6,496 research outputs found

    Common Roman pottery from the Portus Illicitanus

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    Se inicia el estudio de algunas formas de cerámica común romana procedentes del Portus Illicitanus. Para su clasificación se han establecido dos grandes apartados: vasijas de cocina y vajilla de mesa, agrupadas según su morfología, cronología y funcionalidad, diferenciando las formas locales y regionales de las importadas.We began to study Roman common ceramic forms from Portus Illicitanus. For its classification we have stated two big groups: cook pottery and table-vessel according to their morphology, chronology and functionality, establishing differences between the local and regional forms and the imported ones

    Prevalencia y riesgo anual de infeccion por tuberculosis en la población escolar de 7 años de edad de Ceuta

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    ResumenObjetivoConocer la prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa y el riesgo anual de infección en la población escolar de Ceuta.MétodoEstudio transversal. Se realizó la prueba de la tuberculina (2UT RT-23 Tween 80) a los niños de 7 años de edad escolarizados en Ceuta en 2008. Se consideraron positivos los niños no vacunados con una induración ≥5mm a las 72 horas.ResultadosSe estudiaron 612 niños. La prevalencia de la infección fue del 0,98% (intervalo de confianza del 95%, margen de error del 2,5%). Su distribución mostró diferencias entre las tres zonas de salud, y fue mayor en las zonas más deprimidas, donde llegó al 2,07%. El riesgo anual de infección fue del 0,15%.ConclusionesLa prevalencia de la infección es de las más altas de España, según los últimos estudios realizados. Los resultados no se corresponden con los datos epidemiológicos de tuberculosis de Ceuta, al tener en cuenta los casos importados.AbstractObjectiveTo determine the prevalence of tuberculosis infection and annual risk of infection in the school population of Ceuta.MethodA cross-sectional study was conducted. A tuberculin test (2UT RT-23 Tween 80) was given to 7-year-old schoolchildren in Ceuta in 2008. A positive result was considered as an induration of ≥5mm at 72hours in unvaccinated children.ResultsA total of 612 children were studied. The prevalence of tuberculosis infection was 0.98% (95% confidence interval with a 2.5% margin of error). The distribution showed differences among three health areas, and was greatest in the most deprived area (2.07%). The annual risk of infection was 0.15%.ConclusionsAccording to the most recent studies, the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in Ceuta is one of the highest of Spain. Our results do not agree with the epidemiological data for tuberculosis in Ceuta, which also includes imported cases

    Censo y distribución de los efectivos de Paloma Torcaz Columba palumbus invernantes en la Península Ibérica

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    Durante las temporadas 1997-1998, 1998-1999 y 1999-2000 se efectuaron censos de la población de palomas torcaces en el área tradicional de invernada ibérica, que comprende el cuadrante suroccidental de la Península. El método aplicado fue el conteo de agrupaciones en dormideros comunales, de los que se han inventariado 218 hasta la fecha. Se realizaron cuatro conteos por temporada. Los datos cuantitativos indicaron que la población invernante en el área de estudio rondaría los 2,5-3 millones de aves. La distribución del contingente no fue homogénea en el área de estudio, con presencias masivas en Portugal y en Extremadura-Toledo alternativamente. La respuesta aparentemente directa mostrada por las palomas invernantes hacia la capacidad trófica de la dehesa sugiere que este factor podría tener poder predictivo sobre la distribución espacial y temporal de la invernada.1997-1998, 1998-1999 eta 1999-2000 denboraldietan, pagauso-populazioen errolda egin zen Penintsulan negua pasatzeko erabili ohi duten eremuan, hain zuzen ere Penintsularen hego-mendebaldeko koadrantean. Metodoa izan zen etzaleku komunaletako taldeak zenbatzea. Datu kuantitatiboen arabera, azterketa-eremuko populazio negutarra 2,5-3 milioi ingurukoa da. Azterketa-eremuan ez zen homogeneoa izan hegaztion banaketa; Portugalen eta Extremadura-Toledon, esate baterako, aldizka presentzia masiboak izan ziren. Uso negutarrek itxura batean erantzun zuzena erakutsi dute larrearen gaitasun trofikoaren aurrean, eta ildo horretatik, pentsatzekoa da faktore honek negutarren banaketa espazial eta tenporala iragartzeko balio dezakeela.Au cours des saisons 1997-1998, 1998-1999 et 1999-2000 des recensements de la population de pigeons ramiers ont été effectués dans la zone traditionnelle d'hivernage ibérique qui englobe le quadrant sud-ouest de la Péninsule. La méthode appliquée a été le comptage de groupes. D'après les données quantitatives, la population hivernante dans la zone d'étude se situerait aux alentours de 2,5-3 millions d'individus. La distribution de ces contingents n'a pas été homogène dans la zone d'étude, avec des présences massives alternativement au Portugal et en Extrémadure-Tolède. La réponse apparemment directe des pigeons hivernants à la capacité trophique du pâturage suggère que l'analyse de ce facteur pourrait permettre des prédictions concernant la distribution spatiale et temporelle des Pigeons Ramiers en hivernage.Throughout the 1997-1998, 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 seasons, Wood Pigeon population censuses were carried out in the traditional Iberian wintering area, which comprises the southwestern quadrant of the Peninsula. The method applied was the direct counting off locks in communal roosts. Quantitative data suggests that wintering population in the study area would be made up of about 2,5-3 million birds. The distribution of these contingents was not homogeneous within the study area, with a massive presence in Portugal and Extremadura-Toledo alternatively. The seemingly direct response shown by wintering Wood Pigeons toward the nutritional capacity of the "dehesa" suggests that the analysis of this factor could enable predictions on the spatial and seasonal distribution of the population

    Preliminary study on the Roman amphora of the Portus Illicitanus

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    En este trabajo se anticipan algunos datos, referidos al estudio de un grupo significativo, que forma parte de un amplio conjunto de ánforas halladas en el curso de las últimas campañas de excavaciones (1982-83) realizadas en el Portus Illicitanus. Se trata de un material que presenta una extensa cronología (siglos I al V), con unas formas representadas en la tipología de Dressel, que abarcan las familias Dr. 2-4 de asa bífida para transporte de vino; Dr. 7-11 destinadas al transporte de salsas de pescado, olearias Dr. 20, africanas y Almagro 51 entre otras, como formas más representativas numéricamente. Su estudio y clasificación permiten obtener los primeros datos sobre el tráfico marítimo mediterráneo de este sector costero, en época romana, así como su incidencia en el comercio de la época.Ce travail avance quelques reférences aux études d'un groupe significatif formant partie d'un ensemble d'amphores trouvées pendant les dernières fouilles (1982-83) effectués auprès de Portus Illicitanus. Il s'agit de matériaux appartenant à une cronologie assez vaste (siècles I-V) et des formes représentées par la typologie de Dressel, aparaissant les familles Dr. 2-4 d'anse bifide pour le transport du vin; Dr. 7-11 destinées au transport de sauces de poissons; oléacées Dr. 20, africaines et Almagro 51, parmi d'autres, comme formes plus abondantes. Leur étude et clasification nous permet d'obtenir les prémiers rapport de données sur le trafic maritime mediterranéen de ce secteur côtier à l'époque romaine, et même leur incidence auprès du commerce à ce temps-là

    E-Health business models prototyping by incremental design

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    User-Driven Healthcare: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications provides a global discussion on the practice of user-driven learning in healthcare and connected disciplines and its influence on learning through clinical problem solving. This book brings together different perspectives for researchers and practitioners to develop a comprehensive framework of user-driven healthcare.Postprint (published version

    From Counterculture to Intangible Heritage and Tourism Supply: Artistic Expressions in Ibiza, Spain

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    [Abstract] Until the beginning of the 20th century, Ibiza was rural, developmentally lagging, and separate from the modern world. These characteristics made it attractive as a refuge for European intellectuals and artists as soon as communications with the outside world began to develop. The first significant presence of artists occurred in the 1930s, just before the Spanish Civil War. After years of war and isolation, artists returned in a larger volume and variety than before. Other regions also had artistic and countercultural communities, but Ibiza decided to use them as an element of its tourist promotions, making the hippie movement a part of its culture and history and the most internationally known element. The objective of this paper is to expose the importance of art and artists, a direct inheritance of that time, in Ibizan promotion and tourism. The authorities and entrepreneurs of the island realized the media interest they received and the importance of this media impact on developing the tourism sector. The result was that they supported artistic avant-garde and various activities derived from the hippie movement to differentiate Ibiza and make it known in Spain and abroad, creating the myth of Ibiza as an island of freedom, harmony, and nightlife (the current image of the island)

    The Society’s Heterogeneity Regarding Attitudes towards Tourism: A Cluster Analysis of the Ibiza Residents

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    Abstract: The residents’ attitudes towards tourism are heterogeneous, although most studies do not focus their analysis on analyzing this variability. The segmentation of residents based on their attitudes has sought to etermine the existing profiles within the local society of tourist destinations and their quantitative importance. The aim of this article is to carry out a segmentation of Ibiza residents according to their attitudes towards tourism. In this case, it seeks to analyze the existing heterogeneity in the local society of a mature and highly mediated tourist destination. Ibiza is a Spanish island in the Western Mediterranean with a surface area of 572 km and 150,000 inhabitants. It receives three million tourists a year, making it one of the most internationally known tourist destinations. The methodology used is a descending hierarchical cluster analysis (Howard-Harris algorithm) on a sample of 418 residents selected by a random procedure. The analysis has made it possible to identify five groups with opinions ranging from the most favorable towards tourism (enthusiastic supporters) to the most adverse (critics), with several intermediate groups (interested supporters, supporters with nuanced opinions, and neutrals). The most numerous groups are the supporters with nuanced opinions (23.0%), called by other authors “realists” for being aware of both the positive an d negative impacts, and the critics (23.4%) concerned about the negative impacts. The minority group is the neutrals (13.6%). These proportions are plausible given the fact that it is a mature and highly crowded destination. This heterogeneity of attitudes should remind us that, in societies, there are always very different personal situations that will generate very different attitudes, and it is essential to know this social heterogeneity in order to manage the tourist destination correctly

    The Impact of Working in Contact with Tourists in the Formation of Attitudes towards the Tourism Sector

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    [Resumo] O turismo xera beneficios e custos, e a percepción destes impactos pode depender da preocupación pola economía. De feito, pode atoparse unha relación positiva entre a aceptación do turismo e a dependencia económica. O obxectivo deste traballo é pescudar se o feito de traballar con turistas, ou de ter contacto con eles no lugar de traballo, inflúe na valoración dos impactos mencionados e na formación das actitudes por parte dos residentes de Eivisa. A análise das dúas mostras realizouse mediante regresión de mínimos cadrados parciais. Ao analizar o efecto de traballar no sector turístico sobre a formación das percepcións e actitudes, hai valoracións máis positivas por parte dos traballadores do sector, malia as diferenzas seren pouco ou nada significativas.[Abstract] Tourism generates benefits and costs, and the perception of these impacts may depend on concern for the economy. A positive relationship between the acceptance of tourism and economic dependency can be found. The objective of this study is to find out if working with tourists, or having contact with them in the workplace influences the assessment of impacts and the forming of attitudes by the residents of Ibiza. The analysis of the two samples was carried out through Partial least squares regression. When analysing the effect of working in the tourism sector on the formation of perceptions and attitudes, the assessments of workers in the sector are more positive but the differences are of little or no significance

    Tangible and Intangible Heritage of Ibiza (Spain) and Its Potential to Be Valued as a Tourist Offer

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    [Abstract] Ibiza is internationally known for its beaches and coves, but especially for its nightlife. In addition, at the beginning of the 21st century, there was an increase in luxury tourism. However, other types of tourism have a testimonial or null presence, although the administrations make efforts to promote them. This article describes the main assets that make up the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Ibiza, its singularities, and the successes and errors in its management, using the case study methodology. The island’s heritage is made up of monuments, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and others of great originality and archaism, rural settings, and elements of the local culture. Specifically, the cultural heritage of Ibiza can be divided into the following four assets: the old city of Ibiza; the rural architecture; the cultural landscapes; and the traditional folklore. The restoration of some assets such as the walls or the rural churches are successes in management, and the administrative obstacles to the owners of the preserved assets are considered errors. In conclusion, it should be noted that cultural heritage is not sufficiently well preserved and is a tourist offer that has not been adequately promoted

    Innovation and Strategic Management for the Development of Tourist Destinations: Development of Nightlife and Residents’ Attitudes in Punta del Este (Uruguay)

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    [Abstract] Nightlife is a controversial offer for its possible negative social impacts, but it is also important for its media impact and as an element of differentiation of the tourist destination. In the coastal resorts it is a very important offer as it complements the main offer. This paper seeks to determine the background of residents’ attitudes towards the offer of nightlife. To do this, the responses of a sample of 420 residents of the Maldonado-Punta del Este conurbation (Uruguay) who responded to a questionnaire with items measured with Likert scales are analyzed using Structural Equation Models. A first analysis, which presents costs and benefits of three types (economic, social and cultural) as a possible background of the degree of acceptance of this offer, did not detect significant relationships. In a second analysis, the mediation of the overall attitude towards tourism and the degree of acceptance of sun and beach tourism were proposed. In this second analysis it was found that: only economic benefits and cultural costs have significant effects on the overall attitude; the overall attitude has a significant effect on the acceptance of sun and beach tourism, but not on the acceptance of nightlife; and the acceptance of sun and beach tourism has a significant effect on the acceptance of nightlife. The acceptance of nightlife follows the same guidelines as its business development (it is a consequence of sun and beach tourism)