6 research outputs found
Nitrogen fluxes in forests from atmospheric deposition to soil: use of water flux monitoring and stable isotopes to close gaps in nitrogen transfers
Temperate forest ecosystems are significant sinks for atmospheric nitrogen (N)
deposition (Ndep) yielding benefits such as protection of waterbodies from
eutrophication and enhanced sequestration of atmospheric CO2. Many uncertainties
remain about the fate of Ndep due to the different input fluxes and their spatial and
temporal variation, the transformation between different N forms, the complexity of
interactions between N and different forest ecosystem components, and the different
methods used to quantify N stores and fluxes.
Previously, many studies on the interaction between Ndep and forests have focused
on Ndep at the soil level, assuming that the interaction between Ndep and the tree
canopy is negligible. However, in the last 20 years an increasing number of studies
showed how canopy uptake, calculated as the difference between the Ndep input and
the fluxes below the canopy (throughfall and stemflow), accounted for a significant
fraction of the total input. This could lead to an underestimation of the effects of Ndep
on forest carbon sequestration. Moreover, transformations of N passing through the
canopy might occur which can change the N dynamics and N availability in soil.
Previous studies have shown evidence of biological nitrification and Ndep processing
and retention at the canopy level. However, this was reported only at sites where Ndep
levels were high or where low background levels were experimentally raised (up to
18 kg N ha-1 y-1).
The aim of this research was to resolve in a low Ndep area, some uncertainties related
to Ndep processing by forest canopies. The case study area was Griffin Forest
(Perthshire, Scotland), a typical Sitka spruce plantation of the UK uplands,
characterised by a generally low Ndep (5-9 kg ha-1 year-1
). Field monitoring was
conducted for 5 years of N fluxes in water onto and below the canopy, litter transfer
from the canopy to the soil, and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from forest soils.
Comparison of rainfall (RF, or bulk precipitation) and cloudwater (CW) with throughfall
(TF) and stemflow (SF) measured below the canopy suggests strong transformation
and uptake of Ndep in the forest canopy. The annual mean canopy uptake (CU) of N
(calculated as a balance of RF + CW – TF – SF) at Griffin Forest was 70%, and varied
between 60% in 2014 and almost 80% in 2012. The data showed a significant long
term decreasing trend in bulk deposition of NO3
- with peaks during the growing season
and a significant strong positive correlation between bulk deposition and CU for NO3-
N, NH4-N and total N.
These results and a seasonal difference in results were confirmed through a labelled
simulated Ndep experiment, where the top of the canopy of three selected trees was
sprayed with a 15NH4
15NO3 (98%) - NH4NO3 solution on two occasions, one during the
growing season and one in winter. Background RF and TF and SF below the trees
were collected and analysed for 15NH4 and 15NO3. The N CU in summer (N% = 78±4.5;
15N% = 85.7±2.9) is much higher than the amount recovered in winter (N% =
51.3±11.9; 15N% = 43.7±14.2) suggesting at least a partial retention by the plant,
together with possible transformations from inorganic to organic N and N gaseous
losses. To assess actual plant retention more effectively direct application of a 15N
solution to target branches in situ showed that ~14% of the applied N was recovered
in needles and twigs after a period of 24 hours. The short time scale in which this
recovery occurred and the particularly dry conditions during the experiment could lead
to an underestimation of the actual potential N retention by the canopy as foliar uptake
depends on leaf wetness, as literature suggests.
The fate of organic N transfer to forest soils through litter was addressed through 15N-labelled litter plots sampled 2 and 4 years after the litter replacement. Results show
that the different soil features typical of a forest plantation (ridge, undisturbed soil, and
furrow) had different δ15N and estimated 15N recovery over time. The estimated
maximum recovery was ≃52% in 2017 of which ~16% was found in roots. N2O-N
losses from soil measured on a 3-year period showed a significant increase in time
and they were positively correlate to reduced N bulk deposition. Their order of
magnitude was similar to N losses through streamwater and represented a small
portion of the atmospheric inputs.
This research has shown that the effects of forest canopies on N deposition occurs at
two levels. Firstly, at the canopy level there is consistent uptake of the N input, with
only 30% or less directly reaching the soil as inorganic N. A second indirect effect is
that the uptaken N, either directly by the plant or through bacterial/fungi sequestration
at the phyllosphere level, is likely to be transferred to the soil as organic N via litter
and here rapidly used by the plants. The water and gas flux monitoring showed that
no major leaching occurs, indicating that the forest acts as a N sink.
The research results confirm the highest figures in the literature of nitrogen canopy
uptake. At the relatively low deposition rates present in the UK uplands, Ndep
represents an important extra source of N to the forest N cycle. Lower N fluxes
measured under the canopy, excluding the canopy effect and those taken under high
15N-N tracer additions, could underestimate the extra carbon sequestration induced
by the Ndep. The research results and findings are relevant to understanding and
modelling N cycling and its impacts on forest growth and carbon storage in similar
forest systems in the UK uplands and at a broader scale under similar Ndep conditions
Forest Canopy Nitrogen Uptake experiments data
Data supporting FOREST CANOPY NITROGEN UPTAKE CAN SUPPLY ENTIRE FOLIAR DEMAND (Ferarretto et al. 2022, Functional Ecology) Contact person: Richard K F Nair, [email protected] These datasets contain ecohydrology N fluxes for a set of experiments investigating N processing by forest canopies at Griffin Forest, Scotland These data were previously used in the PhD thesis Ferarretto 2020, 'Nitrogen fluxes in forests from atmospheric deposition to soil: use of water flux monitoring and stable isotopes to close gaps in nitrogen transfers': https://era.ed.ac.uk/handle/1842/38004 Data collection was funded by Elizabeth Sinclair Irvine Bequest and Centenary Agroforestry 89 Fund of the School of GeoSciences (University of Edinburgh), Forest Research UK and the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) through grant NE/G00725X/1 and a Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility (LSMSF) award. This dataset consists of a readme file and three files corresponding to the three experiments described in the paper.Ferraretto, Daniele; Nair, Richard. (2022). Forest Canopy Nitrogen Uptake experiments data, 2012-2017 [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. School of GeoSciences. https://doi.org/10.7488/ds/3272