8,806 research outputs found

    Teacher as Social Context (TASC) questionnaire in the Spanish setting:Teacher version

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave en inglés y españolSe realiza por primera vez la construcción o adaptación de una versión en español del cuestionario Teacher as Social Context (TASC). Se incluyó una muestra de 410 profesores de educación secundaria en España. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio utilizando la estimación de máxima verosimilitud; la invarianza factorial de la versión española del cuestionario TASC entre géneros se analizó utilizando un análisis factorial confirmatorio multigrupo. Por último, se realizaron análisis correlacionales entre las tres escalas TASC (participación, estructura y apoyo a la autonomía) y el compromiso conductual y emocional. Los resultados de esta investigación confirmaron la estructura del instrumento original manteniendo las tres dimensiones básicas. El modelo de medición también demostró ser invariable en función del género. Además, sustenta la suposición de que la percepción de los profesores sobre su propia actividad en relación con la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas de los estudiantes muestra una relación con el compromiso emocional y conductual de estos, siendo la implicación de los profesores la dimensión más determinante.ES

    Are Men And Women Different In European Higher Education Area?

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    One of the principles of universities is to include and promote teaching and research in gender equality and non discrimination in all academic fields of training. But this is not easy to measure. This paper proposes a qualitative methodology to measure the problem and applies it to the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

    Profile of residents: attitude towards tourism in Benalmádena (Costa del Sol, Spain)

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    Tourism development and evolution along the time causes multiple impacts. Based on characteristic profiles of resident, these impacts may be assessed differently. The attitude of residents and the identification of profiles is a tool that allows to asses the status of destination and propose future strategies for improving the destination. This study aims to analyse the role of residents regarding the perception of tourism.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Así mismo, Esta investigación ha sido subvencionada por el programa Nacional de Investigación Básica 2012, CS2010-30840. "Geografías de la crisis: analisis urbano turístico de las Islas Baleares, Costa del Sol y principales destinos en el Caribe

    Residents´ perceptions of tourism development in Benalmádena (Spain)

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2015.11.007This study examines the residents´ perceptions of the impact of tourism in Benalmádena, and the profiles of the residents according to socio-demographic characteristics. A questionnaire assessed how these characteristics influence the residents' perceptions towards the environment, economy, and socio-cultural aspects. The survey was administered to a stratified sample of 770 residents in Benalmádena. Results show a significant effect of socio-demographic variables on perception of tourism impact. The educational background, place of birth and how long respondents had been living in the community explain a significant amount of the variance in overall attitudes. Interaction analyses revealed that place of birth moderated the relationship between the tourism dimensions and the years of residence. For instance, the respondents with less than five years of residence showed more positive attitude towards the impact of tourism. We offer a profile of these residents according to their perceptions of the impact of tourism in their community.This research has received funding from the Spanish Government, Fundamental Research Program (R+D) (CSO2012-30840), “Geographies of crisis: analysis of urban and tourist territories of the Balearic Islands, Costa del Sol and main tourist destinations of the Caribbean and Central America”. Andalucia Tech, Universidad de Málaga, Spain

    Pollution And Environmental Indicators Using A Multicriteria Analysis

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    Pollution and environmental factors are a core topic because they influence in air quality of the different areas of a city. This is why in this article we propose to apply a multicriteria decision aid method (the Promethee) to establish a ranking among twenty one districts of Madrid city. To develop this ranking we use objective and subjective criteria that contain information about pollution and environmental indicators in these districts. The results show that some districts are the worse and the best regardless the used criteria

    Nuestra casa en el árbol

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    Muy brevemente, al tratarse de una reseña, la presente propuesta se articula como recensión reflexiva que quiere acercar la novela de "Nuestra casa en el árbol" a las y los posibles lectores. Se trata de una reseña compuesta en clave pedagógica, donde la voz de quien la escribe procura dejarse decir por aquello que esta historia nos desvela, a través de sus escenas, como potenciales sentidos educativos..

    Teaching based on the case method of building collective protection

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    One of the fundamental aspects in the adaptation of the teaching to the European higher education is changing based models of teacher education to models based on student learning. In this work we present an educational experience developed with the teaching method based on the case method, with a clearly multidisciplinary. The experience has been developed in the teaching of analysis and verification of safety rails. This is a multidisciplinary field that presents great difficulties during their teaching. The use of the case method has given good results in the competences achieved by student

    Analysis of teaching experience based on teaching by the case method. Application to reinforcing wooden floors

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    The technique of reinforcement of wooden floors is a matter clearly multidisciplinary. The teaching of the subject using the "traditional" method, explaining the theory first and then proposing and solving problems has not been successful. This paper discusses the results of a teaching experiencie. It has been the teaching of the subject by the case method. The results are clearly superior to those obtained with the traditional methodology