940 research outputs found

    Fast and automated verification of multi-channel full time-domain EMI measurement systems

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    Recently, concern has been raised with regard to the adequacy of current verification practices carried out in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing laboratories. Bridging the gap in the scope and reliability of the verifications performed in EMC laboratories requires faster and simpler verification methods to be performed prior testing. This paper presents a verification method for Full Time Domain Electromagnetic Interference measurement systems (Full TDEMI) that is intended to be quick and automated in order to become practical under the “just-before-test” approach. The method comprises a four stage process for assessing: sine-wave voltage accuracy, response to pulses, selectivity and input impedance. The verification method has been implemented and executed on an oscilloscope-based Full TDEMI achieving a reduction of time and effort involved while ensuring the compliance with CISPR 16-1-1 applicable requirements. Finally, this verification method improves the statistical significance because of the large number of points and conditions checked by the measurement automation software.Postprint (published version

    Control judicial de las actividades de inteligencia del estado en el sistema penal colombiano

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    Los servicios de inteligencia han existido, existen y existirán en todos los países y organizaciones sociales. Ellos son los ojos y los oídos no sólo de quienes gobiernan sino de toda la comunidad. Constituyen el soporte básico del sistema político y en ese sentido su rol es de la máxima importancia, porque tienen la responsabilidad de prever las situaciones de riesgo que amenacen la estabilidad institucional, la seguridad interna y el orden constitucional y legal. Al visualizar esos riesgos y amenazas, los servicios de inteligencia deben orientar las decisiones más apropiadas y acertadas, para conjurarlas y garantizar el orden social y la convivencia pacífica. Esa alta responsabilidad exige de los integrantes de un servicio de inteligencia, un elevado compromiso y cualidades especiales, que garanticen una actuación transparente, total rectitud, apego irrestricto a la ley y una gran vocación de servicio a la comunidad. Ahora bien, ésta información obtenida a través de las actividades de inteligencia, no solo debe ser utilizada para los fines arriba indicados, sino que, es necesario hacerla útil en los procesos judiciales en contra de aquellas personas que han infringido la ley penal o que pretendan atentar contra el régimen Constitucional, Legal y las Instituciones del Estado. Es por ello, que este trabajo de investigación, pretende demostrar que las actividades de inteligencia que adelantan los diferentes organismos de seguridad del Estado y que tenga por objetivo servir de herramienta en los procesos de toma de decisiones y principalmente adoptar medidas para defender la independencia nacional, mantener la integridad territorial, asegurar la convivencia pacífica, la vigencia de un orden justo y la prevención de los hechos de terrorismo y corrupción, entre otras, no requieren de ningún control judicial por tratarse de asuntos relacionados con la defensa y seguridad nacional, es decir, que todos los actos e información de inteligencia que se obtengan bajo estos presupuestos, estarán sujetos a reserva de la información y por ende no podrán ser utilizados como prueba dentro de los procesos penales, simplemente, se deben tener en cuenta como criterio orientador de los administradores de justicia, sin que ello, sugiera una ilegalidad o ilicitud de los proceso penales que se adelanten con ocasión de la información suministradas por las agencias de inteligencia, con el fin de prevenir actos delictivos en contra del Estado y la población civil en general, como quiera, que la entrega de dicha información debe ajustarse a los parámetros de la Ley 906 de 2004, es decir, se podrá recibir a través de entrevista a la Policía Judicial o informes de inteligencia, que deben ser entendidos como noticias criminales y que en todo caso, deberán estar sujetos a verificación de los Fiscales Delegados y su Policía Judicial. No obstante, lo anterior, se requiere entender los conceptos básicos de inteligencia, contrainteligencia, clases de inteligencia, que entidades desarrollan inteligencia, que información deben buscar y conseguir, como lo hacen y cuáles son sus finalidades. Finalmente, se hace necesario dar a conocer que, los Estados desarrollan políticas de inteligencia, que es concebida y diseñada por diferentes organismos del Estado, creándose la Política Nacional de Inteligencia, que en todo caso es dinámica, cuyo propósito es definido o delimitada por responsables de alta jerarquía a través de órdenes de servicio y ordenes de trabajo, las cuales pueden ser aducidas como elementos que permitan caracterizar los motivos fundados en las diligencias judiciales y pueden dar origen a las investigaciones a que haya lugar

    Necesidades dietético-nutricionales en el tenis: Una revisión narrativa

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    Introduction: Tennis is characterized by a large number of competitions and little recovery time between them. Thus, tennis players and coaching staff have become interested in the role that nutrition can play in maximizing sports performance. The scientific literature does not have recent narrative and/or systematic reviews about to nutrition in tennis. The aim of this study is to map, describe and discuss the state of the science of nutrition and dietetic practices for tennis players from a theoretical and contextual point of view, to enable focused future systematic reviews.Material and methods: A narrative review through the Dialnet, Elsevier, Medline, Pubmed and Web of Science databases, through a search strategy based on keywords separated by Boolean connectors. A series of inclusion / exclusion criteria were applied to select those investigations that responded to the aim of the work.Results: Nutritional recommendations on carbohydrate intake depend on the training load, 5-7 g/kg/day g/kg/day for normal training and 7-10 g/kg/day for competitive periods or high training load. The recommended protein intake is 1.8 g/kg/day and 1 g/kg/day of lipids. The supplements that can optimize tennis performance are caffeine, sodium bicarbonate, creatine and β-alanine. Beetroot juice can be a possible aid to consider in dietetic-nutritional planning in tennis players.Conclusions: Performance and health of tennis player can be optimized, as well as adequate periodization of nutrients and supplements, meeting to the physiological demands of tennis.Introducción: El tenis se caracteriza por una gran cantidad de competiciones y escaso tiempo de recuperación entre ellas. Por ello, los jugadores y cuerpos técnicos han empezado a interesarse por el papel que puede tener la nutrición para maximizar el rendimiento deportivo. En la literatura científica no encontramos revisiones narrativas y/o sistemáticas actualizadas sobre nutrición en el tenis. El objetivo de este estudio es mapear, describir y discutir el estado de la ciencia de la nutrición y las prácticas dietéticas para tenistas desde un punto de vista teórico y contextual, para permitir futuras revisiones sistemáticas. Material y métodos: revisión narrativa a través las bases de datos Dialnet, Elsevier, Medline, Pubmed y Web of Science, mediante una estrategia de búsqueda basada en palabras clave separados por conectores booleanos. Se aplicaron una serie de criterios de inclusión/exclusión para seleccionar aquellas investigaciones que respondían al objetivo del trabajo.Resultados: Las recomendaciones nutricionales sobre la ingesta de carbohidratos varían en función de la carga del entrenamiento, siendo 5-7 g/kg/día para entrenamiento normal y 7-10 g/kg/día para periodos competitivos o de mayor carga. La ingesta recomendada de proteínas se encuentra en 1,8 g/kg/día y 1g/kg/día de lípidos. Respecto a los suplementos que pueden optimizar el rendimiento en tenis encontramos la cafeína, bicarbonato de sodio, creatina y β-alanina, siendo el zumo de remolacha una posible ayuda a contemplar en la planificación dietético-nutricional en tenistas.Conclusiones: Es posible optimizar el rendimiento y la salud del tenista mediante una periodización adecuada de nutrientes y suplementos, que cumplan las exigencias fisiológicas del tenis

    Necesidades dietético-nutricionales en el tenis: Una revisión narrativa

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    Introduction: Tennis is characterized by a large number of competitions and little recovery time between them. Thus, tennis players and coaching staff have become interested in the role that nutrition can play in maximizing sports performance. The scientific literature does not have recent narrative and/or systematic reviews about to nutrition in tennis. The aim of this study is to map, describe and discuss the state of the science of nutrition and dietetic practices for tennis players from a theoretical and contextual point of view, to enable focused future systematic reviews. Material and methods: A narrative review through the Dialnet, Elsevier, Medline, Pubmed and Web of Science databases, through a search strategy based on keywords separated by Boolean connectors. A series of inclusion / exclusion criteria were applied to select those investigations that responded to the aim of the work. Results: Nutritional recommendations on carbohydrate intake depend on the training load, 5-7 g/kg/day g/kg/day for normal training and 7-10 g/kg/day for competitive periods or high training load. The recommended protein intake is 1.8 g/kg/day and 1 g/kg/day of lipids. The supplements that can optimize tennis performance are caffeine, sodium bicarbonate, creatine and β-alanine. Beetroot juice can be a possible aid to consider in dietetic-nutritional planning in tennis players. Conclusions: Performance and health of tennis player can be optimized, as well as adequate periodization of nutrients and supplements, meeting to the physiological demands of tennis.Introducción: El tenis se caracteriza por una gran cantidad de competiciones y escaso tiempo de recuperación entre ellas. Por ello, los jugadores y cuerpos técnicos han empezado a interesarse por el papel que puede tener la nutrición para maximizar el rendimiento deportivo. En la literatura científica no encontramos revisiones narrativas y/o sistemáticas actualizadas sobre nutrición en el tenis. El objetivo de este estudio es mapear, describir y discutir el estado de la ciencia de la nutrición y las prácticas dietéticas para tenistas desde un punto de vista teórico y contextual, para permitir futuras revisiones sistemáticas. Material y métodos: revisión narrativa a través las bases de datos Dialnet, Elsevier, Medline, Pubmed y Web of Science, mediante una estrategia de búsqueda basada en palabras clave separados por conectores booleanos. Se aplicaron una serie de criterios de inclusión/exclusión para seleccionar aquellas investigaciones que respondían al objetivo del trabajo. Resultados: Las recomendaciones nutricionales sobre la ingesta de carbohidratos varían en función de la carga del entrenamiento, siendo 5-7 g/kg/día para entrenamiento normal y 7-10 g/kg/día para periodos competitivos o de mayor carga. La ingesta recomendada de proteínas se encuentra en 1,8 g/kg/día y 1g/kg/día de lípidos. Respecto a los suplementos que pueden optimizar el rendimiento en tenis encontramos la cafeína, bicarbonato de sodio, creatina y β-alanina, siendo el zumo de remolacha una posible ayuda a contemplar en la planificación dietético-nutricional en tenistas. Conclusiones: Es posible optimizar el rendimiento y la salud del tenista mediante una periodización adecuada de nutrientes y suplementos, que cumplan las exigencias fisiológicas del tenis

    Full Time Domain EMI Measurement system applied to Railway emissions according to IEC 62236-3-1/EN 50121-3-1 standards

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper studies the advantages of applying time-domain based instrumentation to conduct electromagnetic interference emissions from rolling-stock. In IEC 62236-3-1 or EN 50121-3-1 standards, it is mandatory to measure the railway vehicle in static and in-motion conditions. When conventional frequency sweep instrumentation is employed, difficulties regarding ambient noise variation and the short-duration of worst-case emission modes take place. In Annex B of the standard, a test procedure is described to acquire the worst-case EMI, however, as it is explained at the paper the effective measured time at each frequency is only 0.08 ms in some frequency bands. Hence, multiple movements of the vehicle are needed increasing the uncertainty of the measured source and making difficult to distinguish vehicle EMI from background noise interference. To solve this problem, a Full-TDEMI measurement system is proposed with the availability to increase the effective measured time, reduced the ambient noise variation, the usage of multiple antennas at the same time and the possibility to discard transient interference that should not be evaluated. At the end of the paper, measurements carried out with the time-domain system are shown demonstrating the effectivity of the methodology. © 2018 IEEE.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    El objetivo fue medir la viabilidad de semillas de zámota, afectadas por el tiempo de almacenamiento y evaluar el efecto de la temperatura sobre la longevidad. Se cosecharon semillas en la zona central de Sonora en el período comprendido entre los años 2004-2008y se almacenaron durante0,25, 1,25, 2,25, 3,25 ó 4,25 años.Se encontraron diferencias significativas (

    New Prognostic Factors in Operated Extracapsular Hip Fractures: Infection and GammaTScore

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    [EN]There is no universal postoperative classification of extracapsular hip fractures (ECFs). We wondered if infection (according to infection after fracture fixation criteria (IAFF)), immediate partial weight bearing (PWB) and/or the new GammaTScore tool could predict early cut-out. We also examined the correlation between GammaTScore and time to consolidation and studied long-term survival. This was a retrospective cohort study of low-energy complete ECFs operated with Gamma3T nailing in 2014 and fully monitoring, in patients aged over 65. Ten not distally locked cases, one late cut-out, one cut-through, one osteonecrosis and one pseudarthrosis were discarded. Patients were classified into early cut-out (7/204; 3.55%) and no early cut-out (197/204; 96.45%). There was a lower percentage of A2 fractures according to the AO Foundation/Orthopaedic Trauma Association classification (AO/OTA, 1997) in early cut-out. IAFF and only the GammaTScore reduction parameter were different for early cut-out, in opposition to immediate PWB, tip-to-apex distance (TAD) or the Baumgaertner-Fogagnolo classification. GammaTScore inversely correlated with consolidation (p < 0.01). Long-term survival time was not statistically significantly lower in the early cut-out group. Small sample of cases may limit our results. Apart from an important role of IAFF, GammaTScore would be useful for predicting consolidation, avoiding complications and reducing costs. Further studies are needed for reliability

    Long-term outcomes of distal locking in extracapsular fractures treated with trochanteric Gamma3 nails

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    [EN]Background: Few publications have assessed long-term results of distal locking of short endomedullary nails for extracapsular hip fracture. Virtually all of them focus on immediate differences. Criteria for the use of static or dynamic locking are unclear in most nailing systems, and use is advised in unstable fracture patterns or with risk of bell-clapper effect, but often influenced by the “orthopaedic school”. Materials and methods: This is a historical cohort study on patients diagnosed and operated in 2014 and followed up until endpoint, considered as consolidation or major complication, plus evaluation of overall long-term survival. They were categorised as static distal locking (ST) or dynamic distal locking (DN). Both are comparable, except for all stable pre-operative classifications, Fracture Mobility Score (FMS) at discharge, and immediate post-operative loading,all of which were in favour of DN. Results: Consolidation took place in > 95% of patients, with a non-statistically significant delay trend in ST. Less than 6% in both ST and DN had major complications, with no differences. Most cases suffered early cut-out. Significant fracture collapse was the most frequent minor complication. There were more statistically significant minor and total complications in ST. Infection, without differences, can precede cut-out. Lateral thigh pain was similar and could be related to back-out. In DN, 21.1% of cases were truly dynamised. We did not find differences in mobility or in longterm survival. Conclusions: Any type of distal locking seems to be safe for consolidation, despite a slightly longer consolidation time in static locking. Early cut-out was the main complication, while others were very infrequent, which is an advantage over helical blade devices. There was a higher rate of minor and overall mechanical complications in ST, but infection and lateral thigh pain were similar. Most non-traumatic mechanical complications occurred around 5–6 weeks. About one in five of the DN truly dynamised, with all cases occurring before 8 weeks. Mobility until endpoint and overall long-term survival were not influenced by the locking mode used. Level of evidence: Therapeutic study, level 2b

    Maraviroc Failed to Control Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy-Associated IRIS in a Patient with Advanced HIV Infection

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    Due to the lack of therapeutic options for patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (PML-associated IRIS), maraviroc has generated expectations among the medical community. However, we report a patient with advanced HIV infection, who developed PML-associated IRIS and had a fatal outcome despite the addition of maraviroc to suppressive ART. Future studies are required to define the therapeutic role of maraviroc in PML-associated IRIS and differentiate individuals who may benefit from maraviroc from those who may develop neurological deterioration