2,290 research outputs found

    Nearly hypo structures and compact Nearly K\"ahler 6-manifolds with conical singularities

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    We prove that any totally geodesic hypersurface N5N^5 of a 6-dimensional nearly K\"ahler manifold M6M^6 is a Sasaki-Einstein manifold, and so it has a hypo structure in the sense of \cite{ConS}. We show that any Sasaki-Einstein 5-manifold defines a nearly K\"ahler structure on the sin-cone N5×RN^5\times\mathbb R, and a compact nearly K\"ahler structure with conical singularities on N5×[0,π]N^5\times [0,\pi] when N5N^5 is compact thus providing a link between Calabi-Yau structure on the cone N5×[0,π]N^5\times [0,\pi] and the nearly K\"ahler structure on the sin-cone N5×[0,π]N^5\times [0,\pi]. We define the notion of {\it nearly hypo} structure that leads to a general construction of nearly K\"ahler structure on N5×RN^5\times\mathbb R. We determine {\it double hypo} structure as the intersection of hypo and nearly hypo structures and classify double hypo structures on 5-dimensional Lie algebras with non-zero first Betti number. An extension of the concept of nearly K\"ahler structure is introduced, which we refer to as {\it nearly half flat} SU(3)-structure, that leads us to generalize the construction of nearly parallel G2G_2-structures on M6×RM^6\times\mathbb R given in \cite{BM}. For N5=S5S6N^5=S^5\subset S^6 and for N5=S2×S3S3×S3N^5=S^2 \times S^3\subset S^3 \times S^3, we describe explicitly a Sasaki-Einstein hypo structure as well as the corresponding nearly K\"ahler structures on N5×RN^5\times\mathbb R and N5×[0,π]N^5\times [0,\pi], and the nearly parallel G2G_2-structures on N5×R2N^5\times\mathbb R^2 and (N5×[0,π])×[0,π](N^5\times [0,\pi])\times [0,\pi].Comment: 28 pages, new four figures, references added, final version to appear in the Journal of the London. Math. So

    Canales de información y entretenimiento en el metro y en los autobuses de España.

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    The possibilities of development of information technologies have made possible the union of two such disparate areas as transportation and media. Now it is possible to enjoy a television channel sitting on the seat of public transport, something unthinkable twenty years ago. This opens up a field full of possibilities for managers, responsibles for the content and for advertisers, who have at their disposal a captive audience never before considered who may rebel against the interference of their public space. This article researches the characteristics, possibilities and the impact produced by the launch of two media channels in Madrid and Barcelona Underground and city buses in some Spanish cities.Las posibilidades del desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información han hecho posible la unión de dos ámbitos tan dispares como los medios de transporte y los medios de comunicación. Ya es posible disfrutar de un canal de televisión sentados en el asiento de los transportes públicos, algo impensable hace veinte años. Se abre así un campo lleno de posibilidades para los gestores, los responsables de contenidos y los publicistas, que tienen a su disposición una audiencia cautiva nunca antes considerada que puede rebelarse contra la injerecia de su espacio público. En este trabajo se investigan las características, las posibilidades y el impacto producido por la puesta en marcha de dos canales multimedia en el metro de Madrid y Barcelona y en los autobuses urbanos de algunas ciudades españolas

    Stochastic quantization of Yang-Mills field theory: Gauge-fixing parameter dependence and equilibrium limit

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    We calculate, in the framework of stochastic quantization, the one-loop-divergent part of the gluon self-energy and the triple-gluon vertex of pure Yang Mills field theory, with an arbitrary choice of the stochastic gauge-fixing parameter. This allows us to check that the strong conditions imposed by renormalizability are satisfied up to one-loop order. We compare our results with those corning from the Faddeev Popov theory and discuss the relationship between both approaches in the equilibrium limit

    Simultaneous Mechanical and Topographical Characterization of Alginate Capsules

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    We used Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in order to characterize alginate microcapsules as for topography and stiffness simultaneously. Thus, we intend to identify those which are theoretically most biocompatible by this technique, reducing the need for animal testing

    Mechanical and Topographical Characterization of Alginate Microcapsules

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    We used Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in order to characterize alginate microcapsules as for topography and stiffness. Thus, we intend to identify those which are theoretically most biocompatible by this technique, avoiding the need for animal testing

    Non-Lipschitz differentiable functions on slit domains

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    It is proved the existence of large algebraic structures –including large vector subspaces or infinitely generated free algebras– inside the family of non-Lipschitz differentiable real functions with bounded gradient defined on special non-convex plane domains. In particular, this yields that there are many differentiable functions on plane domains that do not satisfy the Mean Value Theorem.Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Junta de Andalucía)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ

    Static Analysis of Usefulness States in Transition P systems

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    Transition P Systems are a parallel and distributed computational model based on the notion of the cellular membrane structure. Each membrane determines a region that encloses a multiset of objects and evolution rules. Transition P Systems evolve through transitions between two consecutive configurations that are determined by the membrane structure and multisets present inside membranes. Moreover, transitions between two consecutive configurations are provided by an exhaustive non-deterministic and parallel application of evolution rules. But, to establish the rules to be applied, it is required the previous calculation of useful, applicable and active rules. Hence, computation of useful evolution rules is critical for the whole evolution process efficiency, because it is performed in parallel inside each membrane in every evolution step. This work defines usefulness states through an exhaustive analysis of the P system for every membrane and for every possible configuration of the membrane structure during the computation. Moreover, this analysis can be done in a static way; therefore membranes only have to check their usefulness states to obtain their set of useful rules during execution

    Electromagnetic field assessment as a smart city service: The SmartSantander use-case

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    Despite the increasing presence of wireless communications in everyday life, there exist some voices raising concerns about their adverse effects. One particularly relevant example is the potential impact of the electromagnetic field they induce on the population's health. Traditionally, very specialized methods and devices (dosimetry) have been used to assess the strength of the E-field, with the main objective of checking whether it respects the corresponding regulations. In this paper, we propose a complete novel approach, which exploits the functionality leveraged by a smart city platform. We deploy a number of measuring probes, integrated as sensing devices, to carry out a characterization embracing large areas, as well as long periods of time. This unique platform has been active for more than one year, generating a vast amount of information. We process such information, and the obtained results validate the whole methodology. In addition, we discuss the variation of the E-field caused by cellular networks, considering additional information, such as usage statistics. Finally, we establish the exposure that can be attributed to the base stations within the scenario under analysis.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER) by means of the project ADVICE: Dynamic provisioning of connectivity in high density 5G wireless scenarios (TEC2015-71329-C2-1-R)

    Delimited Massively Parallel Algorithm based on Rules Elimination for Application of Active Rules in Transition P Systems

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    In the field of Transition P systems implementation, it has been determined that it is very important to determine in advance how long takes evolution rules application in membranes. Moreover, to have time estimations of rules application in membranes makes possible to take important decisions related to hardware/software architectures design. The work presented here introduces an algorithm for applying active evolution rules in Transition P systems, which is based on active rules elimination. The algorithm complies the requisites of being nondeterministic, massively parallel, and what is more important, it is time delimited because it is only dependant on the number of membrane evolution rules