822 research outputs found

    Effects of fire and three fire-fighting chemicals on main soil properties, plant nutrient content and vegetation growth and cover after 10 years.

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    The study addresses a knowledge-gap in the long-term ecological consequences of fire and fire-fighting chemicals. Ten years after a prescribed fire and the application of three fire-fighting chemicals, their effects on the soil-plant system were evaluated. Five treatments were established: unburnt soils (US) and burnt soils treated with water alone (BS), foaming agent (BS+Fo), Firesorb (BS+Fi) and ammonium polyphosphate (BS+Ap). Soils (0-2 cm depth) and foliar material of shrubs (Erica umbellata, Pterospartum tridentatum and Ulex micranthus) and trees (Pinus pinaster) were analysed for total N, 15N, and soil-available and plant total macronutrients and trace elements. Soil pH, NH4 +-N and NO3 --N; pine basal diameter and height; and shrub cover and height were also measured. Compared with US plots, burnt soils had less nitrates and more Mo. Although differences were not always significant, BS+Ap had the highest levels of soil available P, Na and Al. Plants from BS+Ap plots had higher values of 15N (P. pinaster and E. umbellata), P (all species), Na (P. tridentatum and U. micranthus) and Mg (E. umbellata and P. tridentatum) than other treatments; while K in plants from BS+Ap plots was the highest among treatments for P. pinaster and the lowest for the shrubs. Pines in US plots were higher and wider than in burnt treatments, except for BS+Ap, where the tallest and widest trees were found, although half of them were either death (the second highest mortality after BS+Fi) or had a distorted trunk. BS+Ap was the treatment with strongest effects on plants, showing E. umbellata the lowest coverage and height, P. tridentatum the highest coverage, U. micranthus one of the lowest coverages and being the only treatment where Genista triacanthos was absent. Consequently, it is concluded that both fire and ammonium polyphosphate application had significant effects on the soil-plant system after 10 years.Peer reviewe

    A Probabilistic Algorithm for Predictive Control With Full-Complexity Models in Non-Residential Buildings

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    Despite the increasing capabilities of information technologies for data acquisition and processing, building energy management systems still require manual configuration and supervision to achieve optimal performance. Model predictive control (MPC) aims to leverage equipment control-particularly heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)-by using a model of the building to capture its dynamic characteristics and to predict its response to alternative control scenarios. Usually, MPC approaches are based on simplified linear models, which support faster computation but also present some limitations regarding interpretability, solution diversification, and longer-term optimization. In this paper, we propose a novel MPC algorithm that uses a full-complexity grey-box simulation model to optimize HVAC operation in non-residential buildings. Our system generates hundreds of candidate operation plans, typically for the next day, and evaluates them in terms of consumption and comfort by means of a parallel simulator configured according to the expected building conditions (weather and occupancy). The system has been implemented and tested in an office building in Helsinki, both in a simulated environment and in the real building, yielding energy savings around 35% during the intermediate winter season and 20% in the whole winter season with respect to the current operation of the heating equipment.This work was supported in part by the Universidad de Granada under Grant P9-2014-ING, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grant TIN2017-91223-EXP, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant TIN2015-64776-C3-1-R, and in part by the European Union (Energy IN TIME EeB.NMP.2013-4), under Grant 608981

    Pancreatic and psoas abscesses as a late complication of intravesical administration of bacillus Calmette-Guerin for bladder cancer: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is a live attenuated strain of <it>Mycobacterium bovis</it> that has been used to treat urothelial carcinoma since 1976, and has been reported to eradicate disease in more than 70% of patients with <it>in situ</it> and stage I disease. To the best of our knowledge, we report the first case of disseminated bacillus Calmette-Guerin infection causing multiple abscesses affecting the pancreatic head and right psoas muscle, diagnosed 5 years after intravesical treatment with bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy for bladder cancer.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>An 83-year-old Caucasian man was hospitalized with a 2-month history of back pain, anorexia, generalized weakness and a 47-pound weight loss. He had previously undergone two transurethral resections for high-grade transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder and had received 12 intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin instillations without any complications. He complained of abdominal pain in his right flank. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen showed multiple abscesses affecting the pancreatic head and right psoas muscle. Growth of <it>Mycobacterium bovis</it> was determined in cultures of the purulent material obtained by surgical drainage of the abscesses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This case illustrates the fact that although intravesical administration of bacillus Calmette-Guerin is generally considered to be safe, it is not exempt from complications and these could appear immediately after treatment or as a delayed complication many years later.</p

    SW @ SPAIN

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    Executive Summary: This report provides information about the current state of the art in Semantic Web research in Spain. The contents of this report are mainly based on the information that was gathered during the workshop "Ontologías y Web Semántica 2005", which was held in Santiago de Compostela in November 2005, and the contributions that members from most of the research groups working in Semantic-Webrelated areas in Spain have provided. The field of Semantic Web is quite widespread in Spain, with important groups developing methods, techniques and tools to support different areas: Ontological Engineering, semantic extraction and annotation from heterogeneous sources, semantic search engines, personalisation and Semantic Web Services

    Disappearance of Magnetic Transition in (Ce,Gd)Ni5 System

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    We present the results of an experimental study focused around CeNi5 in the CexGd1??xNi5 system. Pseudobinary bulk samples were prepared with concentration of x = 0:85, 0.9, 0.95, and 0.97 by arc melting method. The structural analysis confirmed the CaCu5 hexagonal crystal structure with P6/mmm space group and proved the existence of a single phase in all of them. The measurement of the magnetic properties shows that the increase of the Ce content leads to lower TC values. Above x = 0:9 spin fluctuations behaviour appears with a shoulder in M(T) around T = 130 K. Heat capacity measurements support these observations.This work was supported by the projects VEGA 2/0032/16, VEGA 1/0956/17, VEGA 1/0611/18, VEGA 1/0053/19, APVV-16-0079 and the Spanish MINECO MAT2017-83631-C3-

    Software architecture for customized physical exercise prescription

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    En la actualidad existe una gran cantidad de aplicaciones para la realización de ejercicio físico. En este artículo se presenta una arquitectura software para una aplicación que permite la prescripción de ejercicios físicos personalizados. Esta arquitectura incluye dos funcionalidades, la funcionalidad para el especialista que prescribe el ejercicio y la funcionalidad para el usuario que debe seguir esta prescripción. La interacción entre el especialista y el usuario se realiza mediante el envío de eventos. Especialistas (médicos/fisioterapeutas/educadores físicos) pueden indicar los ejercicios adecuados en cada caso. Esta aplicación permitirá a los usuarios con demanda de atención personalizada mejorar la condición física y la calidad de vida. Los usuarios podrán realizar el ejercicio físico de forma autónoma, sin tener que realizar desplazamientos y en un horario flexible.Currently there is a lot of available applications to do physical exercise. This article describes the software architecture for an application that allows customized exercise prescription. This architecture includes two functionalities, the functionality that allows specialists to prescribe physical exercises and the functionality for users who must follow this prescription. Interactions between specialists and users are allowed by means of sending events. Specialists (doctors, physiotherapists and physical educators) can indicate appropriate exercises in each case. This application will allow users with demand for personalized attention to improve their fitness and quality of life. Users can perform physical exercise autonomously, without having to travel and in a flexible schedule

    Electrodes based on nafion and epoxy-graphene composites for improving the performance and durability of open cathode fuel cells, prepared by electrospray deposition

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    Fabrication of electrodes for polymer electrolyte fuel cells is a intriguing process in which a balance between gas transport, electrical conductivity, proton transport and water managing must be optimized. In this work four different electrodes prepared by electrospray deposition have been studied using different catalytic inks, in which Nafion and epoxy doped with Graphene-Nanoplatelets were used as binders. After studying the behavior of those electrodes in a single open cathode fuel cell proton electrolyte membrane, it is clear that the addition of epoxy as binder doped with graphene, improves the performance of the fuel cell and increase the mechanical stability of the electrode avoiding the loose of catalyst during the electrode manipulation in the fuel cell assembly process and the durability of the fuel cell. To explain this behavior, an ex-situ study was carried out, in which properties such as its surface morphology, hydrophobicity and electrical and thermal conductivity of those electrodes were studied. From the results of this study, such improvement in the performance of the fuel cell was justified on the basis of the increase in the electrical conductivity, a diminution in its thermal conductivity and an enhancement of hydrophobicity (surface morphology) of the deposited catalyst layer, when an optimum quantity of epoxy is added to the catalytic ink that makes to improve the mechanical properties of those electrodesAJN and MAG are actually working on this project with a contract funded by the Comunidad Atonoma de la Región de Murcia, Conserjería de Desarrollo Económico, Turismo y Empleo, and the European Union, through the program RIS3- MUR, grant number 2I20SAE00079. This work has also been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AEI, Spain,PID2020-112744GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and RTI2018-095844-B-I00), Fundacion Seneca (Región de Murcia, Spain), grant number: 20985/PI/18 and Agencia estatal española de Investigación, grant number PID2019-104272RBC55/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper

    Durum and Bread Wheat Flours. Preliminary Mineral Characterization and Its Potential Health Claims

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    Wheat is one of the most important cereals in terms of its role in the human diet. The distribution of the nutrients in wheat grains depends largely on their morphology, the bran fraction being the richest in minerals, thus developing important functions related to human health. The main purpose of this study was to point out the potential nutritional and health claims related to the mineral composition based on the current European legislation in order to valorize the interesting wheat varieties traditionally consumed in Spain. The mineral composition (microelements: Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn; and macrolements: Ca, Mg, Na, and K) were evaluated in different milling fractions (white flour, whole grain flour, and bran fraction) of 4 wheat varieties of durum (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum Linnaeus) and bread (Triticum aestivum Linnaeus) wheat. As expected, the mineral concentration was higher in the case of bran and whole grain flour, K and Mg being the principal minerals found. A difference between wheat genotype and harvesting year have been found. Moreover, regarding these preliminary results, some samples analysed in the present study met the conditions of use of different approved health claims that could support the possibility to consider wheat flours, especially whole grain flour and bran fraction as functional foods, but some did not.Depto. de Nutrición y Ciencia de los AlimentosFac. de FarmaciaTRUESpanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project reference AGL2012-38345)ALIMNOVA research group (UCM 252/2017)pu

    Glucose uptake in Prochlorococcus: diversity of kinetics and effects on the metabolism

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    We have previously shown that Prochlorococcus sp. SS120 strain takes up glucose by using a multiphasic transporter encoded by the Pro1404 gene. Here, we studied the glucose uptake kinetics in multiple Prochlorococcus strains from different ecotypes, observing diverse values for the Ks constants (15–126.60 nM) and the uptake rates (0.48–6.36 pmol min-1 mg prot-1). Multiphasic kinetics was observed in all studied strains, except for TAK9803-2. Pro1404 gene expression studies during the 21st Atlantic Meridional Transect cruise showed positive correlation with glucose concentrations in the ocean. This suggests that the Pro1404 transporter has been subjected to diversification along the Prochlorococcus evolution, in a process probably driven by the glucose availabilities at the different niches it inhabits. The glucose uptake mechanism seems to be a primary transporter. Glucose addition induced detectable transcriptomic and proteomic changes in Prochlorococcus SS120, but photosynthetic efficiency was unaffected. Our studies indicate that glucose is actively taken up by Prochlorococcus, but its uptake does not significantly alter the trophic ways of this cyanobacterium, which continues performing photosynthesis. Therefore Prochlorococcus seems to remain acting as a fundamentally phototrophic organism, capable of using glucose as an extra resource of carbon and energy when available in the environment