1,189 research outputs found

    Influence of the level of connectivity on the members of the Octahedron and X-Octahedron families of tensegrities

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    Tensegrity structures based on topological patterns have been developed greatly in recent years. Tensegrities obtained from the same pattern are said to belong to a family. Two examples of tensegrity families are the Octahedron and the X-Octahedron, whose members are composed of rhombic and X-rhombic cells, respectively, which are collected in three groups. The general connectivity pattern of both families consists of three levels of connectivity. This work analyzes the influence of the reduction of the level of connectivity on the members of both families. The connection graphs corresponding to different levels of connectivity are defined based on the new concept of “twin tensegrities”. Analytical computations have been performed to determine the force:length ratios that satisfy equilibrium, stability, and super-stability conditions. In addition, the mathematical sequence that follows the ratio between the force:length ratio of struts and cables of the X-Octahedron family that leads to a super-stable equilibrium configuration is presented. The new tensegrities obtained in this work also belong to the Octahedron and X-Octahedron families and could have promising engineering applications such as modular constructions.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Atención temprana e intervención familiar

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    La familia es el primer entorno donde nos desarrollamos y evolucionamos a nivel físico, educativo, social y emocional. Las experiencias en la primera infancia y los vínculos de apego que se establecen estarán determinados por el entorno familiar. Éste deberá ofrecer oportunidades suficientes para desarrollar aquellas habilidades y competencias personales y sociales que permitan a sus miembros crecer con seguridad y autonomía, siendo capaces de relacionarse y de actuar satisfactoriamente en el ámbito social. Cuando nace un niño/a con discapacidad se produce un shock en el sistema familiar. El hecho se percibe como algo inesperado y extraño que cambia las expectativas sobre el hijo deseado. La pérdida de estas expectativas y el desencanto ante la evidencia de la discapacidad (o su posibilidad), en un primer momento va a ser demoledor; es como si el futuro de la familia se hubiera detenido ante una amenaza. Con la presente investigación nos planteamos conocer el grado de información que las familias de niños con acondroplasia tienen en el momento del nacimiento de su hijo y de qué forma acceden a la misma, así como valorar las dificultades de la entrada a los Servicios de Atención Temprana y su implicación en los mismos. Finalmente se valorará la necesidad de crear o no una guía que les ayude en este proceso. Las hipótesis de partida que nos planteamos es que la mayoría de las familias que tienen un hijo con acondroplasia presentan un desconocimiento sobre esta discapacidad y su tratamiento. Que la información que se les proporciona en el momento del nacimiento, es insuficiente y poco tranquilizadora. Que el acceso a la Atención Temprana es difícil y con dificultades en la aceptación. Finalmente, nos planteamos la necesidad de una guía de Atención Temprana en Acondroplasia, que ayude en todo este proceso. La metodología aplicada está basada en un análisis a través de cuestionarios tipo Likert que se enviaron, a través de e-mail, a 17 familias de niños con acondroplasia que tenían entre 0 y 6 años. Las conclusiones, basándonos en los resultados de los cuestionarios, son que el grado de conocimiento de los padres sobre la discapacidad, en el momento del nacimiento, es muy escaso, que la información que se encuentra es mayoritariamente de tipo médico, que los profesionales médicos no aportan suficiente información a las familias, que el acceso a la Atención Temprana es difícil y que, principalmente, las madres se implican de unaforma activa en la intervención, aunque no existe una buena aceptación de la acondroplasia en estos primeros años y creen necesaria la creación de una guía de Atención Temprana.The family is the first environment where we develop and evolve on the physical, educational, social and emotional development. The early childhood experiences and attachment relation establishing will be determined by the family. This should provide sufficient opportunities to develop those skills and personal and social skills that allow its members to grow with confidence and autonomy, being able to relate and act successfully in the social sphere. When a child is born with disabilities is a shock to the family system. The fact is perceived as something unexpected and strange changing expectations about the desired child. The loss of these expectations and the disenchantment with the evidence of disability (or possibility), at first going to be devastating, it’s as if the future of the family had stopped at a threat. With this research we plan to determine the degree of information that families of children with achondroplasia have at the time of the birth of their child and how access to it, and to evaluate the difficulty of entry to the Early Intervention Services and their involvement in them. Finally, assess the need to create or not a guide to help them in this process. The hypothesis that we set is that most families have a child with achondroplasia have a lack of knowledge about this disability and its treatment. That the information provided to them at the time of birth, is insufficient and reassuring. That access to early childhood intervention is difficult and hard on acceptance. Finally, we considered the need for a guide to early childhood intervention in achondroplasia, to assist in this process. The methodology is based on an analysis by Likert questionnaires type that were sent through e-mail to 17 families of children with achondroplasia who were between 0 and 6 years. The findings, based on the results of questionnaires are that the degree of parental knowledge about disability, at the time of birth is very low, that the information found is mostly medical, medical professionals not provide sufficient information to families, access to early childhood intervention is difficult and mainly mothers engage in an active way in the intervention, although there is good acceptance of achondroplasia in these early years and they believe necessary the creation of an Early Warning guide

    Sociocognitive stimulation for elderly through an intergenerational programme based on the recovery of traditions and popular customs

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    El presente estudio ayuda, entre otras cosas, a recuperar el contenido histórico de la rica y abundante memoria que tenemos en Extremadura, usando la memoria de las tradiciones culturales y las costumbres, de nuestros mayores. Al mismo tiempo, con estos esfuerzos para recordar y describir las diferentes situaciones también ejerceremos las funciones cognitivas, así como el desarrollo de un sentido de utilidad y proactividad, gracias a la transmisión de tales costumbres a la segunda generación, i.e. sus nietos. La siguiente propuesta del programa detalla cómo trabajar con todos los grupos involucrados, para alcanzar las metas y lograr resultados satisfactorios.The present study aims, amongst other things, to recover the historical content of the rich and ample memory that we have in Extremadura, using the memory of the cultural traditions and customs, of our elders. At the same time, with these efforts to remember and describe the different situations we will also exercise cognitive functions as well as developing a sense of usefulness and activeness, thanks to the transmission of such customs to their second generation, i.e. grandchildren. The following programme proposal details how to work with all of the involved groups, to meet goals and achieve satisfactory results

    Tratamiento de las Imputaciones por Rentas Inmobiliarias y Rendimientos de Capital Inmobiliario en el Impuesto sobre la Renta de Personas Físicas (IRPF), con supuesto práctico

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    Tratamiento sobre las imputaciones de rentas inmobiliarias y rendimientos de capital inmobiliario en el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF), adjuntando un caso práctico.<br /

    The psychosocial intervention to family deprivation and/or social disabilities

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    This paper reviews the current panorama of the situation of children at risk of social exclusion, disadvantaged and other existing problems in their families. This is essentially displaying the different possibilities offered to this collective, displaying the improvements that have been doing along the last two decades and how it raises the future and possibilities for them. To make possible this review, we will go around the possibilities in intervention with sector professionals, specific intervention programs existing, how to assess situations of vulnerability and finally see the latest trends in residential care and in family foster care

    Mechanical characterization and elastic stiffness degradation of unstabilized rammed earth

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    Rammed earth is attracting renewed interest due to its sustainability. In this work, a mechanical characterization of unstabilized rammed earth is presented. Compressive strength, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio were determined, with the first of these being the most representative mechanical property of rammed earth. Stress – strain curves were obtained from uniaxial compression tests. Creep is of great importance in the long-term assessment of historical buildings and in the design of new ones. Samples of rammed earth were subjected to a constant load for 15 days to study their creep behavior. In order to simulate the long-term behavior of the material, different rheological models were fitted to the experimental results. The instantaneous deformation of rammed earth samples caused by a sudden additional load (maintaining a previous service load level) was also studied. This is the first time that this phenomenon, called elastic stiffness degradation, has been studied for rammed earth material

    The Z-octahedron family: a new tensegrity family

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    The present paper work was sent to Engineering Structures on 23 April 2020 (it is currently under review).A new family of tensegrity structures is presented: the Z-octahedron family. A tensegrity family is a group of tensegrity structures that share a common connectivity pattern. The members of the Z-octahedron family have been obtained replacing the elementary rhombic cells of the members of the octahedron family with elementary Z-shaped cells. In addition, a higher number of possible force density or force:length ratio values have been considered. The values of the force:length ratio of the members of the family that lead to super-stable tensegrity forms have been computed analytically. Two members of the family have been obtained: the Z-expanded octahedron and the Z-double-expanded octahedron. Finally it has been proved that the Z-double-expanded octahedron obtained here from topological rules can also be defined from a truncated cube based on purely geometrical intuition

    The octahedron family: a source of tensegrity structures

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    A tensegrity family is a group of tensegrity structures that share a common connectivity pattern. In the case that just two values of the force density or force:length ratio are adopted (one for cables and another for struts), the members of the octahedron family are: the octahedron, the expanded octahedron and the double-expanded octahedron. In this work a higher number of possible force:length ratio values have been considered in order to find new members of the family. The values of the force:length ratios which satisfy the super-stability conditions have been computed analytically. New super-stable tensegrity forms of the octahedron family have been obtained. Results show that all of them are members of the octahedron family having as folded forms all the lower members of the family. Finally, based on topological rules, it has been proved that the double-expanded octahedron can be defined from a truncated cube

    Topological design of the octahedron tensegrity family

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    Tensegrity structures have developed greatly in recent years due to their unique mechanical and mathematical properties. In this work, the topology of the Octahedron family is presented. New tensegrity structures that belong to this family are defined based on their topology. As an example, the eleven-time-expanded octahedron is shown, a super-stable tensegrity formed by 12,288 nodes, 6,144 struts, and 24,576 cables (the largest superstable tensegrity reported in the literature in terms of number of nodes, cables, and struts so far). The values of the force:length ratios which satisfy the super-stability conditions have also been determined based on the topology of the Octahedron family. Consequently, the computational cost of the process of determining a suitable prestress state and its corresponding equilibrium shape (a process called form-finding) is significantly reduced. The members of the Octahedron family could have promising engineering and bioengineering applications

    Mechanical Characterization and Creep Behavior of a Stone Heritage Material Used in Granada (Spain): Santa Pudia Calcarenite

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    Santa Pudia calcarenite was one of the most commonly used building materials in the construction of historical buildings in the city of Granada (Spain). As a result, Santa Pudia calcarenite has been mainly studied from a petrographical point of view in previous works. In this work, the mechanical properties of Santa Pudia calcarenite are studied. The main mechanical properties (compressive strength, elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio) were determined using the corresponding tests. Samples of Santa Pudia calcarenite were heated at 550 °C to study the effect of high temperatures on its compressive strength. Two different cooling methods were considered: air-cooling and water-cooling. Stress–strain curves of heated and non-heated samples were obtained from uniaxial compression tests. Creep is of great importance in the long-term structural assessment of historical buildings. To study the creep behaviour of Santa Pudia calcarenite, samples were subjected to uniaxial compressive tests at constant stress until the stabilization of the recorded strains was reached. Different rheological models were adjusted to the experimental results to simulate the long-term behaviour of the material studied. The instantaneous response to additional loadings on the samples (maintaining the long-term loading and deformation) were also studied. Results show that a Santa Pudia calcarenite specimen subjected to dead loads will suffer a higher instantaneous deformation against a sudden load than a non-preloaded specimen. This degradation effect can be particularly important in the case of a seismic evaluation of historical buildings