28 research outputs found

    Variáveis sociodemográficas que se relacionam com a resiliência dos familiares das pessoas com esquizofrenia

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    Background: Family resilience is important because it is a process that can overcome adverse situations, promoting a family well-being. Objective: To identify the socio-demographic variables that relate to the resilience in schizophrenic patients family members. Methodology: Descriptive-correlational study. A questionnaire was applied to 30 schizophrenic patients family members enrolled in the Ambulatory Unit of the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, of a Hospital Center. Results: The variables that relate to the family’s resilience are the age of the respondent, their literary habilitation, profession, level of knowledge about the disease, family size, kinship and cohabitation degree with the person with schizophrenia. Regarding the person with schizophrenia, their age, literary habilitation, profession and time of diagnosis of the disease are also variables related to family resilience. Conclusion: There are variables that relate to family resilience, so it is pertinent to consider that health professionals, in addition to interventions directed to the sick person, have a responsibility to intervene with the family in order to help them to develop resilience.Enquadramento: A resiliência familiar é importante, porque é um processo que permite superar as situações adversas, promovendo um bem-estar familiar. Objetivo: Identificar quais são as variáveis sociodemográficas que se relacionam com a resiliência dos familiares da pessoa com esquizofrenia. Método: Estudo descritivo-correlacional, com aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra constituída por 30 familiares de pessoas com esquizofrenia, inscritos na Unidade de Ambulatório do Departamento de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental, de um Centro Hospitalar. Resultados: As variáveis que se relacionam com a resiliência dos familiares da pessoa com esquizofrenia são a idade, o grau de escolaridade, a profissão, o nível de conhecimento acerca da doença, o agregado familiar, o grau de parentesco e a coabitação com a pessoa doente. Na pessoa doente a idade, grau de escolaridade, profissão e o tempo de diagnóstico da doença também são variáveis que se relacionam com a resiliência dos familiares. Conclusão: Existem variáveis que se relacionam com a resiliência dos familiares da pessoa com esquizofrenia, pelo que é pertinente considerar que os profissionais de saúde, para além das intervenções dirigidas à pessoa doente, têm a responsabilidade de intervir junto da família, de forma a ajudá-los a desenvolver a resiliência

    Resiliência em famílias de pessoas com esquizofrenia: um estudo qualitativo

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    Background: Being a family caregiver of a person with schizophrenia is a complex responsibility, which can lead to the development of tensions in the family system and, consequently, difficulties in adapting to the role of caregiver. It is essential to develop family resilience in the face of this adversity, so that they are able to recover, resist or adapt to the demands of care. Aim: To identify and explore the barriers to family resilience in family caregivers of people with schizophrenia. Methods: A qualitative design, centred on the opinions of 18 family caregivers of patients with schizophrenia who receive support from a Private Institution of Social Solidarity in the region of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo. Data were analysed using the content analysis technique. Results: The majority of participants were female (77.8%) and lived with and cared for their relative (77.8%). The role of caregiver was assumed mainly by the mother (77.8%). Barriers to family resilience broadly fall under three categories, emotional dimension, relational dimension and rational dimension, which are divided into six subcategories: self-stigmatization, expressed emotion, relational withdrawal, lack of knowledge, blame and self-blame. Conclusion: The identification of barriers to family resilience gives an insight into the difficulties experienced by caregivers, allowing health professionals to focus on these factors and implement a strategy that allows removing or minimizing their influence, enhancing the person’s abilities to achieve positive adaptation.Enquadramento: Ser familiar cuidador de uma pessoa com esquizofrenia é uma função complexa, que pode conduzir ao desenvolvimento de tensões no sistema familiar e, consequentemente, a dificuldades na adaptação ao papel de cuidador. É fundamental o desenvolvimento da resiliência dos familiares cuidadores perante esta adversidade, de modo a que estes sejam capazes de recuperar, resistir ou adaptar-se às exigências do cuidado. Objetivo: Identificar e explorar as barreiras à resiliência familiar em cuidadores de pessoas com esquizofrenia. Método: Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo com recurso a entrevistas semiestruturadas a 18 familiares cuidadores de pessoas com esquizofrenia que recebem apoio de uma Instituição Particular de Solidarieda de Social da região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. Os dados foram analisados com recurso à técnica de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes é do género feminino (77,8%) e vive com o familiar de quem cuida (77,8%). O papel de cuidador é assumido principalmente pela mãe (77,8%). As barreiras à resiliência familiar enquadram-se amplamente em três categorias, nomeadamente dimensão emocional, dimensão relacional e dimensão racional, que se dividem em seis subcategorias: auto-estigmatização, emoção expressa, afastamento relacional, défice de conhecimentos, culpabilização e autoculpabilização. Conclusão: A identificação de barreiras à resiliência familiar fornece uma visão das dificuldades vividas pelos cuidadores, contribuindo para que os profissionais de saúde se foquem nesses fatores e implementem estratégias que possibilitam remover ou minimizar a sua influência, potenciando as capacidades da pessoa para alcançar a adaptação positiva

    intervenção do enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de reabilitação

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    O desenvolvimento de competências que permitem a obtenção do grau de Mestre e o título profissional de Enfermeiro Especialista é alcançado mediante um processo formativo que inclui um estágio profissional, no qual o estudante deve demonstrar que desenvolveu as capacidades e conhecimentos preconizados. Neste sentido, iniciámos este percurso com a realização de um projeto de estágio no qual planeámos estratégias e atividades a desenvolver, tendo em conta a resolução de um problema previamente identificado. A área de interesse selecionada foi a intervenção do enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de reabilitação na prevenção de quedas na pessoa idosa. O fenómeno da queda é um problema de saúde pública, com consequências graves a nível físico e psicológico, contribuindo para a diminuição da capacidade funcional da pessoa e, consequentemente da sua qualidade de vida. A nível institucional tem repercussões no aumento do tempo de internamento, dos encargos associados aos recursos humanos, materiais e exames complementares de diagnóstico. Com a realização deste relatório pretendemos descrever e analisar a intervenção realizada durante o estágio, de modo a minimizar o efeito desta problemática e, desenvolver as competências preconizadas nos descritores de Dublin para o 2º ciclo de ensino para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em articulação com as competências definidas pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros para a atribuição do título profissional de Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Reabilitação. O referencial teórico utilizado para fundamentar a nossa atuação foi a Teoria das Consequências Funcionais, desenvolvida por Carol Miller. Na base desta teoria está a intervenção do enfermeiro com o objetivo de maximizar a capacidade funcional da pessoa, promovendo o bem-estar e qualidade de vida da pessoa

    Current trends in psychotherapies and psychosocial interventions for people with dementia: a scoping review of randomized controlled trials

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    An outcome of dementia is a progressive decline in cognitive function. Implementing psychotherapies and psychosocial interventions is crucial for bolstering cognitive abilities, promoting independence, and elevating the quality of life for individuals with dementia. This review aims to identify current trends in psychotherapies and psychosocial interventions for people with dementia. A Scoping review was developed based on the framework proposed by Arksey and O’Malley. The literature search was conducted on electronic databases, including Scopus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Nursing & Allied Health Collection, and MedicLatina. Executed in June 2023, the search focused on articles published in English, Portuguese, and Spanish between 2013 and 2023. Through this search, 1409 articles were initially identified. After selecting and analyzing the reports, sixteen trials were included in this review. Eight distinct categories were identified, covering different strategies. These categories run from computerized game-based cognitive training and reminiscence therapy to compensatory and restorative strategies, memory and attention training, calculation training, dual-task training, counseling, and personalized goal attainment. The findings of this scoping review highlight the diverse landscape of psychotherapies and psychosocial interventions for people with dementia

    Professionals’ self-reported difficulties towards integrating dual task training in care for people with Parkinson’s Disease

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    This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Background: Despite the growing use of dual task training (DTT) in clinical practice with people with Parkinson Disease (PD), there is still limited evidence on how to best implement it. Data regarding professionals’ difficulties when integrating such practices are critical as a first step to generate further guidance on how to apply it. The aim of this study was to identify the difficulties perceived by professionals to integrate dual task in their practice. Methods: A descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study was conducted using a web-based survey. Convenience sampling was used to recruit exercise and healthcare professionals working with people with PD through various social media channels. Data were collected and then analyzed thematically using the method of constant comparisons. The study report follows the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist. Results: Of the 205 eligible responses, 68.8% were Physiotherapist. The majority of the participants reported having Parkinson-specific training (91.7%) and 59.0% applied DTT in individual one-on-one sessions. We identified ten categories of difficulties faced by professionals. Conclusions: Professionals struggle to integrate DTT into PD clinical care. Challenges were identified and the most significant refer to difficulties in managing the chronicity of the disease and lack of patient compliance with home exercises. Understanding current challenges towards dual task exercise will help to reflect upon strategies to be applied effectively and safe.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is being physically active enough or do people with Parkinson’s disease need structured supervised exercise? Lessons learned from COVID-19

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Social isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted people’s lifestyles and daily activities. In this work we compared pre- and post-pandemic clinical outcomes in people with Parkinson’s disease, to assess differences according to the type of behaviour and exercise habits adopted by participants. After two months of COVID-19 lockdown, we assessed: changes in exercise behaviour; motor and non-motor aspects of daily life experiences (MDS-UPDRS I & II); activities of daily living (The Schwab & England scale); quality of life (Parkinson Disease Questionnaire); sleep (Parkinson Disease Sleep Scale); falls; and Clinical Global Impression Change. Twenty-seven individuals aged between 57 and 92 years old participated; from these, ten individuals (37%) completely interrupted physical activities, while seventeen (63%) maintained some level of active lifestyle. Regardless of whether they remained active or not, all participants perceived a significant worsening of their clinical condition, reporting an increase in difficulties completing daily activities or chores (37%) and worsening of their health condition (51.8%). The quantifiable influence of exercise habits was borderline for the group who kept active. The active group seem to have a better self-perception of their health condition, although it was not enough to show a clear benefit. People with Parkinson’s disease should be informed that being physically active may not be enough and more structured exercise could be needed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Family Risk Factors That Jeopardize Child Development: Scoping Review

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    Acknowledgments: This publication was financed by national funds through the FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project UIDB/04585/2020. The researchers would like to thank the Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar Egas Moniz (CiiEM) for the support provided for the publication of this article.The obligation to protect children is defined by law. However, there is fragility in identifying actual or potential situations that jeopardize their development. This review aims to identify the family risk factors that jeopardize child development. A scoping review was conducted following the Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence-Based Practice framework and the 2020 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. The research was carried out on the electronic databases PubMed, CINAHL, Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive, MEDLINE Complete, and MedicLatina, with a time limit of 2010 to 2021. The search was restricted to documents written in Portuguese, English, and French. A total of 3998 articles were initially identified. After selecting and analysing, 28 risk factors were extracted from 29 articles. Four categories of risk factors were identified—namely, patterns of social and economic interaction, family characteristics, caregiver’s characteristics, and parenting. The results of this review allow the identification of family risk factors that jeopardize child development. This is significant for Child Protective Services workers as they carry out their risk assessments. This assessment is the first step in avoiding an accumulation of harm to at-risk children and allowing the development of interventions for minimising harm’s impact on children’s development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes toward older adults

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    Nursing students, as the future healthcare workforce, hold immense potential in providing quality care to older adults and becoming advocates for promoting aging and public health, thus contributing significantly to addressing the multifaceted challenges of our aging society. Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes about aging affect health care quality. Negative and unattractive representations of the social problems associated with aging contaminate nursing students’ attitudes. Nursing schools are challenged to develop new curricula to prepare future nurses for the inherent complexity of an aging society. This study aims to assess the knowledge and attitudes of nursing students toward older adults and identify the variables that can influence these attitudes. Quantitative research was carried out through the application of an online survey using a cross-sectional descriptive research design. A total of 182 nursing students completed the online survey. Progression in the nursing course was statistically significant; the more students advanced, the more positive attitudes and knowledge they revealed about aging; 39% of students have daily contact with their grandparents; however, only 14.8% would like to work with older adults. Multiple linear regression revealed that the most important factor for positive attitudes and knowledge about aging was regular contact with grandparents, followed by progression in the nursing course. The students’ age was not a significant factor in improving attitudes or expanding knowledge regarding older adults. In a multidimensional logic, the deepening of knowledge about aging and the socialization of students with older adults are central factors that should reinforce curricula in nursing education