387 research outputs found

    El taller retablista barroco de Briviesca

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    A Review of Soil-Improving Cropping Systems for Soil Salinization

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    A major challenge of the Sustainable Development Goals linked to Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition, under the current global crop production paradigm, is that increasing crop yields often have negative environmental impacts. It is therefore urgent to develop and adopt optimal soil-improving cropping systems (SICS) that can allow us to decouple these system parameters. Soil salinization is a major environmental hazard that limits agricultural potential and is closely linked to agricultural mismanagement and water resources overexploitation, especially in arid climates. Here we review literature seeking to ameliorate the negative effect of soil salinization on crop productivity and conduct a global meta-analysis of 128 paired soil quality and yield observations from 30 studies. In this regard, we compared the effectivity of different SICS that aim to cope with soil salinization across 11 countries, in order to reveal those that are the most promising. The analysis shows that besides case-specific optimization of irrigation and drainage management, combinations of soil amendments, conditioners, and residue management can contribute to significant reductions of soil salinity while significantly increasing crop yields. These results highlight that conservation agriculture can also achieve the higher yields required for upscaling and sustaining crop production

    Análisis, diseño e implementación de un sistema de monitorización y uso de aulas informáticas

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es conseguir realizar una aplicación web que muestre unos datos acerca del uso de las aulas informáticas del Departamento de Informática de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Otros objetivos principales son la creación y ejecución de scripts para los diferentes sistemas operativos que se ejecutan en los ordenadores de las aulas, la adaptación de la información obtenida de cada ordenador para su almacenaje y posterior tratamiento en la aplicación web, o el graficado de los datos de cara al usuario.Ingeniería Informátic

    Registro más austral y tamaño récord del Lapón aleta alta, Pontinus rathbuni (Actinopterygii: Scorpaenidae), en el Golfo de México

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    Background. Pontinus rathbuni has a distribution from Virginia to Brazil, USA, including the north of The Gulf of Mexico, nevertheless, there was not evidence of its presence in the southern part of these sea. Goals. The objective of this work is to report a new record in the southwestern of The Gulf of Mexico, including the larger known record of its size. Methods. Five specimens were captured by deep longline (between 160 to 300 m of depth), in the south coast of Veracruz, and they were preserved in a scientific collection. Results. The specimen of P. rathbuni were adults between 178 to 235 mm of standard length and around of 145 - 450 g of weight. They were recognized by have 17 rays on pectoral fin, the third dorsal spine is not elongated and there is not their development of the ventral process of the hypohyal. Conclusions. This record has expanded its distribution in 1,065 km toward the south of The Gulf of Mexico and this is the first record corroborated to Mexico. Also, there is a remarkable corporal size for this species.Antecedentes. Pontinus rathbuni tiene una distribución que va de Virginia, EE.UU. a Brasil, incluyendo la parte norte del Golfo de México, sin embargo, no se tenía evidencia de su presencia en la parte sur de este mar. Objetivo. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar un nuevo registro en el suroeste del Golfo de México, incluyendo el máximo registro conocido de su talla. Métodos. Cinco ejemplares fueron capturados en la costa del sur de Veracruz por medio de palangre de profundidad (entre los 160 a 300 m de profundidad), y se preservaron en una colección científica. Resultados. Los ejemplares de P. rathbuni, eran adultos, entre los 178 - 235 mm de longitud patrón y 145 - 450 g de peso, se reconocieron por tener 17 radios en la aleta pectoral, la tercera espina dorsal no es alargada ni hay desarrollo del proceso ventral del hipohial. Conclusiones. Este registro amplió su distribución en 1,065 km al sur del Golfo de México, es el primer registro corroborado para México, y se presenta una marca de talla corporal para la especie

    The past distribution of pinus nigra arnold in northern iberia. Contribution from its macroremains.

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    The presence of Pinus nigra in central Spain, where its natural populations are very rare, has led to different interpretations of the current vegetation dynamics. Complementary to the available palynological evidence, macroremains provide local information of high taxonomic resolution that helps to reconstruct the palaeobiogeography of a given species. Here we present new macrofossil data from Tubilla del Lago, a small palaeolake located at the eastern part of the northern Iberian Meseta. We identified 17 wood samples and 71 cones on the basis of their wood anatomy and morphology, respectively. S ome of the fossil samples were radiocarbon dated (~4.230-3210 years cal BP). The results demonstrate the Holocene presence of P. nigra in the study area, where it is currently extinct. This evidence, together with other published palaeobotanical studies, indicates that the forests dominated by P. nigra must have had a larger importance on the landscape prior to the anthropogenic influence on the northern Iberian Meseta

    Small Synthetic Hyaluronan Disaccharide BIS014 Mitigates Neuropathic Pain in Mice

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    Supplementary data Supplementary data related to this article can be found at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpain.2022.07.014.Neuropathic pain (NP) is a challenging condition to treat, as the need for new drugs to treat NP is an unmet goal. We investigated the analgesic potential of a new sulfated disaccharide compound, named BIS014. Oral administration (p.o.) of this compound induced ameliorative effects in formalin-induced nociception and capsaicin-induced secondary mechanical hypersensitivity in mice, but also after partial sciatic nerve transection (spared nerve injury), chemotherapy (paclitaxel)-induced NP, and diabetic neuropathy induced by streptozotocin. Importantly, BIS014, at doses active on neuropathic hypersensitivity (60 mg/kg/p.o.), did not alter exploratory activity or motor coordination (in the rotarod test), unlike a standard dose of gabapentin (40 mg/kg/p.o.) which although inducing antiallodynic effects on the NP models, it also markedly decreased exploration and motor coordination. In docking and molecular dynamic simulation studies, BIS014 interacted with TRPV1, a receptor involved in pain transmission where it behaved as a partial agonist. Additionally, similar to capsaicin, BIS014 increased cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) in neuroblastoma cells expressing TRPV1 receptors; these elevations were blocked by ruthenium red. BIS014 did not block capsaicin-elicited [Ca2+]c transients, but inhibited the increase in the firing rate of action potentials in bradykinin-sensitized dorsal root ganglion neurons stimulated with capsaicin. Perspective: We report that the oral administration of a new sulfated disaccharide compound, named BIS014, decreases neuropathic pain from diverse etiology in mice. Unlike the comparator gabapentin, BIS014 does not induce sedation. Thus, BIS014 has the potential to become a new efficacious non-sedative oral medication for the treatment of neuropathic pain.Laboratorios Bioibérica (Barcelona)Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM

    Los Banū Ŷuzayy. Una familia de juristas e intelectuales granadinos del siglo XIV. I: Abū l-Qāsim Muḥammad Ibn Ŷuzayy

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    These pages deal with a learned family from Granada of the fourteenth century, the Banu Yuzayy and particularly about the life and works of Abu l-Qasim Muhammad, an outstanding figure in the maliki juridical literature. He also composed a few poems on the ascetic and philosophic-moral genre (hikma). This fakih was the father of three important personages on the cultural environment in the Nasri Kingdom of Granada. They will be the subject of a number of consecutive works in the future. With this purpose have been translated to Spanish the biographies consecrated to this figure in different sources from the XIVth century to the XVIIth as the Ihata, the Natir al-yuman or the Nafh al-tib.Versan estas páginas sobre una familia de intelectuales granadinos del s. XIV, los Banū Ŷuzayy, y muy especialmente, en esta ocasión, de la vida y la obra de Abū l-Qāsim Muḥammad  (693-741/1294-1340), importante figura en el campo de la liteatura jurídica malikí y autor de algunos poemas del género ascético y filosófico-moral (hikma), que fue padre de tres personajes relevantes en el panorama cultural del reino nazarí de Granada en quienes se centrarán las sucesivas entregas de este artículo. Para ello se han vertido al español los artículos consagrados a Abu l-Qasim en diferentes fuentes que van desde el siglo XIV hasta el XVII, entre ellas, la Ihata, el Natir al-yuman o el Nafh al-tib

    Diigo: social bookmarking, basic support for collaborative learning and research

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    La web 2.0 ha originado nuevas aplicaciones, tales como los Sistemas de Marcadores Sociales (SBS) con una marcada función socializadora, centrada no tanto en las relaciones entre los usuarios como en proporcionarles las herramientas necesarias para manejar y gestionar información que posteriormente puede ser compartida. En el presente artículo se definen los SBS como aplicaciones web que ayudan a almacenar, clasificar, organizar, describir y compartir información multiformato mediante enlaces a páginas web, blogs, imágenes, wikis, vídeos y podcasts de interés, destacando sus ventajas para favorecer el trabajo grupal. En concreto, se estudia Diigo y sus aportaciones como herramienta metacognitiva, que permite visibilizar el modo de aprender, pensar y elaborar el conocimiento que cada sujeto posee a partir de la información que selecciona, organiza y categoriza, incrementando su valor al compartirla. Facilita el aprendizaje y la investigación colaborativa, al compartir las etiquetas que describen los recursos convirtiéndolos en unidades valiosas. Propicia la cohexión de grupos de investigación mediante la navegación por la información referenciada y etiquetada por otros, a la que cualquiera puede suscribirse y reetiquetar incorporando otros matices. Favorece la gestión de la información recabada en diferentes fases de una investigación. En definitiva, propicia el trabajo colaborativo al unir las sinérgias de un determinado grupo de investigación, agilizando la difusión de ideas entre campos interdisciplinares y contribuyendo a la construcción colectiva del conocimiento.Web 2.0 has originated new applications, like the Social Bookmarking Systems (SBS) with remarkable socializing features, Rather than focusing on the relationship between users, it provides users with the necessary tools to manage and use information that can be later shared. In this article SBS are defined as web applications that can help to store, classify, organize, describe and share multi-format information through links to web sites, blogs, images, wikis, videos and podcasts of interest, emphasizing their advantages for supporting collaborative work. Specifically, Diigo and its contributions will be studied as a metacognitive tool wich makes visible the way each user learns, thinks and develops the knowledge obtained from the information he selects, organizes and categorizes, incrementing its value when sharing it. It facilitates collaborative learning and research through the sharing of tags that describe marked resources giving them high value. Diigo favours the research groups connection thanks to the browsing of the referenced information that has been tagged by others. Everybody can suscribe himself to that information, re-tagging it and adding new nuances. Also favours the information management in the different research phases. Ultimately, it propitiates the collaborative work thanks to the union of the different synergies of the members team, speeding the broadcast of the ideas between interdisciplinary fields and contributing to the collective knowledge development

    Estado de la recién creada colección científica de mandíbulas de elasmobranquios (Chordata: Elasmobranchii) de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM

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    Las mandíbulas son una herramienta importante para el estudio de los elasmobranquios, tanto fósiles como actuales, las cuales difieren entre especies por su tamaño, la forma y número de dientes. Dada su relevancia, en  la presente contribución  se hace  una reseña sobre la  creación  de la Colección  de mandíbulas  de  Elasmobranquios  adjunta  a  la  Colección  Ictiológica  de  la  Facultad  de  Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. El estado actual del acervo está conformado por 181 mandíbulas, pertenecientes a 28 especies, 18 géneros, 14 familias y 8 órdenes. La familia Carcharhinidae es la mejor representada en cuanto a la riqueza específica (7 spp.), mientras que el mayor número de mandíbulas pertenecen a las especies Carcharhinus falciformis y Rhizoprionodon longurio, con 85 y 61 respectivamente