20 research outputs found

    Manifestações neurológicas da COVID-19 na população pediátrica - revisão de literatura e desenvolvimento de casos clínicos com finalidades didáticas

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    O COVID-19 é uma síndrome respiratória aguda com diferentes sintomas não respiratórios relatados, incluindo manifestações neurológicas. O comprometimento do sistema nervoso durante a infecção ocorre em adultos e crianças, porém a população pediátrica apresenta particularidades no curso clínico da doença. Discutimos as manifestações neurológicas da COVID-19 em crianças, desenvolvendo casos para serem aplicados em disciplinas dentro da metodologia baseada em problemas. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida tendo em vista os graduandos em medicina: foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema; em seguida, observado pela seleção de 16 artigos revisados, resumidos e discutidos. Este artigo discute os procedimentos, desafios e resultados de cada etapa da agenda de pesquisa. Na revisão da literatura encontramos diferentes manifestações neurológicas na população pediátrica. Outros aspectos relevantes ao tema também foram encontrados, como: associação de comorbidades, alterações em exames complementares, prognósticos e hipóteses fisiopatológicas. Com base nos achados, criamos três casos clínicos para aplicação na graduação. Concluímos que o tema tem grande importância clínica e de aprendizado, mas ainda são necessárias mais pesquisas sobre o assunto.The COVID-19 is an acute respiratory syndrome with different reported non-respiratory symptoms, neurological manifestations included. The nervous system impairment during the infection occurs in adults and children, yet the pediatric population has particularities in the clinical course of the disease. We discuss the neurological manifestations of COVID-19 in children, developing cases to be applied in disciplines within a “problem-based” learning methodology. The proceedings of the research were developed with undergraduate medicine students in mind: a literature review on the topic was performed; then observed by the selection of 16 articles reviewed, summarized and discussed. This paper discusses proceedings, challenges and outcomes, of each stage of the research’s agenda. In the literature review, we found many neurological manifestations in the pediatric population. Other aspects relevant to the topic were also found, such as: association of comorbidities, alterations in complementary exams, prognoses and pathophysiological hypotheses. Based on the findings, we created three clinical cases for application in undergraduate studies. We concluded that the topic has great clinical and learning importance, yet more research is needed on the subject

    Métodos de avaliação cognitiva de pacientes com Síndrome de Apert e de Crouzon

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    Introduction: Bilateral Coronal Craniosynostosis implies a decrease in the Cranial Perimeter (CP) in the anteroposterior axis (Brachycephaly) and is frequently associated with an increase in the cephalocaudal (vertical height) axis of the skull (Turrycephaly); being one of the most common findings in Crouzon and Apert Syndromes (Syndromic Craniosynostosis). In this Scope Review study, among the Syndromic Craniosynostosis, Apert and Crouzon Syndromes will be of special interest. Objective: This study aimed to identify, analyze, and synthesize the appropriate cognitive assessment methods for monitoring the evolution of patients with syndromic craniosynostosis, in particular Apert's and Crouzon's syndromes. Method: This is a scope review. In order to formulate the research guiding question and the searching strategy, the Population [((Apert OR Crouzon) AND (Disease OR Syndrom*))], Concept [((cognit* OR neurobehavioral OR neurocognit* OR neuropsyc*) AND (evaluation OR evaluations OR assessment OR “test” OR tests OR status OR development OR disorder OR disorders OR impairment OR impairments OR impaired OR function OR functions))] and Context (in any context) strategy was used. The articles written in English, Portuguese, and Spanish in any period were included. The search was performed in the following databases: Embase, Scopus, National Library of Medicine (PubMed/MEDLINE), and in the BVS Salud network (PAHO, WHO, BIREME, LILACS). Results: many internationally validated cognitive assessment tests were applied to patients with Apert and Crouzon, but no standardization (protocol) was followed. Of the 75 types of Cognitive Tests applied, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale predominated, 50%. In the evaluated population, two age groups predominated: school children and adolescents. Children with Apert and Crouzon had worse scores on disorders of socialization, attention, and internalization when compared to the normative group, with the worst results found in Apert. Factors that interfere with cognitive development: intracranial pressure, brain malformations, genetics, age at surgical correction, institutionalization, family environment, caregiver education, and socioeconomic status. Conclusion: the results contributed to a better understanding of the cognitive profile of patients with these syndromes and only by knowing about the neuropsychomotor, cognitive, and psychosocial skills and difficulties of these patients with Apert and Crouzon that health, school, and caregiver teams will be able to understand the perceptive capacity in the learning process of these patients deeply and will be able to offer the most appropriate stimuli at the most opportune time.  Introdução: A Craniossinostose Coronal bilateral implica em diminuição do Perímetro Craniano (PC) no eixo ântero-posterior (Braquicefalia) e frequentemente se associa ao aumento do eixo céfalo-caudal (vertical-altura) do crânio (Turricefalia), sendo um dos achados mais comuns nas Síndromes de Crouzon e Apert. Objetivo: Identificar, analisar e sintetizar os métodos de avaliação cognitiva apropriados para o acompanhamento da evolução de pacientes com cranioestenoses sindrômicas, em particular as síndromes de Apert e de Crouzon. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo. Para a formulação da pergunta norteadora da pesquisa e da estratégia de busca, foi utilizada a estratégia Population [((Apert OR Crouzon) AND (Disease OR Syndrom*))], Concept [((cognit* OR neurobehavioral OR neurocognit* OR neuropsyc*) AND (evaluation OR evaluations OR assessment OR “test” OR tests OR status OR development OR disorder OR disorders OR impairment OR impairments OR impaired OR function OR functions))] e Context (em qualquer contexto). Foram inclusos os artigos escritos em inglês, português e espanhol em qualquer período. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados: Embase, Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE e rede BVS Salud. Resultados: Inúmeros testes de avaliação cognitiva validados internacionalmente foram aplicados aos pacientes com Apert e Crouzon, mas não se observou uma padronização (protocolo) seguida pelas várias unidades de assistência. Dos 75 tipos de Testes Cognitivos aplicados houve o predomínio da Escala de Inteligência de Wechsler (e seus subtestes), 50%. Na população avaliada predominou duas faixas etárias: escolares e adolescentes. As crianças com Apert e Crouzon obtiveram escores piores nos transtornos de socialização, atenção e internalização quando comparadas com o grupo normativo, sendo os piores resultados encontrados em Apert. Fatores que interferem no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor: pressão intracraniana, malformações encefálicas, genética, idade na correção cirúrgica (postergação da primeira cirurgia após um ano de idade associou-se a um quociente de inteligência mais baixo), institucionalização, ambiente familiar, escolaridade dos cuidadores e nível socioeconômico. Considerações finais: os resultados obtidos contribuíram para maior conhecimento do perfil cognitivo dos pacientes com estas síndromes. Somente conhecendo as habilidades e dificuldades neuropsicomotoras, cognitivas e psicossociais dos pacientes com Apert e Crouzon é que as equipes de saúde, da escola e de cuidadores poderão entender melhor a capacidade perceptiva destes no processo de aprendizado e estarão mais aptas em atender as necessidades especiais destes pacientes e poderão ofertar os estímulos mais adequados no momento mais oportuno

    Métodos de avaliação cognitiva de pacientes com Síndrome de Apert e de Crouzon

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    Introdução: A Craniossinostose Coronal bilateral implica em diminuição do Perímetro Craniano (PC) no eixo ântero-posterior (Braquicefalia) e frequentemente se associa ao aumento do eixo céfalo-caudal (vertical-altura) do crânio (Turricefalia), sendo um dos achados mais comuns nas Síndromes de Crouzon e Apert. Objetivo: Identificar, analisar e sintetizar os métodos de avaliação cognitiva apropriados para o acompanhamento da evolução de pacientes com cranioestenoses sindrômicas, em particular as síndromes de Apert e de Crouzon. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo. Para a formulação da pergunta norteadora da pesquisa e da estratégia de busca, foi utilizada a estratégia Population [((Apert OR Crouzon) AND (Disease OR Syndrom*))], Concept [((cognit* OR neurobehavioral OR neurocognit* OR neuropsyc*) AND (evaluation OR evaluations OR assessment OR “test” OR tests OR status OR development OR disorder OR disorders OR impairment OR impairments OR impaired OR function OR functions))] e Context (em qualquer contexto). Foram inclusos os artigos escritos em inglês, português e espanhol em qualquer período. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados: Embase, Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE e rede BVS Salud. Resultados: Inúmeros testes de avaliação cognitiva validados internacionalmente foram aplicados aos pacientes com Apert e Crouzon, mas não se observou uma padronização (protocolo) seguida pelas várias unidades de assistência. Dos 75 tipos de Testes Cognitivos aplicados houve o predomínio da Escala de Inteligência de Wechsler (e seus subtestes), 50%. Na população avaliada predominou duas faixas etárias: escolares e adolescentes. As crianças com Apert e Crouzon obtiveram escores piores nos transtornos de socialização, atenção e internalização quando comparadas com o grupo normativo, sendo os piores resultados encontrados em Apert. Fatores que interferem no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor: pressão intracraniana, malformações encefálicas, genética, idade na correção cirúrgica (postergação da primeira cirurgia após um ano de idade associou-se a um quociente de inteligência mais baixo), institucionalização, ambiente familiar, escolaridade dos cuidadores e nível socioeconômico. Considerações finais: os resultados obtidos contribuíram para maior conhecimento do perfil cognitivo dos pacientes com estas síndromes. Somente conhecendo as habilidades e dificuldades neuropsicomotoras, cognitivas e psicossociais dos pacientes com Apert e Crouzon é que as equipes de saúde, da escola e de cuidadores poderão entender melhor a capacidade perceptiva destes no processo de aprendizado e estarão mais aptas em atender as necessidades especiais destes pacientes e poderão ofertar os estímulos mais adequados no momento mais oportuno

    Neuroradiology and voice findings in stroke

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    Neurological dysphonias are vocal disorders followed by injuries or changes in the nervous system. Stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and the brain damage caused by it can affect communication in several aspects. The changes in the vocal features caused by these lesions are poorly described regarding the location and extent of cerebral involvement. The aim of this study was to describe vocal parameters of ten elderly patients affected by stroke according to the topography of the lesion at neuroimaging. We recorded from them: perceptual and auditory evaluation of voice and laryngeal diadochokinesis. Neuroimaging studies were classified according to location, extent, laterality territory of brain injury. The results show a population of extensive middle cerebral artery strokes and strokes with varied location in the brain. The subjects' voices showed predominantly the presence of roughness, breathiness, richeness and instability, and change in laryngeal motor control, demonstrated by reduced speed and instability in laryngeal diadochokinesis. These features presented in patients with extensive middle cerebral artery stroke and in patients with short strokes with varied location in the brain. The results suggest that the vocal features in the assessed cases do not depend only on the topography of the brain damage. Thus, it is important to consider the patient as unique in clinical evaluation

    Prototipagem como forma alternativa para realização de cranioplastia com metilmetacrilato: nota técnica Prototyping as an alternative to cranioplasty using methylmethacrylate: technical note

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    A prototipagem, método de reconstrução de segmentos do corpo humano através de programas de computação, tem sido usada na neurocirurgia para reproduzir o crânio de pacientes permitindo a programação de atos cirúrgicos e a produção de próteses para reconstruir falhas ósseas no crânio. Apresentamos dois casos de cranioplastia realizadas com o uso de próteses de acrílico construídas por prototipagem. Após 10 meses de acompanhamento, os pacientes não apresentaram sinais de infecção e apresentam bom resultado estético. As vantagens apontadas na literatura para este método (redução do tempo cirúrgico, facilidade técnica e bom resultado estético) foram observadas.The prototyping is a method for reconstruction of human body segments by computer software. It has been used in neurosurgery for cranial reproduction in patients allowing the programming of surgical procedures and the production of prosthesis to reconstruct bone failures in the skull. We present two cases of cranioplasty performed with the use of acrylic prosthesis constructed by prototyping. After 10 months of follow-up, they donot present signs of infection and show good aesthetic result. The advantages pointed at the literature for this method (reduction of surgical time, easy technical handle, and good aesthetic result) were confirmed

    Syndromic craniosynostosis: neuropsycholinguistic abilities and imaging analysis of the central nervous system

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize patients with syndromic craniosynostosis with respect to their neuropsycholinguistic abilities and to present these findings together with the brain abnormalities. Methods: Eighteen patients with a diagnosis of syndromic craniosynostosis were studied. Eight patients had Apert syndrome and 10 had Crouzon syndrome. They were submitted to phonological evaluation, neuropsychological evaluation and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. The phonological evaluation was done by behavioral observation of the language, the Peabody test, Token test and a school achievement test. The neuropsychological evaluation included the WISC III and WAIS tests. Results: Abnormalities in language abilities were observed and the school achievement test showed abnormalities in 66.67% of the patients. A normal intelligence quotient was observed in 39.3% of the patients, and congenital abnormalities of the central nervous system were observed in 46.4% of the patients. Conclusion: Abnormalities of language abilities were observed in the majority of patients with syndromic craniosynostosis, and low cognitive performance was also observed

    Syndromic craniosynostosis: neuropsycholinguistic abilities and imaging analysis of the central nervous system

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize patients with syndromic craniosynostosis with respect to their neuropsycholinguistic abilities and to present these findings together with the brain abnormalities. Methods: Eighteen patients with a diagnosis of syndromic craniosynostosis were studied. Eight patients had Apert syndrome and 10 had Crouzon syndrome. They were submitted to phonological evaluation, neuropsychological evaluation and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. The phonological evaluation was done by behavioral observation of the language, the Peabody test, Token test and a school achievement test. The neuropsychological evaluation included the WISC III and WAIS tests. Results: Abnormalities in language abilities were observed and the school achievement test showed abnormalities in 66.67% of the patients. A normal intelligence quotient was observed in 39.3% of the patients, and congenital abnormalities of the central nervous system were observed in 46.4% of the patients. Conclusion: Abnormalities of language abilities were observed in the majority of patients with syndromic craniosynostosis, and low cognitive performance was also observed

    Periodontal effects of rapid maxillary expansion with tooth-tissue-borne and tooth-borne expanders: A computed tomography evaluation

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    Introduction: The force delivered during rapid maxillary expansion (RME) produces areas of compression on the periodontal ligament of the supporting teeth. The resulting alveolar bone resorption can lead to unwanted tooth movement in the same direction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate periodontal changes by means of computed tomography after RME with tooth-tissue-borne and tooth-borne expanders. Methods: The sample comprised 8 girls, 11 to 14 years old, with Class I or II malocclusions with unilateral or bilateral posterior crossbites Four girls were treated with tooth-tissue-borne Haas-type expanders, and 4 were treated with tooth-borne Hyrax expanders. The appliances were activated up to the full 7-mm capacity of the expansion screw. Spiral CT scans were taken before expansion and after the 3-month retention period when the expander was removed. One-millimeter thick axial sections were exposed parallel to the palatal plane, comprising the dentoalveolar area and the base of the maxilla up to the inferior third of the nasal cavity. Multiplanar reconstruction was used to measure buccal and lingual bone plate thickness and buccal alveolar bone crest level by means of the computerized method. Results and Conclusions: RME reduced the buccal bone plate thickness of supporting teeth 0.6 to 0.9 mm and increased the lingual bone plate thickness 0.8 to 1.3 mm. The increase in lingual bone plate thickness of the maxillary posterior teeth was greater in the tooth-borne expansion group than in the tooth-tissue-borne group. RME induced bone dehiscences on the anchorage teeth's buccal aspect (7.1 ± 4.6 mm at the first premolars and 3.8 ± 4.4 mm at the mesiobuccal area of the first molars), especially in subjects with thinner buccal bone plates. The tooth-borne expander produced greater reduction of first premolar buccal alveolar bone crest level than did the tooth-tissue-borne expander. © 2006 American Association of Orthodontists