545 research outputs found

    Magnetic transitions in Pr2NiO4 single crystal

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    The magnetic properties of a stoichiometric Pr2NiO4 single crystal have been examined by means of the temperature dependence of the complex ac susceptibility and the isothermal magnetization in fields up to 200 kOe at T=4.2 K. Three separate phases have been identified and their anisotropic character has been analyzed. A collinear antiferromagnetic phase appears first between TN = 325 K and Tc1 = 115 K, where the Pr ions are polarized by an internal magnetic field. At Tc1 a first modification of the magnetic structure occurs in parallel with a structural phase transition (Bmab to P42/ncm). This magnetic transition has a first‐order character and involves both the out‐of‐plane and the in‐plane spin components (magnetic modes gx and gxcyfz, respectively). A second magnetic transition having also a first‐order character is also clearly identified at Tc2 = 90 K which corresponds to a spin reorientation process (gxcyfz to cxgyaz magnetic modes). It should be noted as well that the out‐of‐phase component of χac shows a peak around 30 K which reflects the coexistence of both magnetic configurations in a wide temperature interval. Finally, two field‐induced transitions have been observed at 4.2 K when the field is directed along the c axis. We propose that the high‐field anomaly arises from a metamagnetic transition of the weak ferromagnetic component, similarly to La2CuO4

    Solución de Dos Escenarios Presentes en Entornos Corporativos Bajo el Uso de Tecnología CISCO

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    El objetivo del siguiente trabajo tiene como fin demostrar las habilidades obtenidas en el transcurso del Diplomado en Profundización Cisco CCNA, mediante la solución de dos escenarios propuestos de la vida real, que nos llevan a comprender, solucionar y verificar diferentes ejercicios de configuración de switches y router mediante configuraciones de topologías de red y con el apoyo de la herramienta de simulación Packet Tracer.The objetive of this paperis to demonstrate the skills obtained in the course of the Cisco CCNA Diplomado in Deepening, by solving two proposed real-life scenarios, which lead us to understand, solve and verify different switch configuration exercises and router using network topology tools and supported by Packet Tracer simulation too