3,136 research outputs found

    Efectos de la inducción emocional usando realidad virtual en la percepción de bienestar en personas vulnerables a padecer ansiedad y depresión

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Psicologia General Sanitària. Codi: SBF018. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016Actualmente, la incidencia de trastornos como la depresión o la ansiedad son muy altas en todo el mundo. Así, se ha observado que las emociones positivas pueden funcionar como factor protector contra la ansiedad y la depresión; por ello la inducción de dichas emociones podría jugar un papel fundamental en la prevención de diferentes trastornos psicológicos. Además, en la actualidad, la realidad virtual (RV), ha demostrado su potencial utilidad en la inducción emocional. Por todo esto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es someter a prueba en un estudio piloto con una serie de casos, si, la inducción de emociones positivas mediante RV puede modificar la percepción subjetiva de bienestar. El estudio se realizó en 12 personas, de entre 18 y 54 años, (nueve mujeres y tres hombres) vulnerables a padecer ansiedad y/o depresión, los cuales no habían recibido diagnóstico para ninguno de estos dos trastornos. Se llevó a cabo la inducción de relajación o alegría mediante el uso de diferentes procedimientos de inducción emocional con apoyo de RV. Los resultados muestran una tendencia en la que se redujo la intensidad del estado emocional negativo y que se incrementó la intensidad de las emociones positivas. En cuanto a la percepción de bienestar, se identificaron cambios positivos, después de la inducción emocionar en ambas condiciones. Los resultados obtenidos no son concluyentes, sin embargo, es importante considerar que debido a la relevancia de la prevención de trastornos como ansiedad y depresión, sería importante seguir investigando los posibles efectos de la inducción de emociones positivas sobre la percepción de calidad de vida y su vínculo con la salud mental, así como su potencial utilidad en la prevención de la psicopatología.Nowadays, the incidence of mental disorders such as depression or anxiety is very high worldwide. Thus, it has been observed that positive emotions can function as a protective factor against this disorders; thereby inducing these emotions could play a fundamental role in the prevention of this disorders. Currently, virtual reality (VR), has demonstrated its potential utility in mood induction. The objective of this paper is to test in a pilot study with a case series, if, the induction of positive emotions using VR modifies the subjective perception of well-being. The study was carried out in a sample of 12 volunteers between 18 and 54 years (nine women and three men), with vulnerability to suffer anxiety or depression, which had not been diagnosed for any of these two disorders. It was performed the induction of relaxation or joy using different mood induction procedures supported by VR. The results show that the intensity of the negative emotions was reduced and the intensity of positive emotions was increased. In relation to the perception of wellbeing were found positive changes, after the mood induction. The results are inconclusive; however, it is important to consider the importance of prevention of disorders such as anxiety or depression, it would be important to further investigate the possible effects of positive mood induction on perception of quality of life, as well as its potential in the prevention of psychopathology

    Aportaciones de la Psicología positiva a la creación de entornos educativos saludables y resilientes

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    Este TFG plantea la realización de una revisión bibliográfica que ayude a sentar las bases para la realización de innovaciones capaces de innovar el clima del aula desde acciones de formación de líderes educativos transformadores, positivos y saludables en la que se trabajen conceptos claves de Psicología Positiva tales como la resiliencia, el bienestar, la felicidad, la satisfacción y el cultivo de emociones positivas.This Final Degree Report makes a bibliographic review in order to establish the hey points of innovations able to improve the scholar classes by teaching creative, positive and healthy educational leaders where key concepts of Positive Psychology like resilience, wellness, happiness, satisfaction and positive feelings will be developed.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Primaria no Bilingü

    The Relationship between Motivation and Burnout in Athletes and the Mediating Role of Engagement

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    The purpose of our research was to analyze the relationship among motivation, burnout, and engagement in sports. Five hundred athletes of both sexes from multiple sports modalities took part, with a mean age of 17.39 years (SD = 4.60). The instruments applied were as follows: Spanish versions of the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS), the Athlete Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ) and the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ). Pearson correlations showed that motivation is negatively related to burnout and positively to engagement, while burnout and engagement are inversely related to each other. Through structural equation modeling, it was shown that engagement has a mediating role between motivation and burnout. Furthermore, there are no gender differences in this relationship, although there are differences between athletes who practice individual sports and those who practice collective sports. Encouraging high levels of self-determined motivation can help to increase athletes’ degree of engagement and protect them against burnout and sport withdrawalThis work was supported by the following research project: Consolidación 2019 GPC GI-1456 Comportamiento Social y Psicometría Aplicada—COSOYPA, Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional, Xunta de Galicia (grant number: ED431B 2019/0)S

    Cannabis Use and Emotional Intelligence in Adolescents during COVID-19 Confinement: A Social Network Analysis Approach

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    [EN] Confinement by COVID-19 had negative consequences on adolescent mental health, including increased cannabis use. Cannabis is related to variables that influence health and well-being. Emotional Intelligence is associated with adaptive coping styles, peer relationships, and social–emotional competencies. In adolescence, peer selection plays a unique role in the initiation of substance use. However, there are no studies during a confinement stage that analyse the relationships between networks, Emotional Intelligence, and cannabis use. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse the consumption and friendship networks of an adolescent classroom and their relationship with Emotional Intelligence, cannabis use, and gender during COVID-19 confinement. Participants completed different questionnaires for Emotional Intelligence, cannabis use, and the consumption and friendship network. The sample consisted of 21 students from 10th grade, of which 47.6% were consumers. The friendship network correlates with the consumption network, and significant associations between emotional repair and being a cannabis user. The regression model points to the friendship network as a significant variable in predicting the classroom use network. This study highlights the role of the Social Network Analysis in predicting consumption networks during a COVID-19 confinement stage and serves as a tool for cannabis use prevention interventions in a specific population.S

    Reproduction, longevity and life table parameters of Monosteira unicostata (Hemiptera: Tingidae) at constant temperatures

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    Information on the effect of temperature on biological parameters of phytophagous insects is one of the tools in IPM programs, as it allows prediction of risk situations in the field. This work reports the effect of temperature on reproductive parameters and longevity of one of the most important current pests of almond orchards in the Mediterranean basin, the poplar lace bug, Monosteira unicostata (Mulsant & Rey) (Hemiptera: Tingidae). The temperatures tested were 22, 25, 28, 31, 34 and 37ºC, always at 60 ± 10% relative humidity and under a L16:D8 photoperiod. Extreme temperatures had an adverse effect on preoviposition period, total fecundity and daily fecundity while increasing values of oviposition period and adults longevity were registered for decreasing temperatures. Male longevity was higher than female longevity, and mortality pattern differed between sexes for all temperatures but 37ºC. The nonlinear Lactin model described accurately the effect of temperature on the intrinsic rate of natural increase of M. unicostata populations and predicted the optimum temperature for population increase at 34.1ºC, at which the population doubling time is 3.6 days. Produced values of lower and upper thresholds for M. unicostata populations were 14.8 and 38.8ºC, respectively. This characterizes the poplar lace bug as a very important pest in the Mediterranean basin, with an increasing potential risk in a global warming scenario

    El aprendizaje estratégico

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    One of the aims of the education is her of teaching the pupils to whom there turn autonomous, independent apprentices and autorregulados, capable of learning to learn, situation that can be achieved on having endowed the pupil of tools or cognitive instruments that serve him to face pos if same new situations of learning belonging to different domains and useful before the most diverse situations. The possibility of the student of learning to learn, proves to be increasingly conscious of his process of cognition, that is to say, of the metacognición process that refers to the knowledge or conscience that has the person of his own mental processes, on as learns and to the control of the cognitive domain, on his way of learning. Both are orientated to the service of an improvement of the personal study that leads him to satisfactory results of learningUno de los objetivos de la educación es la de enseñar a los alumnos a que se vuelvan aprendices autónomos, independientes y autorregulados, capaces de aprender a aprender, situación que puede lograrse al dotar al alumno de herramientas o instrumentos cognitivos que le sirvan para enfrentar pos si mismo nuevas situaciones de aprendizaje pertenecientes a distintos dominios y útiles ante las más diversas situaciones. La posibilidad del estudiante de aprender a aprender, resulta de ser cada vez más consciente de su proceso de cognición, es decir, de la metacognición proceso que se refiere al conocimiento o conciencia que tiene la persona de sus propios procesos mentales, sobre como aprende y al control del dominio cognitivo, sobre su forma de aprender. Ambos se orientan al servicio de una mejora del estudio personal que le conduzca a resultados satisfactorios de aprendizaj

    competencias requeridas por los egresados del programa de medicina según el pensamiento de autoridades y docentes

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    The gone away one(graduated one) from the university and specifically of the program of medicine of the UCLA, must rely on competitions that they should qualify it to exercise successfully this profession. The present investigation was realized to know the thought of authorities and teachers in relation with the competitions needed for gone away (graduated) from the Program of Medicine of the University Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado" (UCLA). It was developed by base in the qualitative paradigm and an approach interpretativista, by currents hermeneutics and fenomenología. The information was tried by means of the comparative constant method proposed by Glaser and Strauss (9). The key informants were constituted by an intentional sample of authorities and teachers of the Program of Medicine of the UCLA, who were approached by means of the interview in depth. The obtained information was analyzed, labelled, categorized and interpreted with the intention of achieving a process of conceptualization and theoretical propositions like synthesis. There was generated a theory that allowed to understand and to describe the competitions that there must exhibit the graduated one from medicine of the UCLA, according to the expressed for the informants.El egresado de la universidad y específicamente del programa de medicina de la UCLA, debe contar con competencias que lo capaciten para ejercer exitosamente esta profesión. Se realizó la presente investigación para conocer el pensamiento de autoridades y docentes en relación con las competencias requeridas por egresados del Programa de Medicina de la Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado” (UCLA). Fue desarrollado con base en el paradigma cualitativo y un enfoque interpretativista, con sus corrientes hermenéutica y fenomenología. Se procesó la información mediante el método comparativo constante propuesto por Glaser y Strauss (9). Los informantes clave estuvieron constituidos por una muestra intencional de autoridades y docentes del Programa de Medicina de la UCLA, quienes fueron abordados mediante la técnica de la entrevista en profundidad. La información obtenida fue analizada, rotulada, categorizada e interpretada con el propósito de lograr un proceso de conceptualización y proposiciones teóricas a manera de síntesis. Se generó una teoría que permitió comprender y describir las competencias que debe exhibir el egresado de medicina de la UCLA, según lo expresado por los informante

    Assessment of Social Self-perceptions of Acceptance and Enmity in Children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

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    This study analyzes the self-perceptions of social competence in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It compares two groups of participants, children with ADHD (N=20) and children without ADHD (N=20) ages between 8 and 12 years old. Sociometric questionnaires were completed by two groups of participants and 707 peers, as well as a questionnaire that evaluates children’s behavior from parents’ and teachers’ perspectives. Results indicate that children with ADHD correctly perceive enmity, but incorrectly perceive friendship. Children with ADHD have low rates of positive reciprocity and qualities that indicate friendship differs considerably from the children without ADHD. The children with ADHD have a different profile of social self-perception than children without ADHD, especially regarding recognizing friendship. The results contribute to the understanding of perceptions of elements of peer relationship and friendships with strong ecological validity. This small scale study provides a proof of concept for improving ecological validity in the methods of evaluating social skills and social emotion learning programming for children with ADHD

    atlas interactivo de histología bucodental

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    PowerPoint, tool that allows to create presentations and this way to communicate information and ideas of visual and attractive form. The teacher can use presentations as support to the education and this way expose information of visual, agreeable form and catch the attention of the pupil. With the intention of facilitating and improving the process of education learning of the medical basic sciences, in what concerns the histology, there was constructed an atlas of oral histology, with updated information, to be used by students of odontolgy and medicine.¡PowerPoint, herramienta que permite crear presentaciones y así comunicar información e ideas de forma visual y atractiva. El profesor puede usar presentaciones como apoyo a la enseñanza y así exponer información de forma visual, agradable y captar la atención del alumno. Con el propósito de facilitar y mejorar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de las ciencias médicas básicas, en lo referente a la histología, se construyó un atlas de histología bucodental, con información actualizada, para ser utilizados por estudiantes de odontología y medicina