8 research outputs found

    Calidad de vida y metabolitos relacionados en pacientes obesos post-Covid-19

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    Objetivo. Evaluar la calidad de vida en salud y metabolitos relacionados en pacientes post Covid-19. Material y Métodos. Estudio ambispectivo, transversal, observacional y analítico, realizado en 35 pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de Covid-19 y con resultados de laboratorio durante su hospitalización de dimero D, ferritina, troponina y proteína C reactiva. Se aplicó el cuestionario whoqol bref para medir la calidad de vida en salud. Y se evaluó la consistencia interna del mismo mediante el Alpha de Cronbach. Además, se emplearon pruebas no paramétricas para identificar tanto asociación como diferencia de medias en las variables de interés.  Resultados. Se encontró que la hipertensión arterial fue la principal comorbilidad, en tanto que la disnea fue el síntoma con mayor prevalencia. Los metabolitos analizados fueron elevados, siendo los hombres los que presentaron mediciones estadísticamente más altas. Respecto al test de calidad de vida en salud, presentó una buena validez interna (Alfa de Cronbach de 0.965). Aunque solo un porcentaje bajo (8.6 %) de los pacientes manifestó llevar una calidad de vida en salud alta después de haber sido dado de alta.  Conclusiones. La calidad de vida en salud en pacientes que lograron superar esta enfermedad puede verse reducida, sobre todo en hombres adultos quienes al parecer son más propensos a presentar falla multisistémica

    Intra- and intercellular mitochondrial dynamics and communication: therapeutic implications for mitochondrial-based medicine

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    Mitochondria and their derivatives participate in health-disease processes and are therefore susceptible to be used as therapeutic targets due to their extensive communication capacity and impact at both intra- and intercellular levels.At the intracellular level, fusion/fission can signal different events in the pathogenesis of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD). Likewise, mitochondria obtain information from the environment (UPR response, MAMs) and communicate with other organelles of the cell.At the intercellular level, they transport diverse information in extracellular vesicles to nearby cells, although they also have systemic reach and can be directed to other targets or tissues through the bloodstream.The authors would like to thank Carlos Saldaña for his help with the design and visualization of this figure.</p

    Mitochondrial proteomic profile of complex IV deficiency fibroblasts: rearrangement of oxidative phosphorylation complex/supercomplex and other metabolic pathways

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    Background: Mitochondriopathies are multisystem diseases affecting the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system. Skin fibroblasts are a good model for the study of these diseases. Fibroblasts with a complex IV mitochondriopathy were used to determine the molecular mechanism and the main affected functions in this disease. Methods: Skin fibroblast were grown to assure disease phenotype. Mitochondria were isolated from these cells and their proteome extracted for protein identification. Identified proteins were validated with the MitoMiner database. Results: Disease phenotype was corroborated on skin fibroblasts, which presented a complex IV defect. The mitochondrial proteome of these cells showed that the most affected proteins belonged to the OXPHOS system, mainly to the complexes that form supercomplexes or respirosomes (I, III, IV, and V). Defects in complex IV seemed to be due to assembly issues, which might prevent supercomplexes formation and efficient substrate channeling. It was also found that this mitochondriopathy affects other processes that are related to DNA genetic information flow (replication, transcription, and translation) as well as beta oxidation and tricarboxylic acid cycle. Conclusions: These data, as a whole, could be used for the better stratification of these diseases, as well as to optimize management and treatment options