1,101 research outputs found

    An approximation to multiple scattering in volumetric illumination towards real-time rendering

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    Many volumetric illumination techniques for volume rendering were developed through out the years. However, there are still many constraints regarding the computation of multiple scattering path tracing in real-time applications due to its natural complexity and scale. Path tracing with multiple scattering support can produce physically correct results but suffers from noise and low convergence rates. This work proposes a new real-time algorithm to approximate multiple scattering, usually only available in offline rendering production, to real-time. Our approach explores the human perceptual system to speed up computation. Given two images, we use a CIE metric stating that the two will be perceived as similar to the human eye if the Euclidean distance between the two images in CIELAB color space is smaller than 2.3. Hence, we use this premise to guide our in vestigations when changing ray and bounce parameters in our renderer. Our results show that we can reduce from 105 to 104 Samples Per Pixel (SPP) with a negligible perceptual difference between both results, allowing us to cut rendering times by 10 whenever we divide SPP by 10. Similarly, we can reduce the number of bounces from 1000 to 100 with a negligible perceptual difference while reducing rendering times by almost half. We also propose a new algorithm in real-time, Lobe Estimator, that approximates these behaviors and parameters while performing twice as faster as the classic Ray Marching technique.Muitas técnicas de ilmuninação volumétrica foram desenvolvidas ao longo dos anos. Entretanto, ainda há muitas restrições na computação de multiple scattering em aplicações de tempo real usando path tracing, devido à sua complexidade e escala. Path tracing com suporte a multiple scattering é capaz de produzir resultados fisicamente corretos, mas sofre de ruídos e baixa taixa de convergência. Portanto, este trabalho propõe um novo algoritmo de tempo real para aproximar multiple scattering, usado em offline rendering. Nossa abordagem irá explorar o sistema perceptual visual humano para acelerar a computação. A partir de duas imagens, nós usamos a métrica da CIE que afirma que duas imagens são percebidas como similar ao olho humano se a distância Euclidiana das duas imagens no espaço de cores CIELAB for menor que 2.3. Dessa forma, nós usamos essa premissa para guiar nossas investigações quando alterando os parâmetros de Samples Per Pixel (SPP) e bounces nos renderizadores. Nossos resultados mostram que podemos redu zir de 105 para 104 Samples Per Pixel (SPP) com uma diferença perceptual negligenciável entre ambos paramêtros, permitindo reduzir o tempo de renderização por 10 a cada vez que dividimos o SPP por 10. Similarmente, nós podemos reduzir o número de bounces de 1000 para 100 com uma diferença perceptual negligenciável, enquanto reduzindo o tempo de renderização por quase metade. Nós também propusemos um novo algoritmo em tempo real, Lobe Estimator, que permite aproximar esses comportamentos e paramê tros enquanto permformando duas vezes mais rápido que o clássico Ray Marching

    Nutritional value and fatty acid profile of two wild edible limpets from the Madeira Archipelago

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    Patella aspera and Patella candei are two abundant limpet species commercially exploited and often used as a delicacy in the Madeira Archipelago, but there is a lack of scientific knowledge about these species. This study investigated the nutritional value and fatty acids of this species across the coast of Madeira Archipelago. The lipid content (7.71–12.60% dw), proteins (48.22–64.09% dw), ashes (11.12–23.12% dw) and carbohydrates (4.5–10.9% dw) were determined in P. aspera and P. candei at different collection sites. In the fatty acid composition, a total of 23 fatty acids (FAs) were identified. P. aspera showed the highest amount of monounsaturated FAs (MUFAs, 35.02%) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 12.59%), and P. candei presented the highest level of oleic acid (OA, 28.25%), polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs, 27.26%) and arachidonic acid (AA, 11.38%). The Σω3/Σω6 dietary ratio presented levels>0.25 suggesting that these marine molluscs are a good source of ω3 for dietary intake. Within each specie significant differences (p<0.05) across sites were observed. High amounts of essential nutrients were shown in Patella species collected at Selvagens site while poorest levels were shown in Patella collected at Lido. The evaluation of the nutritional traits of P. candei and P. aspera shows that these limpets are good sources of essential fatty acids for human health and that the distribution of limpets is a key factor when determining its dietary value.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A comparative analysis of lipid content and fatty acid composition in muscle, liver and gonads of Seriola fasciata Bloch 1793 based on gender and maturation stage

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    The fat content and fatty acid profile of commercially important Seriola fasciata (Lesser amberjack) was determined in samples of muscle, liver and gonads of both genders at pre-spawning and spawning stage. Results indicated that edible muscle of pre-spawning fish had high fat content(>8%), lowering to medium fat (4–8%) content during spawning stage. Livers and gonads presented more constant and relatively high lipid contents. Saturated fatty acids constituted the majority of the fatty acids, followed by monounsaturated fatty acids, with palmitic acid and oleic acid as the major fatty acid in all tissues. EPA and DHA content increased in spawning females and highest amounts were observed in the ovaries (222 and 1440 mg/100 g respectively). Livers presented lowest PUFAs content regardless of maturity stage and Sn 6/Sn 3 ratio was influenced by gender in this organ. Sn 3/Sn 6 was gender related during pre-spawning stage, increasing in spawning maturation stage. Results highlight variations in the nutritional value of the different tissues according to maturity stage and gender, emphasizing the need for consumer awareness of these changes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Changes in fatty acid biosynthesis in marine microalgae as a response to medium nutrient availability

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    To maximize and enhance the fatty acid (FA) profiles of microalgae, it is crucial to understand the metabolic path ways that lead to high levels of the desired product. Nannochloropsis gaditana, Rhodomonas marina, and Isochrysis sp. were cultivated in media with various nutrient concentrations, and the biomass was analyzed for protein and fatty acid contents. The long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) and protein contents were maximized in media with high nutrient concentrations. Under these conditions, the reduction in the (SFA + MUFA)/PUFA ratio (by as much as 83%) indicated that R. marina and N. gaditana shifted preference towards PUFA synthesis. The ∑ω3/∑ω6 ratio indicated that R. marina preferentially synthesized ω3 FA towards high nutrient concentrations (depicted by an eightfold increase) in contrast to Isochrysis sp. (which yielded a 35% reduction). In addition, the limitations of LC-PUFA biosynthesis at the level of its precursors (e.g. C18:2ω6, C18:3ω3, C18:4ω3) and further conversion to LC-PUFA as nutrients were increased, suggesting that external variations induced changes in the sets of enzymes that maintain the desaturation and elongation pathways of FA. The present study provides novel insights into the regulation of LC-PUFA biosynthesis and facilitates the modeling of microalgal FA patterns depending on the field of application.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing the impact of sulfur concentrations on growth and biochemical composition of three marine microalgae

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    The elemental stoichiometry, growth and biochemical composition of Nannochloropsis gaditana, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp. were studied in batch cultures against different nitrogen and sulfur molar ratios (N:S) imposed in their surroundings. In N. gaditana, treatments with low N:S lead to an increase in carbon:sulfur (C:S) and N:S molar ratios up to 95 and 81%, respectively. This was reflected in lipid and protein contents which increased up to 67 and 55%, respectively. Moreover, polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as its precursors, increased in low N/S treatments. In R. marina, the treatments applied promptly the decrease of both C:S and N:S ratios to 70 and 68%, respectively. Nevertheless, eicosapentaenoic:arachidonic acid ratio increased with N:S treatments by three and a half fold. In Isochrysis sp., the elemental stoichiometry was constrained against treatments until the highest sulfur input. Overall, sulfur supply highlighted microalgae taxonomic differences and suggested that biochemical control is required, even in nutrient replete conditions, to fully exploit their potential as added value biomachineries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marine microalgae growth and carbon partitioning as a function of nutrient availability

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    To understand in which way the structural differences of three marine microalgae (Nannochloropsis gaditana, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp.) affect their carbon partitioning, growth and applicability; a stoichiometric imbalance was imposed by steady carbon and other nutrients variation. Towards high nutrients concentrations/low carbon availability a decrease of 12-51% in C/N microalgae ratio was observed and maximum cell densities were achieved. Moreover, linear correlation between the nutrient input and microalgae protein content were observed. The macromolecular ratios pointed that carbohydrate was the main contributor for the C/N decrement. Although lipid content in R. marina remained constant throughout the experiment, a rise of 37-107% in N. gaditana and Isochrysis sp. was verified. Lipid fractions revealed high percentages of glycolipids in all microalgae (57-73% of total lipids). The present study shows an easy way to understand and modulate microalgae carbon partitioning relying on the field of application.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lipid and fatty acid composition of wild Almaco Jack Seriola rivoliana at two maturation stages

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    Almaco jack (Seriola rivoliana) is an emergent marine finfish that presents high market value. In order to study the feasibility of the exploitation of this marine resource for human consumption the evaluation of the nutritional characteristics of this species has attracted the attention of the scientific community. The lipid characteristics and fatty acid composition were evaluated in muscle, liver and gonad tissues of wild Almaco jack from Atlantic Ocean at two different maturation stages. According to results, the lipid content was found higher at pre-spawning stage (21.78 - 36.17%) and highest proportion being exhibited in the liver. Palmitic acid was predominant among the saturated fatty acids (35.42 - 47.80%) and oleic acid was detected as the main monounsaturated acid (25.26 - 36.55%). Higher amounts of ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were identified in gonads of resting females, of which more than 84% was accounted by docosahexaenoic acid (12.62%). Muscle and liver of resting females presented the highest ω3/ω6 ratios. The Hypocholesterolemic/Hypercholesterolemic index was higher in gonads of both maturation stages (0.97 and 1.05). The results showed that wild Almaco jack at resting stage were a better source of oleic acid and ω3 PUFAs and that liver and gonads present good nutritional by-products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marine microalgae monosaccharide fluctuations as a stress response to nutrients inputs

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    The monosaccharide patterns of the microalgae species Nannochloropsis gaditana, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp. were assessed, to verify if nutrients availability had an impact on these parameters. Isochrysis sp. and Rhodomonas marina monosaccharides content decreased 13–94% as the nutrients availability increased. The relative abundance of monosaccharides depicted that, at low nutrients availabilities, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp. had preference for glucans synthesis, accounting for up to 75% of the monosaccharides detected. Linking the monosaccharides trends with the phylogeny and glycolipid data, it was possible to establish which monosaccharides had a structural and/or storage role in the microalgae studied. Thermal analysis revealed that the microalgae submitted to low nutrient input treatments presented a reduced assimilation of the inorganic compounds. Nutrient concentrations affected microalgae monosaccharide patterns, highlighting their taxonomic differences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Botnets and how to automatic detect them: exploring new ways of dealing with botnet classification: Botnets e como detectá-los automaticamente: explorando novas maneiras de lidar com a classificação botnet

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    Threats such as Botnets have become very popular in the current usage of the Internet, such as attacks like distributed denial of services (DoS) which can cause a significant impact on the use of technology. One way to mitigate such issues can be a focus on using intelligent models that can attempt to identify the existence of Botnets in the network traffic early. Thus, this work aims to evaluate the current state of the art on threats related to Botnets and how intelligent technology has been used in real-world restrictions such as real-time deadlines and increased network traffic. From our findings, we have indications that Botnet detection in real-time still is a more significant challenge because the computation power has not grown at the same rate that Internet traffic. This has pointed out other restrictions that must be considered, like privacy legislation and employing cryptography methods for all communications. In this context, we discuss the following steps to deal with the identified issues

    “DE PIÉ PUES LOS HOMBRES DE COLOR” : o processo de invisibilização do negro em Buenos Aires, e o discurso antissegregacionista do periódico afroportenho La Broma (1879-1882)

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo principal interpretar os discursos dos intelectuais periodistas do semanário buenairense La Broma entre anos de 1879 e 1882, momento caracterizado pela ascensão de uma série de privações imposta à população negra na urbe argentina. Para esta reflexão, apresentaremos uma discussão acerca das representações sociais do negro na historiografia portenha, e o processo de invisibilização impingido aos afrodescendentes pelos grupos hegemônicos que construíram a identidade nacional em torno de um ideal branco-europeu. Os porta-vozes da comunidade afro-portenha, por meio de sua esfera comunicativa paralela, constituíram uma identidade na resistência à exclusão e ao segregacionismo, o que proporcionou a ampliação de seu campo simbólico e consequentemente a emergência da visibilidade, o que nos abre precedentes para analisar a dinâmica emancipatória desenvolvida