1,904 research outputs found

    The antioxidant activity of polysaccharides: a structure-function relationship overview

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    Over the last years, polysaccharides have been linked to antioxidant effects using both in vitro chemical and biological models. The reported structures, claimed to act as antioxidants, comprise chitosan, pectic polysaccharides, glucans, mannoproteins, alginates, fucoidans, and many others of all type of biological sources. The structural features linked to the antioxidant action include the polysaccharide charge, molecular weight, and the occurrence of non-carbohydrate substituents. The establishment of structure/function relationships can be, however, biased by secondary phenomena that tailor polysaccharides behavior in antioxidant systems. In this sense, this review confronts some basic concepts of polysaccharides chemistry with the current claim of carbohydrates as antioxidants. It critically discusses how the fine structure and properties of polysaccharides can define polysaccharides as antioxidants. Polysaccharides antioxidant action is highly dependent on their solubility, sugar ring structure, molecular weight, occurrence of positive or negatively charged groups, protein moieties and covalently linked phenolic compounds. However, the occurrence of phenolic compounds and protein as contaminants leads to misleading results in methodologies often used for screening and characterization purposes, as well as in vivo models. Despite falling in the concept of antioxidants, the role of polysaccharides must be well defined according with the matrices where they are involved.publishe

    The influence of chemical reaction conditions upon poly(styrene‐methyl methacrylate‐acrylic acid) synthesis: Variations in nanoparticle size, colour and deposition methods

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    Monodisperse latex nanospheres of poly(styrene‐methyl methacrylate‐acrylic acid) with different sizes were synthetised by soap‐free emulsion copolymerisation and applied onto polyamide 6,6 fabrics by two methods, ie, gravitational sedimentation and dip‐drawing. Different‐sized nanospheres were synthetised by varying temperature and stirring velocity as reaction parameters. Scanning electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy were used to evaluate nanosphere sizes and deposition structures. The results showed two different nanosphere structural arrangements on the fabric surface, a hexagonal packed centre structure in the even surfaces and a square arrangement in the out‐of‐plane surfaces. Different colours were observed according to particle size, namely, violet (ca. 170 nm), blue (ca. 190 nm), green (ca. 210 nm), yellow (ca. 230 nm) and red (ca. 250 nm). An iridescence effect was also observed, displaying different colours at different observation angles. By controlling the size of the nanospheres it was possible to obtain different, brilliant and iridescent colours. Using different nanosphere sizes it was possible to obtain different interplanar distances and to control the light scattering in the crystalline lattice planes, obtaining Bragg diffraction patterns.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Grant/Award Number: IF/00071/2015, PTDC/CTM-TEX/28295/2017 , SFRH/BD/145269/2019 and UID/CTM/00264/2019; European Regional Development funds (FEDER); Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI)—COMPETE, Grant/Award Number: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-0071

    Estudo da combinação dos padrões motores Correr e Largar e Pontapear sem ressalto, em crianças de 6 e 9 anos de idade

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    O objectivo deste estudo foi verificar se, com a idade, há um aumento na capacidade de combinar os padrões motores Correr e Largar e Pontapear sem ressalto e uma maior velocidade de saída da bola, na projecção da mesma a um alvo estacionário. Para tal, comparámos a performance, em crianças de 6 e 9 anos de idade, em termos quantitativos, do Largar e Pontapear sem ressalto parado, com o mesmo após breve corrida. Com efeito, as crianças de 9 anos revelaram ser capazes de combinar eficazmente o padrão Correr com o Largar e Pontapear sem ressalto, visível no aumento significativo da velocidade imprimida à bola nesta situação, comparativamente à execução parada, o que não se verificou com as crianças de 6 anos

    Study of up- and downstream processes in Microcystis aeruginosa cultivation - One approach, two distinct objectives

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    BioTech 2017 and 7th Czech-Swiss Symposium with Exhibition[Excerpt] The cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and the accumulation of its cyanotoxin microcystin (MC) have been responsible for several human/animal deaths and intoxication incidents. Therefore, the World Health Organization established recommendation values for MC in water, givingrisetoanincreasingdemandforMC’s analytical standards to be used as laboratory standards both in human and environmental risk assessment studies. These Cyanotoxinsarealsoconsideredpromising anticancer/antitumor drugs as well as antifungal, antialgal and insecticide agents. Despite the interest, commercial MC availability is still limited due to constraints found in production, which inflate the final price to values as high as 28000 e/mg. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimization of Microcystis aeruginosa cell disruption to enhance microcystin extraction and purification processes

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    [Excerpt] Worldwide occurrence of cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and accumulation of its hepatotoxin microcystin (MC) have been responsible for several incidents, leading the World Health Organization to implement guideline values for this toxin in water thus boosting the demand for MC’s analytical standards. Furthermore, cyanotoxins are also considered promising anticancer/antitumor drugs as well as antifungal, antialgal and insecticide agents. Consequently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has introduced cyanotoxins in its list of substances to be studied as a precursor to regulatory action between 2018 and 2020. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative evolutionary genomics of the HADH2 gene encoding Aβ-binding alcohol dehydrogenase/17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 10 (ABAD/HSD10)

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    BACKGROUND: The Aβ-binding alcohol dehydrogenase/17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 10 (ABAD/HSD10) is an enzyme involved in pivotal metabolic processes and in the mitochondrial dysfunction seen in the Alzheimer's disease. Here we use comparative genomic analyses to study the evolution of the HADH2 gene encoding ABAD/HSD10 across several eukaryotic species. RESULTS: Both vertebrate and nematode HADH2 genes showed a six-exon/five-intron organization while those of the insects had a reduced and varied number of exons (two to three). Eutherian mammal HADH2 genes revealed some highly conserved noncoding regions, which may indicate the presence of functional elements, namely in the upstream region about 1 kb of the transcription start site and in the first part of intron 1. These regions were also conserved between Tetraodon and Fugu fishes. We identified a conserved alternative splicing event between human and dog, which have a nine amino acid deletion, causing the removal of the strand β(F). This strand is one of the seven strands that compose the core β-sheet of the Rossman fold dinucleotide-binding motif characteristic of the short chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) family members. However, the fact that the substrate binding cleft residues are retained and the existence of a shared variant between human and dog suggest that it might be functional. Molecular adaptation analyses across eutherian mammal orthologues revealed the existence of sites under positive selection, some of which being localized in the substrate-binding cleft and in the insertion 1 region on loop D (an important region for the Aβ-binding to the enzyme). Interestingly, a higher than expected number of nonsynonymous substitutions were observed between human/chimpanzee and orangutan, with six out of the seven amino acid replacements being under molecular adaptation (including three in loop D and one in the substrate binding loop). CONCLUSION: Our study revealed that HADH2 genes maintained a reasonable conserved organization across a large evolutionary distance. The conserved noncoding regions identified among mammals and between pufferfishes, the evidence of an alternative splicing variant conserved between human and dog, and the detection of positive selection across eutherian mammals, may be of importance for further research on ABAD/HSD10 function and its implication in the Alzheimer's disease