373 research outputs found

    Valorização energética dos resíduos de kiwi e borra de vinho por meio de co-digestão anaeróbia

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáEm Portugal, a produção de kiwi chegou a 35,4 mil toneladas no ano de 2017, enquanto que entre 2017 e 2018 a produção de vinho alcançou 673 milhões de litros. Destas, uma grande porção acaba se tornando resíduo e não recebendo tratamento adequado. Com o aumento populacional e consequente geração de resíduos, os métodos de eliminação deixam de ser viáveis e acabam pressionando práticas de valorização onde há ganho ambiental, social e económico. A co-digestão anaeróbia (coDA) é um processo de valorização onde microrganismos realizam a degradação da mistura de dois ou mais resíduos, denominados substratos, em ambiente ausente de oxigênio, de modo a produzir biogás e uma fração digerida. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o kiwi e a borra de vinho, utilizados como substratos, e a lama proveniente de tanque séptico utilizada como inóculo, bem como avaliar a capacidade de produção específica de biogás de cada um e da mistura com diferentes proporções. Para isso, três ensaios foram realizados considerando a variação dos fatores C:N e % inóculo. Apesar dos valores de digestão para cada substrato serem positivos e confirmarem o potencial de seu uso neste tipo de valorização, o ensaio 2 foi o único que em todos os tratamentos de co-digestão apresentou produção superior a do inóculo. O tratamento de coDA com maior produção específica foi o T2.7, composto por 2,5 mL de inóculo, 3,3 mL de borra de vinho, 0,5 mL de kiwi e 193,7 mL de água, além da relação C:N de 30:1, que produziu 973 mLN.g-1 SV de biogás. Ainda que tenha exibido valores positivos, a maioria das proporções de substratos testadas na co-digestão apresentou produção específica total negativa, ou seja, inferior a produção do inóculo.In Portugal, the kiwi production was 35,4 thousand tons in 2017, while between 2017 and 2018 the wine production reached 673 million litres. Of them, a large portion becomes waste and do not receive appropriate treatment. With increasing population and consequent waste generation, methods of disposal are no longer viable and eventually pushing valuation practices, where there are environmental, social and economic gains. The anaerobic codigestion (AcoD) is a valorization process where microrganisms realized degradation of a mix with two or more waste, called substrate, in an atmosphere without oxygen, producing biogas and a digested portion. Thus, this study was aimed to characterize the kiwi and wine lees, used like substrate, and the sludged collected in a septic tank and used like inoculum, as well as to evaluate the capacity of biogas production specific each of them and the mix with diferent portions. For this, three tests were carried out considering the variation of C:N and inoculum percentage. Although the values of digestion for each substrate be positives and validate their potential use in this type of recovery, the test 2 was the only that in all treatments of AcoD presented production higher than inoculum. The AcoD treatment with biggest biogas total specific production was T2.7, composed with 2,5 mL of inoculum, 3,3 mL of wine lees, 0,5 mL of kiwi and 193,7 mL of water, besides presenting C:N relation equal to 30:1, that produced 973 mLN.g-1 VS of biogas. Even though it has showed positives values, the most of proportion of substrate and inoculum tested in AcoD presented total specific production negative, in other words, was smaller than inoculum production.Este trabalho foi apoiado financeiramente pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) (88881.171554 / 2018-01), Brasil; pelo Laboratório Associado LSRE-LCM, da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP - Portugal); pelo Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), Portugal e pela da Universidade Federal de Tecnologia do Paraná (UTFPR), Brasil

    A influência dos blogs no jornalismo de moda

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    Observa como e porquê foi possível acontecer a descentralização da informação de moda e, consequentemente, a democratização da passarela. Graças à grande difusão ocorrida nos anos de 1960, com a invenção do prêt-à-porter, e aos meios eletrônicos de comunicação de massa, a moda foi se tornando um assunto cada vez mais popular e abordado pela imprensa. A rede, através dos blogs e outras mídias sociais, abriu as portas da comunicação para quem quisesse se expressar. E a moda, que é basicamente um assunto pautado pela atualização, efemeridade, multiplicidade e individualização, encontrou nos blogs e na sua linguagem ágil e pessoal uma ótima forma de ser discutida e propagada. O “boom” que a moda vive atualmente, portanto, não é algo isolado, sem relação com o passado

    Aprendizagem baseada em problemas e representações sociais : uma proposta de articulação para o ensino de química

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    O presente trabalho relata as análises e reflexões sobre a prática docente de uma professora em formação. A pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, foi desenvolvida junto às atividades realizadas ao longo da disciplina intitulada Estágio de Docência em Ensino de Química III-B, em uma turma de 2° ano do curso Técnico Integrado ao Ensino Médio de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, oriundo de uma instituição pública federal da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Foram desenvolvidas atividades que possuíram o objetivo de auxiliar os estudantes no processo de construção de conhecimentos sobre a constituição da matéria e modelos atômicos, sendo esperada a realização de conexões entre a construção histórica dos modelos atômicos e fenômenos macroscópicos. Dentre as atividades desenvolvidas, estão a constatação e análise das representações sociais (RS) dos estudantes e a utilização de Resolução de Problemas como referencial teórico-metodológico. Através da análise de conteúdo das respostas dos estudantes a um questionário inicial, foi constatado que eles possuem um conjunto de RS sobre os conteúdos a serem trabalhados, porém, estes conhecimentos prévios não pareceram possuir muito embasamento científico e nem ser facilmente traduzidos por argumentações com linguagem científica. Através do trabalho com a metodologia de ensino conhecida como Resolução de Problemas, onde foram levadas em consideração as RS citadas, os estudantes puderam atuar de forma ativa na construção do seu próprio conhecimento, realizando pesquisas, formulando hipóteses e traçando estratégias de atuação. Essa metodologia mostrou-se eficiente no que diz respeito a auxiliar os estudantes na compreensão de conteúdos abstratos da disciplina de Química, uma vez que os estudantes demonstraram evolução na elaboração de respostas na avaliação escrita que foi realizada ao final do período da pesquisa.This work reports the analysis and reflections on the teaching practice of teacher training. The qualitative research was carried out along with the activities carried out during the third compulsory teaching internship, in a federal institution located in the Porto Alegre metropolitan area. Activities were developed to assist students in the process of building knowledge about the constitution of matter and atomic models, and students are expected to make connections between the historical construction of atomic models and macroscopic phenomena. Among the activities developed are the verification and analysis of the social representations (SR) of students and problem-based learning. By analysing the content of the students' responses to an initial questionnaire, it was found that they have a set of SR about the contents to be worked, however, this prior knowledge did not seem to have much scientific background and could not be easily translated by arguments with scientific language. Through the work with the methodology known as Problem Solving, where the mentioned SR were taken into account, the students were able to act actively in the construction of their own knowledge, performing research, formulating hypotheses and outlining strategies for action. This methodology proved to be efficient in assisting students in understanding abstract chemistry contents, since students demonstrated evolution in the elaboration of answers in the written evaluation that was performed at the end of the research period

    La legislatura bonaerense (1973-1974): otro espacio de conflicto entre la derecha y la izquierda peronistas

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    En esta ponencia se recorre un camino que parte de identificar la filación interna de los elencos legislativos provinciales del FREJULI para luego analizar alocuciones que permiten reconocer la adscripción de los actores en torno a dos cuestiones: por un lado, la amnistía e indulto de los presos políticos y, por otro, los homenajes y el repudio a atentados.Jornadas realizadas junto con el I Encuentro Latinoamericano de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Chromosome positioning in interphase nuclei of hematopoietic stem cell and myeloid precursor

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    Human myelopoiesis is an intriguing biological process during which multipotent stem cells limit their differentiation potential generating precursors that evolve into terminally differentiated cells. The differentiation process is correlated with differential gene expression and changes in nuclear architecture. In interphase, chromosomes are distinct entities known as chromosome territories and they show a radial localization that could result in a constrain of inter-homologous distance. This element plays a role in genome stability and gene expression. Here, we provide the first experimental evidence of 3D chromosomal arrangement considering two steps of human normal myelopoiesis. Specifically, multicolor 3D-FISH and 3D image analysis revealed that, in both normal human hematopoietic stem cells and myelod precursors CD14-, chromosomal position is correlated with gene density. However, we observed that inter-homologue distances are totally different during differentiation. This could be associated with differential gene expression that we found comparing the two cell types. Our results disclose an unprecedented framework relevant for deciphering the genomic mechanisms at the base of normal human myelopoiesis

    Associations between serum gamma-globulin concentration, enzyme activities, growth and survival in preweaning Alpine goat kids

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    Colostral immunity is crucial for young ruminants, but the individual factors that may affect passive transfer status and its effects on preweaning growth performance have not been widely investigated in goats. The methods to quantify immunoglobulins G can be expensive. Colostrum enzymes, though, pass the intestinal barrier and might be suitable as markers of passive transfer status, as demonstrated in other ruminant species. This study aimed to investigate the effect of sex, litter size, dam parity, and birth body weight on passive transfer status and the relationship between gamma-globulin concentration (GG) and pre-weaning growth performance in Alpine goat kids. The association between serum GG, serum total protein concentration and serum activity of colostrum enzymes including γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotrans- ferase (AST), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was examined for their use as predictors of passive transfer status in neonatal goat kids. Sixty-six Alpine goat kids (39 males, 27 females), born to 28 does at one dairy goat farm during two delivery seasons, were enrolled. Kids nursed their dams in group housing until weaned at 50 days of age. Blood samples were collected 24 h after birth. Body weights (BW) were taken at birth and weaning. Serum enzyme activities and total protein concentration were measured using a clinical biochemical analyser. Serum GG was determined by gel electrophoresis. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism (v. 8.2.1). No significant differences in serum GG between males and females, singlets and twins, multiparous’ and pri- miparous’ kids were found. No association was detected between birth BW and GG. Serum GG was strongly and significantly associated with TP (R2 =0.85; p 0.0001) and moderately associated with GGT (R2 =0.47; p 0.0001). No correlation was found with ALP, AST, and LDH. Although partial failure of passive transfer (FPT) was diagnosed in 23% of kids, no effects on morbidity (3%), mortality (0%) and pre-weaning growth performance were observed. Our results confirm that serum total proteins can be used to indirectly estimate immunoglobulin concentration. Contrarily, passive transfer status can be predicted with little success by measuring the activity of serum GGT. It is not advisable to use ALP, AST and LDH as indicators of passive transfer status. Finally, FTP is not necessarily associated with the health and preweaning growth performance of Alpine goat kids reared in non- intensive breeding systems that follow good farming practices

    Effect of ultrasound in crude glicerol as pretreatment for methane production

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    As global energy supply is based on petroleum derivate, scarcity of natural sources and environmental concerns are problems associated to the energy supply as well as the increasing demand. Renewable energy sources can replace this conventional energy source and decrease the environmental emissions.. In this work is going to be evaluated the effect of ultrasound pretreatment on crude glycerol from biodiesel production process to improve the methane production from biogas in an anaerobic digestion process. Different times of pretreatment are going to be examined 10, 15 and 30 minutes to determinate the best performance and compare it to the untreated substrate. The results showed that ultrasound pretreatment improved methane production by using 30 minutes of treatment on crude glycerol.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Early palliative care to decrease suffering in neonatal intensive care unit: narrative review

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    Objective: The objectives of this review are to ascertain the diseases that result in palliative care in neonates in NICU and whether such care can ease the suffering of the child or the family. Methods: This is a narrative and descriptive literature review carried out in MEDLINE, PUBMED, VHL, and LILACS BVS databases during November 2020 to May 2021. Descriptors used are “Intensive Care Units,” “Ethics,” “Palliative Care,” and “Newborn,” which are related to Boolean descriptor “AND.” Articles published in English and within the last five years were included in this article. Results: The respiratory diseases and distress, prematurity, congenital abnormalities, and patients at risk of neurological injury represents some of the reasons to refer the patient to the ICU. Beyond that, the three most life-timing complex chronic conditions are neurological, neuromuscular, and cardiovascular diseases. The research emphasizes that the relief in the neonatal ICU is an important factor, in this way, palliative care should be focused mostly on the patient. Conclusion: To date, palliative care is appropriate from the moment when a serious diagnosis is made, otherwise it requires the creation of a protocol that guides patients to healthcare professionals. Regardless, to improve the life quality of the neonates during development, their care must be maintained at all moments of the therapeutic intervention