6,415 research outputs found

    A theoretical insight into the catalytic effect of a mixed-metal oxide at the nanometer level: The case of the highly active metal/CeOx/TiO2(110) catalysts

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    The structural and electronic properties of CeOx species supported on the rutile TiO2 110 surface have been examined by means of periodic density-functional calculations that use a generalized gradient approximation functional including a Hubbard-like type correction. Deposition of Ce atoms leads in a first step to Ce3+ ions bound to the surface through bridge and in-plane oxygen atoms, the released electrons occupying the Ti 3d empty orbitals. Further addition of Ce and molecular oxygen gives place to Ce2O3 dimers diagonally arranged on the surface, in agreement with the spots observed in the scanning tunnel microscope images. The formation process of CeOx nanoparticles NPs on the TiO2 surface is highly exothermic and our calculations show that the redox properties of the Ce III-Ce IV couple are significantly altered when it is supported on TiO2. In particular the reactivity against CO/O2 indicates that on the surface the presence of Ce III is favored over Ce IV species. Our results also indicate that the CeOx /TiO2 interface should be seen like a real mixed-metal oxide rather than a supported NP of ceria. Finally, in the context of the high catalytic activity of the M /CeOx /TiO2 M =Au,Cu,Pt systems in the water-gas shift reaction, we have examined the dissociation of water on the CeOx /TiO2 surface and estimated a barrier as small as 0.04 eV, i.e. 8 times smaller than that computed for a TiO2 oxygen vacancy. This result agrees with the experimental superior catalytic activity of the M /CeOx /TiO2 systems over M /TiO2.Gobierno de España. Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) MAT2005-01872 y CSD2008-0023Junta de Andalucía FQM-132Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. División de Subvención de Ciencias Químicas DE-AC02-98CH1088

    Diavideos: a Diabetes Health Video Portal

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    Diavideos1 is a web platform that collects trustworthy diabetes health videos from YouTube and offers them in a easy way. YouTube is a big repository of health videos, but good content is sometimes mixed with misleading and harmful videos such as promoting anorexia [1].Diavideos is a web portal that provides easy access to a repository of trustworthy diabetes videos. This poster describes Diavideos and explains the crawling method used to retrieve these videos from trusted channels

    El derecho de veto del director periodista

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    El artículo 37 de la ley de Prensa e Imprenta y 27 b) del Estatuto de la Profesión Periodística otorga al director del medio de comunicación el derecho de veto. En no pocas ocasiones, su ejercicio, confirmada su vigencia por el Tribunal Constitucional, se ha asimilado a una forma de censura previa cuando la obra periodística es contraria a los intereses del medio.El presente artículo pretende conocer el alcance del veto frente a la cláusula de conciencia, que impide a la información ser objeto de “consideraciones mercantilistas”, y al periodista ser concebido como un “mercenario abierto a todo tipo de informaciones” difundidas al margen del mandato de veracidad y pluralismo del artículo 20.1 d) CE.The Articles 37 of the current Press and Printing Spanish Law 14/1966, March 18th and 27 b) of the Spanish Statute of the Journalistic Profession (Decree 744/1967, April 13th) provides a right to veto for Journalist Director. On many occasions, the exercise of this right, confirmed its validity by Spanish Constitutional Court, has been likened to a form of censorship against work created by Journalists contrary to the interests of Media. This article aims to determine the scope of the right to veto oppositing to the right to the Conscience Clause which prevents that information might not have “mercantilist considerations”, and finally prevents Journalists be conceived as a “mercenary open to all kinds of information” and news disseminated outside the Constitutional mandate of truth and pluralism enshrined in Article 20.1 d) of the Spanish 1978 Constitution

    Descubrimiento automático de mappings en un caso de uso real con altas exigencias de certeza

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    Los sistemas de integración de información resuelven las diferencias entre las fuentes, en la mayoría de los casos, mediante la creación de mappings, puentes semánticos entre los elementos de las fuentes. Hasta ahora se han propuesto comparadores para generar un conjunto de mappings para cada par de elementos de las fuentes a integrar, y se han realizado estudios experimentales con ellos. El valor añadido del presente trabajo frente a los trabajos experimentales anteriores es que se ha llevado a cabo en un caso real embebido en una aplicación real (en el dominio geográfico) con altas exigencias de certeza

    Estudio y formalización del proceso de mezcla de ontologías

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    Desde hace tiempo la mezcla de ontolog?as es una actividad necesaria, sin embargo, los actuales m?todos de mezcla de ontolog?as no tienen una casu?stica detallada ni una formalizaci?n precisa. Para la validaci?n de estos m?todos, es conveniente disponer de una casu?stica lo m?s completa posible. Por ello, en este art?culo se presenta el modelo OEGMerge, desarrollado a partir de la experiencia del Grupo de Ingenier?a Ontol?gica (OEG) de la UPM, en el que se describe detallada y formalmente la casu?stica de mezcla y las acciones a realizar en cada caso. En esta primera aproximaci?n s?lo se abarca taxonom?a de conceptos, atributos y relaciones

    OEGMerge: a case-based model for merging ontologies

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    No long ago ontology merging was a necessary activity, however, the current methods used in ontology merging present neither detailed cases nor an accurate formalization. For validating these methods, it is convenient to have a case list as complete as possible. In this paper we present the OEGMerge model, developed from the OEG (Ontological Engineering Group at UPM) experience, which describes precisely the merging casuistic and the actions to carry out in each case. In this first approach, the model covers only the taxonomy of concepts, attributes and relations

    Algoritmo de agregación de mappings basado en reglas de selección

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    Los sistemas de integración de información resuelven las diferencias entre las fuentes, en la mayoría de los casos, mediante la creación de mappings, puentes semánticos entre los elementos de las fuentes. Hasta ahora se han propuesto técnicas para generar un conjunto de mappings para cada par de elementos de las fuentes a integrar, sin embargo, hasta la publicación del presente trabajo, no se disponía de un algoritmo de agregación público y general para distintos tipos de fuentes que permitiera sintetizar este conjunto de mappings en uno solo. El enfoque aquí presentado está basado en reglas y ha sido aplicado en la integración de catálogos de mobiliario y en la integración de recursos en el dominio geoespacia

    Transcriptomics of ammonium nutrition in the conifer Pinus pinaster Aiton

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    Nitrogen is an important element for all living beings because it is part of macromolecules as significant as nucleic acids or amino acids. For plants, it constitutes a limiting factor in their growth and development1 due to their low natural availability in soils thus limiting primary production in ecosystems2. Conifers are a group of gymnosperm plants that form large forest extensions of vegetation, being the main constituents of forests in boreal ecosystems3 where ammonium is the main source of inorganic nitrogen4. Due to the characteristics of the soils in which conifers usually grow, these plants have developed a high tolerance to the presence of ammonium, which may constitute their main source of inorganic nitrogen5. The maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) is a conifer that has a wide distribution in the western Mediterranean area and has been widely used in reforestation, soil stabilization tasks and industrially. In recent years, maritime pine has been the subject of multiple omic studies that have resulted in the acquisition of important tools and resources6,7. The present work is focused on the analysis of the ammonium uptake and management efficiency, and its relationship with the biomass accumulation in maritime pine. For this purpose, several experiments have been developed in which pine seedlings have undergone different levels of ammonium nutrition, both in the short and long term. As a result of short-term experiments, the characterization of transcriptomic response to the process of ammonium nutrition (uptake and assimilation) is being studied at mRNA, lncRNA and miRNA level in roots. In relation to long-term experiments, ten different provenances of maritime pine seedlings were treated with different ammonium levels and the biomass changes were measured. The results obtained suggest the existence a certain phenotypic plasticity grade for this conifer.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This project was supported by a grant form the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MicroNUpE, BIO2015-73512-JIN; MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE). FO was supported by a grant from the Universidad de Málaga (Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil vía SNJG, UMAJI11, FEDER, FSE, Junta de Andalucía) and JMVM by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (FPU17/03517

    Lasso Estimation of an Interval-Valued Multiple Regression Model

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    A multiple interval-valued linear regression model considering all the cross-relationships between the mids and spreads of the intervals has been introduced recently. A least-squares estimation of the regression parameters has been carried out by transforming a quadratic optimization problem with inequality constraints into a linear complementary problem and using Lemke's algorithm to solve it. Due to the irrelevance of certain cross-relationships, an alternative estimation process, the LASSO (Least Absolut Shrinkage and Selection Operator), is developed. A comparative study showing the differences between the proposed estimators is provided

    The black hake fishery in the Mauritanian EEZ: Analysis of the possible application of a 30 cm minimum

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    The fishery of black hake Merluccius spp. in the Mauritanian EEZ mainly comprises a Spanish trawler fleet, as well as some longliners. The highly specialised trawling fishery has diminished its effort, while its annual landings have remained stable, not surpassing 12 000 t. In the total annual catch, individuals measuring less than 30 cm do not represent more than 10% (with the exceptions of 1992 and 1993, when the highest recruitment was recorded), although this percentage is higher during the cold season. The evolution of both the yields and the average sizes of the landed hakes, which have increased since 1991, do not indicate an overexploited resource, especially if we take into account that the potential for hake exploitation off Mauritania has been estimated at 133000 tons annually. The implementation of a minimum legal length of 30 cm for Merluccius spp., which is contemplated in Mauritanian fishing regulations, would contradict the conditions of the present fishing agreement, which imposes a 60 mm mesh size and prohibits fishing within an offshore limit of 18 nautical miles. Due to mesh selectivity, to black hakes ' size-segregation with depth, and to the biological characteristics o f these species, which are small and highly migratory, Spanish trawlers will continue to catch individuals under 30 cm. Therefore, regulation by means of minimum size would not be an adequate conservation measure for black hakes in the Mauritanian EEZ.La pesquería de merluzas negras Merluccius spp. es ejercida en la ZEE mauritana por una flota española de arrastreros y por algunos palangreros, La pesquería de arrastre, altamente especializada, ha disminuido su esfuerzo, mientras sus capturas se han mantenido, no superando las 12 000 toneladas anuales. Aunque con valores mensuales mas elevados durante la estación fría, los ejemplares menores de 30 cm sólo han representado más del 10 % del total anual en 1992 y 1993, años de fuerte reclutamiento. La evolución de los rendimientos y de las tallas medias de las merluzas desembarcadas, que han aumentado desde 1991, no muestran una sobrexplotación del recurso, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que su potencial extraíble ha sido estimado en aguas mauritanas en 133000 toneladas anuales. La aplicación de la talla mínima de 30 cm contemplada por la legislación mauritana a Merluccius spp. entraría en contradicción con las condiciones del acuerdo de pesca vigente, que impone la malla de 60 mm y autoriza la pesca fuera de las 18 millas marinas. Debido a la selectividad de la malla, a la segregación de tallas con la profundidad que presentan las merluzas negras y a las características biológicas de estas especies, de pequeño tamaño y altamente migratorias, los arrastreros españoles seguirán capturando ejemplares menores de 30 cm. La regulación mediante la talla mínima no será, por consiguiente, una medida de conservación para las merluzas negras en la ZEE mauritana.Versión del editor0,000