11 research outputs found

    Ethics Of English On Business Presentation

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    Business presentation is needed by persons to inform or persuade audience about certain topics. Through the presentation, information are clearly received by audience. So it needs many aspects to do, such as chronological order of presentation; clear language; good attitude and behavior; and polite ethics. Ethics is the standards one uses to determine right from wrong in terms of thought and behavior. It is one of major components of successful presentation. To do that, ones could adopt ethics from their own culture or culture where they are right now, i.e. in abroad. This paper here intends to show ethic of English business presentation and ethic of presentation to public in order to persuade audience to use the product/ program. It means that it is not to use on presentation of national or International seminar because the rule is not so detailed and complicated The business presentation based on the result of research and good communication is necessary to present objective information, therefore public will get clear and objective understanding. In fact, showing strengths on the own products and showing the weaknesses of others are prohibited to save the existence of brands

    Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence and Spectral Modification in SHINEF

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    Shell-isolated gold nanoparticles provide a reliable, portable, and efficient substrate for luminescence enhancement giving surface-enhanced fluorescence, termed SHINEF. The objectives of the present work are 2-fold: first, tuning the size of the gold core and the shell thickness for maximum SHINEF enhancement, and second, to use the shell isolated nanoparticles (SHINs) to demonstrate the spectral profile modification of the fluorescence spectrum. It is shown, using Langmuir–Blodgett monolayers of a dye with two distinct emissions (monomer and excimer), that the far field radiation of the nanostructure modulate the observed emission from the target fluorophore located in the near field zone of the nanostructure sustaining localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR)

    Narration and the production of meaning in neomodernism

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    This essay analyzes the narration strategies and methods of making meanings in neo-modernism movement. Filmmakers, who are its representatives, prefer the opposite model of cinematic communication which is commonly used in mainstream movies. The article begins with the definition of neo-modernism and description of key components that provide specific forms of narration and reception. Moreover, there were presented main terms related to the modernism and co-called slow cinema. In main fragments of the essay the author focused on some neo-modernist crime stories, which have been created through different, than in traditional cinema, methods of making meaning. Then, there were analyzed such elements of cinematic style as: use of off-screen space and non-conventional concepts of narrative ellipsis.Zadaniem artykuƂu jest przeprowadzenie analizy narracji i sposobĂłw produkcji znaczeƄ w filmowym neomodernizmie. Podejmowane w ramach tej formacji strategie inscenizacyjne stanowią rewers metod powszechnie uĆŒywanych w kinowym mainstreamie. Esej rozpoczyna prĂłba zdefiniowania, czym jest neomodernizm oraz czym się charakteryzuje – zarĂłwno na pƂaszczyĆșnie narracyjnej, jak teĆŒ odbiorczej. WaĆŒnym elementem opisu staƂo się wprowadzenie terminologii związanej z filmowym modernizmem i tzw. slow-cinema. W gƂównych fragmentach eseju zostaƂy poddane analizie neomodernistyczne kryminaƂy, oparte na odrębnej, niĆŒ dzieje się w tradycyjnym kinie, produkcji znaczeƄ. Potem opisane zostaƂy kluczowe strategie inscenizacyjne, w ktĂłrych priorytetowymi zadaniami byƂo przeniesienie waĆŒnych fabularnie zdarzeƄ w przestrzeƄ pozakadrową i niekonwencjonalny sposĂłb wprowadzania elips czasoprzestrzennych

    MMP-9 increases in miR-942/Caki-2 cell line.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) MMP-9 mRNA levels in miR-942/Caki-2 cells were significantly increased in comparison to miR-Neg/Caki-2. Data are represented as 2<sup>−(ΔΔCt)</sup> using GAPDH as housekeeping. (<b>B</b>) Secreted MMP-9 (both the 92 KDa proform and the active form 86 KDa) and VEGF isoforms (VEGF<sub>165</sub>G/23 KDa, VEGF<sub>165</sub>NG/VEGF<sub>121</sub>G/18 KDa, VEGF<sub>121</sub>NG/15 KDa) levels are higher in miR-942/Caki-2 than in the negative control. Proteolytic activity of secreted MMP-9 was proven by gelatin-zymography.</p