607 research outputs found

    EMCAPA 8151 - robusta tropical: variedade melhorada de café conilon de propagação por sementes para o Estado do Espírito Santo.

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    No Espírito Santo, a espécie Coffea canephora, ?variedade? conilon, encontra-se amplamente distribuída, sendo cultivada, principalmente, por pequenos e médios produtores de base familiar. A espécie é alógama e possui ampla variabilidade genética. Devido essa variabilidade, a facilidade de clonagem e a grande produção de sementes, é possível e recomendável conduzir, de forma paralela, trabalhos de melhoramento genético visando tanto a obtenção de variedades clonais como de variedades sintéticas, estas últimas a serem multiplicadas via sexuada (sementes). Objetivando atender, prioritariamente, as regiões com deficiências de ofertas de mudas das variedades clonais recomendadas, comprovadamente superiores, e os pequenos e médios produtores que utilizam seus próprios materiais genéticos como matrizes, a Empresa Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural ? EMCAPER desenvolveu a primeira variedade melhorada de conilon a ser propagada por sementes, para o Estado do Espírito Santo: EMCAPER 8151 ? Robusta Tropical

    A mixed model to multiple harvest-location trials applied to genomic prediction in Coffea canephora.

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    Genomic selection (GS) has been studied in several crops to increase the rates of genetic gain and reduce the length of breeding cycles. Despite its relevance, there are only a modest number of reports applied to the genus Coffea. Effective implementation depends on the ability to consider genomic models, which correctly represent breeding scenario in which the species are inserted. Coffee experimentation, in general, is represented by evaluations in multiple locations and harvests to understand the interaction and predict the performance of untested genotypes. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to investigate GS models suitable for use in Coffea canephora. An expansion of traditional GBLUP was considered and genomic analysis was performed using a genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach, showed good potential to be used in coffee breeding programs. Interactions were modeled using the multiplicative mixed model theory, which is commonly used in multi-environment trials (MET) analysis in perennial crops. The effectiveness of the method used was compared with other genetic models in terms of goodness-of-fit statistics and prediction accuracy. Different scenarios that mimic coffee breeding were used in the cross-validation process. The method used had the lowest AIC and BIC values and, consequently, the best fit. In terms of predictive ability, the incorporation of the MET modeling showed higher accuracy (on average 10–17% higher) and lower prediction errors than traditional GBLUP. The results may be used as basis for additional studies into the genus Coffea and can be expanded for similar perennial crops

    Mixed model to multiple havest-location trial applied to genomic prediction in Coffea canephora.

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    Genomic Selection (GS) has been studied in several crops with potential to increase the rates of genetic gain and reduce the length of breeding cycle. Despite the relevance, there is a modest number of reports applied to the genus Coffea. Nevertheless, the effective implementation depends on the ability to consider genomic models that represent with adequate reliability the breeding scenario in which the specie are inserted. Coffee experimentation, in general, is represented for evaluations in multiples sites and harvests (MET), in order to understand the interaction magnitude and predicting the performance of untested genotypes. Therefore, the main objective of this study was investigate GS models that accommodate MET modeling. A expansion of the traditional GBLUP was proposed in order to accommodate the interactions in the GS model. Different scenarios that mimic the coffee breeding and models commonly used in the analysis were compared. In terms of goodness of fit this approach showed the lowest AIC and BIC values and, consequently, the best goodness of fit. The predictive capacity was measured by cross-validation and, in contrast with the GBLUP, the incorporation of the MET modeling showed higher predictive accuracy (on average 10-17% higher) and lower prediction errors. All the genomic analysis were performed using the Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach, which showed a good potential to be used in coffee breeding programs. Thus, as conclusion, the results achieved may be used as basis for additional studies into the Genus Coffea and expanded for other perennial crops, that have a similar experimentation design

    An adolescent with sickle cell anaemia experiencing disease-related complications: priapism and leg ulcer--a management challenge.

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    Sickle-cell anaemia (SCA) is a multi-system disease, associated with episodes of acute illness and progressive organ damage. Disease severity shows substantial variation and it is often a burden for adolescents. Complications such as leg ulcer and priapism have a significant impact on quality of life. There are still no definitive treatment guidelines available. Considering the embarrassing nature of priapism and the dire consequences for erectile dysfunction, it is important to inform patients, parents and providers about the relationship of SCA to prolonged painful erections. This article will review the pathophysiology and treatment options of SCA focusing the complications of leg ulcers, priapism, cholelithiasis and retinopathy. The case study of a 14-year-old boy is used to present a management challenge of multiple SCA-related complications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cultivares de Coffea arabica, para as regiões baixas, quentes, tecnificadas e irrigadas do Estado do Espírito Santo.

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    No Espírito Santo o café arábica é plantado predominantemente por produtores de base familiar em regiões com altitudes entre 450 e 850 metros. No norte do estado, predomina o plantio de café conilon. É uma região quente, com altitude abaixo de 450 metros, com muitos produtores irrigantes de alta tecnologia. O objetivo do trabalho, foi avaliar cultivares de Coffea arabica para as regiões quentes e tecnificadas do Espírito Santo. Na Fazenda Experimental de Sooretama (EMCAPER), Sooretama, ES, foram instalados ensaios de avaliações de cultivares de Arábica e Catimor. Em análise preliminar da primeira colheita, sobressaíram os seguintes genótipos de arábica: Tupi, Perobal, Sarchimor Amarelo, UFV 2161, Obatã, Katipó, UFV 4068, Catuaí Vermelho - 81, UFV 2198 e Catucaí, com produtividades superiores a 20 sc.benef./ha. As progênies de catimor que destacaram foram: UFV 2237, UFV 7731, UFV 7150, UFV 7660, UFV 7060, UFV 7697, UFV 7662 e UFV 7695 com produtividades superiores a 30 sc.benef./ha. Os dados preliminares obtidos, aliados ao comportamento fenotípico dos materiais no campo, são indicativos positivos da adaptação de cultivares de ?Arábica? em regiões quentes e irrigadas do Espírito Santo

    A novel haemoglobin variant mimicking cyanotic congenital heart disease

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    Screening for critical congenital heart defects in newborn babies can aid in early recognition, with the prospect of improved outcome. However, as this universal newborn screening is implemented, there will be an increasing number of false-positive results. In order to avoid multiple investigations and uncertainty, an haemoglobin (Hb) variant must be included in the differential diagnosis in otherwise well newborns with low oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry. We describe a novel fetal Hb variant (heterozygous γ-globin gene (HBG1) mutation in exon 2 c.202G>A (p.Val68Met)) identified in a newborn with positive pulse oximetry screening for congenital heart disease.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação de clones elites de café conilon em condição de estresse hídrico no Estado do Espírito Santo.

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    No Espírito Santo o principal problema que provoca a baixa produtividade média e a má qualidade do café conilon é a seca. A EMCAPER possui uma linha de pesquisa em melhoramento genético visando o desenvolvimento de variedades tolerantes à seca. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar 54 clones elites em condições de déficit hídrico. Os clones 120, 74, 75, 01, 02, 31, 67, 100, 16, 104B, 48, 149, 11 e 79 mostraram-se tolerantes à seca. As produtividades desses clones variaram de 70 a 108 sc.benef./ha, enquanto a da melhor testemunha foi de 56,60

    Banco ativo de germoplasma de Coffea canephora, variedade conilon, no Estado do Espírito Santo.

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    No programa de pesquisa em melhoramento genético de café conilon, desenvolvido inicialmente pela EMCAPA, hoje EMCAPER, estão sendo avaliados 500 clones. Desses, 194 mostraram-se superiores e, ou, com algumas características importantes para o melhoramento. O objetivo deste trabalho é organizar, estabelecer e manter um Banco Ativo de Germoplasma (BAG) da espécie Coffea canephora, cultivar conilon, no Estado do Espírito Santo, visando manter a variabilidade genética da espécie e a sua exploração em programas de melhoramento genético e, ou, áreas afins. Em julho de 1998, na Fazenda Experimental de Marilândia(EMCAPER), Marilândia-ES, foi implantado e está sendo mantido um BAG com 194 materiais genéticos de café conilon