111 research outputs found

    YoeB toxin is activated during thermal stress.

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    Type II toxin-antitoxin (TA) modules are thought to mediate stress-responses by temporarily suppressing protein synthesis while cells redirect transcription to adapt to environmental change. Here, we show that YoeB, a ribosome-dependent mRNase toxin, is activated in Escherichia coli cells grown at elevated temperatures. YoeB activation is dependent on Lon protease, suggesting that thermal stress promotes increased degradation of the YefM antitoxin. Though YefM is efficiently degraded in response to Lon overproduction, we find that Lon antigen levels do not increase during heat shock, indicating that another mechanism accounts for temperature-induced YefM proteolysis. These observations suggest that YefM/YoeB functions in adaptation to temperature stress. However, this response is distinct from previously described models of TA function. First, YoeB mRNase activity is maintained over several hours of culture at 42°C, indicating that thermal activation is not transient. Moreover, heat-activated YoeB does not induce growth arrest nor does it suppress global protein synthesis. In fact, E. coli cells proliferate more rapidly at elevated temperatures and instantaneously accelerate their growth rate in response to acute heat shock. We propose that heat-activated YoeB may serve a quality control function, facilitating the recycling of stalled translation complexes through ribosome rescue pathways

    Mortalidad natural de tres camarones peneidos comerciales (Lithopenaeus vannamei, L. stylirostris y Farfantepenaeus californiensis) del Golfo de California usando intervalos de tiempo gnomónicos

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    The estimation of natural mortality (M) is critical for stock assessment and fisheries management. The shrimp fishery is the most valuable one in Mexico and along the Pacific Coast of Mexico, and exploitation primarily targets three species: white (Litopenaeus vannamei), blue (L. stylirostris), and brown (Farfantepenaeus californiensis). It is a sequential fishery, so an appropriate estimate of M for different life stages is required for management purposes. Typically, M is estimated from the exploited stock, which is usually composed of adults, assuming a constant value for M, and this estimate is used for studies of population dynamics, stock assessments and determinations of the status of a fishery. In this study, we estimate M-at-age (i.e. life stage) for each species using the gnomonic time division model. The gnomonic intervals correspond to the actual life stages reported in the literature, whose duration was used for model fitting. The gnomonic model showed that M declines sharply in early life stages but declines to an asymptotic value after reaching maturity, and the model provided biologically consistent estimates of M at each life stage for the three shrimp species. Such estimates may be used with confidence to model the dynamics of sequential shrimp fisheries.La estimación de mortalidad natural (M) es crítica para la evaluación de stocks y el manejo de las pesquerías. La pesquería de camarón es la de mayor valor en México y a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico de México, y la explotación tiene primariamente a tres especies como objetivo: blanco (Litopenaeus vannamei), azul (L. stylirostris) y café (Farfantepenaeus californiensis). Se trata de una pesquería secuencial, de tal suerte que para su manejo se requiere de una apropiada estimación de M para los diferentes estadios de vida. Típicamente M es estimada de stocks explotados, los cuales están usualmente compuestos de organismos adultos, se supone un valor de M constante y esta estimación es usada para estudios de dinámica de poblaciones, evaluación de stocks y determinación del estado de las pesquerías. En este estudio estimamos M-a-edad (p.ej. estadios de vida) para cada especie usando el modelo de intervalos de tiempo gnomónicos. La duración de los intervalos gnomónicos corresponde a los estadios de vida reportados en literatura, cuya duración fue usada para ajustar el modelo. El modelo de intervalos gnomónicos mostró que M declina rápidamente en estadios tempranos de vida, cambiando hacia un valor asintótico después de alcanzar la madurez. El modelo provée estimaciones de M biológicamente consistentes para cada estadio de vida para las tres especies. Estas estimaciones pueden ser usadas con confianza para modelar la dinámica de pesquerías secuenciales del camarón

    Specific educational needs detection in Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in superior middle level students students

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    Purpose: Detection ASD and intervention in superior middle level students at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), Mexico. Description: Upon admission to superior middle level at UANL, modified Gilliam Asperger\u27s disorder scale (GADS) was applied to parents in a Program to identify behavioral characteristics associated to ASD. Parents of students with positive GADS were informed and students were scheduled for standard psychological testing in order to evaluate cognitive process, study habits, social anxiety and self-esteem, prior to an intervention. From 2014 to 2020, 178 013 GADS were applied; there were 332 (0.19%) students with definite or suggestive pattern of ASD. Among them, 247 (74.4%) consented to continue in Program to receive psychologic and pedagogic intervention, according to found needs. During program, an intense collaboration of all superior middle level education Departments at UANL was shown. This Program promotes inclusive education in order to transform the learning process so that educational needs of ADS students are met. This implies a team effort with clear levels of responsibilities and fields of action

    Detection of aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected with dengue virus as a complementary method for increasing the sensitivity of surveillance: identification of serotypes 1, 2, and 4 by rt-pcr in Quintana Roo, Mexico

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    Abstract. Sensitivity of monitoring Aedes aegypti (L.) populations was determined to identify the distribution of dengue virus (DENV) during epidemics in Quintana Roo. From September to November 2012, we used a motorized aspirator to collect 2,144 female Ae. aegypti from 569 homes. These were grouped into 220 to use semi-nested RT-PCR for DENV, and positive groups were analyzed individually. Five groups (2.27%) were positive for DENV. Individual analysis yielded eight groups that tested positive, six with DENV-2, one DENV-1, and one DENV-4. The latter was not reported by the surveillance system that year. The mean number of female mosquitoes per household was 3.77 ± 5.71, and the rate of viral infection of Ae. aegypti was 0.4%. Most infected mosquitoes (49%) were concentrated in 10% of the houses. Monitoring Ae. aegypti infected with DENV has the potential to complement the current system of clinical and entomological surveillance

    Similarities between the lipid proile of Mexican patients with lupus and the general population

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    Premature cardiovascular events have been observed in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, but the reason for this accelerated process is still debatable; although traditional risk factors are more prevalent in such patients than in the general population, the do not seem to fully explain that enhanced risk. One of the most important conditions is a proatherogenic lipid proile. There is not enough data about it in Mexican SLE patients. Objective: To establish the differences in the lipid proiles between Mexican patients with SLE and the general population. Material and methods: Observational, transversal, descriptive and comparative study, between SLE patients and age-sex-matched healthy volunteers. We performed a full lipid proile (by spectrophotometry) 14 hours of fast. The results obtained were analyzed by the statistical program SPSS® Statistics version 17. Results: We studied the full lipid proiles of 138 subjects, 69 with a diagnosis of SLE and 69 agesex- matched healthy volunteers; 95.7% were females and 4.3% males. Average age was 30 years; average body mass index (BMI) 25.96 ± 5.96 kg/m² in SLE patients and 26.72 ± 4.36 kg/m² in the control group (p = 0.396). Average of total cholesterol 156 mg/dl in the SLE patients and 169.4 mg/dl in the control group (p =0.028); average of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol 85.27 mg/dl in the SLE patients and 97.57 mg/dl in the control group (p = 0.023). Conclusions: We did not ind statistical differences in the lipid proiles among patients and healthy volunteers, which could explain increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality observed in SLE patient

    Genetic variants in KCNJ11, TCF7L2 and HNF4A are associated with type 2 diabetes, BMI and dyslipidemia in families of Northeastern Mexico: A pilot study

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    Abstract. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether genetic markers considered risk factors for metabolic syndromes, including dyslipidemia, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), can be applied to a Northeastern Mexican population. A total of 37 families were analyzed for 63 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and the age, body mass index (BMI), glucose tolerance values and blood lipid levels, including those of cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very LDL (VLDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and triglycerides were evaluated. Three genetic markers previously associated with metabolic syndromes were identified in the sample population, including KCNJ11, TCF7L2 and HNF4A. The KCNJ11 SNP rs5210 was associated with T2DM, the TCF7L2 SNP rs11196175 was associated with BMI and cholesterol and LDL levels, the TCF7L2 SNP rs12255372 was associated with BMI and HDL, VLDL and triglyceride levels, and the HNF4A SNP rs1885088 was associated with LDL levels (P<0.05)

    Escucha México: estrategias gráficas y cultura auditiva

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    El PAP Escucha México está en constante búsqueda de implementar entornos incluyentes, el desarrollo de la educación sobre la salud y cultura auditiva, proveer las herramientas necesarias para un confort acústico e informar a la ciudadanía y a nuestra comunidad universitaria, acerca de la discapacidad auditiva. Con una gran empatía, se busca que la sociedad esté más informada y de este modo, desarrollar una conciencia acerca de las repercusiones que el ruido puede ocasionar, rasgos negativos irreversibles afectando nuestra salud física y emocional. También nos adentramos a conocer términos científicos y logramos adecuar dicha información para transmitirla de manera clara a las demás personas. Para lograr estas metas, el PAP cuenta con 5 proyectos internos con objetivos específicos buscando siempre un entorno incluyente en los que existen diferentes metodologías de trabajo desde cualitativas hasta cuantitativas, e incluso técnicas de investigación y recopilación de datos. Estos proyectos son: Cruzada contra el Ruido, Mariana Anaya Doll, Redes Sociales Escucha México, Cultura Auditiva (Estrategias de Enseñanza/Aprendizaje) y el Segundo Encuentro de Cultura Auditiva. Cada proyecto tiene un propósito en específico, así como diferentes áreas de trabajo que proveen manejo de redes sociales, investigación e incluso apoya a terceros como Mariana Anaya. Parte fundamental como individuos es reconocer nuestro papel dentro de nuestro entorno y por consecuencia, responder de manera correcta a la corresponsabilidad que cada uno de nosotros tenemos en injerencia a actuar de manera responsable en nuestra sociedad. Por ende, estamos comprometidos y abiertos a la apertura de diálogos, información y de nuevas tendencias, para así lograr un mayor alcance con fines educativos y de comunicación con base a la inclusión y el respeto social.ITESO, A.C