3,542 research outputs found

    La utilització dels "serious games" en el tractament dels trastorns mentals : una revisió

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    Aquest article de revisió analitza l'ús que s'està fent dels anomenats "serious games" en el tractament dels trastorns mentals. La recerca efectuada a les bases de dades Medline i PsycINFO han donat com a resultat la localització de 537 articles que fan referència als "serious games" i als "computer games", dels quals 71 ho fan a la seva aplicació en l'àmbit de la salut i 14 a l'àmbit mes concret dels trastorns mentals. S'han trobat estudis que contemplen tractaments per l'esquizofrènia, el Trastorn per Dèficit d'Atenció i Hiperactivitat (TDAH), el Trastorn per Estrès Posttraumàtic (TEPT), l'autisme, el retard mental i les fòbies. Hi ha resultats encoratjadors en quan a l'eficàcia dels tractaments utilitzant jocs d'ordinador, realitat virtual i realitat augmentada, si bé degut a ser un camp de recerca molt jove es necessita replicar molts estudis per tal de donar validesa científica als resultats provisionals obtinguts.Este artículo de revisión analiza el uso que se está haciendo de los llamados "serious games" en el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales. La investigación efectuada en las bases de datos Medline y PsycINFO han dado como resultado la localización de 537 artículos que hacen referencia a los "serious games" y "computer games", de los cuales 71 lo hacen a su aplicación en el ámbito de la salud y 14 en el ámbito más concreto de los trastornos mentales. Se han encontrado estudios que contemplan tratamientos para la esquizofrenia, el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH), el Trastorno por Estrés Postraumático (TEPT), el autismo, el retraso mental y las fobias. Hay resultados alentadores en cuanto a la eficacia de los tratamientos utilizando juegos de ordenador, realidad virtual y realidad aumentada, si bien debido a ser un campo de investigación muy joven se necesita replicar muchos estudios para dar validez científica a los resultados provisionales obtenidos.This paper discusses the use being made of the so-called "serious games" in the treatment of mental disorders.This review article discusses the use being made of so-called "serious games" in the treatment of mental disorders

    Surface term effects on mass estimators

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    Context. We propose a way of estimating the mass contained in the volume occupied by a sample of galaxies in a virialized system. Aims. We analyze the influence of surface effects and the contribution of the cosmological constant terms on our mass estimations of galaxy systems. Methods. We propose two equations that contain surface terms to estimate galaxy sample masses. When the surface terms are neglected, these equations provide the so-called virial and projected masses. Both equations lead to a single equation that allows sample masses to be estimated without the need for calculating surface terms. Sample masses for some nearest galaxy groups are estimated and compared with virialized masses determined from turn-around radii and results of a spherical infall model. Results. Surface effects have a considerable effect on the mass estimations of the studied galaxy groups. According to our results, they lead sample masses of some groups to being less than half the virial mass estimations and even less than 10% of projected mass estimations. However, the contributions of cosmological constant terms to mass estimations are smaller than 2% for the majority of the virialized groups studied. Our estimations are in agreement with virialized masses calculated from turn-around radii. Virialized masses for complexes were found to be: (8.9 +/- 2.8) x 10(11) M-circle dot for the Milky Way - M31; (12.5 +/- 2.5) x 10(11) M-circle dot for M81 - NGC 2403; (21.5 +/- 7.7) x 10(11) M-circle dot. for Cantaurs A - M83; and (7.9 +/- 2.6) x 10(11) M-circle dot. for IC 324 - Maffei. Conclusions. The nearest galaxy groups located inside a sphere of 5 Mpc have been addressed to explore the performance of our mass estimator. We have seen that surface effects make mass estimations of galaxy groups rather smaller than both virial and projected masses. In mass calculations, cosmological constant terms can be neglected; nevertheless, the collapse of cold dark matter leading to virialized structures is strongly affected by the cosmological constant. We have also seen that, if mass density were proportional to luminosity density on different scales in the Universe, the 5 Mpc sphere would have a mean density close to that of the sphere region containing galaxies and systems of galaxies; thus, the rest of the sphere could contain regions of low-mass dark halos with similar mass density. This mass density would be about 4.5 times greater than that of the matter background of the Universe at present

    Modelling focused electron beam induced deposition beyond Langmuir adsorption

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    The continuum model of focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID) is generalized to account for multilayer adsorption processes. Two types of adsorption energies, describing both physisorption and spontaneous chemisorption, are included. Steady state solutions under no diffusion are investigated and compared for a wide range of conditions. The different growth regimes observed are fully explained by relative changes in FEBID characteristic frequencies. Additionally, we present a set of FEBID frequency maps where growth rate and surface coverage are plotted as a function of characteristic timescales. From analyzing Langmuir, as well as homogeneous and heterogeneous multilayer maps, we infer that three types of growth regimes are possible for FEBID under no diffusion, resulting into four types of adsorption isotherms. We propose the use of these maps as a powerful tool for the analysis of FEBID processes.This research was funded by an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship EP/M008517/1 and a Winton Fellowship. This work was conducted within the framework of the COST Action CM1301 (CELINA). DSH acknowledges funding from a Girton College Pfeiffer Scholarship

    Long-Term Stability of Thin-Film Pd-Based Supported Membranes

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    Membrane reactors have demonstrated a large potential for the production of hydrogen via reforming of different feedstocks in comparison with other reactor types. However, the long-term performance and stability of the applied membranes are extremely important for the possible industrial exploitation of these reactors. This study investigates the long-term stability of thin-film Pd-Ag membranes supported on porous Al2O3 supports. The stability of five similarly prepared membranes have been investigated for 2650 h, up to 600 °C and in fluidized bed conditions. Results show the importance and the contribution of the sealing of the membranes at temperatures up to 500 °C. At higher temperatures the membranes surface deformation results in pinhole formation and a consequent decrease in selectivity. Stable operation of the membranes in a fluidized bed is observed up to 450 °C, however, at higher temperatures the scouring action of the particles under fluidization causes significant deformation of the palladium surface resulting in a decreased selectivity.The presented work is funded within BIONICO. This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 671459. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Hydrogen Europe and N.ERGHY

    Análises bibliométricas da produção científica dos grupos de pesquisa sobre física do estado sólido na América Latina

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    The statistical data of the published scientific production of the Latin American research groups on solid state physics in the period 1967-1971,by year and by type of literature, presents the actual state of the scientific activity of those groups (see part 1) The distribution analysis of the group's scientific production published in journals show the distribution pattern of this data according to Bradford's and Zipf's laws (see part 2) The analyses of intercommunication among groups reveal what is the probability of every pair of groups communicate within the same population of journals. The methodology followed is based on the mathematical model described by Goffman when searching an indirect method of information retrieval (see part 3) On the basis of the foregoing analyses the growth and development of the scientific production along the period studied came to be known. The distribution pattern of data published in journals shows a non-conformity with Bradford's and Zipf's laws. The results achieved from the intercommunication analyses reveals that a significant communication among groups is only achieved at low points of critical probabilities.Dados estatísticos da produção científica total por ano e por tipo de literatura. Análise de dispersão da produção científica publicada em revistas especializadas, especialmente em conformidade com as leis de distribuição de Bradford e de Zipf. Análises de intercomunicação entre grupos através das mesmas revistas segundo um modelo matemático originário para processos de recuperação de informação

    Nivel de satisfacción del usuario externo con respecto al cuidado integral que brinda el profesional de enfermería en el tópico de emergencia del Centro de Salud Vilcas Huamán Ayacucho – 2016

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDetermina el nivel de satisfacción del usuario externo con respecto al cuidado integral que brinda el profesional de enfermería en el tópico de emergencia del Centro de Salud Vilcas Huamán, Ayacucho. El estudio es tipo cuantitativo, método descriptivo simple de corte transversal; la población está conformada por 869 usuarios externos atendidos en el tópico de emergencia, de enero a diciembre del 2015, por ser una población indefinida la muestra concurrente es de 86 usuarios externos, se utiliza como instrumento un cuestionario de satisfacción.Trabajo académic

    Direct observation of melting in a 2-D superconducting vortex lattice

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    Topological defects such as dislocations and disclinations are predicted to determine the twodimensional (2-D) melting transition. In 2-D superconducting vortex lattices, macroscopic measurements evidence melting close to the transition to the normal state. However, the direct observation at the scale of individual vortices of the melting sequence has never been performed. Here we provide step by step imaging through scanning tunneling spectroscopy of a 2-D system of vortices up to the melting transition in a focused-ion-beam nanodeposited W-based superconducting thin film. We show directly the transition into an isotropic liquid below the superconducting critical temperature. Before that, we find a hexatic phase, characterized by the appearance of free dislocations, and a smectic-like phase, possibly originated through partial disclination unbinding. These results represent a significant step in the understanding of melting of 2-D systems, with impact across several research fields, such as liquid crystal molecules, or lipids in membranes.Comment: Submitted to Nature Physic

    Design and Implementation of a HardwareModule for MIMO Decoding in a 4G Wireless Receiver

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    Future 4th Generation (4G) wireless multiuser communication systems will have to provide advanced multimedia services to an increasing number of users, making good use of the scarce spectrum resources. Thus, 4G systemdesign should pursue both highertransmission bit rates and higher spectral efficiencies. To achieve this goal,multiple antenna systems are called to play a crucial role. In this contribution we address the implementation in FPGAs of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) decoder embedded in a prototype of a 4G mobile receiver. This MIMO decoder is part of a multicarrier code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) radio system, equipped with multiple antennas at both ends of the link, that is able to handle up to 32 users and provides raw transmission bit-rates up to 125 Mbps. The task of the MIMO decoder is to appropriately combine the signals simultaneously received on all antennas to construct an improved signal, free of interference, from which to estimate the transmitted symbols. A comprehensive explanation of the complete design process is provided, including architectural decisions, floating-point to fixedpoint translation, and description of the validation procedure. We also report implementation results using FPGA devices of the Xilinx Virtex-4 family
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