6 research outputs found

    Space-time variation of the climatic water availability in the state of Goiás, Brazil

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    Este estudo objetivou estimar e espacializar a disponibilidade hídrica climática no Estado de Goiás, a partir dos dados de precipitação com 75% de probabilidade de ocorrência, e de evapotranspiração potencial. Usou-se o Sistema de Informações Geográficas, que, além de realizar as operações com dados georeferenciados de precipitação e evapotranspiração, permitiu a espacialização da disponibilidade hídrica climática. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o Estado é caracterizado por duas estações climáticas bem definidas: uma, chuvosa, com excesso hídrico climático, e outra, seca, com ausência quase total de chuvas e marcada por grande deficiência hídrica. O excesso hídrico verificado na estação chuvosa segue uma tendência espacial que diminui de importância de noroeste para leste e de norte para sul. Dividido em classes com intervalos de 20 mm, o excesso hídrico deu origem a uma distribuição espacial bastante heterogênea. Já a deficiência hídrica com menor variação mostrou distribuição espacial mais homogênea.This study sought to evaluate the climatic water availability in the State of Goiás, Brazil, from precipitation data, with probability of 75%, and evapotranspiration potential data. The Geographical Information System was used, which besides carrying out the operations of georeferenced data on precipitation and evapotranspiration, allowed the spatialization of climatic water availability. The results obtained showed that the State is characterized by two well-defined climatic seasons: one, rainy, with an excess of precipitation, and the other, dry, with an almost complete lack of rain and marked by a water deficit. The water excess verified in the rainy season follows a spatial tendency which decreases in importance from Northwest to East and from North to South. Divided into classes with 20 mm intervals, the water excess resulted in a very heterogeneous spatial distribution, while the water deficit, with a lesser range of variation, showed a more homogeneous spatial variation

    Dinâmica da água nas palhadas de milho, milheto e soja utilizadas em plantio direto

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of crop residue mulches from maize, millet and soybean on water storage capacity, water evaporation, soil cover, solar radiation interception and surface water run-off as well as to incorporate these effects in a crop growth model. The mulch of millet and maize presented higher capacity for water storage than soybean mulch: 3.26, 3.24 and 2.62 g of water per gram of dry matter, respectively. Water losses from wet mulches were related to the potential evapotranspiration. The soil cover levels were similar among the three types of material. The three types of mulch intercepted similar quantities of photosynthetically active radiation and infrared radiation. The mulch of maize straw was slightly more efficient in intercepting radiation than that from millet or soybean. Mulching with millet residues was efficient in the control of surface water run-off: only 45.5 mm of water (out of 843.5 mm rainfall) was lost through runoff under the no-till system with millet as cover crop, whereas 222.5 mm of water was lost in the conventional system with tillage. Most of the relations derived in this work could be described by exponential models.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das palhadas de milho, milheto e soja na capacidade de interceptação e de armazenamento de água, velocidade de dessecamento, porcentagem de cobertura do solo, interceptação da radiação solar e escoamento superficial, assim como incorporar estes efeitos em um modelo de crescimento de plantas. As palhadas de milheto e de milho apresentaram capacidade maior de armazenar água do que a de soja: 3,26, 3,24 e 2,62 g de água por grama de palhada, respectivamente. A quantidade de água perdida pelos resíduos foi proporcional à evapotranspiração potencial. As taxas de cobertura foram equivalentes nos três tipos de material. Os três tipos de palhada foram similares na interceptação das radiações fotossinteticamente ativa e infravermelha. Os resíduos do milheto foram eficientes no controle do escoamento superficial: do total de 843,5 mm de água precipitada, apenas 45,5 mm foram perdidos pelo escoamento superficial no sistema de plantio direto enquanto no convencional as perdas de água foram de 222,5 mm. Os modelos linear e exponencial expressam de forma significativa a maior parte das relações estudadas


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    Climatic risk zoning for corn and palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv: Marandu) cultivated in integrated crop-livestock systems in São Paulo state, Brazil

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    Climatic risk zoning allows the identification of areas of low risk of reduced crop productivity due to climatic events. In Brazil, losses to agriculture due to climate are mainly caused by drought. The objective of this research was to determine areas of low climatic risk for corn and palisade grass cultivated in integrated crop-livestock systems in Sao Paulo state. Corn varieties characterized by a 120-day growing cycle and soil with three different water holding capacities (sandy, medium and clayey soils) were considered. A daily water balance model was used to simulate planting dates between September and December. The water requirement satisfaction index (WRSI) was calculated for critical phenological phases of both cultures (germination, emergence and tillering of palisade grass and flowering and grain filling of corn). The WRSI values, calculated for a minimum frequency of 80%, were located spatially using the SPRING v. 5.1 geographic information system and the most favorable periods for sowing in different areas were determined. The results showed that there are areas of low climatic risk for cultivation of corn and palisade grass in integrated crop-livestock production systems in Sao Paulo state. Although climatic risk in these areas also depends on soil type, the most favorable period for planting is between October and November

    Dinâmica da água nas palhadas de milho, milheto e soja utilizadas em plantio direto Water fluxes in maize, millet and soybean plant-residue mulches used in direct seeding

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das palhadas de milho, milheto e soja na capacidade de interceptação e de armazenamento de água, velocidade de dessecamento, porcentagem de cobertura do solo, interceptação da radiação solar e escoamento superficial, assim como incorporar estes efeitos em um modelo de crescimento de plantas. As palhadas de milheto e de milho apresentaram capacidade maior de armazenar água do que a de soja: 3,26, 3,24 e 2,62 g de água por grama de palhada, respectivamente. A quantidade de água perdida pelos resíduos foi proporcional à evapotranspiração potencial. As taxas de cobertura foram equivalentes nos três tipos de material. Os três tipos de palhada foram similares na interceptação das radiações fotossinteticamente ativa e infravermelha. Os resíduos do milheto foram eficientes no controle do escoamento superficial: do total de 843,5 mm de água precipitada, apenas 45,5 mm foram perdidos pelo escoamento superficial no sistema de plantio direto enquanto no convencional as perdas de água foram de 222,5 mm. Os modelos linear e exponencial expressam de forma significativa a maior parte das relações estudadas.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of crop residue mulches from maize, millet and soybean on water storage capacity, water evaporation, soil cover, solar radiation interception and surface water run-off as well as to incorporate these effects in a crop growth model. The mulch of millet and maize presented higher capacity for water storage than soybean mulch: 3.26, 3.24 and 2.62 g of water per gram of dry matter, respectively. Water losses from wet mulches were related to the potential evapotranspiration. The soil cover levels were similar among the three types of material. The three types of mulch intercepted similar quantities of photosynthetically active radiation and infrared radiation. The mulch of maize straw was slightly more efficient in intercepting radiation than that from millet or soybean. Mulching with millet residues was efficient in the control of surface water run-off: only 45.5 mm of water (out of 843.5 mm rainfall) was lost through runoff under the no-till system with millet as cover crop, whereas 222.5 mm of water was lost in the conventional system with tillage. Most of the relations derived in this work could be described by exponential models