178 research outputs found

    Source apportionment of ultrafine and fine particles in Huelva industrial city

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    Comunicación presentada en: 2012 European Aerosol Conference (EAC-2012), B-WG01S2P30, celebrada del 2 al 7 de septiembre de 2012 en Granada

    The Work of Women in Marine Environments: Merchant Navy and Fishery

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    [Resumo] Aínda que a igualdade de xénero se establece como unha prioridade no marco lexislativo de todos os países que conforman a Unión Europea, a prevalencia dos estereotipos sociais que asignan un determinado rol a homes e mulleres dificulta de xeito substancial a súa consecución. A maioría das mulleres que pertencen ao sector pesqueiro realizan o seu labor en terra –marisqueo, acuicultura ou transformación– e están infrarrepresentadas na pesca extractiva con embarcación (0,5%). No caso da mariña mercante obsérvase unha escasa representación: aproximadamente un 7% do total das mulleres mariñas, fronte a un 42% do total dos homes mariños, un desfase que parece provir do rol tradicional que se lle asigna á muller na familia. Neste traballo avalíase a situación das mulleres que se dedican profesionalmente ao sector marítimo, tanto mercante como pesqueiro. Ademais, analízase a representación feminina e as dificultades de acceso e ascenso na carreira profesional das mulleres no caso da mariña mercante.[Abstract] Although gender equality is established as a priority in the legislative framework of all the countries that form the European Union, the prevalence of social stereotypes that assign a certain role to men and women impedes their attainment in a substantial way. Most of the women who belong to the fishing sector realize their labour on land - shell fishing, fish farming or transformation -, and are underrepresented in extractive fishing with craft (0.5%). In the case of the Merchant Navy a scanty representation is observed: approximately 7% of the total of marine women, as opposed to 42% of the total of marine men. This gap seems to come from the traditional role that is assigned to women in the family. In the present work, the situation of the women who devote themselves professionally to the maritime sector, both merchant and fishing, is evaluated. In addition, their representation and difficulties of access and promotion in the professional career in the case of the Merchant Navy is analysed

    La música sacra instrumental de órgano y el gregoriano: Francisco Correa de Arauxo (1584-1654) y la Salve Regina Solemne

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    This study approaches on the music introduction and the organ compositions in the catholic cult in the Counter Reformation Age, described by means of one of the more important Spanish musicians in the Baroque time, Francisco Correa de Arauxo, through the analysis of his Salve Regina.Este estudio aborda la introducción de la música y las composiciones de órgano en el culto católico en la época de la Contrarreforma, descrito por medio de uno de los músicos españoles más importantes del Barroco, Francisco Correa del Arauxo, sirviéndose del análisis de la Salve Regina del citado compositor

    Ultrafine particle formation in the inland sea breeze airflow in Southwest Europe

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    Studies on ultrafine particles (diameter < 100nm) and air quality have mostly focused on vehicle exhaust emissions and on new particle formation in "clean" ambient air. Here we present a study focused on the processes contributing to ultrafine particle concentrations in a city (Huelva, SW Spain) placed close to a coastal area where significant anthropogenic emissions of aerosol precursors occur. The overall data analysis shows that two processes predominantly contribute to the number of particles coarser than 2.5 nm: vehicle exhaust emissions and new particle formation due to photo-chemical activity. As typically occurs in urban areas, vehicle exhaust emissions result in high concentrations of black carbon (BC) and particles coarser than 2.5 nm (N) during the morning rush hours. The highest N concentrations were recorded during the 11:00–17:00 h period, under the sea breeze regime, when low BC concentrations were registered and photochemical activity resulted in high O3 levels and in new particle formation in the aerosol precursors' rich inland airflow. In this period, it is estimated that about 80% of the number of particles are linked to sulfur dioxide emissions. The contributions to N of "carbonaceous material and those compounds nucleating/condensing immediately after emission" and of the "new particle formation processes in air masses rich gaseous precursors (e.g. SO2)" were estimated by means of a relatively novel method based on simultaneous measurements of BC and N. A comparison with two recent studies suggests that the daily cycles of "new particle formation" during the inland sea breeze is blowing period seem to be a feature of ultrafine particles in coastal areas of South-west Europe.This study has been carried out within the framework of several research projects: AER-REG (P07-RNM- 03125; Department of Innovation, Science and Enterprise of the Andalusian Autonomous Government), GRACCIE (CSD2007- 00067; Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain), SIMAND (P07- RNM-02729; Department of Innovation, Science and Enterprise of the Andalusian Autonomous Government) and EPAU (B026/2007/3-10.1; Ministry of Environment of Spain)

    Source apportionment of potentially toxic PM10 near a vast metallic ore mine and health risk assessment for residents exposed

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    Mining is an economic activity that traditionally releases large amounts of particulate matter into the atmosphere because of the procedures required to process the mineral. In particular, polymetallic ores are environmentally harmful as they can enrich potentially toxic elements, which may cause adverse effects to humans and ecosystems due to their toxicity. The aim was to assess the impact on health of this type of mining on nearby populations. Accordingly, it was conducted an extensive PM10 sampling campaign during the entirety of 2021 through a total of 248 filters placed in three villages close to the Rio Tinto district (Southwest Spain), which is one of the largest Cu mines in the world. A total of 58 major and trace elements were analysed, along with organic carbon/elemental carbon, cations, and anions. The mean PM10 concentrations were high during spring (47 μgPM10⋅m−3) and summer (56 μgPM10⋅m−3) in the population closest to the mine, wherein values surpassed the annual and daily limit values, but were lower in the other two villages. Moreover, high enrichment of As (annual maximum mean of 6.2 ng⋅m−3), Cu (70 ng⋅m−3), Pb (19 ng⋅m−3), and Zn (50 ng⋅m−3) was observed in all locations. A positive matrix factorization (PMF) was primarily used to assess the origins of this particulate matter, revealing that the impact of the mine reduced considerably over a long distance, with contributions ranging from 36% at the mine's outskirts to 8% further away from it, which coincides with the features of the mine during the abandonment phase (2001–2015). Despite this, the risk assessment revealed that the carcinogens were within the permissible exposure limits even in the closest village, indicating a minor concern for the inhabitants from a toxicological perspective.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Modelling PM2.5 chemical composition with CAMx in southwest Spain

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    Comunicación presentada en: 2012 European Aerosol Conference (EAC-2012), B-WG01S2P30, celebrada del 2 al 7 de septiembre de 2012 en Granada

    Measurements and simulation of speciated PM2.5 in south-west Europe

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    Chemically speciated concentrations of PM2.5 (sulphate, ammonium, nitrate, elemental and organic carbon) were simulated in south-west Europe using the three-dimensional air quality model CAMx driven by the MM5 meteorological model. The inner domain covered the south-west region of Spain with a high spatial (2 km × 2 km) and temporal resolution (1 h). The simulation results were evaluated against experimental data obtained in four intensive field campaigns performed in 2008 and 2009 at urban and rural sites. PM2.5 measurements of secondary inorganic compounds and carbonaceous aerosol plus a suite of major and trace elements were determined. High time resolution (10 min) measurements of Black Carbon (BC) were also conducted. The model captured the variability in the ammonium concentrations in both summer and winter periods, although it tended to underestimate the magnitude of concentrations, while for sulphate the performance was better during the summer periods. Particulate ammonium nitrate was only simulated in significant concentrations in the wintertime campaign. This was found to be consistent with the measured composition of PM2.5 where most of nitrate (79–94%) and a significant fraction of sulphate (24–37%) were estimated to be present as non-ammonium salts. These non-ammonium nitrate salts were attributed to the formation of NaNO3. The model PM2.5 primary elemental carbon simulations, evaluated with hourly resolution, captured the diurnal and seasonal variability of PM2.5 BC concentrations at the urban site while poorer performance was observed at the rural site. A large underestimation was observed for simulated PM2.5 organic carbon concentrations during all campaigns. Scenarios of pollution events linked to emissions from south-west Spain, shipping and contributions from more distant emission sources such as Portugal were identified. These results highlight how the distinct features of PM2.5 composition in southern Europe regions, such as the large contribution of non-ammonium salts, need to be taken into account both in model evaluation and in future implementation of aerosol modelling systems.The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the Department of Innovation, Science and Enterprise of the Government of Andalusia through the research projects AER-REG (P07-RNM- 03125) and SIMAND (P07-RNM-02729) and from the Department of Environment, Andalusian Regional Government (project: 199/ 2011/C/00). In addition, we thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for funding through the project POLLINDUST (CGL2011-26259)

    Study of PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and anhydro-sugars in ambient air near two Spanish oil refineries: Covid-19 effects

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    We report the results from a 12 month-long study of the organic compounds associated to PM2.5 samples collected around two petroleum refineries (4 samples/month/site) in two complex industrial zones reporting atmospheric pollution issues in the past (Estuary of Huelva and Bay of Algeciras, Spain). Sampling campaign was done from March 2020 when a Covid-19 lockdown was established at Spain to March 2021. Concentrations of fine particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and anhydrosugars were separately measured using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and ion chromatography-amperometric detection (IC-PAD). The annual average abundances of PM2.5-bound benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) are 0.024 and 0.013 ng˖m−3 at La Rábida and Puente Mayorga monitoring stations, while both sites have annual average concentrations of levoglucosan in PM2.5 of 14.98 and 9.78 ng˖m−3, respectively. Seasonal variations are observed for concentrations of ƩPAHs and total anhydrosugars in both sampling sites. For PAHs, the highest concentrations averaging c. a. 0.400 (La Rábida) and 0.350 ng m−3 (Puente Mayorga) are reported in cold months during December 2020-Febraury 2021 (post-lockdown period), compared to the lowest levels averaging 0.111 and 0.211 ng˖m−3, respectively, in temperate months from mid-March 2020 to early June 2020 (0.284 and 0.321 ng m−3 on average annually), coinciding with the confinement and relaxation periods in Spain. Similarly, total anhydrosugars show the highest values of 81.80 ng˖m−3 (La Rábida) and 53.52 ng˖m−3 (Puente Mayorga) in winter and lowest values of 2.71 ng˖m−3 and 3.30 ng˖m−3 into the lockdown period (22.51 and 14.09 ng˖m−3 on average annually). Except phenanthrene, PAHs are present in PM2.5 principally as result of motor vehicle exhausts. Levoglucosan, a tracer for biomass burning, peaked in December 2020 and January 2021, during the high residential wood-burning season. In addition, multivariate analysis was used to assess the origin of organic components of PM2.5 samples. The two principal components are characterized by the grouping of heavy PAHs associated to vehicular traffic, and anhydrosugars indicating biomass burning emissions, respectively.We are grateful to the project of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain (Project RTI 2018-095937-B-I00), the cofinanced project by the Andalusian Government and the EU (PY18- 2332), and the Environmental Agency of Andalusia for financial and technical support. Carlos Boente obtained a post-doctoral contract within the program PAIDI 2020 (Ref 707 DOC 01097), co-financed by the Junta de Andalucía (Spain) and the EU. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA
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