470 research outputs found

    Generalised Pattern Search with Restarting Fitness Landscape Analysis

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    Fitness landscape analysis for optimisation is a technique that involves analysing black-box optimisation problems to extract pieces of information about the problem, which can beneficially inform the design of the optimiser. Thus, the design of the algorithm aims to address the specific features detected during the analysis of the problem. Similarly, the designer aims to understand the behaviour of the algorithm, even though the problem is unknown and the optimisation is performed via a metaheuristic method. Thus, the algorithmic design made using fitness landscape analysis can be seen as an example of explainable AI in the optimisation domain. The present paper proposes a framework that performs fitness landscape analysis and designs a Pattern Search (PS) algorithm on the basis of the results of the analysis. The algorithm is implemented in a restarting fashion: at each restart, the fitness landscape analysis refines the analysis of the problem and updates the pattern matrix used by PS. A computationally efficient implementation is also presented in this study. Numerical results show that the proposed framework clearly outperforms standard PS and another PS implementation based on fitness landscape analysis. Furthermore, the two instances of the proposed framework considered in this study are competitive with popular algorithms present in the literature

    Teaching Mathematics to Computer Scientists: Reflections and a Case Study

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    Mathematics, despite being the foundation of computer science, is nowadays often considered a totally separate subject. The fact that many jobs in computer science do not explicitly require any specific mathematical knowledge posed questions about the importance of mathematics within computer science undergraduate curricula. In many educational systems a prior high school knowledge of mathematics is often not a mandatory requirement to be enrolled into a degree of computer science. On the other hand, several studies report that mathematics is important to computer scientists since it provides essential analytical and critical skills and since many professional and research tasks in computer science require an in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts. From this assumption, this article proposes an analysis of the cohort of computer science' students, with a specific reference to British Universities, and identifies some challenges that lecturers of mathematical subjects normally face. On the basis of this analysis this article proposes two teaching techniques to promote effective learning. The proposed techniques aim at addressing the diversity of cohorts in terms of mathematical background and skepticism from part of the cohort of students to consider mathematics as an essential element of their education. Numerical results indicate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed teaching techniques

    HyperSPAM: A study on hyper-heuristic coordination strategies in the continuous domain

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This article proposes a simplistic algorithmic framework, namely hyperSPAM, composed of three search algorithms for addressing continuous optimisation problems. The Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMAES) is activated at the beginning of the optimisation process as a preprocessing component for a limited budget. Subsequently, the produced solution is fed to the other two single-solution search algorithms. The first performs moves along the axes while the second makes use of a matrix orthogonalization to perform diagonal moves. Four coordination strategies, in the fashion of hyperheuristics, have been used to coordinate the two single-solution algorithms. One of them is a simple randomized criterion while the other three are based on a success based reward mechanism. The four implementations of the hyperSPAM framework have been tested and compared against each other and modern metaheuristics on an extensive set of problems including theoretical functions and real-world engineering problems. Numerical results show that the different versions of the framework display broadly a similar performance. One of the reward schemes appears to be marginally better than the others. The simplistic random coordination also displays a very good performance. All the implementations of hyperSPAM significantly outperform the other algorithms used for comparison

    Spiking Neural P Systems with Communication on Request

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Spiking Neural P Systems are Neural System models characterised by the fact that each neuron mimics a biological cell and the communication between neurons is based on spikes. In the Spiking Neural P systems investigated so far, the application of evolution rules depends on the contents of a neuron (checked by means of a regular expression). In these P systems, a speci ed number of spikes are consumed and a speci ed number of spikes are produced, and then sent to each of the neurons linked by a synapse to the evolving neuron. In the present work, a novel communication strategy among neurons of Spiking Neural P Systems is proposed. In the resulting models, called Spiking Neural P Systems with Communication on Request, the spikes are requested from neighbouring neurons, depending on the contents of the neuron (still checked by means of a regular expression). Unlike the traditional Spiking Neural P systems, no spikes are consumed or created: the spikes are only moved along synapses and replicated (when two or more neurons request the contents of the same neuron). The Spiking Neural P Systems with Communication on Request are proved to be computationally universal, that is, equivalent with Turing machines as long as two types of spikes are used. Following this work, further research questions are listed to be open problems

    Three variants of three Stage Optimal Memetic Exploration for handling non-separable fitness landscapes

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    The file attached to this record is the authors final peer reviewed version. The publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Three Stage Optimal Memetic Exploration (3SOME) is a recently proposed algorithmic framework which sequentially perturbs a single solution by means of three operators. Although 3SOME proved to be extremely successful at handling high-dimensional multi-modal landscapes, its application to non-separable fitness functions present some flaws. This paper proposes three possible variants of the original 3SOME algorithm aimed at improving its performance on non-separable problems. The first variant replaces one of the 3SOME operators, namely the middle distance exploration, with a rotation-invariant Differential Evolution (DE) mutation scheme, which is applied on three solutions sampled in a progressively shrinking search space. In the second proposed mechanism, a micro-population rotation-invariant DE is integrated within the algorithmic framework. The third approach employs the search logic (1+1)-Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy, aka (1+1)-CMA-ES. In the latter scheme, a Covariance Matrix adapts to the landscape during the optimization in order to determine the most promising search directions. Numerical results show that, at the cost of a higher complexity, the three approaches proposed are able to improve upon 3SOME performance for non-separable problems without an excessive performance deterioration in the other problems

    Generalised Pattern Search Based on Covariance Matrix Diagonalisation

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    Pattern Search is a family of gradient-free direct search methods for numerical optimisation problems. The characterising feature of pattern search methods is the use of multiple directions spanning the problem domain to sample new candidate solutions. These directions compose a matrix of potential search moves, that is the pattern. Although some fundamental studies theoretically indicate that various directions can be used, the selection of the search directions remains an unaddressed problem. The present article proposes a procedure for selecting the directions that guarantee high convergence/high performance of pattern search. The proposed procedure consists of a fitness landscape analysis to characterise the geometry of the problem by sampling points and selecting those that whose objective function values are below a threshold. The eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of this distribution are then used as search directions for the pattern search. Numerical results show that the proposed method systematically out-performs its standard counterpart and is competitive with modern complex direct search and metaheuristic methods

    A Study on Rotation Invariance in Differential Evolution

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Epistasis is the correlation between the variables of a function and is a challenge often posed by real-world optimisation problems. Synthetic benchmark problems simulate a highly epistatic problem by performing a so-called problem's rotation. Mutation in Differential Evolution (DE) is inherently rotational invariant since it simultaneously perturbs all the variables. On the other hand, crossover, albeit fundamental for achieving a good performance, retains some of the variables, thus being inadequate to tackle highly epistatic problems. This article proposes an extensive study on rotational invariant crossovers in DE. We propose an analysis of the literature, a taxonomy of the proposed method and an experimental setup where each problem is addressed in both its non-rotated and rotated version. Our experimental study includes 280280 problems over five different levels of dimensionality and nine algorithms. Numerical results show that 1) for a fixed quota of transferred design variables, the exponential crossover displays a better performance, on both rotated and non-rotated problems, in high dimensions while the binomial crossover seems to be preferable in low dimensions; 2) the rotational invariant mutation DE/current-to-rand is not competitive with standard DE implementations throughout the entire set of experiments we have presented; 3) DE crossovers that perform a change of coordinates to distribute the moves over the components of the offspring offer high-performance results on some problems. However, on average the standard DE/rand/1/exp appears to achieve the best performance on both rotated and non-rotated testbeds

    Simplified and yet Turing universal spiking neural P systems with communication on request

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version.Spiking neural P systems are a class of third generation neural networks belonging to the framework of membrane computing. Spiking neural P systems with communication on request (SNQ P systems) are a type of spiking neural P system where the spikes are requested from neighbouring neurons. SNQ P systems have previously been proved to be universal (computationally equivalent to Turing machines) when two types of spikes are considered. This paper studies a simpli ed version of SNQ P systems, i.e. SNQ P systems with one type of spike. It is proved that one type of spike is enough to guarantee the Turing universality of SNQ P systems. Theoretical results are shown in the cases of the SNQ P system used in both generating and accepting modes. Furthermore, the influence of the number of unbounded neurons (the number of spikes in a neuron is not bounded) on the computation power of SNQ P systems with one type of spike is investigated. It is found that SNQ P systems functioning as number generating devices with one type of spike and four unbounded neurons are Turing universal

    Geometry based Three-Dimensional Image Processing Method for Electronic Cluster Eye

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkIn recent years, much attention has been paid to the electronic cluster eye (eCley), a new type of artificial compound eyes, because of its small size, wide field of view (FOV) and sensitivity to motion objects. An eCley is composed of a certain number of optical channels organized as an array. Each optical channel spans a small and fixed field of view (FOV). To obtain a complete image with a full FOV, the images from all the optical channels are required to be fused together. The parallax from unparallel neighboring optical channels in eCley may lead to reconstructed image blurring and incorrectly estimated depth. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a geometry based three-dimensional image processing method (G3D) for eCley to obtain a complete focused image and dense depth map. In G3D, we derive the geometry relationship of optical channels in eCley to obtain the mathematical relation between the parallax and depth among unparallel neighboring optical channels. Based on the geometry relationship, all of the optical channels are used to estimate the depth map and reconstruct a focused image. Subsequently, by using an edge-aware interpolation method, we can further gain a sharply focused image and a depth map. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the experimental results
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