25 research outputs found

    Ecologia política e relações internacionais: os desafios da Ecopolítica Crítica Internacional

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    Resumo A evolução do debate teórico ambiental na agenda internacional tem sido acompanhada pela inserção do tema nas relações internacionais de acordo com suas lentes teóricas. Dos movimentos ambientalistas que deram origem à Ecologia Política, ao encontro desta com as relações internacionais, o objetivo deste artigo é mostrar como a inserção das discussões propostas pela ecologia política influenciaram e geraram novas abordagens nas relações internacionais que vão além da mera incorporação da temática ambiental nas teorias já existentes. A tentativa de formulação de uma teoria verde das relações internacionais baseada em uma nova ontologia e epistemologia visa jogar luz sobre um dos mais importantes desafios da humanidade neste século XXI, o uso dos recursos naturais e as suas consequências para o planeta e a humanidade. De forma a desenvolver instrumentos mais capazes para compreendermos os novos desafios que se colocam, contamos com abordagens alternativas como a ecopolítica crítica internacional, que busca analisar como as estruturas da política global tem gerado a dominação da natureza e dos seres humanos e a busca da emancipação. Palavras-chave: ecologia política; ecopolítica crítica; relações internacionais; política ambiental.   Abstract The evolution of the theoretical environmental debate on the international agenda has been accompanied by the insertion of this issue on the area of International Relations, according to its theoretical framework. From the environmentalism, which gave rise to Political Ecology, to the encounter of such research area with the International Relations, the main objective of this article is to shed light on how the discussions proposed by Political Ecology influenced and generated new approaches in International Relations that transcend mere incorporation of environmental issues in existing theories. The attempt to formulate a green theory of International Relations based on a new ontology and epistemology aims to highlight one of the most important challenges facing humankind on the 21st Century: the use of natural resources and its consequences for the planet and humanity. In order to develop more capable instruments for the comprehension of the new millennium challenges, there is a set of important alternative approaches such as the International Critical Ecopolitics. This theoretical framework aims at analyzing how the global political structures have generated the domination of nature and human, and searching for social emancipation. Keywords: political ecology; critical ecopolitics; international relations; environmental politics

    Differences in body image perception, eating behavior and nutritional status of college students of health and human sciences

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A literatura refere uma maior prevalência de transtornos alimentares em acadêmicas de cursos universitários nos quais a aparência física é importante, entre eles Educação Física e Nutrição. Supõe-se que pessoas preocupadas com seu peso e imagem corporal optem por essas áreas por terem um interesse pessoal pelo tema. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a percepção da imagem corporal, o comportamento alimentar e o estado nutricional de estudantes de cursos das áreas da saúde e humanas para comparação entre estas. MÉTODO: Aplicou-se o Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) e o Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) em 127 alunas do primeiro ano dos cursos de Nutrição e Educação Física (Saúde) e de Publicidade e Propaganda e Administração de Empresas (Humanas) que forneceram dados de peso e altura para cálculo do índice de massa corporal. RESULTADOS: Encontrou-se uma grande prevalência de distorção da imagem em todos os grupos, sem diferença entre as áreas ou entre os cursos. O EAT-26 indicou maiores escores nas estudantes da saúde em relação às de humanas, com alunas de Nutrição apresentando as maiores pontuações, estatisticamente diferentes das encontradas nos cursos de Publicidade e Administração, mas não de Educação Física. Além disso, a maioria das alunas foi classificada como eutrófica, e não se encontraram mulheres com obesidade em nenhum dos cursos, não havendo diferença significativa entre áreas ou cursos para esta variável. DISCUSSÃO: A alta incidência de distorção da imagem corporal associada à grande prevalência de comportamento alimentar inadequado nas alunas da área da saúde demonstra uma possível susceptibilidade ao desenvolvimento de transtornos alimentares.INTRODUCTION: The literature reports a higher prevalence of eating disorders among undergraduate students whose majors value physical appearance, including Physical Education and Nutrition. It is possible to assume that people concerned about their weight and body image may choose to take these majors because they are personally interested in the topic. The objective of this study was to assess the body image perception, eating behavior, and nutritional status of students of health and human sciences and to compare these data. METHOD: The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) and the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) were administered to 127 first-year students of Nutrition and Physical Education (health sciences) and Advertising and Business Administration (human sciences) who also provided information on weight and height for calculation of their body mass index. RESULTS: We found a high prevalence of body image distortion in all groups, with no difference between areas or majors. The EAT-26 indicated higher scores in students of health than in those who studied human sciences, with the students majoring in Nutrition showing the highest scores, with statistical difference from the scores found in Advertising and Business Administration, but not in Physical Education. In addition, most students were classified as eutrophic and there were not obese individuals in any of the majors, with no significant difference between areas or majors for this variable. DISCUSSION: The high incidence of body image distortion associated with high prevalence of inappropriate eating behavior in students of health shows a possible susceptibility to the development of eating disorders

    Economics of End-of-Life Materials Recovery: A Study of Small Appliances and Computer Devices in Portugal

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    The challenges brought on by the increasing complexity of electronic products, and the criticality of the materials these devices contain, present an opportunity for maximizing the economic and societal benefits derived from recovery and recycling. Small appliances and computer devices (SACD), including mobile phones, contain significant amounts of precious metals including gold and platinum, the present value of which should serve as a key economic driver for many recycling decisions. However, a detailed analysis is required to estimate the economic value that is unrealized by incomplete recovery of these and other materials, and to ascertain how such value could be reinvested to improve recovery processes. We present a dynamic product flow analysis for SACD throughout Portugal, a European Union member, including annual data detailing product sales and industrial-scale preprocessing data for recovery of specific materials from devices. We employ preprocessing facility and metals pricing data to identify losses, and develop an economic framework around the value of recycling including uncertainty. We show that significant economic losses occur during preprocessing (over $70 M USD unrecovered in computers and mobile phones, 2006–2014) due to operations that fail to target high value materials, and characterize preprocessing operations according to material recovery and total costs.Portuguese Foundation for International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Higher EducationMIT Portugal Progra

    La desnutrición en la niñez argentina en los primeros años del siglo XXI: un abordaje cuantitativo

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    La desnutrición en la niñez conforma un importante problema de salud pública en Argentina, ya sea como causa básica de mortalidad/morbilidad o asociada a distintas patologías que inciden sobre la población infantil. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre su magnitud, tendencias y su distribución espacial. Este artículo procuró detectar estas situaciones considerando diferentes escalas geográficas. Se propuso un abordaje cuantitativo mediante la sistematización de estadísticas vitales (mortalidad), egresos hospitalarios (morbilidad), y de bajo peso al nacimiento (natalidad), sobre una población objetivo de 0 a 4 años de edad. Las fuentes de información utilizadas fueron las estadísticas de mortalidad (1999-2013), estadísticas de egresos hospitalarios (2000, 2005-2011) y estadísticas de nacidos vivos (1999-2012) provistos por la Dirección de Estadísticas e Información de Salud (DEIS) del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Los resultados advierten comportamientos diferenciados según la escala considerada. Como conclusión, se destaca la necesidad de integrar las vertientes de información analizadas para brindar un panorama más general sobre un problema que, si bien tiende a descender, alcanza magnitudes altas en las zonas más vulnerables. Ciertas áreas del norte presentan las peores condiciones y precisan un abordaje inmediato en materia de pobreza y salud infantil.Child malnutrition is an important public health problem in Argentina, both as a primary cause of mortality/morbidity and associated with different pathologies that affect children. However, little is known about its magnitude, trends and spatial distribution. This article seeks to detect such situations considering different geographic scales. A quantitative approach was applied, systematizing vital statistics (mortality), hospital discharges (morbidity), and low birth weight (natality) in children 0-4 years of age. Accordingly, the information sources used were mortality statistics (1999-2013), hospital discharge statistical records (2000, 2005-2011) and live birth statistics (1999- 2012) provided by the Office of Statistics and Health Information (DEIS) [Dirección de Estadísticas e Información de Salud] of the National Ministry of Health. The results show differences according to the scale considered. The conclusions highlight the necessity of integrating the different sources of information analyzed in order to provide a more general overview of a problem that, albeit in decline, still registers high magnitudes in the most vulnerable areas. In this way, certain areas of northern Argentina evidence worse conditions, requiring immediate attention be paid to issues of poverty and child health

    La desnutrición en la niñez argentina en los primeros años del siglo XXI: un abordaje cuantitativo

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    Child malnutrition is an important public health problem in Argentina, both as a primary cause of mortality/morbidity and associated with different pathologies that affect children. However, little is known about its magnitude, trends and spatial distribution. This article seeks to detect such situations considering different geographic scales. A quantitative approach was applied, systematizing vital statistics (mortality), hospital discharges (morbidity), and low birth weight (natality) in children 0-4 years of age. Accordingly, the information sources used were mortality statistics (1999-2013), hospital discharge statistical records (2000, 2005-2011) and live birth statistics (1999-2012) provided by the Office of Statistics and Health Information (DEIS) [Dirección de Estadísticas e Información de Salud] of the National Ministry of Health. The results show differences according to the scale considered. The conclusions highlight the necessity of integrating the different sources of information analyzed in order to provide a more general overview of a problem that, albeit in decline, still registers high magnitudes in the most vulnerable areas. In this way, certain areas of northern Argentina evidence worse conditions, requiring immediate attention be paid to issues of poverty and child health.La desnutrición en la niñez conforma un importante problema de salud pública en Argentina, ya sea como causa básica de mortalidad/morbilidad o asociada a distintas patologías que inciden sobre la población infantil. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre su magnitud, tendencias y su distribución espacial. Este artículo procuró detectar estas situaciones considerando diferentes escalas geográficas. Se propuso un abordaje cuantitativo mediante la sistematización de estadísticas vitales (mortalidad), egresos hospitalarios (morbilidad), y de bajo peso al nacimiento (natalidad), sobre una población objetivo de 0 a 4 años de edad. Las fuentes de información utilizadas fueron las estadísticas de mortalidad (1999-2013), estadísticas de egresos hospitalarios (2000, 2005-2011) y estadísticas de nacidos vivos (1999-2012) provistos por la Dirección de Estadísticas e Información de Salud (DEIS) del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Los resultados advierten comportamientos diferenciados según la escala considerada. Como conclusión, se destaca la necesidad de integrar las vertientes de información analizadas para brindar un panorama más general sobre un problema que, si bien tiende a descender, alcanza magnitudes altas en las zonas más vulnerables. Ciertas áreas del norte presentan las peores condiciones y precisan un abordaje inmediato en materia de pobreza y salud infantil

    Child malnutrition in Argentina in the first part of the century: a quantitative approach

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    La desnutrición en la niñez conforma un importante problema de salud pública en Argentina, ya sea como causa básica de mortalidad/morbilidad o asociada a distintas patologías que inciden sobre la población infantil. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre su magnitud, tendencias y su distribución espacial. Este artículo procuró detectar estas situaciones considerando diferentes escalas geográficas. Se propuso un abordaje cuantitativo mediante la sistematización de estadísticas vitales (mortalidad), egresos hospitalarios (morbilidad), y de bajo peso al nacimiento (natalidad), sobre una población objetivo de 0 a 4 años de edad. Las fuentes de información utilizadas fueron las estadísticas de mortalidad (1999-2013), estadísticas de egresos hospitalarios (2000, 2005-2011) y estadísticas de nacidos vivos (1999-2012) provistos por la Dirección de Estadísticas e Información de Salud (DEIS) del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Los resultados advierten comportamientos diferenciados según la escala considerada. Como conclusión, se destaca la necesidad de integrar las vertientes de información analizadas para brindar un panorama más general sobre un problema que, si bien tiende a descender, alcanza magnitudes altas en las zonas más vulnerables. Ciertas áreas del norte presentan las peores condiciones y precisan un abordaje inmediato en materia de pobreza y salud infantil.Child malnutrition is an important public health problem in Argentina, both as a primary cause of mortality/morbidity and associated with different pathologies that affect children. However, little is known about its magnitude, trends and spatial distribution. This article seeks to detect such situations considering different geographic scales. A quantitative approach was applied, systematizing vital statistics (mortality), hospital discharges (morbidity), and low birth weight (natality) in children 0-4 years of age. Accordingly, the information sources used were mortality statistics (1999-2013), hospital discharge statistical records (2000, 2005-2011) and live birth statistics (1999- 2012) provided by the Office of Statistics and Health Information (DEIS) [Dirección de Estadísticas e Información de Salud] of the National Ministry of Health. The results show differences according to the scale considered. The conclusions highlight the necessity of integrating the different sources of information analyzed in order to provide a more general overview of a problem that, albeit in decline, still registers high magnitudes in the most vulnerable areas. In this way, certain areas of northern Argentina evidence worse conditions, requiring immediate attention be paid to issues of poverty and child health.Fil: Longhi, Hugo Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Gomez, Alicia. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Zapata, Maria Elisa. Centro de Estudios Sobre Nutricion Infantil; ArgentinaFil: Paolasso, Pablo Cristian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Olmos, María Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Ramos Margarido, Silvina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Materials for construction and civil engineering: science, processing, and design

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    This expansive volume presents the essential topics related to construction materials composition and their practical application in structures and civil installations. The book's diverse slate of expert authors assemble invaluable case examples and performance data on the most important groups of materials used in construction, highlighting aspects such as nomenclature, the properties, the manufacturing processes, the selection criteria, the products/applications, the life cycle and recyclability, and the normalization. Civil Engineering Materials: Science, Processing, and Design is ideal for practicing architects; civil, construction, and structural engineers, and serves as a comprehensive reference for students of these disciplines. This book also: ·       Provides a substantial and detailed overview of traditional materials used in structures and civil infrastructure ·       Discusses properties of natural and synthetic materials in construction and materials' manufacturing processes ·       Addresses topics important to professionals working with structural materials, such as corrosion, nanomaterials, materials life cycle, not often covered outside of journal literature ·       Diverse author team presents expect perspective from civil engineering, construction, and architecture ·       Features a detailed glossary of terms and over 400 illustrations

    From Microcars to Heavy-Duty Vehicles: Vehicle Performance Comparison of Battery and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles

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    Low vehicle occupancy rates combined with record conventional vehicle sales justify the requirement to optimize vehicle type based on passengers and a powertrain with zero-emissions. This study compares the performance of different vehicle types based on the number of passengers/payloads, powertrain configuration (battery and fuel cell electric configurations), and drive cycles, to assess range and energy consumption. An adequate choice of vehicle segment according to the real passenger occupancy enables the least energy consumption. Vehicle performance in terms of range points to remarkable results for the FCEV (fuel cell electric vehicle) compared to BEV (battery electric vehicle), where the former reached an average range of 600 km or more in all different drive cycles, while the latter was only cruising nearly 350 km. Decisively, the cost analysis indicated that FCEV remains the most expensive option with base cost three-fold that of BEV. The FCEV showed notable results with an average operating cost of less than 7 cents/km, where BEV cost more than 10 €/km in addition to the base cost for light-duty vehicles. The cost analysis for a bus and semi-truck showed that with a full payload, FCPT (fuel cell powertrain) would be more economical with an average energy cost of ~1.2 €/km, while with BPT the energy cost is more than 300 €/km