1,389 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of a quantum Coulomb wire

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    We report the quantum phase diagram of a one-dimensional Coulomb wire obtained using the path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method. The exact knowledge of the nodal points of this system permits us to find the energy in an exact way, solving the sign problem which spoils fermionic calculations in higher dimensions. The results obtained allow for the determination of the stability domain, in terms of density and temperature, of the one-dimensional Wigner crystal. At low temperatures, the quantum wire reaches the quantum-degenerate regime, which is also described by the diffusion Monte Carlo method. Increasing the temperature the system transforms to a classical Boltzmann gas which we simulate using classical Monte Carlo. At large enough density, we identify a one-dimensional ideal Fermi gas which remains quantum up to higher temperatures than in two- and three-dimensional electron gases. The obtained phase diagram as well as the energetic and structural properties of this system are relevant to experiments with electrons in quantum wires and to Coulomb ions in one-dimensional confinement.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    An Assessment of the Degree of Implementation of the Lean Aerospace Initiative Principles and Practices within the US Aerospace and Defense Industry

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    This report is a formal documentation of the results of an assessment of the degree to which Lean Principles and Practices have been implemented in the US Aerospace and Defense Industry. An Industry Association team prepared it for the DCMA-DCAAIndustry Association “Crosstalk” Coalition in response to a “Crosstalk” meeting action request to the industry associations. The motivation of this request was provided by the many potential benefits to system product quality, affordability and industry responsiveness, which a high degree of industry Lean implementation can produce

    Thermoelectric cross-plane properties on p- and n-Ge/SixGe1-x superlattices

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    Silicon and germanium materials have demonstrated an increasing attraction for energy harvesting, due to their sustainability and integrability with complementary metal oxide semiconductor and micro-electro-mechanical-system technology. The thermoelectric efficiencies for these materials, however, are very poor at room temperature and so it is necessary to engineer them in order to compete with telluride based materials, which have demonstrated at room temperature the highest performances in literature [1]. Micro-fabricated devices consisting of mesa structures with integrated heaters, thermometers and Ohmic contacts were used to extract the cross-plane values of the Seebeck coefficient and the thermal conductivity from p- and n-Ge/SixGe1-x superlattices. A second device consisting in a modified circular transfer line method structure was used to extract the electrical conductivity of the materials. A range of p-Ge/Si0.5Ge0.5 superlattices with different doping levels was investigated in detail to determine the role of the doping density in dictating the thermoelectric properties. A second set of n-Ge/Si0.3Ge0.7 superlattices was fabricated to study the impact that quantum well thickness might have on the two thermoelectric figures of merit, and also to demonstrate a further reduction of the thermal conductivity by scattering phonons at different wavelengths. This technique has demonstrated to lower the thermal conductivity by a 25% by adding different barrier thicknesses per period

    A spontaneous gravity prior: newborn chicks prefer stimuli that move against gravity

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    To investigate whether upward movement is attractive already at birth, before any previosu visual experience, we tested the early preferences of dark-hatched chicks (Gallus gallus) for upward vs downward moving visual stimuli. The results are published in Bliss et al. 2023, Biology Letters “A spontaneous gravity prior: Newborn chicks prefer stimuli that move against gravity" This entry contains experimental data (output from DeepLabCut tracking, python pre-processed data, summary .csv files of results) and data analysis scripts used in the publication. A readme file is also provided

    Control design of Modular Multilevel Converters in normal and AC fault conditions for HVDC grids

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    This paper describes a control design strategy of Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) applications to operate during normal and AC fault conditions. First, a steady state analysis of the converter is performed to identify the uses of the current components within the control strategy. Based on the initial stationary study, a complete converter control structure is proposed, which enables full control of the MMC internal energy during normal and AC fault conditions. A detailed design procedure is included for the current and energy regulators, in order to be able to ensure a dynamic response under any grid condition. Finally, theoretical developments are validated through simulation results by means of a detailed model in normal operation and during an AC voltage sag

    7 & 7 Synch and 7-day progesterone- based protocols for estrus synchronization prior fixedtime artificial insemination in multiparous beef sucked cows

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    PosterEstrogen-based protocols combined with a progestinreleasing intravaginal device (P4RID) and prostaglandin (PG) synchronize follicle wave emergence prior to artificial insemination (AI) in Bos taurus, with pregnancies per AI (P/AI) ranging from 40 to 60%. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) based protocols + P4RID + PG rely on the presence of a physiologically mature dominant follicle at initial GnRH. Failure to induce ovulation represents a major obstacle to improve P/AI. Pre-synchronization by PG + P4RID 7 days in advance of GnRH increase likelihood of ovulation following GnRH. The aim of this trial was to evaluate fertility in suckled beef cows using GnRH or estrogen treatments with or without pre-synchronizationEEA BarrowFil: Ferré, Luis Bernardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Chacra Experimental Integrada Barrow; Argentina.Fil: Jaeschke, J. Biogénesis Bagó; Argentina.Fil: Gatti, J. Biogénesis Bagó; Argentina.Fil: Baladón, G. Biogénesis Bagó; Argentina.Fil: Bellocq, E. Biogénesis Bagó; Argentina.Fil: Fernández, G. Actividad privada; Argentina.Fil: Thomas, J. University of Missouri. Division of Animal Sciences; Estados Unido

    Vestibular contributions to a right-hemisphere network for bodily awareness: combining galvanic vestibular stimulation and the “Rubber Hand Illusion”

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    An altered sense of one's own body is a common consequence of vestibular damage, and also of damage to vestibular networks in the right hemisphere. However, few experimental studies have investigated whether vestibular signals contribute to bodily awareness. We addressed this issue by combining an established experimental model of bodily awareness (Rubber Hand Illusion -RHI) with galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) in healthy participants. Brief left anodal and right cathodal GVS (which predominantly activates vestibular networks in the right hemisphere), or right anodal and left cathodal GVS, or sham stimulation were delivered at random, while participants experienced either synchronous or asynchronous visuo-tactile stimulation of a rubber hand and their own hand. The drift in the perceived position of the participant’s hand towards the rubber hand was used as a proxy measure of the resulting multisensory illusion of body ownership. GVS induced strong polarity-dependent effects on this measure of RHI: left anodal and right cathodal GVS produced significantly lower proprioceptive drift than right anodal and left cathodal GVS. We suggest that vestibular inputs influence the multisensory weighting functions that underlie bodily awareness: the right hemisphere vestibular projections activated by the left anodal and right cathodal GVS increased the weight of intrinsic proprioceptive signals about hand position, and decreased the weight of visual information responsible for visual capture during the RHI
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