270 research outputs found

    Supporting End-User Development through a New Composition Model: An Empirical Study

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    End-user development (EUD) is much hyped, and its impact has outstripped even the most optimistic forecasts. Even so, the vision of end users programming their own solutions has not yet materialized. This will continue to be so unless we in both industry and the research community set ourselves the ambitious challenge of devising end to end an end-user application development model for developing a new age of EUD tools. We have embarked on this venture, and this paper presents the main insights and outcomes of our research and development efforts as part of a number of successful EU research projects. Our proposal not only aims to reshape software engineering to meet the needs of EUD but also to refashion its components as solution building blocks instead of programs and software developments. This way, end users will really be empowered to build solutions based on artefacts akin to their expertise and understanding of ideal solution

    In Situ Study of the Impact of Aberration-Corrected Electron-Beam Lithography on the Electronic Transport of Suspended Graphene Devices

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    The implementation of aberration-corrected electron beam lithography (AC-EBL) in a 200 keV scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) is a novel technique that could be used for the fabrication of quantum devices based on 2D atomic crystals with single nanometer critical dimensions, allowing to observe more robust quantum effects. In this work we study electron beam sculpturing of nanostructures on suspended graphene field effect transistors using AC-EBL, focusing on the in situ characterization of the impact of electron beam exposure on device electronic transport quality. When AC-EBL is performed on a graphene channel (local exposure) or on the outside vicinity of a graphene channel (non-local exposure), the charge transport characteristics of graphene can be significantly affected due to charge doping and scattering. While the detrimental effect of non-local exposure can be largely removed by vigorous annealing, local-exposure induced damage is irreversible and cannot be fixed by annealing. We discuss the possible causes of the observed exposure effects. Our results provide guidance to the future development of high-energy electron beam lithography for nanomaterial device fabrication

    Los modelos jerónimos en los escritos y en la vida de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz : 1682-1695

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    Una de las líneas críticas que ha calado con más fuerza en los estudios sobre Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz es la propuesta por Octavio Paz en su famoso libro Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz o las trampas de la Fe de 1982. En él, se plantea una lectura de la vida de esta monja a partir de una constante rebeldía frente a su entorno, básicamente, a causa de una condición que le habría de causar numerosos problemas siempre: su natural inclinación a los asuntos del conocimiento. Esta línea de lectura va a tener una influencia muy fuerte, sobre todo, en el estudio de sus últimos años, los cuales estuvieron marcados por la polémica en torno de la publicación de la Carta atenagórica sin su autorización en el mes de diciembre de 1690 por parte del obispo de Puebla, Manuel Fernández de Santa Cruz. En esa carta, de circulación privada en primera instancia, Juana Inés refutaba al teólogo portugués Antonio de Vieira por su Sermón del mandato. Tal publicación no consentida, además, fue acompañada por una carta en la que el propio Fernández de Santa Cruz, disfrazando su pluma como la monja Sor Filotea, responde a Sor Juana y le pide una dedicación más atenta a las letras sagradas. La respuesta a esta carta no se hizo esperar y, en marzo de 1691, saca a la luz Sor Juana la Respuesta a Sor Filotea de la Cruz en la cual establece una defensa del estudio de las mujeres y de su participación en la vida pública eclesiástica.Tesi


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    El presente estudio se centrará en el análisis de las características especialesde la traducción del italiano al español de los Diálogos de Amor deLeón Hebreo (en adelante DA) realizada por el Inca Garcilaso de la Vega ypublicada en 1590. Dicho análisis se centrará en el contexto de la teoría ypráctica de la traducción en España en los siglos XV y XVI, tiempo en elque se privilegiaban los resúmenes, las adaptaciones libres, las modificacionesde contenido y forma, y las paráfrasis. Sin embargo, también se hicierontraducciones, influidas por el humanismo italiano, que impusieron elcriterio de fidelidad y de respeto por el original. Esta nueva tradición se inaugura,en España, con la publicación de la traducción del Cortesano deBaldassare Castiglione, por Juan Boscán, en 1534.La traducción de los DA, se vincula con la línea de éste último pues pretendeser fiel a través de una opción literal infrecuente en su contexto. Además,se busca establecer las fuentes de esa literalidad, de la fidelidad aloriginal y de los elementos característicos de este tipo de traducción en lainfluencia de las ideas de Juan Luis Vives, en las fuentes del humanismoitaliano y del círculo de humanistas religiosos, y en las prácticas filológicasque permitieron la aplicación, por parte del Inca Garcilaso, de una teoría dela traducción innovadora.In this article the autor analyzes Garcilaso' s translation ofthe Dialogues ofLove ofLeon Hebreo from Italian to Spanish, ata time when abstracts, freeadaptations, texts modified in content and form and paraphrasis werecommon practice in the task of translation later, influenced by Italianhumanism, translators paid respect to the original

    Spatial distribution of marine ecosystem service capacity in the European seas

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    Practitioners and policy makers at European Union (EU) and Member States level are increasingly seeking spatially-explicit ecosystem service information to use in decision-making and the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. Whilst under the MAES Action, land-cover data has already been used to map the distribution of several ecosystem services provided over the European land surface, a similar exercise exploiting existing seabed habitat data is still lacking for the European Seas. In this work we map the distribution of seabed-associated ecosystem services capacity by using a methodology that brings together (i) a geospatial dataset representing the broadscale distribution of permanently-submerged seabed habitats with (ii) information on each habitat capacity to provide ecosystem services. A compilation of EUNIS-harmonized broadscale seabed habitat maps based on EMODNET Seabed Habitats and UNEP GSGFM is exploited as the pan-European cartographic basis. The exercise extends out to the limits of the Extended Continental Shelf claims, achieving an areal coverage of approximately 8.7 million km2, i.e., more than 90% of the EU seafloor area in the Northeast Atlantic and adjacent seas. Alongside, expert-based assessments of each marine EUNIS habitat's capacity to provide CICES-harmonized Ecosystem Services are compiled from a literature review into a presence-only lookup table. Overall, the new seabed habitats versus ecosystem services lookup tables relate 33 ecosystem services to 67 EUNIS and 24 non-EUNIS seabed habitats. These results suggest that out of all marine habitats (n=974) in the EUNIS classification (EUNIS A1 to A7), only 14% (n=141) have so far been related to at least one ecosystem service. When all potential connections between the existing seabed EUNIS classes and CICES services are considered (n=104,218), results further show that only 2% (i.e., n=2,241) of the have been addressed qualitatively or semi-quantitatively. Based on this information, a total of 30 CICES ecosystem service categories are mapped: 3 at level 1 (CICES Sections), 5 at level 2 (CICES Divisions), 10 at level 3 (CICES Groups) and 12 at level 4 (CICES Classes). From these maps, area-based indicators of ecosystem service capacity (i.e., extent where each service is potentially provided) are extracted per MSFD region/subregion, Ecoregion, Fishing Area and an approximation of EU Member States (MS) maritime areas in the Northeast Atlantic and Adjacent Seas. Along with the maps, the study presents also some spatial statistics based on the extent over which each service is potentially provided. Different segmentations of the European Seas are used to aggregate these statistics including MSFD region/subregion, Ecological Region, FAO Fishing Area and an approximation of the Member State maritime area. Overall, continental shelves and oceanic elevations (islands, seamounts and ridges) were highlighted as ecosystem services hotspots where a larger number of services could be potentially held. When maps were segmented using MSFD region/subregion limits, the Extended Continental Shelf areas claimed by the EU MS in the Northeast Atlantic, together with the Celtic Seas and the Greater North Sea sub-regions stood as the regions holding most ecosystem service capacity. An ecoregion-based segmentation of the maps emphasized the Atlantic Deep Sea as the major ecosystem service capacity holder, followed by ecoregions containing large shelves, notably the Boreal Proper, the Boreal-Lusitanean and the Western Mediterranean. A disaggregation of the results per Fishing Area highlighted the Northeast Atlantic, namely areas around the British Isles and Macaronesia, as well as the western Mediterranean. When an approximation of EU Member States (MS) maritime areas was used, MS with larger EEZs (namely, UK, IT, PT and ES) came up as holding most of the marine ecosystem service capacity. The new maps and associated area-based indicators provide a first spatially-explicit baseline concerning the EU-wide distribution of marine ecosystem services. They contribute to the marine component of MAES and fulfil key objectives of the JRC’s SEACOAST and BES projects. Options to develop this research line and eventually make it more quantitative are expounded in the discussion and summarized in the conclusions. The new information is of value to practitioners, managers and policy makers, at European or Member State level, seeking spatially-explicit ecosystem service information for marine spatial planning and environmental management. Researchers initiating and developing marine ecosystem service mapping studies are also expected users.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    Evaluation of MEA 5M performance at different CO2 concentrations of flue gas tested at a CO2 capture lab-scale plant

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    Chemical absorption is the most effective and mature post-combustion alternative that might be applied for carbon capture in fossilfuel power plants and other energy-intensive industries such as cement production, refineries and iron and steel manufacturing. In respect to the cement production, inherent CO2 emissions produced during the calcination of limestone contributes around 60% of the total CO2 emissions and they can be only reduced using CCS. A test campaign was carried out in a 0.48 kg CO2/h lab-scale CO2 capture plant using a synthetic flue gas derived from both a conventional fossil-fuel power plant (15%v/v CO2) and a cement plant (20%v/v). The use of a higher CO2 concentrated flue gas enhanced the CO2 absorption and hence the overall CO2 capture process. Higher CO2 concentrations also increased the solvent cyclic capacity which was displaced to higher values as CO2 concentration shifted from 15%v/v CO2 to 20%v/v CO2. A 29% reduction of the energy consumption per ton of CO2 was achieved in the stripper as flue gas shifted from 15%v/v CO2 to 20%v/v, showing post-combustion capture based on chemical absorption as a potential approach to mitigate CO2 emissions originating from cement production.inisterio de Economía y Competitividad CTM-2014-58573-

    Educándonos en la inclusión de cara a la pobreza. Escuela y universidad construyendo juntas

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    El presente proyecto busca atender las problemáticas diagnosticadas en el Barrio Nuevo Golf de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, y así promover el cumplimiento de los Derechos Universales de los Niños. Nuestro propósito es erradicar la mayor cantidad de viviendas en riesgo, atender la falta de una alimentación adecuada, reconocer y valorizar los recursos territoriales disponibles en el entorno inmediato y atender las problemáticas ambientales asociadas a la pobreza y que tienen implicancia directa en la salud y educación. La autoconstrucción colectiva, a partir de estrategias innovadoras y amigables con el medio ambiente, acciones de impacto directo sobre la salud humana, a través del trabajo con Zoonosis, quienes establecen un plan prevención de enfermedades transmitidas por las mascotas; la autoproducción de alimentos, en el marco del Programa Pro huerta del INTA y el asesoramiento en compostaje, ya que el barrio no cuenta con recolección de residuos domiciliarios, son algunas de las acciones tendientes al logro de los objetivos. En la escuela que forma parte de este proyecto, se emplazó una carpintería, cuyo objetivo es la construcción de camas a partir de la donación de palets, por ser una de las necesidades más acuciantes. Dichas tareas se realizan bajo la supervisión de un carpintero, que integra el Programa Hábitat y Pobreza, de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Otro eje del proyecto está focalizado en las gestiones interinstitucionales a fin de conseguir insumos necesarios para la construcción como lo son el cemento, cañerías, chapas, entre otros. Los logros obtenidos hasta ahora tienen múltiples impactos, que son visibles en el Barrio, por la construcción de nuevas viviendas y huertas con recursos locales y gestionados por vecinos y las instituciones intervinientes. La relación interinstitucional Universidad – Escuela genera una sinergia que impacta el desarrollo de la sensibilidad y compromiso social, participación activa para el cambio y en el interés de estudiantes del nivel educacional medio, por las carreras universitarias u oficios que están incluidos en el presente proyecto. Continuaremos trabajando conjuntamente en éste proyecto y monitoreando los resultados parciales, a fin de realizar los ajustes pertinentes. La continuidad queda establecida en el Programa Marco “Hábitat y pobreza”

    Kinetic characterization of solvents for CO2 capture under partial oxy-combustion conditions

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    Partial oxy-combustion is proposed as a new carbon capture concept based on the use of oxygen-enriched air as an oxidizer instead of air during the combustion stage followed by a CO2 chemical absorption. This novel approach has showed potential advantages compared with other CCS technologies that may lead to a further reductions of the energy penalties related to the CO2 separation process. In this work, a lab-scale apparatus operating under semi-batch conditions was used for the kinetic evaluation of potassium carbonate (K2CO3), aminoethylpiperazine (AEP) and methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) and monoethanolamine (MEA). Four experiments were set for each solvent where the flue gas composition varied from 15%v/v (post-combustion) to 60%v/v. In general, the use of a more CO2 concentrated flue gas enhanced the CO2 absorption process and the kinetic was significantly improved under partial oxy-combustion conditions. The CO2 loading also increased in the presence of a more CO2 concentrated flue gas for each solvent tested. Those results strengthened partial oxy-combustion as a potential CCS approach in comparison with more mature technologies such as post-combustion and oxy-combustion.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTM-2014-58573-

    A component- and connector-based approach for end-user composite web applications development

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    Enabling real end-user development is the next logical stage in the evolution of Internet-wide service-based applications. Successful composite applications rely on heavyweight service orchestration technologies that raise the bar far above end-user skills. This weakness can be attributed to the fact that the composition model does not satisfy end-user needs rather than to the actual infrastructure technologies. In our opinion, the best way to overcome this weakness is to offer end-to-end composition from the user interface to service invocation, plus an understandable abstraction of building blocks and a visual composition technique empowering end users to develop their own applications. In this paper, we present a visual framework for end users, called FAST, which fulfils this objective. FAST implements a novel composition model designed to empower non-programmer end users to create and share their own self-service composite applications in a fully visual fashion. We projected the development environment implementing this model as part of the European FP7 FAST Project, which was used to validate the rationale behind our approach