71 research outputs found

    Perfiles psicosociales de adultos con TDAH: un estudio comparativo con muestras reclusa y clínica

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    ADHD; Prison; Outpatient psychiatric patients; Legal consequencesTDAH; Carcelarios; Muestra clínica; Consecuencias legalesTDAH; Presó; Pacients psiquiàtrics ambulatoris; Conseqüències legalsThis study aimed to describe and compare the educational, social, and family profiles of adults with and without ADHD from two different settings: a prison and an outpatient psychiatric setting. A total of 542 participants, aged between 17 and 69 years, took part in the study. The participants consisted of four groups: a prison sample with ADHD (n = 69) and without ADHD (n = 183), and an outpatient psychiatric sample with ADHD (n = 218) and without ADHD (n = 72). The results showed that, firstly, there were some statistically significant differences between the groups in academic history, social and family situation, and the adoption of risk behaviors during adolescence and early adulthood. Secondly, some of these differences were related to diagnosis (ADHD versus non-ADHD) while others were related to the sample being examined (prison versus psychiatric). The findings from the study showed the presence of significant implications in social, family, educational, and employment achievements both for adults with ADHD (both prison and psychiatric samples) and for adults without ADHD.Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir y comparar los perfiles educativos, sociales y familiares de un grupo de adultos con y sin TDAH de dos muestras diferentes: una de carcelarios y una población clínica. Formaron parte del estudio 542 participantes, con edades comprendidas entre los 17 y 69 años. La muestra se dividió en cuatro grupos, un grupo de carcelarios con TDAH (n = 69) y sin TDAH (n = 183) y un grupo clínico con TDAH (n = 218) y sin TDAH (n = 72). Los resultados apoyan la hipótesis inicial, que establece que, primero, hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en cuanto a historial académico, situación social y familiar y la adopción de conductas de riesgo durante la adolescencia y la adultez temprana; en segundo lugar, algunas de las diferencias se relacionarán con el diagnóstico de TDAH, mientras que otras estarán más vinculadas a la población examinada. Los hallazgos del estudio mostraron la presencia de consecuencias significativas para los contextos sociales, familiares, educativos y laborales tanto en poblaciones adultas con TDAH (pacientes en carcelarios y clínicos) como aquellas sin TDAH.This work was supported by the Regional Government of Asturias under Grant [FC-15-GRUPIN14-053]

    Agresores generalistas y especialistas en violencia de parejas jóvenes y adolescentes: Implicaciones en la implementación de los programas de prevención

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    El estudio de las relaciones de noviazgo violentas en la juventud y adolescencia (Dating Violence, DV) es un campo de especial interés, tanto por su prevalencia, como por constituir el inicio del aprendizaje de la diná¬mica de relaciones de pareja en la edad adulta. Uno de los desafíos en este campo es la identificación de los factores de riesgo y protección que deben constituir la base para la elaboración de programas de prevención. El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar si existen di¬ferencias en el perfil de maltrato entre agresores de pa¬reja especialistas (expresan sus conductas agresivas ex¬clusivamente con sus parejas) y generalistas (manifiestan también sus conductas abusivas en otros entornos y con¬textos). La muestra está compuesta por 447 mujeres (rango de edad = 15-26 años; M = 18.77, DE = 2.36). Fueron agrupadas en función de la variable Maltrato (Non-Abused/Abused) y categorizadas en este último grupo en función de que el agresor fuese considerado es-pecialista o generalista por sus víctimas. Se aplicó el Cuestionario CUVINO (Dating Violence Questionnaire), que evalúa ocho distintos tipos de maltrato en estas eda¬des. El análisis MANOVA realizado mostró diferencias entre los grupos en los factores de Humillación, Coerción y Violencia basada en Género. Adicionalmente, se en¬contraron tamaños de efectos pequeños pero apreciables en los factores de Desapego, Violencia Física y Castigo Emocional. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se discute la necesidad de considerar el tipo de agresor (generalista o especialista) en las investigaciones sobre DV y sus im¬plicaciones en el campo de la prevención.The study of teen and youth dating violent relationships (Dating Violence, DV) is a field of special interest, not only because of its prevalence, but also because it constitutes the beginning of the learning of the dynamics of relationships, in which the possibility of establishing habits for later relationships begins. One of the challenges in this field is related to the identification of risk and protection factors that must provide a solid basis for the development of prevention programs. The aim of the present study is to determine if there are differences in the abuse profile among DV specialist (they show their abusive behavior specifically with their affective partner) and generalist batterers (they also express them in other environments and contexts). The sample was 447 women (range age from15 to 26 years; M = 18.77, SD = 2.36). They were grouped per the variable Non-Abused/Abused and, in the latter group, were grouped according to the consideration of the victims about if the aggressor was specialist of generalist. The CUVINO Questionnaire (Dating Violence Questionnaire, DVQ) was applied, which evaluates eight different types of abuse at these ages. MANOVA analysis showed differences between groups in the factors of Humiliation, Coercion and Gender-Based Violence. In addition, small but appreciable effects sizes were found in Detachment, Physical Violence and Emotional Punishment factors. Basing on the results obtained, we discuss the need to consider the type of aggressor (generalist or specialist) in research on DV and its implications in the field of prevention

    Are generalist batterers different from generally extra-family violent men? A study among imprisoned male violent offenders

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    Research on male batterers has found that in some cases of severe intimate partner violence (IPV) against women, male aggressors were also generally violent beyond the family realm. These findings have been used by researchers to illustrate the common etiology of both general and IPV. Using data from imprisoned male violent offenders, we analyzed the individual, family, and community characteristics of two groups of violent offenders: generalist batterers (GB) and generally extra-family violent men (GEVM). GB offenders had a judicial sentence on IPV-related offenses (gender violence according to the Spanish legislation), while GEVM offenders did not have any IPV-related judicial sentence. The sample includes 153 imprisoned male violent offenders of the Penitentiary Center of Villabona (Asturias, Spain). Sociodemographic measures, and criminal and justice official records of participants are available. Two groups of participants (GB and GEVM) distinction was done based on official records. Multivariate analyses of covariance (MANCOVA) was carried out to study differences between each group of participants in self-reported measures of personal, family, and community context variables. MANCOVA showed no statistical differences among the individual, family, and community characteristics of these two groups, giving empirical support to the theoretical view that general violence and IPV might share a common etiology. These results are discussed in light of the debate about the potentially common etiology of these two types of violence

    Generalists versus specialists: Toward a typology of batterers in prison

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    In this study we apply the versatile/specialist offender debate to the research of intimate partner violence. We propose the existence of two types of imprisoned male batterers: the generalist and the specialist batterer. The individual, family, and community characteristics of these types of batterers are further explored in 110 imprisoned males in the Penitentiary of Villabona (Spain). As for the individual characteristics, results indicate that the generalist batterer present higher levels of psychopathology (specially antisocial and borderline personality), sexist attitudes, and substance dependence. Specialist batterers presented higher levels of conflict in their family of origin. Finally, generalist batterers reported coming from more socially disordered communities and showed lower levels of participation and integration in these communities than the specialist batterer. These results suggest that the classical distinctions among batterers based on psychopathology and context of violence (whether general or family only) might be of little utility when applied to imprisoned male batterers

    Perfil de los menores infractores extranjeros acompañados y no acompañados en Asturias

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    The social alarm generated by juve-nile delinquency is increased when the offender is also foreign. The aim of this paper is to analyze the socio-demographic, psychological and crimi-nal problems of these children, establishing a comparison of unaccompanied foreign minors (MENAs, by its acronym in Spanish) and accom-panied foreign minors (from family reunification). The sample consists of all offenders foreign mi-nors in the Principality of Asturias (Spain) in 2012 (N = 90; n = 61 accompanied; n = 29 unaccompa-nied). X2/ U test of Mann-Whitney statistical was used to set the comparison, presenting the Cohen’s Odds Ratio/d as a measure of association/effect size. The results showed similarities between the two groups in age (15.5 years) and the type of first offense (against property). However, there are some differences by gender, age of arrival in Spain, the pattern of substance use, psychological problems, the level of recidivism, offenses and ju-dicial measures applied throughout their criminal careers. The results refer which is not a homoge-neous group, being discussed the implications to a counseling intervention from the Protection and Juvenile Justice System.Investigación financiada por la Fundación para el Fomento en Asturias de la Investigación Científica Aplicada y la Tecnología (FICYT), mediante Becas Severo Ochoa (BP09147 y BP13134); y el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte por ayudas para contratos predoctorales para Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU 13/04310).La alarma social generada por la de-lincuencia juvenil se ve incrementada cuando el infractor, además, es extranjero. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el perfil sociodemográfico, la problemática psicológica y delictiva de estos jó-venes, estableciendo una comparación entre los menores extranjeros no acompañados (MENAs) y los acompañados (procedentes de reagrupaciones familiares). La muestra se compone del total de menores infractores extranjeros en el Principado de Asturias (España) en 2012 (N = 90; n = 61 acompañados, n = 29 no acompañados). Se utiliza el estadístico X2/ la Prueba U de Mann-Withney para establecer dicha comparación, presentando el Odds Ratio/el estadístico d de Cohen como me-dida de la asociación/tamaño del efecto. Los re-sultados ofrecen similitudes entre ambos grupos en edad (15.5 años aproximadamente) y tipo de la primera infracción cometida (contra el patrimo-nio); sin embargo, ofrecen diferencias en base al género, la edad de llegada a España, el patrón de consumo de sustancias, la problemática psicoló-gica, el nivel de reincidencia y las infracciones co-metidas y medidas judiciales aplicadas a lo largo de sus carreras delictivas. Los resultados refieren que no se trata de un colectivo homogéneo, siendo discutidas sus implicaciones de cara a una orien-tación en la intervención desde el Sistema de Pro-tección y Justicia Juvenil

    Psychosocial Profiles of Adults with ADHD: A Comparative Study of Prison and Outpatient Psychiatric Samples

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    This study aimed to describe and compare the educational, social, and family profiles of adults with and without ADHD from two different settings: a prison and an outpatient psychiatric setting. A total of 542 participants, aged between 17 and 69 years, took part in the study. The participants consisted of four groups: a prison sample with ADHD (n = 69) and without ADHD (n = 183), and an outpatient psychiatric sample with ADHD (n = 218) and without ADHD (n = 72). The results showed that, firstly, there were some statistically significant differences between the groups in academic history, social and family situation, and the adoption of risk behaviors during adolescence and early adulthood. Secondly, some of these differences were related to diagnosis (ADHD versus non-ADHD) while others were related to the sample being examined (prison versus psychiatric). The findings from the study showed the presence of significant implications in social, family, educational, and employment achievements both for adults with ADHD (both prison and psychiatric samples) and for adults without ADHD

    Concordance in the perception of violent behavior in adolescent couples

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    La violencia entre parejas de adolescentes es un tema de relevancia a nivel social, destacando por sus tasas de prevalencia y graves consecuencias. Como objetivo, se plantea comprobar los niveles de prevalencia de sucesos violentos en parejas adolescentes y jóvenes, y determinar los niveles de concordancia en la ocurrencia de la violencia en base a la información aportada por ambos miembros de la pareja. La muestra se conforma de 106 parejas con un rango de edad entre 18 y 30 años. Se aplicó de forma independiente el cuestionario de violencia entre novios, versión para parejas (CUVINO-VA). Los resultados reflejaron una alta prevalencia de violencia en sus relaciones de noviazgo y elevadas discrepancias en su percepción, estadísticamente significativas, tanto en varones como mujeres tanto en los roles de agresión como de victimización.Violence between adolescent couples is a topic of social relevance, highlighted by its prevalence rates and its serious consequences. As an objective, it is proposed to check the levels of prevalence of violent events in adolescent and young couples and to determine the levels of concordance in the occurrence of violence during courtship based on the information provided by both members of the same couple. The sample consists of 106 couples with an age range between 18 and 30 years, to who was applied independently the questionnaire of violence between dating, in its version for couples (CUVINO-VA). The results reflected a high prevalence of violence in their dating relationships and high discrepancies in their perception, statistically significant,in both men and women in both the roles of aggression and victimization.Fundación para la Promoción de la Investigación Científica Aplicada y la Tecnología en Asturias (becas Severo Ochoa BP13-134 y BP14-153)Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España (MINECO-17- PSI2016-77484-P