23 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties of the Disordered Eating Attitude Scale for adult men

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate psychometric properties of the Disordered Eating Attitude Scale (DEAS) for men. METHODS: Two hundred and twenty-eight undergraduate male students (18-39 years old) answered the DEAS, originally developed and validated for women. Internal consistency was evaluated by Cronbach's Alpha; convergent validity by comparing DEAS and the Eating Attitude (EAT) and Restraint Scale (RS) scores using Pearson's coefficient. Test-retest reliability was evaluated with a subsample (n = 38) in a month interval by means of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Known-groups validity was obtained comparing scores in DEAS among undergraduate students and men with eating disorders (ED) (n = 28). RESULTS: Internal consistency of scale was 0.63. DEAS score correlated with EAT (r = 0.65) and RS (r = 0.51); ICC between test and retest was 0.948. Known-groups analysis differentiated ED patients and undergraduate students (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The scale presented adequate psychometric properties and could be used in studies with adult men, since the construct is not explored among males. Nevertheless, it is recommended to revise the scale and to develop specific instruments for male public.OBJETIVO: Avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Atitudes Alimentares Transtornadas (EAAT) para o sexo masculino. MÉTODOS: Duzentos e vinte e oito universitários (18-39 anos) responderam à EAAT, originalmente desenvolvida e validada para o sexo feminino. A consistência interna foi avaliada pelo Alpha de Cronbach e a validade convergente, por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson comparando os escores da EAAT, do Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT) e da Escala de Restrição (RS). A reprodutibilidade foi avaliada aplicando a escala numa subamostra (n = 38) com um mês de intervalo utilizando o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI). A validade known-groups foi obtida comparando o escore dos universitários na EAAT com o escore de homens com diagnóstico de transtornos alimentares (TA) (n = 28). RESULTADOS: A consistência interna da escala foi de 0,63. O escore da EAAT foi correlacionado com a EAT (r = 0,65) e RS (r = 0,51), e o CCI entre o teste e o reteste foi de 0,948. A análise known-groups diferenciou pacientes com TA de estudantes universitários (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: A escala apresentou propriedades psicométricas adequadas e pode ser utilizada em estudos com homens adultos - uma vez que o constructo é pouco explorado em homens. Recomenda-se, de qualquer forma, uma revisão da escala e desenvolvimento de instrumentos específicos para o público masculino.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Saúde Pública Departamento de NutriçãoUniversidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Programa de Pós-Graduação em PsicologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Saúde, Clínica e InstituiçõesUNIFESP, Depto. de Saúde, Clínica e InstituiçõesSciEL

    The Effects of a “Health at Every Size®”-Based Approach in Obese Women: A Pilot-Trial of the “Health and Wellness in Obesity” Study

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    This study explored the effects of Health at Every Size®-based intervention on obese women by qualitatively evaluating participants’ perception towards the program and quantitatively evaluating changes related to psychological, behavioral and body composition assessments. A prospective one-year quasi-experimental mixed-method trial was conducted. The mixed method design was characterized by a spiral method, and quantitative and qualitative findings were combined during the interpretation phase. The qualitative data involved three focus groups; and quantitative data comprised physiological, psychological and behavioral assessments. Initially, 30 participants were recruited; 14 concluded the intervention. From the focus groups, the following interpretative axes were constructed: the intervention as a period of discoveries; shifting parameters: psychological, physical and behavioral changes; eating changes, and; redefining success. Body weight, body mass index, total body fat mass and body fat percentage were significantly decreased after the intervention (-3.6, -3.2, -13.0, and -11.1%, respectively; p≤0.05, within-time effect). Participants reported being more physically active, and perceiving better their bodies. Eating-wise, participants reported that the hunger and satiety cues and the consumption of more frequent meals facilitated their eating changes. Finally, participants reported that they could identify feelings with eating choices and refrain from the restrained behavior. These qualitative improvements were accompanied by modest but significant improvements in quantitative assessments. Clinicaltrials.gov registration: NCT02102061

    “É lá, perto da moça gorda”: estudo qualitativo sobre as percepções de mulheres gordas acerca de seus corpos e discriminações relacionadas ao peso corporal

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    We investigated fat women’s perceptions of their own bodies and their experiences with weightrelated discriminations, and how these situations affected their well-being. Thirty-nine obese women were interviewed, and three axes of analysis were identified: (1) repercussions of being fat, (2) living with a fat body, and (3) am I a person or just a fat body? These axes were composed of eight themes which had similar meaning or complemented each other. The results showed our participants had mechanisms to diminish the magnitude of their stigmatized bodies (e.g., attempting to lose weight and changing their current food choices). Participants also reported being fat had physical and psychological consequences for them. Most notably, their larger bodies influenced their self-evaluation, making them feel devalued, unlovable, incapable, and incomplete. They reported stigmatizing experiences in familiar situations, at the workplace and in public spaces, and reported being stigmatized by both close and unknown individuals, including healthcare professionals. These professionals were reported to treat patients disrespectfully, which urges attention to health care inequalities for obese people. Our results stress stigmatizing attitudes towards fat people and their own considerations about themselves have negative consequences in their physical and mental well-being.Investigamos a percepção de mulheres gordas sobre seu próprio corpo e suas experiências com discriminações relacionadas ao peso e como essas situações afetavam seu bem-estar. Trinta e nove mulheres obesas foram entrevistadas, sendo identificados três eixos de análise: (1) repercussões de ser gorda, (2) vivendo com um corpo gordo, e (3) eu sou uma pessoa ou apenas um corpo gordo? Esses eixos eram compostos por oito temas que se complementavam ou tinham significado semelhante. Os resultados mostraram que nossas participantes utilizavam mecanismos para diminuir a magnitude de seus corpos estigmatizados (por exemplo, tentando perder peso e modificando suas escolhas alimentares atuais). As participantes também relataram que ser gorda teve consequências físicas e psicológicas para elas. É importante ressaltar que seus corpos maiores influenciaram sua autoavaliação, fazendo com que se sentissem desvalorizadas, incapazes, incompletas e sem possibilidade de se sentirem amadas. Elas relataram experiências estigmatizadoras em situações familiares, no local de trabalho e em espaços públicos, e relataram serem estigmatizadas por pessoas próximas e desconhecidas, bem como por profissionais de saúde. Foi relatado que esses profissionais tratam os pacientes com desrespeito, o que exige atenção quanto às desigualdades na assistência à saúde de pessoas obesas. Nossos resultados enfatizam que atitudes estigmatizadoras em relação às pessoas gordas e suas próprias considerações sobre si mesmas têm consequências negativas para seu bem-estar físico e mental

    Does creatine supplementation improve the plasma lipid profile in healthy male subjects undergoing aerobic training?

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    Abstract We aimed to investigate the effects of creatine (Cr) supplementation on the plasma lipid profile in sedentary male subjects undergoing aerobic training. Methods Subjects (n = 22) were randomly divided into two groups and were allocated to receive treatment with either creatine monohydrate (CR) (~20 g·day-1 for one week followed by ~10 g·day-1 for a further eleven weeks) or placebo (PL) (dextrose) in a double blind fashion. All subjects undertook moderate intensity aerobic training during three 40-minute sessions per week, over 3 months. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TAG), fasting insulin and fasting glycemia were analyzed in plasma. Thereafter, the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) was calculated. Tests were performed at baseline (Pre) and after four (Post 4), eight (Post 8) and twelve (Post 12) weeks. Results We observed main time effects in both groups for HDL (Post 4 versus Post 8; P = 0.01), TAG and VLDL (Pre versus Post 4 and Post 8; P = 0.02 and P = 0.01, respectively). However, no between group differences were noted in HDL, LDL, CT, VLDL and TAG. Additionally, fasting insulin, fasting glycemia and HOMA did not change significantly. Conclusion These findings suggest that Cr supplementation does not exert any additional effect on the improvement in the plasma lipid profile than aerobic training alone.</p

    Does creatine supplementation improve the plasma lipid profile in healthy male subjects undergoing aerobic training?

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    Abstract   We aimed to investigate the effects of creatine (Cr) supplementation on the plasma lipid profile in sedentary male subjects undergoing aerobic training. Methods Subjects (n = 22) were randomly divided into two groups and were allocated to receive treatment with either creatine monohydrate (CR) (~20 g·day-1 for one week followed by ~10 g·day-1 for a further eleven weeks) or placebo (PL) (dextrose) in a double blind fashion. All subjects undertook moderate intensity aerobic training during three 40-minute sessions per week, over 3 months. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TAG), fasting insulin and fasting glycemia were analyzed in plasma. Thereafter, the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) was calculated. Tests were performed at baseline (Pre) and after four (Post 4), eight (Post 8) and twelve (Post 12) weeks. Results We observed main time effects in both groups for HDL (Post 4 versus Post 8; P = 0.01), TAG and VLDL (Pre versus Post 4 and Post 8; P = 0.02 and P = 0.01, respectively). However, no between group differences were noted in HDL, LDL, CT, VLDL and TAG. Additionally, fasting insulin, fasting glycemia and HOMA did not change significantly. Conclusion These findings suggest that Cr supplementation does not exert any additional effect on the improvement in the plasma lipid profile than aerobic training alone

    Validation of the Disordered Eating Attitude Scale for adolescents

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    ABSTRACT Objective To perform the psychometric evaluation of the Disordered Eating Attitude Scale (DEAS) for adolescents. Methods Sample consisted of 1,119 Brazilian adolescents (12-18 years old; 59.6% female) studying at technical schools in São Paulo state-Brazil, who answered an online survey with the DEAS, the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26), and the Restraint Scale (RS). The internal consistency of the DEAS was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. The convergent validity of DEAS was evaluated by means of Pearson’s coefficient correlation with EAT-26 and RS. The test-retest reliability was evaluated using a sub-sample of 61 adolescents. Known-groups validity was determined by comparing female student mean scores with scores of 33 female adolescents with eating disorders. Results The reliability of the DEAS was 0.79. EAT-26 and RS scores were positively correlated with DEAS scores (EAT: 0.78 for females and 0.59 for males, p < 0.001; RS: 0.63 for females and 0.48 for males, p < 0.001). The DEAS total and subscale scores differentiated students and patients with eating disorders (p < 0.001). The intra-class correlation coefficient for test-retest reliability was 0.87. Conclusion Results indicate that the DEAS adolescent version showed good internal consistency, convergent validity, known-groups validity, and test-retest reliability, suggesting its potential in identifying disordered eating attitudes among adolescents. It could also be helpful in identifying adolescents at risk from eating disorders, assisting in prevention programs

    Validation of the Disordered Eating Attitude Scale for adolescents Validação da Escala de Atitudes Alimentares Transtornadas para adolescentes

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    aBStract objective: To perform the psychometric evaluation of the Disordered Eating Attitude Scale (DEAS) for adolescents. Methods: Sample consisted of 1,119 Brazilian adolescents (12-18 years old; 59.6% female) studying at technical schools in São Paulo state-Brazil, who answered an online survey with the DEAS, the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26), and the Restraint Scale (RS). The internal consistency of the DEAS was assessed using Cronbach&apos;s alpha. The convergent validity of DEAS was evaluated by means of Pearson&apos;s coefficient correlation with EAT-26 and RS. The test-retest reliability was evaluated using a sub-sample of 61 adolescents. Knowngroups validity was determined by comparing female student mean scores with scores of 33 female adolescents with eating disorders. results: The reliability of the DEAS was 0.79. EAT-26 and RS scores were positively correlated with DEAS scores (EAT: 0.78 for females and 0.59 for males, p &lt; 0.001; RS: 0.63 for females and 0.48 for males, p &lt; 0.001). The DEAS total and subscale scores differentiated students and patients with eating disorders (p &lt; 0.001). The intra-class correlation coefficient for test-retest reliability was 0.87. conclusion: Results indicate that the DEAS adolescent version showed good internal consistency, convergent validity, known-groups validity, and test-retest reliability, suggesting its potential in identifying disordered eating attitudes among adolescents. It could also be helpful in identifying adolescents at risk from eating disorders, assisting in prevention programs. reSUMo objetivo: Realizar a avaliação psicométrica da Escala de Atitudes Alimentares Transtornadas (EAAT) para adolescentes. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 1.119 adolescentes (12-18 anos; 59,6% do sexo feminino) estudantes de escolas técnicas do estado de São Paulo, que responderam online à EAAT, ao Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26) e à Escala de Restrição (RS). A consistência interna da EAAT foi avaliada usando o alpha de Cronbach e a validade convergente por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson com o EAT-26 e a RS. A confiabilidade teste-reteste foi avaliada usando uma subamostra de 61 adolescentes. A validade known-groups foi determinada pela comparação dos escores médios de estudantes do sexo feminino com os escores de 33 adolescentes do sexo feminino com transtornos alimentares. resultados: A consistência interna foi de 0,79, e as pontuações no EAT-26 e na RS estiveram Keywords Eating disorders, feeding behavior, adolescent, psychometrics, validation studies. Disordered Eating Attitude Scale positivamente correlacionadas com a pontuação da EAAT (EAT: 0,78 para o sexo feminino e 0,59 para o masculino, p &lt; 0,001; RS: 0,63 para o sexo feminino e 0,48 para o masculino, p &lt; 0,001). O escore da EAAT diferenciou estudantes e pacientes com transtornos alimentares (p &lt; 0,001). O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse na confiabilidade teste-reteste foi de 0,87. conclusão: A versão da EAAT para adolescentes mostrou boa consistência interna, validade convergente, known-groups e confiabilidade teste-reteste, sugerindo o seu potencial na identificação de atitudes alimentares transtornadas entre adolescentes. Ela pode, portanto, ser útil na identificação de adolescentes com risco de transtornos alimentares, auxiliando em programas de prevenção

    Under-reporting of energy intake is more prevalent in a healthy dietary pattern cluster

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    The aim of the present study was to determine whether under-reporting rates vary between dietary pattern Clusters. Subjects were sixty-five Brazilian women. During 3 weeks, anthropometric data were collected. total energy expenditure (TEE) was determined by the doubly labelled water method and diet Was Measured. Energy intake (El) and the daily frequency of consumption per 1000 kJ of twenty-two food groups were obtained from a FFQ. These frequencies were entered into a Cluster analysis procedure in order to obtain dietary patterns. Under-reporters were defined Lis those who did not lose more than 1 kg of body weight during the study and presented EI:TEE less than 0.82. Three dietary pattern clusters were identified and named according to their most recurrent food groups: sweet foods (SW). starchy foods (ST) and health), (H). Subjects from the healthy cluster had the lowest mean EI:TEE (SW = 0.86, ST = 0.71 and H = 0.58: P = 0.003) and EI - TEE (SW = -0.49 MJ, ST = - 3.20 MJ and H = -5.09 MJ; P = 0.008). The proportion of Under-reporters was 45.2 (95 % CI 35.5, 55.0) % in the SW Cluster: 58.3 (95 % CI 48.6, 68.0) % in the ST Cluster and 70.0 (95 % CI 61.0, 79) % in the H cluster (P=0.34). Thus, in Brazilian women, Under-reporting of El is not uniformly distributed among, dietary pattern clusters and tends to be more severe among subjects from the healthy cluster. This cluster is more consistent with both dietary guidelines and with what lay individuals usually consider `healthy eating`.State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP