9 research outputs found

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    Sedimentary anatomies of Early Miocene coral reefs in South Corsica (France) and South Sardinia (Italy)

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    Galloni F., Cornée Jean-Jacques, Rebelle Michel, Maurel-Ferrandini Michelle. Sedimentary anatomies of Early Miocene coral reefs in South Corsica (France) and South Sardinia (Italy). In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 28, numéro 1-2, 2001. Anatomy of Carbonate Bodies / Anatomie des corps carbonates. International Meeting / Colloque international. Marseille, 9-12 mai 2001, France, sous la direction de Marc Floquet, Jérôme Hennuy et Jean-Pierre Masse. pp. 73-77

    General Architecture and tectonic evolution of Alpine Corsica. Insights from a transect between Bastia and the Balagne region

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    CorseAlp 2011 was held in April 2011. A link to the website is here: CorseAlp 2011. The CorseAlp field trips were designed to introduce the participants to the general features of the geology of Alpine Corsica and to recent specific discoveries. The three-day post-workshop field trip (Field trip 2) focused on the general architecture of Alpine Corsica in an EW transect between the Balagne region and Bastia. First day: The internal zones of Alpine Corsica: from Bastia to Saint Florent. Intinerary: Saint Florent, Serra di Pigno, Cima Malaspina, Patrimonio, Saint Florent. Second day: The Tenda massif and its eastern margin. Intinerary: Saint Florent, Casta, Fontana Porragghia, Rue de Morello, Fontana a Murello quarry; Fornali. Third day: The external zones of Alpine Corsica in the Balagne region. Intineray: Saint Florent, Colle di U'Vezzu, Ostriconi, Belgodere, San Sebastiano Chapel, San Colombano, Ponte Leccia, Francardo, Bastia

    Etude stratigraphique et sédimentologique de l'Aquitanien de la Calanque du Petit Nid (Sausset, Bouches-du-Rhône, France). Découverte d'un squelette d'Halitherium Kaup

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    This article, undertaken following the discovery of a skeleton of Halitherium, is a stratigraphical and sedimentolo-gical study of Aquitanian outcrop in hitherto undiscribed part of the coast of La Nerthe. Correlation is proposed with the section of Carry-le-Rouet which could be used as an auxiliary reference section to the Aquitanian stratotype.Ce travail, entrepris à la suite de la découverte d'un squelette Halitherium, présente une étude stratigraphique et sédimentologique de l'Aquitanien dans un nouveau secteur du littoral de la Nerthe. Des corrélations sont proposées avec la coupe de Carry-le-Rouet, qui pourrait être utilisée comme coupe auxiliaire de référence du stratotype de l'Aquitanien.Anglada Roger, Arnaud Michel, Catzigras France, Colomb Emile, Delcourt André, Maurel-Ferrandini Michelle. Etude stratigraphique et sédimentologique de l'Aquitanien de la Calanque du Petit Nid (Sausset, Bouches-du-Rhône, France). Découverte d'un squelette d'Halitherium Kaup. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 1, numéro 1, 1974. pp. 1-7

    Oligocene reefal deposits in the Pisang Ridge and the origin of the Lucipara Block (Banda Sea, eastern Indonesia)

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    International audienceIn 1998 we dredged early Oligocene/late Oligocene boundary, shallow-water reefal deposits and pelagic, early Pliocene muds in the submerged Pisang Ridge. The shallow-water deposits were identified as moderate- to low-energy coral-reef depositional environments, which confirms that the PisangRidg e belonged to the continental to continental-arc Lucipara Block which also includes the TukangBesi, Lucipara and Rama ridges. On the basis of these findings, it was possible to reconstruct parts of the general geological evolution of the Lucipara Block, which drifted away from northern Irian Jaya duringmid- Miocene times and collided with the Kolonodale Block during the late Miocene. A late-early Oligocene calc alkaline volcanic arc developed in the Weber Trough area, then uplifted to a shallow-water position at the early–late Oligocene boundary in the Pisang Ridge. Late Oligocene–early Miocene metamorphism subsequently developed, prior to the deposition of early Miocene coral reefs in the Rama Ridge. Locally, late Miocene metamorphism was identified in the Lucipara Ridge, prior to the latest Miocene–Pliocene general drowning and the splitting of the Lucipara Block into several small blocks throughout the Banda Sea region

    Déformations pliocènes de la marge nord-Ligure (France) : les conséquences d'un chevauchement crustal sud-alpin

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    International audienceThe Oligo-Miocene extension phase of the Mediterranean basins rifting (30–25 Ma) [Jolivet and Faccenna, 2000] followed by the Ligurian basin oceanic crust formation (21–18 Ma) [Le Pichon et al., 1971 ; Réhault et al., 1984 ; Carminati et al., 1998 ; Gueguen et al., 1998] occurred during the western Alps compression phase. The deformations were characterised during the Miocene by the southwestward structuration of the Castellane Arc [Fallot and Faure-Muret, 1949 ; Laurent et al., 2000] and during the Mio-Pliocene by the southward structuration of the Nice Arc. This latter arc is bounded on its western side by a dextral strike-slip fault and on its southern side by a thrust inducing an uplift of this arc [Ritz, 1991 ; Guglielmi and Dubar, 1993 ; Clauzon et al., 1996 ; Guardia et al., 1996 ; Schroetter, 1998]. Fission tracks thermochronology data [Bigot-Cormier et al., 2000] suggest a general uplift at ~3.5 Ma of the Argentera massif. Stratigraphical [Irr, 1984 ; Hilgen, 1991 ; Hilgen and Langereis, 1988, 1993] and geomorphological studies [Clauzon et al., 1996 b ; Dubar and Guglielmi, 1997] show evidences for an uplift of the Ligurian coast increasing east of the Var river. The analysis of 70 seismic-reflection profiles allows us to better characterise and quantify the deformation from Antibes to Imperia (fig. 1). We then reconstruct vertical motions in space and time since the Messinian crisis in order to propose a deformation model of the margin related to crustal thickening.La marge nord-Ligure, localisée au pied des Alpes occidentales les plus méridionales (arc de Nice), montre une déformation post-messinienne concentrée en limite marge/bassin et qui s'accentue vers l'est. Parallèlement, au cours du Pliocène, à terre, (i) une phase de surrection notable est enregistrée dans le socle du massif cristallin externe de l'Argentera (France/Italie), (ii) l'arc de Nice est en cours de structuration en chevauchements et (iii) des soulèvements verticaux sont détectés sur la côte et le long du Var. D'après l'analyse de 70 profils de sismique-réflexion entre Antibes (France) et Imperia (Italie), de nombreux indices montrent que la déformation évolue de la marge vers le bassin et d'ouest en est. La déformation de la marge nord-Ligure est fortement influencée par l'épaississement crustal observé à terre. Elle serait liée à la propagation d'un chevauchement aveugle sous la marge jusque dans les formations salifères messiniennes du bassin. Cette déformation récente compressive de l'avant-pays alpin est guidée au Pliocène par une tectonique de socle qui réactive des structures héritées

    Sujet et citoyen

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    Le Bureau de l'Association Francaise des Historiens des Idees Politiques tient a exprimer les remerciements les plus sinceres a : Monsieur Christian PONCELET, President du Senat et a Monsieur Luc FERRY, Ministre de l'Education Nationale (2002-2004) pour l'honneur qu'ils ont bien voulu lui faire en accordant leur haut patronage a ce XVIeme Colloque de l'AFHIP, qui s'est tenu a Lyon le 11-12 septembre 200

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    International audienceThe aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of COVID-19 disease in the French national population of dialysis patients, their course of illness and to identify the risk factors associated with mortality. Our study included all patients on dialysis recorded in the French REIN Registry in April 2020. Clinical characteristics at last follow-up and the evolution of COVID-19 illness severity over time were recorded for diagnosed cases (either suspicious clinical symptoms, characteristic signs on the chest scan or a positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) for SARS-CoV-2. A total of 1,621 infected patients were reported on the REIN registry from March 16th, 2020 to May 4th, 2020. Of these, 344 died. The prevalence of COVID-19 patients varied from less than 1% to 10% between regions. The probability of being a case was higher in males, patients with diabetes, those in need of assistance for transfer or treated at a self-care unit. Dialysis at home was associated with a lower probability of being infected as was being a smoker, a former smoker, having an active malignancy, or peripheral vascular disease. Mortality in diagnosed cases (21%) was associated with the same causes as in the general population. Higher age, hypoalbuminemia and the presence of an ischemic heart disease were statistically independently associated with a higher risk of death. Being treated at a selfcare unit was associated with a lower risk. Thus, our study showed a relatively low frequency of COVID-19 among dialysis patients contrary to what might have been assumed

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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