1,928 research outputs found

    Nonlocal electron heat flux revisited

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    A known nonlocal model of electron heat flux, applying for (scale length/thermal ion-electron mean-free path) of order Z)1/2(e*/T)312, ionization number Z, large, and e*~ 6.5 T (the energy of electrons carrying most of the flux), is reconsidered. The large e*/T ratio simplifies the complete formalism. A simple flux formula, exact for both smooth and steep profiles, is given. Thermoelectric effects and other models are discussed

    On the Equivalence of Three-Particle Scattering Formalisms

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    In recent years, different on-shell 33\mathbf{3}\to\mathbf{3} scattering formalisms have been proposed to be applied to both lattice QCD and infinite volume scattering processes. We prove that the formulation in the infinite volume presented by Hansen and Sharpe in Phys.~Rev.~D92, 114509 (2015) and subsequently Brice\~no, Hansen, and Sharpe in Phys.~Rev.~D95, 074510 (2017) can be recovered from the BB-matrix representation, derived on the basis of SS-matrix unitarity, presented by Mai {\em et al.} in Eur.~Phys.~J.~A53, 177 (2017) and Jackura {\em et al.} in Eur.~Phys.~J.~C79, 56 (2019). Therefore, both formalisms in the infinite volume are equivalent and the physical content is identical. Additionally, the Faddeev equations are recovered in the non-relativistic limit of both representations.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Actividades intersectoriales en la prevención de accidentes de tráfico

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    ResumenSe describen las líneas de trabajo priorizadas y algunos resultados obtenidos en la implantación del programa de prevención y reducción de lesiones por accidentes de tráfico en un área de salud. A partir de 1999 el Centro de Salud Pública priorizó la identificación y búsqueda de aliados en otros sectores (Asociación de policías locales y educación), la construcción de la capacidad de trabajo conjunta y la formación de un grupo intersectorial. Se llevaron a cabo actividades docentes y jornadas. Se formó una red de personas en 17 de un total de 39 ayuntamientos que participan con actividades en el grupo intersectorial. Un total de 10 de estos ayuntamientos participaron con actividades educativas y siete, además, exigieron al cumplimiento de la legislación.El grupo intersectorial potenció la visibilidad de sus actividades a través de los medios de comunicación local. Estas actividades no están dirigidas a reducir las lesiones por tráfico, sino a crear un marco de trabajo para la movilización de los sectores implicados. Se pretende potenciar más el compromiso entre los niveles políticos, técnicos y civiles incidiendo en valores sociales de respeto para una vida más saludable.AbstractWe describe priority issues and some of the results obtained from the implementation of the «Prevention and Reduction of Traffic Accident Injuries» program in a health area. Since 1999 the public health center has made a priority of identifying and recruiting partners from other sectors (the local police association and the local education authority), increasing its capacity for working together, and setting up an intersectorial working group. Teaching activities and meetings were held. A network of people was created from 17 of a total of 39 town halls that participate in activities supported by the intersectorial group. Ten are involved in educational activities and a further seven focus on ensuring compliance with the law. The intersectorial group promoted their visibility through the local media. These activities are not aimed at reducing injuries from road traffic accidents, but rather at creating an action framework through which all the sectors involved can be mobilized. The aim is to strengthen commitment among political, technical and civil sectors by focussing on social values of respect for a healthier life

    Spin asymmetry for the 16O(gamma,pi- p) reaction in the Delta(1232) region within an effective Lagrangian approach

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    The spin asymmetry of the photon in the exclusive A(gamma,pi N)A-1 reaction is computed employing a recently developed fully relativistic model based on elementary pion production amplitudes that include a consistent treatment of the spin-3/2 nucleon resonances. We compare the results of this model to the only available data on Oxygen [Phys. Rev. C 61 (2000) 054609] and find that, contrary to other models, the predicted spin asymmetry compares well to the available experimental data in the Delta(1232) region. Our results indicate that no major medium modifications in the Delta(1232) properties are needed in order to describe the measured spin asymmetries.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. To be published in Physics Letters

    The alkaline reaction of FEBEX bentonite: a contribution to the study of the performance of bentonite/concrete engineered barrier system

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    Desde 1997, el desarrollo de dos proyectos de la Unión Europea, Effects of Cement On CLAY barrier performance (ECOCLAY, 1997-2000) y ECOCLAY phase II (2000-2003), ha permitido abordar la investigación del efecto de la pluma alcalina inducida por la lixiviación del hormigón sobre la bentonita. Ambos materiales forman parte de un concepto de barrera compuesta de hormigón y bentonita, en el contexto del almacenamiento de residuos a una profundidad dada. El grupo de geoquímica aplicada a las arcillas de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) ha participado en ambos proyectos, y ha conseguido aportar experiencia y cono¬cimiento al estudio del comportamiento de la bentonita de referencia española (FEBEX) bajo condiciones de elevada alcalinidad. Este artículo ofrece una síntesis del trabajo desarrollado, mencionando las lecciones aprendidas sobre la reactividad alcalina de la bentonita, y su enfoque práctico hacia el análisis del comportamiento de uno de los conceptos de referencia, el almacenamiento de residuos en formaciones arcillosas. Se han seleccionado las principales contribuciones científicas a este respecto, a juicio de los autores: (1) la naturaleza particular de los productos generados en la reacción alcalina de la bentonita FEBEX (zeolitas, arcillas magnésicas y geles de silicato aluminato cálcico hidratado (CASH)); (2) la aproximación mediante mineralogía cuantitativa al ritmo de reacción de la montmorillonita FEBEX a pHs elevados, y (3) la validación experimental de la reactividad alcalina de la bentonita a partir de experimentos en columna

    Extended WKB method, resonances and supersymmetric radial barriers

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    Semiclassical approximations are implemented in the calculation of position and width of low energy resonances for radial barriers. The numerical integrations are delimited by t/T<<8, with t the period of a classical particle in the barrier trap and T the resonance lifetime. These energies are used in the construction of `haired' short range potentials as the supersymmetric partners of a given radial barrier. The new potentials could be useful in the study of the transient phenomena which give rise to the Moshinsky's diffraction in time.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 3 table