11 research outputs found

    Psittacanthus longerectus (Loranthaceae), una llamativa especie nueva de Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: We describe Psittacanthus longerectus (Loranthaceae), a species so far only known from Antioquia (Colombia) and discuss the taxonomic af nities of the new species with P. acinarius and P. cyclophyllus. Psittacanthus longerectus is characterized by having cordate leaves, erect branches, and terminal inflorescences.RESUMEN: Se describe Psittacanthus longerectus (Loranthaceae), una especie hasta ahora recolectada solo en Antioquia (Colombia) y se discuten sus a nidades taxono虂micas con respecto a P. acinarius y P. cyclophyllus. Psittacanthus longerectus se caracteriza por poseer las hojas con base cordada, ramas erectas y la inflorescencia terminal

    Exploring local morphological and molecular variation in parasitic species Gaiadendron punctatum (Loranthaceae) from Northwestern Andes of Colombia

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    Gaiadendron punctatum (Ruiz & Pav.) G. Don. exhibits a wide morphological variation and geographical distribution, ranging from Nicaragua to Bolivia. Reported polymorphism and the existence of more than 20 synonyms for Gaiadendron punctatum might indicate that there is either a cryptic complex, or that this species shows great variation. Populations from Northwestern Colombia were sampled to evaluate if local morphological variation was reflected in molecular variation. Two chloroplast regions were used, and haplotype networks were performed for each region. Also, reproductive and vegetative characters were compared between populations. Three different morphotypes were observed according to examined variables. DNA sequences showed some nucleotide substitutions and indels that characterized some of the morphotypes. Network analyses group together individuals of the same morphotype for both regions. We found evidence that the three different morphotypes here described showed some degree of genetic identity. Further work is needed for sampling along the whole distribution range of this species, to propose hypotheses about different entities or the existence of a single polymorphic taxon with altitudinal ecotypes.Gaiadendron punctatum (Ruiz & Pav.) G. Don. exhibe una amplia variaci贸n morfol贸gica y distribuci贸n geogr谩fica, desde Nicaragua hasta Bolivia. El polimorfismo reportado y la existencia de m谩s de 20 sin贸nimos para Gaiadendron punctatum podr铆a indicar que existe un complejo cr铆ptico o que esta especie muestra una gran variaci贸n. Se muestrearon poblaciones del Noroccidente de Colombia para evaluar si la variaci贸n morfol贸gica local se reflejaba en variaci贸n molecular. Se usaron dos regiones cloroplast铆dicas y se realizaron redes de haplotipos para cada regi贸n, tambi茅n se compararon caracteres vegetativos y reproductivos entre poblaciones. Se observaron tres morfotipos diferentes de acuerdo con las variables examinadas. Las secuencias de ADN mostraron algunas sustituciones nucleot铆dicas, as铆 como indels que caracterizaron algunos de los morfotipos. El an谩lisis de redes agrupa individuos del mismo morfotipo para ambas regiones. Se encontr贸 evidencia de que los tres morfotipos diferentes aqu铆 descritos mostraron alg煤n grado de identidad gen茅tica. M谩s trabajos se requieren, muestreando a trav茅s del rango completo de distribuci贸n de esta especie para proponer hip贸tesis sobre diferentes entidades o la existencia de un solo tax贸n polim贸rfico con ecotipos altitudinales.Fil: Carmona Gallego, Isabel. Universidad de Antioquia; Colombia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Vidal Russell, Romina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Laboratorio de Ecotono; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Alzate Guar铆n, Fernando. Universidad de Antioquia; Colombi

    Total suspended particles interception by five urban tree species in Valle de Aburr谩

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    RESUMEN: Durante los meses de mayo a julio de 2005, se evalu贸 la capacidad de retenci贸n de Part铆culas Suspendidas Totales (PST) en cinco especies arb贸reas plantadas en el Valle de Aburr谩, mediante la cuantificaci贸n de la cantidad de s贸lidos presentes en el follaje de las especies. Adicionalmente se analizaron caracter铆sticas foliares que pudieran influir en la retenci贸n de PST. La informaci贸n obtenida fue extrapolada a la vegetaci贸n mantenida por el Metro de Medell铆n. Se encontr贸 que Syzygium malaccense y Lagerstroemia speciosa, son mas eficientes en cuanto a la intercepci贸n de PST, estim谩ndose que 1379 individuos pertenecientes a las cinco especies evaluadas y establecidas en el per铆metro del Metro de Medell铆n, interceptan 658 Kg/a帽o. Esta investigaci贸n busc贸 generar informaci贸n que ayude en la toma de decisi贸n de especies a plantar en sitios poluidos, con el fin de maximizar la intercepci贸n de este contaminante.ABSTRACT: Between May鈥揓uly 2005, the capacity of interception of total suspended particles (TSP) by five tree species occurring in Valle de Aburr谩 was evaluated by measuring the quantity of solids present in the leaves. Morphological features, which could influence contaminant interception, were also analyzed. The information obtained was extrapolated to the total vegetation maintained by Metro of Medell铆n. Syzygium malaccense and Lagerstroemia speciosa intercepted more TSP than the other 3 species here evaluated, estimating that 1379 individuals belonging to the five species included in the sampling and established in the perimeter of Medell铆n Metro, intercept 658 Kg/year. This research wants to generate information that helps to take decisions about the type of species to plant in polluted areas in order to maximize the interception of such contaminants

    El g茅nero Alchornea (Euphorbiaceae) en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia

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    A taxonomic study of the genus Alchornea in Antioquia, Colombia, is presented. Fifteen species are included, three of which (Alchornea brittonii, A. bogotensis. and A. discolor) are new records for the department. A morphological characterization, a species identification key, full descriptions, and taxonomic and geographic distribution notes of the species are provided.Se presenta el estudio taxon贸mico del g茅nero Alchornea para el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia, incluyendo 15 especies, tres de las cuales son nuevos registros para el departamento (Alchornea brittonii, A. bogotensis A. discolor). Se proporciona la caracterizaci贸n morfol贸gica para el g茅nero, una clave para la determinaci贸n de las especies, descripciones detalladas, as铆 como notas taxon贸micas y de distribuci贸n geogr谩fica

    Comparative antioxidant, antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of Ilex laurina and Ilex paraguariensis on colon cancer cells

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    ABSTRACT: To determine and compare the antioxidant, antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of leaf infusions of Ilex laurina and Ilex paraguariensis in colon cancer cells. Methods: Antioxidant activity was determined by ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) and FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power). Cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects were analyzed using MTT ((3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and sulfhorodamine-B respectively. Cell death and apoptosis of human colon adenocarcinoma cells SW480 and their metastatic-derived SW620 cells, were analyzed by flow cytometry using propidium iodide and Annexin-V. Results: Although their flavonoid levels were similar, I. laurina infusion contained 2.2 and 4.4 times higher amounts of total phenolic and caffeoyl derivatives, respectively, than I. paraguariensis. FRAP and ORAC values for I. laurina infusion were 1.6 and 2.0 more active than I. paraguariensis. Both plant infusions inhibited viability and cell growth of SW480 and SW620 cells. These results may be associated to cell cycle-arrest and apoptosis because of the comparable increase of hypodiploid and annexin-V positive colon cancer cells. Conclusion: These data highlight the antioxidant and promising anticancer activities of I. laurina and Ilex paraguariensis

    Caracterizaci贸n bi贸tica del complejo de P谩ramos Frontino-Urrao en jurisdicci贸n de Corantioquia y Corpourab谩.

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    Este producto es resultado de la ejecuci贸n del convenio 13-13-014-347 CE firmado entre la Universidad de Antioquia y el Instituto Humboldt en el marco del convenio 005 (13-014) entre el Instituto Humboldt y el Fondo Adaptaci贸n, contiene la caracterizaci贸n bi贸tica del complejo de P谩ramos Frontino-Urrao, en jurisdicci贸n de Corpourab谩 y Corantioquia, para ello se implement贸 la metodolog铆a de trabajo de campo establecida por el Instituto Humboldt, mediante la cual se elaboran transectos altitudinales seleccionados de acuerdo con los estudios preliminares, la informaci贸n cartogr谩fica y las caracter铆sticas preferenciales de los sitios.Bogot谩Subdirecci贸n de Servicios Cient铆ficos y Proyectos Especiale

    Atmospheric pollen and spore content in the urban area of the city of Medellin, Colombia

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    The atmosphere of the urban area of the city of Medellin, Colombia was monitored with the objective of identifying airborne pollen and spores throughout a whole year. Sampling was performed between February 2010 and March 2011, coinciding with the La Ni帽a climate phenomenon, which is characterized by a considerable increase in precipitation. Samples of airborne spores and pollen were obtained from a suction Hirst-type volumetric sampler. A total of 62 pollen and spores types were recorded during sampling, of which 30 were angiosperms, two were gymnosperms, 10 were monilophytes, and 20 were fungi. The families displaying the highest pollen counts were Oleaceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Polypodiaceae. We recorded an inverse relationship among precipitation and the quantity and diversity of pollen grains and fern spores. The angiosperm and gymnosperm taxa showed the greatest recorded grains throughout the sampling year with respect to the species mentioned herewith, which have been reported as allergenic in various aerobiological studies

    Anatom铆a foliar comparada de iGaiadendron punctatum/i y iTripodanthus belmirensis/i (Loranthacea)

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    Se describe la anatom铆a foliar de las especies Gaiadendron punctatum y Tripodanthus belmirensis, al objeto de estudiar posibles caracteres que permitan una identificaci贸n precisa de estos dos g茅neros de la familia Loranthaceae, de h谩bito arbustivo o arb贸reo. Las muestras se procesaron y sometieron a tinci贸n con t茅cnicas cl谩sicas para su observaci贸n al microscopio 贸ptico. Ambas especies presentaron similitudes como una epidermis monoestratificada y estomas de tipo rubi谩ceo. Sin embargo, se observ贸 una composici贸n anat贸mica claramente diferenciada en aspectos como el mes贸filo, forma y ubicaci贸n de las c茅lulas epid茅rmicas y la presencia de acumulaciones de s煤ber en G. punctatum o idioblastos abundantes en T. belmirensis. Se construy贸 una clave dicot贸mica para la determinaci贸n de especies con base en caracteres anat贸micos de la hoja entre las especies del g茅nero Tripodanthus y G. punctatum, adem谩s se discute brevemente el uso de caracteres anat贸micos en la determinaci贸n y soporte de entidades taxon贸micas diferenciables dentro de la familia Loranthaceae.Leaf anatomy of Gaiadendron punctatum and Tripodanthus belmirensis species is described with the aim of exploring possible characters that allow a precise identification of these two genera, characterized by tree or shrub habit, belonging to Loranthaceae family. Samples were processed and stained with routine techniques for observation on optical microscope. Both species showed similarities, such as one-layered epidermis and rubiaceous type stomata. However, a different anatomic composition was observed in aspects such as: mesophyll, position and shape of epidermic cells and presence of suber accumulations in G. punctatum, or numerous idioblasts in T. belmirensis. A dichotomous key was constructed for species determination based on anatomical leaf characters, between the species of genus Tripodanthus and G. punctatum. Furthermore, the use of anatomical characters in determination and support of distinguishable taxonomical entities inside Loranthaceae is also briefly discussed

    Anatom铆a foliar comparada de <i>Gaiadendron punctatum</i> y <i>Tripodanthus belmirensis</i> (Loranthacea)

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    Se describe la anatom铆a foliar de las especies Gaiadendron punctatum y Tripodanthus belmirensis, al objeto de estudiar posibles caracteres que permitan una identificaci贸n precisa de estos dos g茅neros de la familia Loranthaceae, de h谩bito arbustivo o arb贸reo. Las muestras se procesaron y sometieron a tinci贸n con t茅cnicas cl谩sicas para su observaci贸n al microscopio 贸ptico. Ambas especies presentaron similitudes como una epidermis monoestratificada y estomas de tipo rubi谩ceo. Sin embargo, se observ贸 una composici贸n anat贸mica claramente diferenciada en aspectos como el mes贸filo, forma y ubicaci贸n de las c茅lulas epid茅rmicas y la presencia de acumulaciones de s煤ber en G. punctatum o idioblastos abundantes en T. belmirensis. Se construy贸 una clave dicot贸mica para la determinaci贸n de especies con base en caracteres anat贸micos de la hoja entre las especies del g茅nero Tripodanthus y G. punctatum, adem谩s se discute brevemente el uso de caracteres anat贸micos en la determinaci贸n y soporte de entidades taxon贸micas diferenciables dentro de la familia Loranthaceae