260 research outputs found

    El videoclip, una pieza audiovisual abierta a la total experimentación : La estética (hiper) surrealista de Floria Sigismondi

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    A lo largo de este estudio se quiere poner de manifiesto como una pieza –el videoclip– que nació claramente con una vocación comercial deja en muchas ocasiones de lado ese perfil publicitario para convertirse en un producto en sí mismo y de consumo propio, abierto a la total experimentación. Para ello, se profundizará en el trabajo de la realizadora Floria Sigismondi para el cantante David Bowie, tres piezas audiovisuales (Little Wonder, Dead Man Walker, The Stars) de inspiración surrealista (tanto a nivel estético, técnico como narrativo) que parecen superar los límites establecidos por la narratividad fílmica y sin miedo a la innovación.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    La inclusión de publicidad en informativos: el caso de <i>Deportes Cuatro</i>

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    El nacimiento de nuevos canales y el desarrollo y la expansión de medios de comunicación como Internet han llevado a la televisión a repensar la forma de hacer publicidad. A los ya tradicionales spots, patrocinios o publirreportajes entre otros, se han ido sumando, de forma paulatina, formatos publicitarios alternativos que tratan de evitar la fuga de espectadores. La necesidad de financiamiento ha hecho que espacios antes exentos de publicidad estén ahora colmados de anuncios que, como en el caso de los informativos deportivos españoles, sacan provecho de unos elevados índices de audiencia, una franja horaria atractiva, un público concreto y unos valores de credibilidad, seriedad y fiabilidad asociados al informativo como estrategia para atraer al anunciante. Por esta razón, en el presente artículo estableceremos qué tipo de publicidad emiten, a qué formatos se corresponde, de qué forma se hace y cómo se muestra esta a una audiencia cada vez más segmentada y exigente en el canal privado Cuatro.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    La inclusión de publicidad en informativos: el caso de <i>Deportes Cuatro</i>

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    El nacimiento de nuevos canales y el desarrollo y la expansión de medios de comunicación como Internet han llevado a la televisión a repensar la forma de hacer publicidad. A los ya tradicionales spots, patrocinios o publirreportajes entre otros, se han ido sumando, de forma paulatina, formatos publicitarios alternativos que tratan de evitar la fuga de espectadores. La necesidad de financiamiento ha hecho que espacios antes exentos de publicidad estén ahora colmados de anuncios que, como en el caso de los informativos deportivos españoles, sacan provecho de unos elevados índices de audiencia, una franja horaria atractiva, un público concreto y unos valores de credibilidad, seriedad y fiabilidad asociados al informativo como estrategia para atraer al anunciante. Por esta razón, en el presente artículo estableceremos qué tipo de publicidad emiten, a qué formatos se corresponde, de qué forma se hace y cómo se muestra esta a una audiencia cada vez más segmentada y exigente en el canal privado Cuatro.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    La organización de eventos como estrategia de relaciones públicas : El caso del Festival de Cans

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    Los eventos se han convertido en una herramienta fundamental de las relaciones públicas para dar a conocer una ciudad, promocionarla y atraer a un determinado público. Son actuaciones planificadas, centradas en una comunicación bidireccional de la que se espera un resultado concreto que hay que analizar con posterioridad a su ejecución. Teniendo en cuenta su importancia, la presente investigación se centra en el Festival de Cans, un evento de cine y música que se celebra de forma anual desde 2004 en Cans, una parroquia que apenas ronda los 500 habitantes y que pertenece al municipio de O Porriño, en Pontevedra (Galicia). Por ello, en esta investigación se analizarán las estrategias comunicativas y la importancia de la creación de una marca ciudad concreta en torno a los valores locales como claves de éxito para dar a conocer un territorio.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Influence of pH and temperature in the performance of Zn phosphate conversion coatings

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGThe influence of variations in temperature (from 50 ◦C to 70 ◦C) and pH (2.4 and 2.9) in the Zn phosphate conversion treatment of a high-strength steel was assessed in this study. The effect of the temperature changes depends on the pH of the bath. The results evidenced an enhanced corrosion resistance with the increased temperature for baths at pH 2.4, whereas no relevant differences were concluded for baths at pH 2.9. This latter pH condition provided a better surface coverage, even with lower coating masses, than the former value. The microstructural analysis showed the development of films composed of smaller crystals for the treatments at pH 2.9. Impedance spectroscopy was established as a powerful tool with great potential for characterising phosphate layers. The accuracy of this methodology greatly depends on the equivalent circuit used for the simulation. A model based on the transmission line allows the reliable estimation of the percentage of exposed area (coating efficiency), the identification of changes in the film conductivity, and the qualitative analysis of its structureXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B2021/1

    Impact of leadership style on the use of accounting information for decision making

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    The article explores the effect of different leadership styles on behavioural outcomes and the use of accounting tools. Literature on clinicians' behaviours regarding the use of accounting tools is sparse, limited in scale, centred on nurses and lacking generalizability, especially in non-Anglo-Saxon countries. The article fills this gap. The analysis focuses on how middle doctors-manager (associates) respond to their senior doctors-manager (leader) leadership styles and the influence of these trade-offs on associates' use of accounting tools for decision-making and decision control. The study is conducted in two large public Portuguese hospitals. Data collection using questionnaires and partial least squares (PLS) was the statistical technique applied. The results show that the relationship between leadership styles and behavioural outcomes is not straightforward, and doctors' professionalism plays an important role that needs attention. As highly-educated professionals, doctors have their own criteria and do not always consider managerial ones

    An international approach of the relationship between board attributes and the disclosure of corporate social responsibility issues

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: An international approach of the relationship between board attributes and the disclosure of corporate social responsibility issues. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (2018), which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1707. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Firms interested in being perceived by all stakeholders and society as drivers of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, especially regarding CSR reporting, should have boards of directors that defend not only shareholder interests but also all stakeholders' needs. Thus, we expect that efficient boards, particularly if well‐structured, will impact on CSR disclosure. As a result, in this paper, we examine the effect of board composition, particularly board size, board independence, board gender diversity, chief executive officer (CEO) duality, and CSR board committee, on CSR reporting. Using a sample of international firms, concretely 13,178 observations belonging to 39 countries, we hypothesize that all these attributes positively affect CSR disclosure, except board independence and CEO duality, which are expected to impact negatively. These hypotheses are theoretically supported by the agency and stakeholder perspectives. Our findings support all the hypotheses, except that of CEO duality, and therefore, we conclude that board characteristics such as board size, board gender diversity, and CSR board committees encourage the disclosure of CSR matters, whereas board independence discourages this reporting. Contrary to our predictions, CEO duality has a positive effect on CSR reporting

    Anatomical characterization of central, apical and minimal corneal thickness

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    <b>AIM:</b> To anatomically locate the points of minimum corneal thickness and central corneal thickness (pupil center) in relation to the corneal apex.<b>METHODS:</b> Observational, cross-sectional study, 299 healthy volunteers. Thickness at the corneal apex (AT), minimum corneal thickness (MT) and corneal thickness at the pupil center (PT) were determined using the pentacam. Distances from the corneal apex to MT (MD) and PT (PD) were calculated and their quadrant position (taking the corneal apex as the reference) determined:point of minimum thickness (MC) and point of central thickness (PC) depending on the quadrant position. Two multivariate linear regression models were constructed to examine the influence of age, gender, power of the flattest and steepest corneal axes, position of the flattest axis, corneal volume (determined using the Pentacam) and PT on MD and PD. The effects of these variables on MC and PC were also determined in two multinomial regression models.<b>RESULTS:</b> MT was located at a mean distance of 0.909 mm from the apex (79.4% in the inferior-temporal quadrant). PT was located at a mean distance of 0.156 mm from the apex. The linear regression model for MD indicated it was significantly influenced by corneal volume (B=-0.024; 95%CI:-0.043 to -0.004). No significant relations were identified in the linear regression model for PD or the multinomial logistic regressions for MC and PC.<b>CONCLUSION:</b> MT was typically located at the inferior-temporal quadrant of the cornea and its distance to the corneal apex tended to decrease with the increment of corneal volume

    Modeling Sustainability Reporting with Ternary Attractor Neural Networks

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    International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, December 20–22, 2018This work models the Corporate Sustainability General Reporting Initiative (GRI) using a ternary attractor network. A dataset of years evolution of the GRI reports for a world-wide set of companies was compiled from a recent work and adapted to match the pattern coding for a ternary attractor network. We compare the performance of the network with a classical binary attractor network. Two types of criteria were used for encoding the ternary network, i.e., a simple and weighted threshold, and the performance retrieval was better for the latter, highlighting the importance of the real patterns’ transformation to the three-state coding. The network exceeds the retrieval performance of the binary network for the chosen correlated patterns (GRI). Finally, the ternary network was proved to be robust to retrieve the GRI patterns with initial noise.This work has been supported by Spanish grants MINECO (http://www.mineco.gob.es/) TIN2014-54580-R, TIN2017-84452-R, and by UAMSantander CEAL-AL/2017-08, and UDLA-SIS.MG.17.02