121 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of attributional style and self-esteem in a sample of depressed patients and control subjects

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    En la presente investigación se ha analizado el papel que desempeñan la variable atribucional y la autoestima en estados depresivos. El estudio atribucional es de capital importancia en la dinámica de la personalidad, ya que las atribuciones causales son mecanismos sesgados de afrontamiento que guían la conducta del sujeto. Metodología. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se ha evaluado la autoestima y los sesgos atribucionales en una muestra de 40 pacientes depresivos y se ha comparado con 80 sujetos control normales. Resultados. Los resultados de esta investigación muestran que los pacientes depresivos realizaron atribuciones más internas para los eventos negativos que el grupo control normal y atribuciones más externas que los normales para los sucesos positivos, presentando un exagerado sesgo atribucional. Conclusiones. Estos datos nos sugieren que los pacientes depresivos tienden a culparse de sus fallos a sí mismos. Los pacientes depresivos realizaron atribuciones más estables y globales para los hechos negativos que para los positivos en comparación con los sujetos normales, considerando que dicha situación negativa se mantendrá en el tiempo y se globalizará a otras áreas de su vida. Este tipo de estudios resultan de utilidad para el desarrollo de programas eficaces de tratamiento y de instrumentos de evaluación de la depresión.The present study assesses the role of attributions and self-esteem in depressive states. In depression, attributions can become central biased coping mechanisms that guide individual behavior. Methods. Self-esteem and attribution bias was assessed in 40 depressed and 80 normal controls. Results. Results of this investigation show that depressed patients made more internal attributions to negative events, and more external attributions for positive events than their normal counterparts, confirming an exaggerated attributional bias. Conclusions. The results suggest that depressed patients tend to blame themselves for their mistakes. Depressed patients made more stable and global attributions for negative events than for positive events, as opposed to what happens with the normal controls, making us believe that this bias will be maintained in time, and will eventually generalize to other life areas. This kind of study seems useful to develop efficient treatment programs and evaluation tools of depression

    Eating related problems amongst Iberian female college students

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    The current survey descriptive study evaluates the prevalence of eating related problems amongst a sample of first-year female college students attending an university campus in one of two areas of the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. A total of 1079 students participated in the current study, 486 from a large university campus of the North of Portugal (Minho), and 595 from two large university campuses of the Northwest of Spain (Galicia). Participants responded to the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and to a questionnaire designed at assessing eating related habits and problems. Results showed that a significant number of students scored high on the EDI and showed considerable prevalence of eating related problems. Based on this self reported data, it is estimated that the prevalence of eating disorders on these peripheral areas of both countries is not significantly different than what is common in other European areas or countries.El presente estudio evalúa la prevalencia de los trastornos de la alimentación en una muestra de alumnas universitarias de primer año que frecuentaban una Universidad de una de dos áreas del Noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, mediante observación. Un total de 1079 mujeres participaron en este estudio, 486 de una Universidad del Norte de Portugal (Minho) y 595 de dos Universidades del Noroeste de España (Galicia). Las participantes respondieron al Inventario de Trastornos Alimentarios (EDI) y a un cuestionario desarrollado para evaluar problemas relacionados con la alimentación. Los resultados mostraron que un número significativo de estudiantes obtuvo un resultado elevado en el EDI, presentando una prevalencia considerable de problemas relacionados con la alimentación. Basándonos en los datos auto referidos se estimó que la prevalencia de trastornos en el comportamiento alimentario en estas áreas periféricas de ambos países no es significativamente diferente de lo que resulta común en otros países y áreas de Europa.O presente estudo avalia a a prevalência de problemas alimentares numa amostra de alunas universitárias do primeiro ano que frequentavam uma universidade de uma de duas áreas do noroeste da Península Ibérica. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, mediante observação. Um total de 1079 mulheres participaram neste estudo, 486 de uma universidade do Norte de Portugal (Minho) e 595 de duas universidades do Noroeste de Espanha (Galiza). Os participantes responderam ao Inventário de Perturbações Alimentares (EDI) e a um questionário desenvolvido para avaliar problemas relacionados com a alimentação. Os resultados mostraram que um número significativo de estudantes obtiveram um resultado elevado no EDI e apresentavam uma prevalência considerável de problemas relacionados com a alimentação. Com base nos dados de auto relato foi estimada que a prevalência de perturbações do comportamento alimentar nestas áreas periféricas de ambos os países não é significativamente diferente da que é comum noutros países e áreas da Europa.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PRAXIS/PCSH/P/PSI/85/96, Pograma Operacional "Ciência, Tecnologia, Inocação (POCTI) - POCTI/33252/PSI/2000

    Funcionamento cognitivo e produção narrativa no síndrome de Williams : congruência ou dissociação neurocognitiva?

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    Uma questão central na teoria de desenvolvimento neurocognitivo consiste no debate acerca da existência de fenómenos de verdadeira dissociação neurocognitiva. Recentemente, no entanto, vários autores têm defendido a existência de uma dinâmica probabilística entre genótipo, organização cerebral e funcionamento cognitivo. O síndrome de Williams é uma perturbação do neurodesenvolvimento cujo estudo pode ajudar à clarificação deste debate. Neste sindrome estamos perante uma perturbação genética identificada, uma organização cerebral específica e um intrigante perfil cognitivo onde uma relativa preservação dos domínios sócio-linguísticos co-existe a par de défices significativos no funcionamento cognitivo geral e visuo-espacial. Com o objectivo de investigar o perfil narrativo no síndrome de Williams, 14 indivíduos diagnosticados com esta perturbação genética foram avaliados numa tarefa de indução narrativa, em termos da estrutura, processo e conteúdo das suas narrativas. Os resultados apontam para o facto destes pacientes apresentarem profundos deficits na produção narrativa, evidenciando unicamente a preservação de alguns marcadores sociais presentes no processo de contar a história. Os dados desta investigação são apresentados e discutidos em termos das suas implicações neurodesenvolvimentais.A central issue on neurocognitive development theory concerns the debate on the existence of truly cognitive dissociation phenomena. Recently, however, several authors have been claiming that there is only a probabilistic dynamic between genotype, brain organization and cognitive functioning. Williams syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that could help clarifying this debate. In this syndrome we have an identifiable genetic disorder, a specific brain organization, and a intriguing cognitive profile where the relative preservation of socio-linguistic domains coexists with significant deficits in general cognitive and visuo-spacial functioning. With the objective of inquiring more deeply on the narrative profile of Williams syndrome, 14 patients diagnosed with this genetic disorder were analyzed in terms of narrative structure, process and content both in structured narrative induction task. Data shows that these patients have profound deficits in narrative production showing only a slight preservation in some social markers of the story telling process. Data from this research is presented and discussed in terms of their neurodevelpmental implications.Una cuestión central en la teoría del desarrollo neurocognitivo consiste en el debate acerca de la existencia de fenómenos de verdadera disociación neurocognitiva. Recientemente, varios autores han defendido la existencia de una dinámica probabilística entre genotipo, organización cerebral y funcionamiento cognitivo. El síndrome de Williams es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo cuyo estudio puede ayudar a clarificar este debate. En este síndrome nos encontramos ante un trastorno genético identificado, una organización cerebral específica y un intrigante perfil cognitivo donde una relativa preservación de los dominios socio-lingüísticos coexiste con déficit significativos en el funcionamiento cognitivo general y visuo-espacial. Con el propósito de investigar el perfil narrativo en el síndrome de Williams, 14 individuos diagnosticados con este trastorno genético han sido evaluados en una tarea de inducción narrativa, en términos de estructura, proceso y contenido de sus narrativas. Los resultados nos muestran que estos pacientes presentan profundos déficit en la producción narrativa, evidenciando únicamente la preservación de algunos marcadores sociales presentes en el proceso de contar la historia. Los datos de esta investigación son presentados y discutidos en términos de sus implicaciones en el neurodesarrollo

    Working memory performance, pain and associated clinical variables in women with fibromyalgia

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    Working memory (WM) is a critical process for cognitive functioning in which fibromyalgia (FM) patients could show cognitive disturbances. Dyscognition in FM has been explained by interference from pain processing, which shares the neural substrates involved in cognition and may capture neural resources required to perform cognitive tasks. However, there is not yet data about how pain is related to WM performance, neither the role that other clinical variables could have. The objectives of this study were (1) to clarify the WM status of patients with FM and its relationship with nociception, and (2) to determine the clinical variables associated to FM that best predict WM performance. To this end, 132 women with FM undertook a neuropsychological assessment of WM functioning (Digit span, Spatial span, ACT tests and a 2-Back task) and a complete clinical assessment (FSQ, FIQ-R, BDI-1A, HADS, PSQI, MFE-30 questionnaires), including determination of pain thresholds and tolerance by pressure algometry. Patients with FM seem to preserve their WM span and ability to maintain and manipulate information online for both visuospatial and verbal domains. However, up to one-third of patients showed impairment in tasks requiring more short-term memory load, divided attention, and information processing ability (measured by the ACT task). Cognitive performance was spuriously related to the level of pain experienced, finding only that pain measures are related to the ACT task. The results of the linear regression analyses suggest that sleep problems and fatigue were the variables that best predicted WM performance in FM patients. Future research should take these variables into account when evaluating dyscognition in FM and should include dynamic measures of pain modulationThis study was funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (Call: Retos 2016. Project reference: PSI2016-75313-R) and Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidades, Xunta de Galicia (Code: ED431C 2021/04)S

    Susceptibility and transcriptomic response to plasma-activated water of Listeria monocytogenes planktonic and sessile cells

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    [EN] Plasma-Activated Water (PAW) was generated from tap water using a surface dielectric barrier discharge at different discharge power (26 and 36 W) and activation time (5 and 30 min). The inactivation of a three-strain Listeria monocytogenes cocktail in planktonic and biofilm state was evaluated. PAW generated at 36 W-30 min showed the lowest pH and the highest hydrogen peroxide, nitrates, nitrites contents and effectiveness against cells on planktonic state, resulting in 4.6 log reductions after a 15-min treatment. Although the antimicrobial activity in biofilms formed on stainless steel and on polystyrene was lower, increasing the exposure time to 30 min allowed an inactivation >4.5 log cycles. The mechanisms of action of PAW were investigated using chemical solutions that mimic its physico-chemical characteristics and also RNA-seq analysis. The main transcriptomic changes affected carbon metabolism, virulence and general stress response genes, with several overexpressed genes belonging to the cobalamin-dependent gene cluster.S

    Cognitive profile in William syndrome: a case study

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    Williams Syndrome (WS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder, approximately occurring 1 in 20 000 live births, caused by a submicroscopic deletion on band q11.22-23 in chromosome 7. Their clinical characteristics include an uneven profile, characterised by physical, developmental and neurocognitive features. They also present desadaptative behaviours, with a strong impulse to social contact. Given this uneven cognitive, behavioural and neuroanatomic profile, this paper focuses on exploring these specific features. In order to do this, we used a broad neuropsychological battery and analysed the data to design an individualized rehabilitation program, which focus was to improve weak areas of performance.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - SFRH/B/PD/9396, SFRH/BD/1609/2004. POCTI/PSI/58364/2004)

    Evaluation of the performance of a three-strains lactic acid bacteria cocktail for the control of Listeria monocytogenes on marinated lean pork

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to evaluate the addition of a cocktail of three lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (Lactococcus lactis, Lacticaseibacillus paracasei and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum) as a protective culture into marinated pork. The pork was artificially inoculated with two Listeria monocytogenes strains and stored for 12 days. Two packagings were used: vacuum or modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). LAB, L. monocytogenes, psychrotrophic bacteria, pH, aw, color, the metataxonomic profile and the sensorial quality of the product were evaluated. The growth of L. monocytogenes under vacuum and MAP was reduced with the use of the LAB up to 0.8 and 0.7 log10 CFU/g, respectively. LAB counts gradually increased, which was accompanied by a slight decrease in pH. In LAB samples, psychrotrophic bacteria showed a reduction at day 12 as compared to non-inoculated samples. Some minor differences were also observed among samples for color and sensory parameters. Regardless of the type of packaging, the microbiota of the marinated pork was dominated initially by Photobacterium and subsequently during storage by a diversity of LAB. The application of LAB could help to obtain a safe product, although further evaluation would be required to optimize the application of the LAB cocktail in real-scale commercial scenarios.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Flow Charts from Videos as a Teaching Resource in Food Technology

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    Resúmenes IV Congreso VetDoc de Docencia Veterinaria, León 2017 (6-7 de Julio)[ES] La materia que se imparte en la asignatura de Tecnología de los Alimentos en el grado en Veterinaria de la Universidad de León (ULE) comprende el análisis y estudio de los procesos tecnológicos utilizados en la industria alimentaria para la obtención de los distintos alimentos de origen animal. Actualmente existen en Internet una gran variedad de vídeos de acceso libre, que muestran el proceso industrial de fabricación de alimentos concretos que se lleva a cabo en la fábrica y en los que se puede apreciar el funcionamiento de los equipos implicados así como las actividades desarrolladas por los trabajadores en la línea de producción

    Evaluation of the Effect of Different Co-Solvent Mixtures on the Supercritical CO2 Extraction of the Phenolic Compounds Present in Moringa oleifera Lam. Leaves

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    Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), using CO2, is a novel, sustainable and very efficient technique for the recovery of highly apolar compounds. However, the recovery of phenolic compounds requires the use of different co-solvent combinations such as water and ethanol to enhance the recovery of these compounds through the optimization of a number of variables. In this sense, the effect of pressure (100, 150 and 200 bar), temperature (50, 65 and 80 degrees C), extraction time (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min) and the effect of the different percentages of ethanol and water as co-solvents on the composition and phenolic content of moringa leaf extracts were evaluated. Six major flavonoids were identified by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer (UHPLC-Q-ToF-MS). Pressure and temperature had a significant effect on the phenolic composition of the extracts, as well as on their concentrations. The highest concentration of total flavonoids compounds (TFCs) was obtained by using a mixture of CO2 and water of 50:50 (v/v) at 100 bar, at 65 degrees C after a 120 min extraction time that produced a concentration of 11.66 mg +/- 0.02 mg TFC g(-1) sample, which corresponds to 89.0% of the total flavonoids of the sample, obtained by exhaustive extraction

    Optimization of an Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Method Applied to the Extraction of Flavonoids from Moringa Leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam.)

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    Interest in phenolic compounds has recently increased due to their potential as antioxidant agents. Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) have a high content of phenolic compounds, which presents them as a promising source for the extraction of these compounds. However, it is necessary to use analytical techniques to identify and quantify their actual compound content to determine the quality of the raw material and the potential of the final product. Ultrasound assisted extraction is a green, rapid and environmentally friendly extraction technique that produces high quality extracts from natural products. Hence, the aim of this research is to optimize the variables of the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) process for the extraction of moringa leaves using response surface methodology (RSM) to extract the main flavonoids using methanol as the extraction solvent. A Box-Behnken design (BBD) has been used to evaluate the effect of the ultrasound extraction process variables. Finally, the optimal extraction time in the range between 2 and 30 min was determined. The results revealed that the methanol concentration was the most influential variable. The optimal extraction time was established at 15 min. Six of the main flavonoids were quantified by UHPLC-DAD and identified by UHPLC-QToF-MS. The results confirmed that UAE is an efficient method for the extraction and subsequent analysis and quality control of the flavonoids that can be found in moringa leaves