction between a variant and a polygenic score (PGS) comprising a group of other mutations. We develop a new computational algorithm for PGS construction, and show through simulations that this method is robust to false-positives while retaining statistical power. We apply our approach to 97 quantitative traits in the UK Biobank (UKB) and find 144 independent interactions with the PGS for 52 different traits, including important variants known to affect disease risk at the APOE, FTO and LDLR genes, for example. We also develop a test to identify, for each variant interacting with the PGS, the variants driving that interaction. This recovers previously-known interactions and identifies several novel signals, primarily for biomarker traits. An example is a large network of genes (including ABO, ASGR1, FUT2, FUT6, PIGC and TREH) affecting alkaline phosphatase levels, or an interaction between IL33 and ALOX15 impacting eosinophil count, potentially implicated in asthma. Lastly, we extend our analysis to a new dataset of imputed variation at HLA genes in the UKB and find, among others, a new interaction for glycated haemoglobin involving HLA-DQA1*03:01, an allele previously associated with diabetes. Our results demonstrate the potential for detecting epistatic effects in presently-available genomic datasets. This can allow the uncovering of key 'core' genes modulating the impacts of other regions in the genome, as well as the identification of subgroups of interacting variants of likely functional relevance

    A framework for QoS-Aware service-based mobile systems

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    In this paper we propose a framework for the support of mobile application with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as voice or video, capable of supporting distributed, migration-capable, QoS-enabled applications on top of the Android Operating system

    Heterogeneidade de habitats e morcegos neotropicais: processos e padrões ecológicos e evolutivos

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    Habitat loss and fragmentation pose the greatest threats to biodiversity worldwide, affecting at least 40% of mammalian species. Anthropogenic landscape changes have severe consequences for species and, therefore, for entire ecosystems because mammals provide several goods and services important for ecosystem function. Thus, the focus of this thesis is to evaluate the consequences of habitat loss and fragmentation on several dimensions of biodiversity. Firstly, meta-analysis on the genetic consequences of habitat loss and fragmentation on mammals was done. Secondly, taking Neotropical bats as models, the effect of the landscape variables on total beta diversity and on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversities was evaluated. For this, bat assemblages of Serra da Bodoquena (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil) were sampled. Lastly, correlations between species and genetic diversity of two bat species in this region and variables affecting these correlations were evaluated. The outcomes of this thesis suggest an overall loss of genetic diversity in mammalian populations within highly fragmented habitats. The meta-analysis shows that mammalian species with large body mass are the most negatively affected by fragmentation; terrestrial and arboreal mammals are more affected than flying species; herbivores suffer consistent negative effect of fragmentation in all genetic parameters analysed; and forest-dependent species are the most susceptible to fragmentation. Concerning the bat assemblages of Serra da Bodoquena, responses to landscape variables vary according to the scale of analysis. At the smallest scale, only the distance to the nearest border of the largest continuous pristine area (the Serra da Bodoquena National Park) negatively affects diversities; at the intermediate scale both the distance to the national park and the forest borders negatively affects bat diversities; and at large scale, beyond the distance to the national park and forest border, forest area also negatively affects the three studied dimensions of biodiversity. The genetic diversity of Artibeus planirostris was not affected by any of the studied variables but the allelic richness and the expected heterozygosity of Carollia perspicillata were negatively related to the distance to the national park and forest area. Species-genetic diversity correlations were mainly negative for A. planirostris and positive for C. perspicillata indicating that A. planirostris could be considered an outlier species and that C. perspicillata is ecologically more similar to other species in communities. Isolation by distance was found in C. perspicillata populations. The results of this thesis show that conservation units with areas of continuous and unmodified habitats are fundamental in preserving the various dimensions of diversity; at least some species are sensitive to forest borders and, even areas with less forest cover are important for the dimensions of diversity evaluated. Possibly a mosaic of continuous forests and non-forests enhance diversity because it provides more resources for bats to exploit.A perda e a fragmentação dos habitats representam as maiores ameaças à diversidade em todo o mundo, afetando pelo menos 40% das espécies de mamíferos. Mudanças antropogénicas na paisagem têm consequências para as espécies e, portanto, para todo o ecossistema, uma vez que os mamíferos fornecem vários bens e serviços importantes para o funcionamento ecossistémico. Assim, o foco desta tese é avaliar as consequências da perda e fragmentação do habitat em várias dimensões da biodiversidade. Inicialmente foi realizada uma meta-análise sobre as consequências genéticas da perda e fragmentação de habitat em mamíferos. Em segundo lugar, tendo os morcegos Neotropicais como grupo modelo, avaliou-se o efeito das variáveis da paisagem na diversidade beta e nas diversidades taxonómica, funcional e filogenética. Para isso, foram estudadas as comunidades de morcegos da região da Serra da Bodoquena (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil). Por fim, avaliou-se a existência de correlações entre a diversidade de espécies e diversidade genética de duas espécies de morcegos e também se explorou quais as variáveis que afetam essas correlações. Os resultados deste trabalho sugerem uma perda global da diversidade genética em populações de mamíferos que vivem em situações de alta fragmentação de habitat. A meta-análise revela que as espécies de mamíferos com grande massa corporal são as mais afetadas pela fragmentação; os mamíferos terrestres e arbóreos são mais afetados comparativamente às espécies voadoras; todas as medidas genéticas estudadas são negativamente afetadas pela fragmentação em mamíferos herbívoros; e as espécies dependentes das florestas são as mais suscetíveis à fragmentação. Relativamente às comunidades de morcegos da Serra da Bodoquena, verificou-se que as respostas das espécies às variáveis da paisagem mudam de acordo com a escala estudada. Na escala menor, apenas a distância à área pristina de maior dimensão (o parque nacional) afeta negativamente as diversidades; na escala intermédia, tanto a distância ao parque nacional como as bordas florestais afetam negativamente as diversidades; e na escala maior, além da distância ao parque nacional e das bordas florestais, também a área florestal afeta negativamente as três dimensões da biodiversidade. A diversidade genética em Artibeus planirostris não foi afetada por nenhuma das variáveis estudadas, mas a riqueza alélica e a heterozigotia esperada de Carollia perspicillata foram negativamente relacionadas à distância ao parque nacional e à área florestal. As correlações entre diversidade de espécies e genéticas foram principalmente negativas para A. planirostris e positivas para C. perspicillata indicando que esta última é ecologicamente mais semelhante às outras espécies das comunidades. Foi detetado isolamento por distância para C. perspicillata. Os resultados obtidos nesta tese mostram que unidades de conservação com áreas de habitat contínuo e pouco modificadas são fundamentais na preservação das várias dimensões da diversidade; pelo menos algumas espécies são sensíveis às bordas florestais e, mesmo áreas com menor cobertura florestal, são importantes para a manutenção das dimensões de biodiversidade avaliadas. Possivelmente, um mosaico de florestas contínuas e áreas não-florestadas aumenta a diversidade de morcegos porque fornece mais recursos para os morcegos explorarem.Programa Doutoral em Biologia e Ecologia das Alterações Globai

    Anotação Emocional de Filmes com Gamificação

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Sistema de Informação) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2022O entretenimento esteve sempre presente nas atividades humanas, satisfazendo necessidades e desempenhando um papel na vida dos indivíduos e das comunidades. Em particular, os filmes e os jogos têm um forte impacto emocional sobre nós; os primeiros com o seu rico conteúdo multimédia e a própria história e os segundos tendem a desafiar-nos e a cativar-nos a enfrentar desafios e, espera-se, alcançar experiências e resultados gratificantes. Nesta dissertação apresentamos uma aplicação web desenvolvida no laboratório de investigação LASIGE (DI-FCUL), concebida e desenvolvida para aceder a filmes com base no impacto emocional, com o foco na anotação emocional de filmes, utilizando diferentes representações emocionais e elementos de gamificação no sentido de incentivar mais os utilizadores nestas tarefas, para além das suas motivações intrínsecas. Estas anotações, com abordagens de Machine Learning, podem ajudar a enriquecer a classificação emocional dos filmes e o seu impacto nos utilizadores, ajudando mais tarde a encontrar filmes baseados nesse impacto. Podem também ser guardadas como notas pessoais, num diário (Personal Journal), onde os utilizadores registam os filmes que mais apreciam, e que podem rever e até mesmo comparar ao longo da sua jornada. Apresentam-se também os dois momentos de avaliação com grupos de participantes, permitindo avaliar e aprender sobre a utilidade, usabilidade e a experiência do utilizador com a aplicação, identificando as características e direções mais promissoras para os futuros melhoramentos e desenvolvimentos.Entertainment has always been present in human activities, satisfying needs and playing a role in the lives of individuals and communities. In particular, movies and games have a strong emotional impact on us; the first with their rich multimedia content and the story itself, and the second tend to challenge and entice us to face challenges and hopefully achieve rewarding experiences and results. In this dissertation we present a web application developed at LASIGE research lab (DIFCUL), designed and developed to access movies based on emotional impact, focusing on emotional annotation of movies, using different emotional representations and gamification elements in order to further encourage users in these tasks, beyond their intrinsic motivations. These annotations, with machine learning approaches, can help enrich the emotional classification of films and their impact on users, later helping to find films based on that impact. They can also be kept as personal notes, in a diary (Personal Journal), where users record the movies they enjoy most, and which they can review and even compare along their journey. The two evaluation moments with groups of participants are also presented, allowing us to evaluate and learn about the usefulness, usability, and the user experience with the application, identifying the most promising features and directions for future improvements and developments

    Repeater-based hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS network simulator

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    This technical report describes the Repeater-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Network Simulator that implements a simulation model of the repeater-based approach. This approach defines the mechanism to extend the PROFIBUS protocol to supprot wireless communication, in which the interconnection of the wired and wireless segments is done by a intermediate system operating at Physical Layer, as repeater

    Probability distribution functions

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    This technical report describes the PDFs which have been implemented to model the behaviours of certain parameters of the Repeater-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Network Simulator (RHW2PNetSim) and Bridge-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Network Simulator (BHW2PNetSim)

    Bit error models

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    The use of bit error models in communication simulation has been widely studied. In this technical report we present three models: the Independent Channel Model; the Gilbert-Elliot Model and the Burst-Error Periodic Model

    Mobility simulator

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    This technical report describes the Mobility Simulator that implements a simulation model of the station mobility and the radio wave propagation

    Tools for simulation output analysis

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    This technical report presents a description of the output data files and the tools used to validate and to extract information from the output data files generated by the Repeater-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless Network Simulator and the Bridge-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless Network Simulator