1,635 research outputs found
Learn+Fun! Social Media and Gamification sum up to foster a community of practice during an Emergency Medicine Rotation
Purpose: Medical students and clinical teachers thrive to establish meaningful learning relationships in overwhelmed and ever-shorter clinical rotations. The challenge for medical educators is to design pedagogical approaches capable of bonding students and teachers into the same community of practice (CoP). In this work, the authors explored how Social Media and Gamification strategies sum up to boost medical students’ participation in a blended learning strategy to teach Emergency Medicine. Method: Final year medical students (n = 462) from 5 consecutive years were included in a longitudinal study with historical controls and were divided into three groups. The first group (CONTROL; n = 125) had access to a blended learning strategy; the second group (FACE; n = 179) had access to the blended learning strategy and interacted with a fictional facilitator in Social Media; and the third group (GAME; n = 158) had access to the former strategies plus a gamification approach. Results: Social media and gamification progressively increased students’ participation in the online course as measured by the number of hours logged on from an average of 60 h in CONTROL to 87 h in FACE and 140 h in GAME (P < 0.01). There was a positive and significant correlation between students’ grades on cognitive tests and OSCEs exams with the online participation. Both strategies nurtured students’ sense of belonging to the community of Emergency Medicine and improved their self-regulation to study. Discussion: Social Media and Gamification catalyzed the consolidation of a shared identity for students and teachers, which fostered the creation of a community of practice and increased the participation of students in learning activities. Keywords: Community of practice, Social media, Medical education, Gamificatio
Aedes fluviatilis cell lines as new tools to study metabolic and immune interactions in mosquito‑Wolbachia symbiosis
In the present work, we established two novel embryonic cell lines from the mosquito Aedes fluviatilis containing or not the naturally occurring symbiont bacteria Wolbachia, which were called wAflu1 and Aflu2, respectively. We also obtained wAflu1 without Wolbachia after tetracycline treatment, named wAflu1.tet. Morphofunctional characterization was performed to help elucidate the symbiont-host interaction in the context of energy metabolism regulation and molecular mechanisms of the immune responses involved. The presence of Wolbachia pipientis improves energy performance in A. fluviatilis cells; it affects the regulation of key energy sources such as lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, making the distribution of actin more peripheral and with extensions that come into contact with neighboring cells. Additionally, innate immunity mechanisms were activated, showing that the wAflu1 and wAflu1.tet cells are responsive after the stimulus using Gram negative bacteria. Therefore, this work confirms the natural, mutually co-regulating symbiotic relationship between W. pipientis and A. fluviatilis, modulating the host metabolism and immune pathway activation. The results presented here add important resources to the current knowledge of Wolbachia-arthropod interactions
Associação Entre Doenças Metabólicas e Parâmetros Hemodinâmicos de Filhos Obesos e Suas Mães
Modelo do estudo: Estudo originalObjetivo: Verificar possíveis associações entre o perfil hemodinâmico e metabólico de crianças e adolescentes obesos e suas mães. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo transversal com 69 crianças e adolescentes obesos, de ambos os sexos, com faixa etária compreendida entre seis e 15 (10,6 ± 3,04) anos. Por meio de avaliações específicas foram analisadas as variáveis de composição corporal (massa corporal magra, massa de gordura em quilos e percentual), hemodinâmicas (pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica) e bioquímicas (glicemia, colesterol total e suas frações) dos filhos. Entre as mães foi realizado uma avaliação de composição corporal por meio de antropometria e impedância bioelétrica, aferição de pressão arterial e aplicação de questionário auto referido de doenças. Para o tratamento estatístico foram realizados análise descritiva, teste t de Student independente e análise de associação entre alterações maternas com seus respectivos filhos por meio de teste de Mc Nemar, adotando-se pd” 0,05. Todo o tratamento estatístico foi realizado por meio do software SPSS, 17.0. Resultados: Ser filho de mães diabéticas ou hipertensas associa-se com a presença de alterações nas variáveis de glicemia, pressão arterial sistólica ou diastólica. Quando a mãe apresenta mais de uma variável de risco cardiovascular a sua prole também possui alguma alteração metabólica ou em variáveis dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos (PA). Conclusão: No presente estudo observaram-se associações entre variáveis metabólicas e parâmetros hemodinâmicos entre crianças e adolescentes obesos com suas respectivas mães.Study Model: Original StudyObjective: To analyze possible associations between hemodynamic and metabolic profile of obese children and adolescents and their mothers. Methods: The study had longitudinal design with 69 children and adolescents, aged between six and 15 (10,6 ± 3,04) years old. Specific assessments to body composition (fat free mass, fat mass and percentage fat), blood pressure (blood pressure systolic and diastolic) and biochemical analysis of blood plasma (glucose, total cholesterol and its fractions) of children were analyzed. Among the mothers was carried out an assessment of body composition by anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance, blood pressure and application of inquiry self-report diseases. To treatment statistic were applied descriptive analyze, independent Student‘s test and test for association between maternal disorders with their children by Mc Nemar test, adopting pd” 0,05. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software version 17.0 (Statistical Package for Social Science, SPSS Inc,Illinois, USA). Results: Diabetic or hypertensive mothers contribute to the presence or absence of disorders in glucose, blood pressure systolic or diastolic in their children, as well as, when mothers has more than one cardiovascular risk variable their children had some disorder metabolic or hemodynamic too. Conclusion: The present study notes association between metabolic and hemodynamic variables of children and adolescents with their mothers
O restabelecimento da atividade reprodutiva pós-parto é dependente de dois processos fisiológicos, a involução uterina e o restabelecimento da atividade luteal cíclica. Problemas ou atrasos na involução uterina podem afetar diretamente a atividade ovariana pós-parto. As prostaglandinas F2a (PGF2a) exercem uma importante função no processo de involução uterina. Entretanto, a utilização dos análogos sintéticos da PGF2a para estimular involução uterina em bovinos tem sido pequena. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de duas doses de uma mistura racêmica de cloprostenol (D+L-Cloprostenol), aplicadas no pós-parto imediato, sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas mestiças de corte. Vacas de corte com parto normal foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos: G1(n=144), grupo controle; G2 (n=145), 0.530mg de D+L-Cloprostenol, aplicados IM de três a cinco dias após o parto, e G3 (n=145), 1.060 mg de D+L-Cloprostenol, no mesmo protocolo de G2. Foram analisados os serviços por concepção (c2), dias do parto à primeira inseminação e período de serviço. Não foram observadas diferenças no número de serviços por concepção nos três grupos (P>0.05). A média de dias do parto à primeira inseminação foi de 88,77 + 23,64ª; 77,59 + 26,95b e 76,22 + 26,28b, e o intervalo parto-concepção foi de 97.34±26.54ª; 86,38 + 28,81b; 85,23 + 30,12b, para os grupos 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente (P<0.05). O tratamento, independente da dose de cloprostenol, antecipou o reinicio da atividade reprodutiva em mais de 10 dias. A aplicação de cloprostenol sódico no pós-parto pode melhorar a eficiência reprodutiva de vacas de corte. Não existem diferenças entre as duas doses comparadas.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: bovino; involução uterina; prostaglandinas
Atributos fisiológicos de sementes de algodoeiro submetidas a estresse salino.
Considerando-se que a germinação de sementes e a emergência de plântulas são, geralmente, retardadas e reduzidas pela salinidade, realizou-se este trabalho como objetivo de avaliar o efeito do estress e salino na fase de germinação de quatro cultivares de algodão (BRSR ubi, BRS Safira, BRS 201 e CNPA 187 8H). Foram testados seis níveis de potenciais osmóticos: 0,0; -0,2; -0,4; -0,6; -0,8 e -1,0 MPa, utilizando-se, respectivamente, água destilada e soluções aquosas de NaCl. Os efeitos dos tratamentos foram avaliados por meio de testes para análise de sementes, quanto a: germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), comprimento de parte aérea, comprimento de radícula e relação radícula/parte aérea. Para os testes de germinação e IVG, utilizaram-se 50 sementes por tratamento; para o estudo de comprimento da parte aérea, comprimento da radícula e relação radícula/parte aérea, foram utilizadas 20 sementes por tratamento. Utilizou-se, em ambos os testes, o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, no esquema fatorial 4 cultivares x 6 potenciais, com quatro repetições. As sementes de cada tratamento foram envolvidas em folhas e papel Germitest medecidas com a solução de Na Cl correspondente ao potencial. O trabalho foi realizado em germinador e a umidade mantida no ponto de saturação. As leituras das variáveis germinação e IVG foram iniciadas quatro dias após a indução do estresse salino. As avaliações foram realizadas diariamente e as sementes germinadas, retiradas e contabilizadas. Para os testes de comprimento, apenas as repetições correspondentes ao potencial 0,0MPa foram lidas, quatro dias após o inícioda indução do estresse. As leituras das repetições dos potenciais -0,2 e -0,4 e dos potenciais -0,6, -0,8 e -1,0 MPa foram realizadas, respectivamente, aos 12º e 20º dias. Para a realização das leituras deste teste, parte aérea das 20 plantas e cada repetição foi separada da radícula e ambas mensuradas. As análises estatísticas foram efetuadas, utilizando-se os procedimentos GENMOD e GLM do SAS. Para a variável germinação, ascultivares CNPA187 8H e BRS Safira destacaram-se no potencial -0,8MPa, com médiasde 89% e81%, respectivamente. Observou-se que o aumento do potencial salino reduziu a porcentagem do IVG. Para cada dia de avaliação, verificou-se que o aumento do potencial salino provoca uma redução do comprimento da parte aérea e da radícula. A radícula tende acrescer mais que a parte aérea até o potencial - 0,4 MPa
Simulation and analysis of an isolated full-bridge DC/DC boost converter operating with a modified perturb and observe maximum power point tracking algorithm
The purpose of the present study is to simulate and analyze an isolated full-bridge DC/DC boost converter, for photovoltaic panels, running a modified perturb and observe maximum power point tracking method. The zero voltage switching technique was used in order to minimize the losses of the converter for a wide range of solar operation. The efficiency of the power transfer is higher than 90% for large solar operating points. The panel enhancement due to the maximum power point tracking algorithm is 5.06%
Heme-Induced ROS in Trypanosoma Cruzi Activates CaMKII-Like That Triggers Epimastigote Proliferation. One Helpful Effect of ROS
Heme is a ubiquitous molecule that has a number of physiological roles. The toxic effects of this molecule have been demonstrated in various models, based on both its pro-oxidant nature and through a detergent mechanism. It is estimated that about 10 mM of heme is released during blood digestion in the blood-sucking bug's midgut. The parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease, proliferates in the midgut of the insect vector; however, heme metabolism in trypanosomatids remains to be elucidated. Here we provide a mechanistic explanation for the proliferative effects of heme on trypanosomatids. Heme, but not other porphyrins, induced T. cruzi proliferation, and this phenomenon was accompanied by a marked increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in epimastigotes when monitored by ROS-sensitive fluorescent probes. Heme-induced ROS production was time-and concentration-dependent. In addition, lipid peroxidation and the formation of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) adducts with parasite proteins were increased in epimastigotes in the presence of heme. Conversely, the antioxidants urate and GSH reversed the heme-induced ROS. Urate also decreased parasite proliferation. Among several protein kinase inhibitors tested only specific inhibitors of CaMKII, KN93 and Myr-AIP, were able to abolish heme-induced ROS formation in epimastigotes leading to parasite growth impairment. Taken together, these data provide new insight into T. cruzi- insect vector interactions: heme, a molecule from the blood digestion, triggers epimastigote proliferation through a redox-sensitive signalling mechanism
Simulation and analysis of an isolated full-bridge DC/DC boost converter operating with a modified perturb and observe maximum power point tracking algorithm
The purpose of the present study is to simulate and analyze an isolated full-bridge DC/DC boost converter, for photovoltaic panels, running a modified perturb and observe maximum power point tracking method. The zero voltage switching technique was used in order to minimize the losses of the converter for a wide range of solar operation. The efficiency of the power transfer is higher than 90% for large solar operating points. The panel enhancement due to the maximum power point tracking algorithm is 5.06%
Ages and metallicities of stellar clusters using S-PLUS narrow-band integrated photometry: the Small Magellanic Cloud
The Magellanic Clouds are the most massive and closest satellite galaxies of
the Milky Way, with stars covering ages from a few Myr up to 13 Gyr. This makes
them important for validating integrated light methods to study stellar
populations and star-formation processes, which can be applied to more distant
galaxies. We characterized a set of stellar clusters in the Small Magellanic
Cloud (SMC), using the .
This is the first age (metallicity) determination for 11 (65) clusters of this
sample. Through its 7 narrow bands, centered on important spectral features,
and 5 broad bands, we can retrieve detailed information about stellar
populations. We obtained ages and metallicities for all stellar clusters using
the Bayesian spectral energy distribution fitting code .
With a sample of clusters in the color range , for which
our determined parameters are most reliable, we modeled the age-metallicity
relation of SMC. At any given age, the metallicities of SMC clusters are lower
than those of both the Gaia Sausage-Enceladus disrupted dwarf galaxy and the
Milky Way. In comparison with literature values, differences are
log(age) and [Fe/H], which is
comparable to low-resolution spectroscopy of individual stars. Finally, we
confirm a previously known gradient, with younger clusters in the center and
older ones preferentially located in the outermost regions. On the other hand,
we found no evidence of a significant metallicity gradient.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure
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