293 research outputs found

    no Município de Alfredo Marcondes (Estado de São Paulo), Formação Adamantina (Turoniano-Santoniano), Bacia Bauru.

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    Sauropod dinosaurs (Titanosauria) remains were collected in Upper Cretaceous sandstones, at Alfredo Marcondes site, Adamantina Formation, São Paulo state. These fossils comprise a fragmentary right femur and a proximal portion of a right tibia. The femur was assigned to the family Titanosauridae on the basis of the following features: straight shape, somewhat anteroposteriorly flattened; fourth trochanter slightly medially pronounced right above of the middle part of the bone’s lenght; a proximolateral proeminence of thegreater trochanter and a medial deflection of the proximal end of the femur. The tibia described here shares similar features with Titanosauria taxa like a well developed cnemial crest only slightly curved laterally; a deep longitudinal concavity separating the crest from the tibial shaft and a very anteroposteriorly expanded proximal end. These are the first fossil bones of dinosaurs recovered from Alfredo Marcondes municipality

    Desenvolvimento de um jogo virtual simulado em suporte básico de vida

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    Objective: To validate the content of a virtual learning object in the format of a Role Playing Game – educational simulation game about basic life support, aimed at academics and health professionals. Method: Methodological, construction and validation study with qualitative data approach on the content of a virtual learning object, conducted between August and September 2016. Results: The game was developed in 13 screens, of which nine presented contents of basic life support, and the others presented general guidelines for progress in the game. The five suggestions of the experts were accepted by the researchers, and were mostly related to organization, clarity and vocabulary. No item was considered inappropriate by the judges, and the game had a mean content validity index of 0.96 and a Kappa value of 0.92. In the Likert scale evaluation, the game was considered in all analyzes as an excellent content for a virtual learning object. Conclusion: This learning technology is expected to support teaching of basic life support techniques for academics and health professionals, and to stimulate the development of similar teaching strategies in other scenarios, in order to bring advancements to the design of health training processes

    Decision support system for selecting sectoral data-bases in studies of the water–energy–agricultural–environmental nexus

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    A obtenção de bases de dados para auxiliar o desenvolvimento de estudos multidisciplinares em sistemas de redes complexas intersetoriais apresenta grandes desafios devido à falta de compatibilização e nivelamento entre as informações, uma vez que estão segmentadas de diferentes formas nos setores correlacionados. Diante disso, o presente artigo tem por objetivo propor um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão (SAD) para auxiliar na identificação, análise e seleção de bases de dados setoriais, visando subsidiar o desenvolvimento de estudos quantitativos mediante o conceito “Nexus água, energia, agricultura e meio ambiente”. Para tanto, foi apresentada uma estrutura conceitual definida em seis etapas: análise institucional, definição das alternativas, definição dos critérios, análise das bases de dados, matriz de classificação, e organização e seleção das alternativas. A validação do SAD proposto foi realizada por meio das bases de dados de âmbito federal presentes no Brasil. Após a aplicação do SAD nas bases de dados levantadas, verifica-se que: até o momento, o Brasil não possui bases de dados interconectados e compartilhados entre diferentes setores; as informações concentram-se em uma grande quantidade de instituições e contemplam uma multiplicidade de escalas espaciais e temporais, dificultando suas interações; a adoção de macroescalas, espacial e temporal, facilita a integração das informações levantadas; e as estruturas organizacionais setoriais do país tendem a inviabilizar o desenvolvimento de sistemas integrados em redes complexas. O SAD proposto permite uma melhor compreensão e visualização de possíveis simplificações e limitações inerentes em estudos integrados, de âmbito quantitativo, minimizando incertezas e direcionando estratégias sistêmicas de planejamento e gestão.Obtaining databases to develop multidisciplinary studies in complex intersectoral network systems presents great challenges. Databases often lack compatibility or data standardization because they are organized differently by sector. Therefore, this article aims to propose a Decision Support System (DSS) to assist in the identification, analysis, and selection of sectoral databases to support the development of quantitative studies. The concept of the “Nexus of water, energy, agriculture, and the environment” is used to illustrate the development of the DSS. To this end, a conceptual structure defined in six stages was presented: institutional analysis, definition of alternatives, definition of criteria, analysis of databases, classification matrix, and organization and selection of alternatives. Validation of the proposed DSS was carried out using national-scale databases for the Brazilian context. From the application of DSS in the databases surveyed, it appears that: Brazil does not have interconnected databases, nor does it share databases between sectors; the information is dispersed across a large number of institutions, and includes a multiplicity of spatial and temporal scales, hindering their integration; the adoption of macro-scales, both spatially and temporally, facilitates the integration of the collected information, and the country’s sectoral organizational structures tend to hamper the development of systems integrated into complex networks. The proposed DSS allows a better understanding and visualization of possible simplifications and limitations inherent in integrated studies of quantitative scope, minimizes uncertainties, and directs systemic planning and management strategies

    Introduction of robotic surgery for endometrial cancer into a Brazilian cancer service: a randomized trial evaluating perioperative clinical outcomes and costs

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome and costs after the implementation of robotic surgery in the treatment of endometrial cancer, compared to the traditional laparoscopic approach. METHODS: In this prospective randomized study from 2015 to 2017, eighty-nine patients with endometrial carcinoma that was clinically restricted to the uterus were randomized in robotic surgery (44 cases) and traditional laparoscopic surgery (45 cases). We compared the number of retrieved lymph nodes, total time of surgery, time of each surgical step, blood loss, length of hospital stay, major and minor complications, conversion rates and costs. RESULTS: The ages of the patients ranged from 47 to 69 years. The median body mass index was 31.1 (21.4-54.2) in the robotic surgery arm and 31.6 (22.9-58.6) in the traditional laparoscopic arm. The median tumor sizes were 4.0 (1.5-10.0) cm and 4.0 (0.0-9.0) cm in the robotic and traditional laparoscopic surgery groups, respectively. The median total numbers of lymph nodes retrieved were 19 (3-61) and 20 (4-34) in the robotic and traditional laparoscopic surgery arms, respectively. The median total duration of the whole procedure was 319.5 (170-520) minutes in the robotic surgery arm and 248 (85-465) minutes in the traditional laparoscopic arm. Eight major complications were registered in each group. The total cost was 41% higher for robotic surgery than for traditional laparoscopic surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Robotic surgery for endometrial cancer presented equivalent perioperative morbidity to that of traditional laparoscopic surgery. The duration and total cost of robotic surgery were higher than those of traditional laparoscopic surgery


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    O objetivo desse artigo foi analisar as políticas públicas para a educação superior, promovidas pós Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação – LDB/1996, com enfoque no Programa Universidade para Todos (PROUNI) e no Fundo de Financiamento do Estudante do Ensino Superior (FIES). Especificamente, buscaram-se verificar, as contribuições dos programas para o crescimento e fortalecimento da educação superior no País. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem quantitativa que possibilitou mensurar e analisar os dados coletados. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados foram a pesquisa bibliográfica e a pesquisa documental nos principais sites governamentais. A amostra utilizada para verificação das bolsas disponibilizadas, teve ênfase em 5 universidades do Estado de Santa Catarina cadastradas e nos dados do MEC sobre o programa em geral. Os resultados demonstraram que o PROUNI disponibilizou 163.584 bolsas em todo o Brasil. Já o FIES registrou, em 2012, 140 mil novos contratos. Atualmente no país, 500 mil estudantes cursam a educação superior com financiamento do FIES. Participam do programa 1.536 instituições de ensino superior. As contribuições verificadas nos programas promovem a inclusão social de estudantes de baixa renda e com deficiência

    Primeiro registro de ossos pós-cranianos de Titanosauria (Sauropoda) no município de Alfredo Marcondes (estado de São Paulo), formação adamantina (Turoniano-Santoniano), Bacia Bauru

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    Sauropod dinosaurs (Titanosauria) remains were collected in Upper Cretaceous sandstones, at Alfredo Marcondes site, Adamantina Formation, São Paulo state. These fossils comprise a fragmentary right femur and a proximal portion of a right tibia. The femur was assigned to the family Titanosauridae on the basis of the following features: straight shape, somewhat anteroposteriorly flattened; fourth trochanter slightly medially pronounced right above of the middle part of the bone's lenght; a proximolateral proeminence of the greater trochanter and a medial deflection of the proximal end of the femur. The tibia described here shares similar features with Titanosauria taxa like a well developed cnemial crest only slightly curved laterally; a deep longitudinal concavity separating the crest from the tibial shaft and a very anteroposteriorly expanded proximal end. These are the first fossil bones of dinosaurs recovered from Alfredo Marcondes municipality.Restos de dinossauros saurópodes (Titanosauria) foram coletados no município de Alfredo Marcondes/ SP, em rochas do Cretáceo Superior da Formação Adamantina, Bacia Bauru. Tais fósseis compreendem um fêmur direito bastante fragmentado e um fragmento proximal de tíbia direita. O fêmur foi atribuído à família Titanosauridae pelas seguintes características: formato retilíneo; achatamento crânio-caudal; quarto trocânter levemente pronunciado medialmente, logo acima da região mediana do osso; proeminência lateral do trocânter maior na porção proximal e uma deflexão medial na porção proximal, em relação ao eixo longitudinal do corpo femural. A tíbia apresenta características semelhantes a diversos Titanosauria como a crista cnemial pouco curvada lateralmente; depressão longitudinal separando a crista cnemial do corpo tibial e uma grande dilatação crânio-caudal na região proximal. Estes fósseis representam o primeiro registro de esqueleto apendicular de dinossauros para município de Alfredo Marcondes

    VO2FITTING : a free and open-source software for modelling oxygen uptake kinetics in swimming and other exercise modalities

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    The assessment of oxygen uptake (VO2) kinetics is a valuable non-invasive way to evaluate cardiorespiratory and metabolic response to exercise. The aim of the study was to develop, describe and evaluate an online VO2 fitting tool (VO2FITTING) for dynamically editing, processing, filtering and modelling VO2 responses to exercise. VO2FITTING was developed in Shiny, a web application framework for R language. Validation VO2 datasets with both noisy and non-noisy data were developed and applied to widely-used models (n = 7) for describing different intensity transitions to verify concurrent validity. Subsequently, we then conducted an experiment with age-group swimmers as an example, illustrating how VO2FITTING can be used to model VO2 kinetics. Perfect fits were observed, and parameter estimates perfectly matched the known inputted values for all available models (standard error = 0; p < 0.001). The VO2FITTING is a valid, free and open-source software for characterizing VO2 kinetics in exercise, which was developed to help the research and performance analysis communities

    Nanocomposite polymer electrolytes of sodium alginate and montmorillonite clay

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    Nanocomposite polymer electrolytes (NPEs) were synthesized using sodium alginate (Alg) and either sodium (SCa-3-Na+)- or lithium (SCa-3-Li+)-modified montmorillonite clays. The samples were characterized by structural, optical, and electrical properties. SCa-3-Na+ and SCa-3-Li+ clays’ X-ray structural analyses revealed peaks at 2θ = 7.2° and 6.7° that corresponded to the interlamellar distances of 12.3 and 12.8 Å, respectively. Alg-based NPEs X-ray diffractograms showed exfoliated structures for samples with low clay percentages. The increase of clay content promoted the formation of intercalated structures. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy revealed that Alg-based NPEs with 5 wt% of SCa-3-Na+ clay presented the highest conductivity of 1.96 × 10−2 S/cm2, and Alg with 10 wt% of SCa-3-Li+ showed conductivity of 1.30 × 10−2 S/cm2, both measured at 70 °C. From UV-Vis spectroscopy, it was possible to infer that increasing concentration of clay promoted a decrease of the samples’ transmittance and, consequently, an increase of their reflectance.This research was partially founded by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001 (proc. PNPD20131739-33002045017P6, F. Sentanin fellowship no. 1573926)

    Incidence of syphilis in pregnant women in the countryside of são paulo from 2018 to 2020

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    Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum and is transmitted sexually, hematogenously or vertically, and may occur in any time of pregnancy. It is one of the major concerns and high rates of pregnant women with syphilis, which leads to congenital syphilis. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of syphilis in pregnant women in the state of São Paulo from 2018 to 2020 in epidemiological surveillance. The study is an epidemiological, descriptive observational research of quantitative analysis with secondary data, notified in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN), which is the database of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), of pregnant women with syphilis, between 2018-2020. The collection of secondary data was authorized of São Paulo State. We found 50 women with unspecified syphilis in the last 3 years, of these 36 are pregnant women with syphilis and 7 cases of congenital syphilis. There has been a large increase in pregnant women with syphilis in the last year, however, there has been an eradication of congenital syphilis during this period. With this, it can be emphasized the importance of screening and early treatment of pregnant women in the Primary Health Care Network to promote health promotion and to offer quality of health services to mothers