83 research outputs found

    El presagio de un nuevo Madrid. El Ensanche Sur (1860-1878)

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    Castro’s project about the urban extension of Madrid was approved, in 1860, to solve the serious problems of stacking and public health of the city. Thousand of immigrants came to the capital for improving their living status and most of them established their home and job in these new city areas. Besides the city planning, the south urban extension was transformed into an industrial area by the train, where low-class people lived. This paper analyzes the evolution of these new southern suburbs of Madrid through people who lived in them and the progressive social differences that were appearing among the different areas of the city.En 1860 se aprobó el proyecto Ensanche de Madrid de Castro para solucionar los graves problemas de hacinamiento y salubridad de la ciudad. Miles de inmigrantes llegaban a la capital para mejorar sus condiciones de vida y muchos de ellos se asentaron en las nuevas zonas del Ensanche. Además del proyecto urbanístico, el ferrocarril transformó el Ensanche Sur en una zona industrial y de extracción popular. Este artículo analiza la evolución de los nuevos barrios del sur de Madrid a través de las personas que vivían en ellos y la progresiva diferenciación social entre unas zonas y otras de la ciudad

    Los albores del nuevo Madrid: el distrito de Arganzuela (1860-1878)

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    El distrito de Arganzuela surge al sur de Madrid a mediados del XIX como una alternativa residencial popular a una ciudad con graves problemas de hacinamiento poblacional. Un conjunto de promociones inmobiliarias, realizadas al margen de la legalidad darán lugar a un caserío pobre que acoge a la inmigración que la ciudad era incapaz de absorber. La puesta en marcha del Ensanche de la capital en 1860 intentará ordenar ese crecimiento; en el nuevo distrito urbano creado se expresarán las contradicciones de la evolución social de una ciudad, el Madrid de la segunda mitad del XIX, en que se combina un crecimiento demográfico y un desarrollo urbano notables con un escaso desarrollo industrial y una persistencia de las estructuras socioeconómicas del mundo de los oficios

    El presagio de un nuevo Madrid. El Ensanche Sur (1860-1878)

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    En 1860 se aprobó el proyecto Ensanche de Madrid de Castro para solucionar los graves problemas de hacinamiento y salubridad de la ciudad. Miles de inmigrantes llegaban a la capital para mejorar sus condiciones de vida y muchos de ellos se asentaron en las nuevas zonas del Ensanche. Además del proyecto urbanístico, el ferrocarril transformó el Ensanche Sur en una zona industrial y de extracción popular. Este artículo analiza la evolución de los nuevos barrios del sur de Madrid a través de las personas que vivían en ellos y la progresiva diferenciación social entre unas zonas y otras de la ciudad

    El combustible sólido recuperado: Producción y marco regulador

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    En los diferentes modelos de plantas de tratamiento de residuos domiciliarios, además de recuperar materiales destinados al reciclaje, se generan unos rechazos que no tiene utilidad y que generalmente se destina a vertedero. Sin embargo, poseen un contenido energético elevado debido a que están formados por una mezcla de materiales combustibles. La principal alternativa para la valorización de los rechazos es su conversión en un combustible sólido recuperado (CSR), con ello se lograría reducir el volumen de residuos enviados a vertedero y proporcionar combustibles alternativos para las industrias que hacen un uso intensivo de energía no renovable. En este artículo se presenta el marco normativo y legal de los CSR en España y se compara con el de otros países europeos. En este sentido, se analizarán los parámetros de calidad exigidos hoy en día a nivel europeo. Además, también se analizan los posibles usos del CSR y su posibilidad de considerarlos como un subproducto en lugar de residuoIn the different models of domestic waste treatment plants two materials are recovered: materials to be recycled, and useless materials that are transferred to dumping sites. However, the latter possess high energetic levels since they are formed by a mixture of combustible materials. The main alternative regarding those products is their conversion to refuse-derived fuel (RDF), since the volume of waste sent to dumping sites would decrease and alternative fuels would be provided to factories making intensive use of non-renewable energies. This paper presents the legal and normative framework concerning RDF in Spain, comparing it to other European countries. The quality parameters demanded in the European context are analysed, together with the possible uses of RDF and the possibility to consider RDF a sub-product rather than waste

    Modelamiento y simulación del desembalse de laguna sacamaca considerando presa de tierra como estructura de retención - lucma - gran chimú - la libertad

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    En esta investigación se determinó que el embalse de la presa más adecuada fue la de 4.5m de altura, esto ante una avenida extraordinaria provocada por lluvias intensas. Primero se empezó realizando el estudio de suelos de la Laguna Sacamaca, apoyados en las pruebas realizadas en laboratorio se determinó que el material es una arena mal graduada con alto porcentaje de arcilla; luego se realizó el estudio hidrológico empleándose los datos de la estación hidrológica Lucma, cabe mencionar que los datos con los que se trabajaron fueron del año 2000 al 2018, después de procesar la información de precipitaciones se obtuvo, para un periodo de retorno de 100 años un caudal de 5.403 m3/s, el cual asumimos como caudal de diseño, después de ello se realizó el predimensionamiento de las presas, dando como resultado 1 presa de 3.5m de alto y otra de 4.5m de alto. Con las 2 presas mencionadas posteriormente se procedió a calcular el volumen total de embalse, siendo de 494.62 m3 para la presa de 3.5m de alto y de 810.35 m3 para la presa de 4.5m de alto, esto demuestra que la presa de 4.5m de altura almacena un 38.96% más que la presa de 3.5m de alto. Se realizó el cálculo de las dimensiones de un vertedero rectangular, tomando como caudal 5.403 m3/s que corresponde a un periodo de retorno de 100 años. Después de ello se procedió a realizar el análisis de estabilidad de Talud cuando la presa está llena y ante un desembalse rápido, tanto para la presa de 3.5m de alto como para la presa de 4.5m de alto. Finalmente se realizó la simulación de rotura de la presa de 4.5m de altura en el software IBER, se escogió esa presa y no la de 3.5m de altura, esto es debido a que presa de 4.5m de alto contiene más volumen de almacenamiento que ante la rotura de dicha presa generará una inundación mayor que la presa de 3.5m de altura. Se concluyó que ante la rotura de la presa de 4.5m de alto, la altura de agua que llegaría a la población sería de entre 0.70m a 0.90m.The main objective of this thesis is to model and simulate the depopulation of the Sacamaca lagoon, using a maximum avenue of 100 years of return and establishing the basis to propose and design a suitable earth dam to retain the constant overflows of the Sacamaca Lagoon. In this investigation it was determined that the reservoir of the most appropriate dam was 4.5m high, this before an extraordinary avenue caused by heavy rains. First, the soil study of Sacamaca Lagoon was started, supported by laboratory tests, it was determined that the material is poorly graded sand with a high percentage of clay; then the hydrological study was carried out using data from the Lucma hydrological station, it is worth mentioning that the data with which they worked were from the year 2000 to 2018, after processing the precipitation information was obtained, for a return period of 100 years a flow of 5,403 m3 / s, which we assumed as the design flow, after which the pre-dimensioning of the dams was carried out, resulting in a dam of 3.5m high and another of 4.5m high. With the 2 dams mentioned below, the total volume of the reservoir was calculated, being 494.62 m3 for the 3.5m high dam and 810.35 m3 for the 4.5m high dam, this shows that the dam of 4.5m height stores 38.96% more than the dam of 3.5m high. The calculation of the dimensions of a rectangular landfill was made, taking as a flow 5,403 m3 / s that corresponds to a return period of 100 years. After that, the stability analysis of slope was carried out when the dam is full and before a rapid disbanding, both for the 3.5m-high dam and the 4.5m-high dam. Finally, the simulation of breakage of the dam of 4.5m in height was performed in the IBER software, this dam was chosen and not the 3.5m in height, this is due to the fact that the 4.5m-high dam contains more storage volume than before the rupture of this dam, it will generate a flood greater than the dam of 3.5m in height. It was concluded that before the break of the dam of 4.5m high, the height of water that would reach the population would be between 0.70m to 0.90m.Tesi

    Transcriptome (ESTs) of Avocado “Native” Mexicano Early Seed Development Shows Abundance of Regulatory, Antioxidant and Defense Genes

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    Avocado native “Mexicano” (Persea americana var drymifolia) has been a really important species in agricultural and indigenous medicine. In the agricultural world, it has been the germplasm source for the generation of economically important cultivars like Hass and it is the main source of rootstocks for the world production of Hass avocado fruit. In spite of its importance, little is known about the molecular network of seed-fruit development. The aim of this work was to know the expressed genes (ESTs) during the early avocado native “Mexicano” seed development. Using total RNA we constructed cDNA libraries of fourth months seed development, sequencing, assembling and bioinformatic analysis was made. For validation, a semi-quantitative PCR experiments with the most abundant genes were made. About 5005 ESTs from the 5’ representing 1653 possible unigenes were isolated. After assembling process, we have 171 genes that are closely related to Nelumbo nucifera sequences. The transcriptome is dominating by one bHLH transcription factor, three metallothioneins and snakin, suggesting its main role in seed development. Until now, there are no molecular studies in avocado seed development

    Analytical strategy based on the use of liquid chromatography and gas chromatography with triple-quadrupole and time-of-flight MS analyzers for investigating organic contaminants in wastewater

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    The presence of a wide variety of organic pollutants with different physico-chemical characteristics has been investigated in wastewater samples from a municipal solid waste treatment plant placed at Castellón, Spain. An advanced analytical strategy has been applied, consisting on the combined used of two powerful and complementary techniques, GC and LC, both hyphenated with tandem mass spectrometry with triple quadrupole analyzers. The GC-MS/MS method was based on sample extraction using C18 SPE cartridges and allowed the determination of around 60 compounds from different chemical families, such as PAHs, octyl/nonyl phenols, PCBs, organochlorine compounds, insecticides, herbicides and PBDEs. Most of compounds selected are included as priority contaminants in the European Union (EU) Water Directive. The UHPLC-MS/MS method, which provided high chromatographic resolution and sensitivity and short analysis time, used a sample extraction with OASIS HLB SPE cartridges and allowed the determination of 37 (more polar) pesticides. The methodology developed has been applied to the analysis of 41 water samples (20 non-treated, raw leachates, and 21 treated) collected between March 2007 and February 2009. Treated (reverse osmosis) water samples analyzed rarely exceeded 0.5 μg/L for the contaminants investigated. As expected, in non-treated leachates the number of detections and the concentration levels found were notably higher than in treated waters. The most commonly detected pollutants were herbicides (simazine, terbuthylazine, terbutryn, terbumeton, terbacil and diuron), together with fungicides (thiabendazole and carbendazim) and 4-t-octylphenol. In the light of data obtained, it has been proven that reverse osmosis process used for water treatment was efficient and notably reduced the levels of organic contaminants found in raw leachate samples. 2 In order to investigate the presence of other non-target contaminants, water samples were also analyzed by using GC-TOF MS and LC-QTOF MS. Several organic pollutants that did not form a part of the previous list of target contaminants were identified in the samples, thanks to the good sensitivity of TOF MS in full spectrum acquisition mode and the valuable accurate mass information provided by these instruments. The insecticide diazinon, the fungicide diphenylamide, the UV filter benzophenone, N-butyl benzenesulfonamide (N-BBSA), the insect repellent diethyltoluamide, caffeine or pharmaceuticals like erythromycin, benzenesulfonanilide, ibruprofen, atenolol or paracetamol, were some of the compounds identified in the water samples analyzed

    Biotransformation of Selenium by Lactic Acid Bacteria: Formation of Seleno-Nanoparticles and Seleno-Amino Acids

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    Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for the majority of living organisms, and it has been identified as selenocysteine in the active site of several selenoproteins such as glutathione peroxidase, thioredoxin reductase, and deiodinases. Se deficiency in humans is associated with viral infections, thyroid dysfunction, different types of cancer, and aging. In several European countries as well as in Argentina, Se intake is below the recommended dietary Intake (RDI). Some lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can accumulate and bio-transform selenite (toxic) into Se-nanoparticles (SeNPs) and Se-amino acids (non-toxic). The microbial growth, Se metabolite distribution, and the glutathione reductase (involved in selenite reduction) activity of Se-enriched LAB were studied in this work. The ninety-six assayed strains, belonging to the genera Lactococcus, Weissella, Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, and Fructobacillus could grow in the presence of 5 ppm sodium selenite. From the total, eight strains could remove more than 80% of the added Se from the culture medium. These bacteria accumulated intracellularly between 1.2 and 2.5 ppm of the added Se, from which F. tropaeoli CRL 2034 contained the highest intracellular amount. These strains produced only the seleno-amino acid SeCys as observed by LC-ICP-MS and confirmed by LC-ESI-MS/MS. The intracellular SeCys concentrations were between 0.015 and 0.880 ppm; Lb. brevis CRL 2051 (0.873 ppm), Lb. plantarum CRL 2030 (0.867 ppm), and F. tropaeoli CRL 2034 (0.625 ppm) were the strains that showed the highest concentrations. Glutathione reductase activity values were higher when the strains were grown in the presence of Se except for the F. tropaeoli CRL 2034 strain, which showed an opposite behavior. The cellular morphology of the strains was not affected by the presence of Se in the culture medium; interestingly, all the strains were able to form spherical SeNPs as determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Only two Enterococcus strains produced the volatile Se compounds dimethyl-diselenide identified by GC-MS. Our results show that Lb. brevis CRL 2051, Lb. plantarum CRL 2030, and F. tropaeoli CRL 2034 could be used for the development of nutraceuticals or as starter cultures for the bio-enrichment of fermented fruit beverages with SeCys and SeNPs.Fil: Martínez, Fernando Gabriel. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Química Analítica; . Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Moreno Martin, Gustavo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Química Analítica;Fil: Pescuma, Micaela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Madrid Albarrán, Yolanda. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Química Analítica;Fil: Mozzi, Fernanda Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentin

    Analysis of refuse-derived fuel from the municipal solid waste reject fraction and its compliance with quality standards

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    The final disposal of the Municipal Solid Waste is still a problem in many countries. The lack of space, the generation of leachate, and the emission of greenhouse gases as well as the requirements of the new legislation on waste dissuade the administrations involved from using the landfill option as a possible means of final disposal of MSW. The terms of the European Legislation on waste management and energy encourage member states to develop waste recovery techniques before sending it to a landfill. Therefore, member states have introduced source separation and mechanical-biological treatment to separate biodegradable recovery fractions (organic, paper-cardboard, plastic packaging, and glass) from the reject fraction, which is afterwards disposed of in landfills. One of the main aims of this study is to analyse the energy recovery properties of the reject fraction from a biological-mechanical treatment plant in Spain. For this purpose, this work presents a physical and chemical characterization of waste reject fraction from a real mechanical-biological treatment plant as well as the metal and halogen content. Additionally, the quality standards of the refused derived fuel processed at the laboratory and the atmospheric emissions of this type of fuel have been determined