23 research outputs found

    Sistema de control de temperatura y gestión de datos vía Internet con aplicación a sistemas embarcados en aeronaves

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    En este trabajo se realiza el diseño tanto a nivel de hardware como de software de un sistema de control de temperatura, así como un monitoreo de los datos y un control de la respuesta. Para ello, en primer lugar se hará una descripción de los elementos hardware y software utilizados para el diseño. A continuación, se comentarán detalladamente las dos estrategias seguidas para la realización de este sistema, las cuales son: - Control y monitoreo sin conexión a red, es decir, presentación de los datos en una pantalla OLED y un control de la respuesta mediante pulsadores. - Control tanto de los datos como la respuesta del sistema y gestión del historial de muestras a través de una página web o una aplicación Android. Finalmente, se comentarán posibles mejoras, así como otras posibles aplicaciones del sistema diseñado.This work focusses on desing of a temperature control at hardware and software level, as well as data monitoring and response control. To this aim, first, a description of the hardware and software elements using for desing will be made. Next, the two strategies followed for the realization of this system will be discussed in detail. The two strategies are: - Control and monitoring without network connection, that is, presentation of the data on an OLED screen and control of the response by means of pushbutton. - Data and response control of the system, and management of the historical data through a website or an Android app. Finally, a discussion about posible improvements and other application of the designe system.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    La propuesta presenta la creación de una nueva asignatura en el grado de Medicina: Aplicación Clínica de las Ciencias Médicas Básicas –cuyo desarrollo ha implicado una inversión de 6.000 euros– que se imparte en el segundo semestre del segundo curso de la titulación. Se trata de una asignatura dirigida en exclusiva al aprendizaje y evaluación de las competencias transversales que, según los autores de la misma, supondrá una mejora para el alumnado a la hora de incorporarse al mercado de trabaj

    Differential presentation of hypersensitivity reactions to carboplatin and oxaliplatin: Phenotypes, endotypes, and management with desensitization

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    Background: Drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) to platinum-based drugs are heterogenous and restrict their access, and drug desensitization (DD) has provided a ground-breaking procedure for their re-introduction, although the response is heterogeneous. We aimed to identify the phenotypes, endotypes, and biomarkers of reactions to carboplatin and oxaliplatin and their response to DD. Methods: Seventy-nine patients presenting with DHRs to oxaliplatin (N = 46) and carboplatin (N = 33) were evaluated at the Allergy Departments of two tertiary care hospitals in Spain. Patient symptoms, skin testing, biomarkers, and outcomes of 267 DDs were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Oxaliplatin-reactive patients presented with type I (74%), cytokine release reaction (CRR) (11%), and mixed (Mx) (15%) phenotypes. In contrast, carboplatin reactive patients presented with predominantly type I (85%) and Mx (15%) but no CRRs. Out of 267 DDs, breakthrough reactions (BTRs) to oxaliplatin occurred twice as frequently as carboplatin (32% vs. 15%; p < .05). Phenotype switching from type I to another phenotype was observed in 46% of oxaliplatin DDs compared to 21% of carboplatin DDs. Tryptase was elevated in type I and Mx reactions, and IL-6 in CRR and Mx, indicating different mechanisms and endotypes. Conclusion: Carboplatin and oxaliplatin induced three different types of reactions with defined phenotypes and endotypes amendable to DD. Although most of the initial reactions for both were type I, oxaliplatin presented with unique CRR reactions. During DD, carboplatin reactive patients presented mostly type I BTR, while oxaliplatin-reactive patients frequently switched from type I to CRR, providing a critical difference and the need for personalized DD protocols

    Optic Nerve T2-Hyperintensity: A Nonspecific Marker of Optic Nerve Damage

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    The best imaging modality to investigate optic neuropathy etiologies is an orbital MRI. In acute optic neuritis, ON T2-hyperintensity and contrast enhancement (CE) are seen in 77% and 90% of patients, respectively. However, in chronic optic neuropathies, ON T2-hyperintensity and atrophy are typically seen. Interestingly, isolated ON T2- hyperintensity is often presumed to be due to optic neuritis, prompting unnecessary investigations and frequent referrals to neuro-ophthalmology. To determine the significance of optic nerve (ON) T2-hyperintensity and optic atrophy on MRI

    Optic Nerve T2-Hyperintensity: A Nonspecific Marker of Optic Nerve Damage

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    The role of undergraduate medical students training in respect for patient confidentiality

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    Background Encouraging professional integrity is vital for providing a standard of excellence in quality medical care and education and in promoting a culture of respect and responsibility. The primary objective of this work consisted of studying the relationship of medical students to the right to patient privacy in Spain, specifically by analysing the conditions for accessing patient clinical histories (CHs). Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted based on a questionnaire sent by e-mail to final-year students at 41 Spanish universities. It had 14 multiple choice and closed questions framed in 3 large blocks. The first question addressed basic general knowledge issues on the right to privacy and the obligation for confidentiality. The two remaining blocks were made up of questions directed towards evaluating the frequency with which certain requirements and action steps related to students attending patients were performed and regarding the guarantees associated with accessing and handling patient CHs both on paper and in the Electronic Medical Record. Results A total of 245 valid replies were considered. A total of 67.8 % of participants were women, with an average age of 24.05 ± 3.49 years. Up to 90.6 % were aware that confidentiality affected the data in CHs, although 43.3 % possessed non-anonymized photocopies of patient clinical reports outside the healthcare context, and only 49.8 % of the students were always adequately identified. A total of 59.2 % accessed patient CHs on some occasions by using passwords belonging to healthcare professionals, 77.2 % of them did not have the patients’ express consent, and 71.9 % accessed a CH that was not anonymised. Conclusions The role of healthcare institutions and universities is considered to be fundamental in implementing educational measures regarding the risks and ethical and legal problems arising from the use of CHs among professionals and students. A thorough study of medical ethics is needed through the analysis of clinical cases and direct exposure to situations in which the patient’s confidentiality is questioned.Ye

    Cost-Effectiveness of Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant in Naïve and Previously Treated Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema

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    Purpose: To compare the direct costs associated with the dexamethasone intravitreal implant (DEX-i) in treatment-naïve and previously treated eyes with diabetic macular edema (DME) in a real clinical setting. Methods: Retrospective and single-center study conducted in a real clinical scenario. Consecutive DME patients, either naïve or previously treated with vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors (anti-VEGF), who received treatment with one or more DEX-i between May 2015 and December 2020, and who were followed-up for a minimum of 12 months, were included in the study. The cost analysis was performed from the perspective of the Andalusian Regional Healthcare Service. The primary effectiveness endpoint was the probability of achieving an improvement in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ≥ 15 ETDRS letters after 1 year of treatment. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of different improvements in BCVA was calculated. Results: Forty-nine eyes, twenty-eight (57.1%) eyes from the treatment-naïve group and twenty-one (42.9%) from the previously treated group, were included in the analysis. The total cost of one year of treatment was significantly lower in the treatment-naïve eyes than in the previously treated eyes [Hodges-Lehmann median difference: EUR 819.1; 95% confidence interval (CI): EUR 786.9 to EUR 1572.8; p p = 0.0272). The Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel Odds Ratio of achieving a BCVA improvement of ≥15 letters at month 12 was 3.55 (95% CI: 1.09 to 11.58; p = 0.0309). In terms of ICER, the treatment-naïve group showed cost savings of EUR 7704.2 and EUR 5994.2 for achieving an improvement in BCVA ≥ 15 letters at month 12 and at any of the measured time points, respectively. Conclusions: DEX-i was found to be more cost-effective in treatment-naïve eyes than in those previously treated with anti-VEGF. Further studies are needed to determine the most cost-effective treatment based on patient profile

    HIV infection and multiple sclerosis: a case with unexpected "no evidence of disease activity" status

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system whose etiology remains unclear. It has been suggested that MS can be triggered by certain viruses; however, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is associated with reduced incidence of MS. We present the case of a young patient diagnosed with active relapsing-remitting MS whose clinical course substantially improved following HIV infection and treatment. The patient achieved no evidence of disease activity status without any disease-modifying drugs. Both HIV-induced immunosuppression and antiretroviral therapy may have attenuated the clinical course in this patient.This study was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project “RD16/0015/0026” (co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, “Investing in your future”).Ye

    One and Half Syndrome With Supranuclear Facial Palsy and Horner Syndrome

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    One and a half syndrome in combination with lower motor neuron facial palsy defines the eight and half syndrome. It is caused due to a dorsal pontine tegmentum lesion affecting the abducens nucleus/paramedian pontine reticular formation, medial longitudinal fascicle and the facial nerve nucleus/fascicle. We present a case of one and a half syndrome associated with ipsilateral supranuclear facial weakness and an incomplete Horner syndrome

    On-surface reactivity of enantiopure Subphthalocyanines: the role of chirality for 2D polymerization

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado al International Workshop On-Surface Synthesis (OSS), celebrado en Sant Feliu de Guixols (Spain), del 25 al 30 de septiembre de 2022.Peer reviewe