2,843 research outputs found

    Quasi liber et pictura: estudio Codicológico del MS. T-I-1 DE LA RBME

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    Depto. de Historia del ArteFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEpu

    Internationalization and Sustainable Hotel Competitiveness: Resilience and Network Ties to Increase Tourism Sustainability

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    The tourism industry, which is exposed to a turbulent environment, is one of the sectors that are the most vulnerable to any change (such as political, economic, environmental, or social). This makes it necessary to study firm resilience in this industry in order to identify the factors that can enhance companies’ capacity for resilience in turbulent environments. Moreover, the strategies pursued by tourism companies to become more resilient and more competitive are closely related to tourism sustainability. Among the factors that can affect resilience, we analyze the roles of the degree of internationalization and network ties. Moreover, we explore the influence of resilience on the sustainable competitiveness of hotel firms. For this purpose, we propose a variance-based structural equation modeling analysis where resilience acts as a mediating variable between the degree of internationalization and sustainable competitiveness. Our results allow us to draw important theoretical implications, which shed light on a field of study that is currently much debated, and practical implications, which will help hotel entrepreneurs to make timely decisions in dynamic environments.This research was funded by the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana in the framework of the Program for the promotion of scientific research, technological development and innovation in the Comunitat Valenciana, in the category of consolidatable research groups (Grant number AICO/2021/192)

    Soft skills in the tourism industry of the future: a comparison between Italy and Spain

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    Purpose – The harmonisation of university degrees at the European level leads us to believe that training needs are addressed in the same way in different countries. However, the inevitable adaptation to the changing environment faced by companies requires a continuous adjustment between training and future needs, according to the sector. The aim of this paper is to compare two leading and culturally similar countries in the tourism sector in order to determine whether training is being provided homogeneously in tourism higher education and whether more specific training is desired to meet the needs of the sector in each country. Design/methodology/approach – This study is part of the European Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Project, the first European partnership to foster a collaborative and productive relationship between the education system and the tourism industry. A mixed research study was conducted with the purpose of development, i.e. with the intention that the results of one method (qualitative) are used to assist the development of the other method (quantitative) and an exploratory sequential design. Both qualitative (29 interviews) and quantitative (509 tourism organisations) methods are used. Findings – For a sector that has undergone significant changes in recent years, the results show the differences between countries around the current level of soft skills of employees, the level they will need to develop in the future and the gaps that those responsible for training future employees in the sector need to focus on for the 2030 horizon. Practical implications – Several recommendations have emerged from this paper: to complement higher education, to achieve a better link between the business world and future workers; to provide much more incentives for international student mobility, which will allow students to develop intercultural soft skills before they enter the world of work, and to propose the creation of a social network to share, communicate and learn about resources specific to the tourism industry. Originality/value – Since the Bologna Plan, higher education institutions have been tasked with preparing students for the world of work and developing the employability of graduates. The link between the professional world (companies) and the educational world (training centres) is a crucial factor in determining students' future skills and needs. When educational programmes respond to the needs of industry, the university can gain a competitive advantage. Therefore, some authors suggest the need for coordination and regular communication between business and training centres, thus improving the competitiveness of companies and reducing the gap that currently exists. In this paper, comparing two culturally similar countries with a recognised trajectory in the tourism sector, we will try to observe this gap and propose interesting options for the future of the sector.The authors wish to emphasise that this work is part of a European project within the framework of the Erasmus + Programme, Next Tourism Generation Alliance 591982-EPP-1-2017-IT-EPPKA2-SSA-B

    PROTO-COL. La experiencia de una red interuniversitaria para la formación en protocolo y eventos (2010-2014)

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    En este proyecto de innovación docente denominado “Proto-col: red interuniversitaria de trabajo colaborativo en protocolo y gestión de eventos” se ha realizado durante los cursos académicos 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013 y 2013-2014 un ejercicio de reflexión, en primer término, sobre la idoneidad del perfil de los estudiantes en protocolo y gestión de eventos, a partir de los nuevos Grados en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas ofertados por la Universidad de Alicante y la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón; en segundo término, sobre la metodología didáctica aplicada en las asignaturas optativas vinculadas a dicho ámbito formativo, e integradas en las nuevas propuestas educativas, así como diferentes investigaciones exploratorias sobre la presencia de materias vinculadas a la gestión de eventos, el protocolo y las relaciones institucionales en las universidades españolas. Todas estas aportaciones, junto con la dirección de TFGs, TFMs y direcciones de tesis doctorales reflejan el trabajo en red de un grupo de profesores especializados en esta materia y justifica la pertinencia de este proyecto interuniversitario que se ha traducido en diversas contribuciones académicas y experiencias docentes

    Application of communication technologies (ICT) within the tourism industry in the European Union

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    The information and communication technologies (ICT) are revolutionizing the tourism industry. This research note will make a brief diagnosis of the relationships between tourism and ICT in the European context by presenting an index to characterize the digitization of the tourism sector and its comparison with a reference index, which reflects the introduction of the ICT in every country. The proposed indicator will allow us to know the degree of integration of these ICT in EU countries when talking about tourism accommodation reservations. The results indicate divergent behavior patterns in digital accommodation management and in how ICTs are managed, as well as a different perception of trends between different geographical areas of the European Union. From the comparative analysis of the indicators, we can observe that in the South of Europe/Mediterranean area both the tourism integration and ICT are quite commonly below the European results. In other countries like Holland and Spain, the traditional channels are still used despite of their outstanding digitalization. These patterns provide relevant insights for the companies, especially for the tourism agencies, and allow establishing sector needs within the digital field

    Lysosomal Cholesterol Accumulation Sensitizes to Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity by Impairing Mitophagy

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    The role of lysosomes in acetaminophen (APAP) hepatotoxicity is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the impact of genetic and drug-induced lysosomal cholesterol (LC) accumulation in APAP hepatotoxicity. Acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase) mice exhibit LC accumulation and higher mortality after APAP overdose compared to ASMase littermates. ASMase hepatocytes display lower threshold for APAP-induced cell death and defective fusion of mitochondria-containing autophagosomes with lysosomes, which decreased mitochondrial quality control. LC accumulation in ASMase hepatocytes caused by U18666A reproduces the susceptibility of ASMase hepatocytes to APAP and the impairment in the formation of mitochondria-containing autolysosomes. LC extraction by 25-hydroxycholesterol increased APAP-mediated mitophagy and protected ASMase mice and hepatocytes against APAP hepatotoxicity, effects that were reversed by chloroquine to disrupt autophagy. The regulation of LC by U18666A or 25-hydroxycholesterol did not affect total cellular sphingomyelin content or its lysosomal distribution. Of relevance, amitriptyline-induced ASMase inhibition in human hepatocytes caused LC accumulation, impaired mitophagy and increased susceptibility to APAP. Similar results were observed upon glucocerebrosidase inhibition by conduritol β-epoxide, a cellular model of Gaucher disease. These findings indicate that LC accumulation determines susceptibility to APAP hepatotoxicity by modulating mitophagy, and imply that genetic or drug-mediated ASMase disruption sensitizes to APAP-induced liver injury.The work was supported by grants SAF-2011-23031, SAF-2012-34831 from Plan Nacional de I+ D, Spain, Fundació Marató de TV3, La Mutua Madrileña, PI11/0325 (META) grant from the Instituto Salud Carlos III, and by the support of CIBEREHD; the center grant P50-AA-11999 Research Center for Liver and Pancretic Diseases funded by NIAAA/NIH; R01 DK067215 and Liver Center P30DK48522 Cell Culture, Analytical/Metabolic Intstrumentation and Cell and Tissue Imaging Cores.Peer Reviewe

    Petrofac International Limited: el mercadeo interno, una estrategia efectiva en el manejo de personal

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    Como futuros administrados es importante recordar que nuestra función no será únicamente crear una empresa y generar constantemente ingresos. Esto es una de tantas tareas que tiene una persona que se encamina por crear o ser parte de una empresa, sea grande o pequeña siempre existirán variables que con los años se han convertido más y más indispensables en los procesos de este recorrido. El tema principal de nuestro estudio de caso es entender el concepto del endomarketing o como muchos lo conocen marketing interno; en pocas palabras es algo que por años se ha visto su efectividad en la productividad y satisfacción de los empleados. Google es una de las multinacionales más grandes del mundo, que el ultimo reconocimiento fue por parte de uno de los ranking más influyentes “The World’s Billionaries” ocupando como el CEO de la compañía Larry Page el puesto #12 , que por años ha sabido invertir en su recurso más importante que son sus empleados. En una entrevista con la revista Fortune, Larry exclama que “es importante que la empresa sea una familia, que las personas sientan que son parte de la empresa, y que la empresa es como una familia para ellos. Cuando se trata a las personas de esa manera, se obtiene una mejor productividad”. Con este pequeño ejemplo e idea de cómo una de las marcas más influyentes en el mundo ha fortalecido su mejor recurso por años el cual le ha remunerado con el éxito que tiene hoy en día. Entonces es como el mercadeo interno o endomarketing siendo uno de los conceptos tratados en el mercadeo en general hoy en día, logrando meterse como un modelo de negocio en la mayoría de empresas que existen hoy. Este es uno de los motivos que nos motivó para desarrollar este estudio de caso que verán a continuación, el cual se basa en la investigación y análisis de variables que comprenden a la empresa Petrofac, y si bien ha sabido implementar el concepto en sus procesos diarios. El estudio de caso describe como a través de los años ha sabido implementar con éxito la herramienta de evaluación y análisis del mercado interno a los empleados que constituyen hoy en día Petrofac International Limited. Abarcaremos primero con los objetivos del estudio, seguido del inicio y crecimiento de la empresa en los últimos años, en que países tiene presencia y cuáles son sus proyectos más importantes hoy en día. El estudio de caso será implementado por un tipo de investigación descriptiva, que con la recopilación de suficiente información tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa nos ira fortaleciendo la hipótesis principal, usaremos datos estadísticos que serán recopilados de encuestas, entrevistas y focus group. Al final con el análisis y a las conclusiones que lleguemos se busca demostrar el impacto positivo que ha tenido los empleados de diferentes países y de diferentes culturas que poco a poco han influenciado a la empresa para alcanzar el éxito que ha logrado hasta ahora, y de la misma forma como la empresa ha influenciado en cada una de las vidas de estas personas sin importar el lugar en el que estén laborando, siempre la empresa busca que se sientan parte de ella. Como resultados generales, se obtienen argumentos que sustentan que la implementación del mercadeo interno le permite a la empresa generar ventajas competitivas y dinámicas, que son desarrolladas internamente para un futuro reflejarlas ante los clientes externos. El estudio permitió concluir que el mercadeo interno debe ser una estrategia de comunicación dentro de una empresa convirtiéndose de primera necesidad para la compañía, pues los beneficios que genera son cada vez más necesarios para cada área que abarca el negocio.As managed futures is important to remember that our role is not only to create a business and generate revenues consistently. This is one of many tasks that a person who is moving to create or be part of a company, whether large or small will always be variables that over the years have become more and more indispensable to the processes of this route. The main theme of our case study is to understand the concept of endomarketing or as many know internal marketing; in a nutshell it is something that for years has been its effectiveness in productivity and employee satisfaction. Google is one of the largest multinationals in the world that the last recognition was by one of the most influential ranking The World`s Billionaries occupying as company CEO Larry Page # 12, which for years has been able to invest in its most important resource is its employees. In an interview with Fortune magazine, Larry exclaims that it is important that the company is a family, people feel they are part of the company, and that the company is like a family for them. When it comes to people that way, you get better productivity. With this little example and idea of how one of the most influential brands in the world has strengthened your best resource for years which has paid him the success he has today. So it`s like internal marketing or endomarketing being one of the concepts covered in the general marketing today, making getting as a business model in most companies that exist today. This is one of the reasons that motivated us to develop this case study you will see next, which is based on research and analysis of variables comprising the company Petrofac, and while it has managed to implement the concept in their daily processes. The case study describes how through the years has been able to successfully implement the tool evaluation and analysis of the domestic market to employees who are today Petrofac International Limited. We will cover first with the objectives of the study, followed by the onset and growth of the company in recent years, in which countries is present and what their most important projects are today. The case study will be implemented by a type of descriptive research that gathering sufficient both quantitative and qualitative information anger us strengthen the main hypothesis, we will use statistical data to be collected from surveys, interviews and focus group. At the end with the analysis and conclusions we reach we seek to demonstrate the positive impact it has had employees from different countries and different cultures that have gradually influenced the company to achieve the success it has achieved so far, and same way as the company has influenced each of the lives of these people no matter where they are toiling, the company always seeks to feel part of it. As overall results, arguments that support the implementation of internal marketing allows the company to generate competitive and dynamic advantages, which are developed internally for future reflect them to external customers are obtained. The study allowed concluding that internal marketing should be a communication strategy within a company becoming necessities for the company, since the profits generated are increasingly needed for each area covered by the business.Universidad del Rosari

    Conserved and non-annotated proteins of Podosphaera xanthii: new target candidates for the control of powdery mildews by spray-induced gene silencing.

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    One of the most important limiting factors for cucurbit production worldwide is the powdery mildew fungus Podosphaera xanthii. Despite the efforts invested in plant breeding programs and chemical companies, effective control of this pathogen remains elusive to growers. In this work, we examined the potential of RNAi technology called spray-induced gene silencing (SIGS) for controlling cucurbit powdery mildew. For that, we first developed a new and simple gene silencing method for P. xanthii based on the application of dsRNAs to the plant surface. Moreover, to identify new target candidate genes, we focused on the study of a set of sixty conserved and non-annotated proteins (CNAPs) deduced from the P. xanthii transcriptome. After protein modeling and ligand prediction studies, six proteins presumably involved in respiration, glycosylation and efflux transport, were selected. Functional analysis of these CNAP coding genes by dsRNA-induced gene silencing resulted in strong silencing phenotypes with large reductions in fungal growth and disease symptoms. Due to their important contributions to fungal development, three of these CNAP genes were selected as targets to conduct SIGS assays under plant growth chamber conditions. The spray application of these dsRNAs induced high levels of disease control, supporting that SIGS could be a promising tool for controlling powdery mildews. This work has been funded by AEI (AGL2016-76216-C2-1-R; PID2019-107464RB-C21).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Insomnia Symptoms, Sleep Hygiene, Mental Health, and Academic Performance in Spanish University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Insomnia has been associated with decreased academic performance and unhealthy behaviors in university students. Although many studies have analyzed sleep phenomenology among this population, only few have focused on insomnia and its related variables. In addition, such studies do not always include a clinical interview or a specific and validated instrument for measuring insomnia. This study aimed to explore the prevalence of insomnia symptoms and the relationship between insomnia and health habits, mental health, and academic performance in a large university student sample. Methods: Five hundred and eighty-two students were recruited from the University of Granada, Spain. Data were collected through an online survey with questions on sociodemographic and academic data and health habits as well as the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Insomnia Severity Index, Sleep Hygiene Index, and Sleepiness, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales. A multiple regression analysis explored the relationship between academic performance, health habits, mood state, and insomnia symptoms. Results: The prevalence of students with symptoms of insomnia was high (39.7%). A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that depression, sleep hygiene, stress and anxiety were significant predictors of insomnia symptoms. Multivariate analyses revealed that subjective insomnia symptoms, sleep efficiency, and depression were significantly correlated with academic performance in a dependent way. Conclusions: In university students, anxiety, stress, and poor sleep hygiene are risk factors for insomnia, which plays an important role in academic performance. Promoting sleep and mental health could be a potentially effective way to improve their academic performance