459 research outputs found

    Myofascial trigger points: spontaneous electrical activity and its consequences for pain induction and propagation

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    Active myofascial trigger points are one of the major peripheral pain generators for regional and generalized musculoskeletal pain conditions. Myofascial trigger points are also the targets for acupuncture and/or dry needling therapies. Recent evidence in the understanding of the pathophysiology of myofascial trigger points supports The Integrated Hypothesis for the trigger point formation; however unanswered questions remain. Current evidence shows that spontaneous electrical activity at myofascial trigger point originates from the extrafusal motor endplate. The spontaneous electrical activity represents focal muscle fiber contraction and/or muscle cramp potentials depending on trigger point sensitivity. Local pain and tenderness at myofascial trigger points are largely due to nociceptor sensitization with a lesser contribution from non-nociceptor sensitization. Nociceptor and non-nociceptor sensitization at myofascial trigger points may be part of the process of muscle ischemia associated with sustained focal muscle contraction and/or muscle cramps. Referred pain is dependent on the sensitivity of myofascial trigger points. Active myofascial trigger points may play an important role in the transition from localized pain to generalized pain conditions via the enhanced central sensitization, decreased descending inhibition and dysfunctional motor control strategy

    Referred pain from myofascial trigger points in head and neck–shoulder muscles reproduces head pain features in children with chronic tension type headache

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    Our aim was to describe the referred pain pattern and areas from trigger points (TrPs) in head, neck, and shoulder muscles in children with chronic tension type headache (CTTH). Fifty children (14 boys, 36 girls, mean age: 8 ± 2) with CTTH and 50 age- and sex- matched children participated. Bilateral temporalis, masseter, superior oblique, upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, suboccipital, and levator scapula muscles were examined for TrPs by an assessor blinded to the children’s condition. TrPs were identified with palpation and considered active when local and referred pains reproduce headache pain attacks. The referred pain areas were drawn on anatomical maps, digitalized, and also measured. The total number of TrPs was significantly greater in children with CTTH as compared to healthy children (P < 0.001). Active TrPs were only present in children with CTTH (P < 0.001). Within children with CTTH, a significant positive association between the number of active TrPs and headache duration (rs = 0.315; P = 0.026) was observed: the greater the number of active TrPs, the longer the duration of headache attack. Significant differences in referred pain areas between groups (P < 0.001) and muscles (P < 0.001) were found: the referred pain areas were larger in CTTH children (P < 0.001), and the referred pain area elicited by suboccipital TrPs was larger than the referred pain from the remaining TrPs (P < 0.001). Significant positive correlations between some headache clinical parameters and the size of the referred pain area were found. Our results showed that the local and referred pains elicited from active TrPs in head, neck and shoulder shared similar pain pattern as spontaneous CTTH in children, supporting a relevant role of active TrPs in CTTH in children

    Long COVID or Post-COVID-19 Condition:Past, Present and Future Research Directions

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    The presence of symptoms after an acute SARS-CoV-2 infection (long-COVID) has become a worldwide healthcare emergency but remains underestimated and undertreated due to a lack of recognition of the condition and knowledge of the underlying mechanisms. In fact, the prevalence of post-COVID symptoms ranges from 50% during the first months after the infection up to 20% two-years after. This perspective review aimed to map the existing literature on post-COVID symptoms and to identify gaps in the literature to guide the global effort toward an improved understanding of long-COVID and suggest future research directions. There is a plethora of symptomatology that can be due to COVID-19; however, today, there is no clear classification and definition of this condition, termed long-COVID or post-COVID-19 condition. The heterogeneity in the symptomatology has led to the presence of groups/clusters of patients, which could exhibit different risk factors and different mechanisms. Viral persistence, long-lasting inflammation, immune dysregulation, autoimmune reactions, reactivation of latent infections, endothelial dysfunction and alteration in gut microbiota have been proposed as potential mechanisms explaining the complexity of long-COVID. In such an equation, viral biology (e.g., re-infections, SARS-CoV-2 variants), host biology (e.g., genetics, epigenetics) and external factors (e.g., vaccination) should be also considered. These various factors will be discussed in the current perspective review and future directions suggested.</p

    Changes in Shoulder Pain and Disability After Thrust Manipulation in Subjects Presenting With Second and Third Rib Syndrome

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    AbstractObjectiveThe purpose of this preliminary study was to investigate changes in shoulder pain, disability, and perceived level of recovery after 2 sessions of upper thoracic and upper rib high-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust manipulation in patients with shoulder pain secondary to second and third rib syndrome.MethodsThis exploratory study evaluated 10 consecutive individuals with shoulder pain, with or without brachial pain, and a negative Neer impingement test, who completed the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), the numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), and the global rating of change. Patients received 2 sessions of HVLA thrust manipulation targeting the upper thoracic spine bilaterally and the second and third ribs on the symptomatic side. Outcome measures were completed after the first treatment session, at 48 hours, 1 month, and 3 months.ResultsPatients showed a significant decrease in SPADI (F = 59.997; P = .001) and significant decrease in resting shoulder NPRS (F = 63.439; P = .001). For both NPRS and SPADI, there were significant differences between the pretreatment scores and each of the postintervention scores through 3-month follow-up (P < .05). Large within-group effect sizes (Cohen's d ≥ 0.8) were found between preintervention data and all postintervention assessments in both outcomes. Mean global rating of change scores (+6.8 at 3 months) indicated "a very great deal better" outcome at long-term follow-up.ConclusionThis group of patients with shoulder pain secondary to second and third rib syndrome who received upper thoracic and upper rib HVLA thrust manipulations showed significant reductions in pain and disability and improvement in perceived level of recovery

    Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Considered as Comorbidity in Clinical Trials of Physical Therapy Interventions in Fibromyalgia? A Scoping Review

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    Evidence supports the presence of comorbid conditions, e.g., irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), in individuals with fibromyalgia (FM). Physical therapy plays an essential role in the treatment of FM; however, it is not currently known whether the IBS comorbidity is considered in the selection criteria for clinical trials evaluating physiotherapy in FM. Thus, the aim of the review was to identify whether the presence of IBS was considered in the selection criteria for study subjects for those clinical trials that have been highly cited or published in the high-impact journals investigating the effects of physical therapy in FM. A literature search in the Web of Science database for clinical trials that were highly cited or published in high-impact journals, i.e., first second quartile (Q1) of any category of the Journal Citation Report (JCR), investigating the effects of physical therapy in FM was conducted. The methodological quality of the selected trials was assessed with the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale. Authors, affiliations, number of citations, objectives, sex/gender, age, and eligibility criteria of each article were extracted and analyzed independently by two authors. From a total of the 412 identified articles, 20 and 61 clinical trials were included according to the citation criterion or JCR criterion, respectively. The PEDro score ranged from 2 to 8 (mean: 5.9, SD: 0.1). The comorbidity between FM and IBS was not considered within the eligibility criteria of the participants in any of the clinical trials. The improvement of the eligibility criteria is required in clinical trials on physical therapy that include FM patients to avoid selection bias

    Efficacy of Dry Needling and Acupuncture in Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome that involves chronic pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance and impaired quality of life and daily functioning. In addition to medical and psychological therapies, other therapies including acupuncture and dry needling aim to reduce pain and disability in patients with FM. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of dry needling and acupuncture in patients with FM regarding pain, function and disability in both the short and the long term. MEDLINE, PubMed, SCOPUS and Web of Science databases were systematically searched for randomized controlled trial studies evaluating efficacy data of dry needling or/and acupuncture treatments to improve pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance and impaired quality of life and/or daily function. A qualitative analysis including the methodological quality and a systematic data synthesis was performed. A total of 25 studies addressed the selection criteria. Most studies had an acceptable methodological quality. Four studies assessed the effect of dry needling, and twenty-one studies assessed the effect of acupuncture. In general, both interventions improved pain, anxiety, depression, fatigue, stiffness, quality of sleep and quality of life. However, both techniques were not compared in any study. Acupuncture and dry needling therapies seems to be effective in patients with FM, since both reduced pain pressure thresholds, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep disturbances and disability in the short term. It is still required to compare both techniques and their application in the long term.Sección Deptal. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia (Enfermería)Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEpu

    Myogenic temporomandibular disorders : clinical systemic comorbidities in a female population sample

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    Myogenic temporomandibular disorders (MTMD) frequently coexist with other clinical conditions in the same individual. In the last decades, several authors have analyzed these comorbidities looking for the origin of this overlapping. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative anaylisis between a group of patients with MTMD and a control group of dental patients without dysfunctional pathology to assess whether there are significant differences in the presence of systemic medical comorbidities between the two groups. Restrospective epidemiological analysis, based on medical questionnaires in a group of 31 patients, women, aged from 24 to 58 (average 39.96 years), diagnosed with MTMD (Masticatory Myofascial Pain), with a control group with the same number of individuals, gender and age range to evaluate if there is a significant statistical difference in the presence of medical comorbidities in this group of patients with MTMD and if they are in a higher risk of suffering different pathological conditions. It was found that the group affected by MTMD presented many more associated medical conditions than the control group: health changes during the last year, medical evaluations and treatments, presence of pain, sinus disease, tinnitus, headache, joint pain, ocular disorders, fatigue, dizziness, genitourinary disorders and xerostomia among others; and they were also in a higher risk to suffer other pathological entities as headaches and articular pain. These results reinforce our hypothesis that MTMD belong to a group of medical conditions triggered by a loss of equilibrium of the individual?s Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immune (PNEI) Axis that produces alterations in the response against external stimuli in some genetically predisposed individuals. It is, therefore, necessary to change the way of diagnosing and managing these individual?s medical conditions, being mandatory to look from a more multidisciplinary perspective than the one we are currently offering

    Cadaveric and ultrasonographic validation of needling placement in the cervical multifidus muscle

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine if a needle is able to reach the cervical multifidus during the application of dry needling or acupuncture. Methods: Dry needling and ultrasound imaging of cervical multifidi was conducted on 5 patients (age: 32 ± 5 years) with mechanical neck pain and on 2 fresh cadavers (age: 64 ± 1 years). Dry needling was done using a needle of 40 mm in length inserted perpendicular to the skin about 1 cmlateral to the spinous process at C3-C4. The needlewas advanced from a posterior to anterior direction into the cervical multifidus with a slight inferior-medial angle (approximately 10°) to reach the vertebra lamina. For the cadaveric study, the multifidus was isolated by carefully resecting the superficial posterior cervical muscles: trapezius, splenius, and semispinalis. For the ultrasonographic study, a convex transducer was placed transversely over C3-C4 after the insertion of the needle into the muscle. Results: The results of both the cadaveric and ultrasonic studies found that the needle does pierce the cervical multifidus muscle during insertion and that the tip of the needle rests properly against the vertebral laminae, thereby guarding the sensitive underlying spinal structures from damage. Conclusion: This anatomical and ultrasound imaging study supports that dry needling of the cervical multifidus could be conducted clinically. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2017;xx:0-6)pre-print800 K