9 research outputs found

    Effects of an acute exercise bout on serum hepcidin levels

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    Iron deficiency is a frequent and multifactorial disorder in the career of athletes, particularly in females. Exercise-induced disturbances in iron homeostasis produce deleterious effects on performance and adaptation to training; thus, the identification of strategies that restore or maintain iron homeostasis in athletes is required. Hepcidin is a liver-derived hormone that degrades the ferroportin transport channel, thus reducing the ability of macrophages to recycle damaged iron, and decreasing iron availability. Although it has been suggested that the circulating fraction of hepcidin increases during early post-exercise recovery (~3 h), it remains unknown how an acute exercise bout may modify the circulating expression of hepcidin. Therefore, the current review aims to determine the post-exercise expression of serum hepcidin in response to a single session of exercise. The review was carried out in the Dialnet, Elsevier, Medline, Pubmed, Scielo and SPORTDiscus databases, using hepcidin (and “exercise” or “sport” or “physical activity”) as a strategy of search. A total of 19 articles were included in the review after the application of the inclusion/exclusion criteria. This search found that a single session of endurance exercise (intervallic or continuous) at moderate or vigorous intensity (60–90% VO2peak) stimulates an increase in the circulating levels of hepcidin between 0 h and 6 h after the end of the exercise bout, peaking at ~3 h post-exercise. The magnitude of the response of hepcidin to exercise seems to be dependent on the pre-exercise status of iron (ferritin) and inflammation (IL-6). Moreover, oxygen disturbances and the activation of a hypoxia-induced factor during or after exercise may stimulate a reduction of hepcidin expression. Meanwhile, cranberry flavonoids supplementation promotes an anti-oxidant effect that may facilitate the post-exercise expression of hepcidin. Further studies are required to explore the effect of resistance exercise on hepcidin expression


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    Este texto contribuye al análisis científico de varias áreas del conocimiento como la filosofía social, la patología, la educación para el cuidado del medio ambiente y la sustentabilidad que inciden en diversas unidades de aprendizaje de la Licenciatura en Educación para la Salud y de la Maestría en Sociología de la SaludLas comunidades indígenas de la sierra norte de Oaxaca México, habitan un territorio extenso de biodiversidad. Sin que sea una área protegida y sustentable, la propia naturaleza de la región ofrece a sus visitantes la riqueza de la vegetación caracterizada por sus especies endémicas que componen un paisaje de suma belleza

    Importance of sleep in the performance and health of the athlete

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    El sueño es un determinante fundamental en el rendimiento y la salud del deportista. En la actualidad algunos expertos la definen como la mejor estrategia de recuperación debido a sus efectos fisiológicos y restaurativos. Los deportistas deben ser alentados a dormir más horas que la población general, debido a las demandas de recuperación impuestas por el ejercicio. La presente revisión teórica busca esclarecer los factores que afectan al sueño, los efectos de éste sobre el rendimiento deportivo y la salud, así como explicar las estrategias más determinantes para mejorar la cantidad y calidad del sueño del deportista. Para ello es importante tener en cuenta los horarios de los eventos deportivos, el estrés psicosocial del deportista, el uso de dispositivos electrónicos, los viajes, el uso de sustancias estimulantes como la cafeína o la ingesta de alcohol, entre otros. Diferentes estrategias como la extensión del sueño, las siestas, estrategias de higiene del sueño y nutricionales deben ser consideradas en la mejora del sueño del deportistaSleep is a fundamental determinant in the performance and health of the athlete. At present, some experts define it as the best recovery strategy due to its physiological and restorative effects. Athletes should be encouraged to sleep longer than the general population, due to the recovery demands imposed by the exercise. The present review looks for to clarify the factors that affect, the effects of these on sports performance and health, as well as describe the most decisive strategies to improve the quantity and quality of the athlete's sleep. Consequently, it is important the schedules of sporting events, the psychosocial stress of the athlete, the use of electronic devices, travel to compete, the use of stimulating substances such as caffeine or alcohol intake, among others. Different strategies such as sleep extension, naps, sleep hygiene and nutritional strategies should be considered in improving the athlete's slee

    Replenishment of muscle glycogen in the recovery of the athlete

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    Las estrategias nutricionales durante la fase de recuperación del deportista son fundamentales. Uno de los principales objetivos de la recu- peración es la reposición del glucógeno muscular. Este aspecto se hace más importante cuando los deportistas se enfrentan a entrenamientos intensos o eventos competitivos con cortos periodos de recuperación. Además, la manipulación deliberada de su disponibilidad puede mejorar las adaptacio- nes moleculares al entrenamiento. La presente revisión tiene por objetivo informar sobre los aspectos fisiológicos básicos de esta situación, así como conocer el momento del consumo, la cantidad, el tipo y la interacción de diferentes nutrientes con los hidratos de carbono, para poder maximizar o jugar con la reposición del mismo en función de las necesidades y/o las estrategias planteadas. El glucógeno ya no debe ser visto como un simple almacén de energía sino como una molécula que puede desencadenar nu- merosos procesos celulares importantes para el deportista.ABSTRACT: Nutritional interventions play a fundamental role during the post-exercise recovery phase. One of the main goals of recovery is restoring muscle glycogen stores. This becomes more important when athletes are subjected to intense training or competition with short recov-ery periods between bouts. Furthermore, manipulating muscle glycogen availability can im-prove molecular adaptations to training. The objective of this re- view is thus to present the basic physiological aspects of this phenomenon, and to discuss carbohydrate consumption, timing, type, and amount, as well as its interaction with different nutrients, in order to max-imize or play with the restoration of muscle glycogen depending on the needs and/ or the strategies proposed. Glycogen should no longer be seen as a simple form of energy storage, but as a molecule that can trigger numerous cellular processes important for athletic per-formance

    Importance of sleep in the performance and health of the athlete

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    El sueño es un determinante fundamental en el rendimiento y la salud del deportista. En la actualidad algunos expertos la definen como la mejor estrategia de recuperación debido a sus efectos fisiológicos y restaurativos. Los deportistas deben ser alentados a dormir más horas que la población general, debido a las demandas de recuperación impuestas por el ejercicio. La presente revisión teórica busca esclarecer los factores que afectan al sueño, los efectos de éste sobre el rendimiento deportivo y la salud, así como explicar las estrategias más determinantes para mejorar la cantidad y calidad del sueño del deportista. Para ello es importante tener en cuenta los horarios de los eventos deportivos, el estrés psicosocial del deportista, el uso de dispositivos electrónicos, los viajes, el uso de sustancias estimulantes como la cafeína o la ingesta de alcohol, entre otros. Diferentes estrategias como la extensión del sueño, las siestas, estrategias de higiene del sueño y nutricionales deben ser consideradas en la mejora del sueño del deportistaSleep is a fundamental determinant in the performance and health of the athlete. At present, some experts define it as the best recovery strategy due to its physiological and restorative effects. Athletes should be encouraged to sleep longer than the general population, due to the recovery demands imposed by the exercise. The present review looks for to clarify the factors that affect, the effects of these on sports performance and health, as well as describe the most decisive strategies to improve the quantity and quality of the athlete's sleep. Consequently, it is important the schedules of sporting events, the psychosocial stress of the athlete, the use of electronic devices, travel to compete, the use of stimulating substances such as caffeine or alcohol intake, among others. Different strategies such as sleep extension, naps, sleep hygiene and nutritional strategies should be considered in improving the athlete's sleep

    Effects of beetroot juice supplementation on intermittent high-intensity exercise efforts

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    Abstract Beetroot juice contains high levels of inorganic nitrate (NO3−) and its intake has proved effective at increasing blood nitric oxide (NO) concentrations. Given the effects of NO in promoting vasodilation and blood flow with beneficial impacts on muscle contraction, several studies have detected an ergogenic effect of beetroot juice supplementation on exercise efforts with high oxidative energy metabolism demands. However, only a scarce yet growing number of investigations have sought to assess the effects of this supplement on performance at high-intensity exercise. Here we review the few studies that have addressed this issue. The databases Dialnet, Elsevier, Medline, Pubmed and Web of Science were searched for articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish published from 2010 to March 31 to 2017 using the keywords: beet or beetroot or nitrate or nitrite and supplement or supplementation or nutrition or “sport nutrition” and exercise or sport or “physical activity” or effort or athlete. Nine articles fulfilling the inclusion criteria were identified. Results indicate that beetroot juice given as a single dose or over a few days may improve performance at intermittent, high-intensity efforts with short rest periods. The improvements observed were attributed to faster phosphocreatine resynthesis which could delay its depletion during repetitive exercise efforts. In addition, beetroot juice supplementation could improve muscle power output via a mechanism involving a faster muscle shortening velocity. The findings of some studies also suggested improved indicators of muscular fatigue, though the mechanism involved in this effect remains unclear