488 research outputs found

    Estudio estratigráfico y de correspondencia de los parámetros decorativos de la escalera de la Santa Cueva de Cádiz. Definición del proyecto de intervención

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    El templo de la Santa Cueva situado en la calle Rosario es un conjunto histórico artístico compuesto de una capilla baja o subterránea, dedicada a la meditación de la Pasión de Cristo, y de otra alta, u oratorio, consagrado al Santísimo Sacramento. Su construcción se llevó a cabo en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII en estilo clasicista o neoclásico. El día 31 de marzo de 1796 se bendijo e inauguró el oratorio, culminándose la obra del conjunto

    Effect of gestational pesticides exposure on the child’s respiratory system: A narrative review

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    Background: In recent years, concern has arisen worldwide about the potential adverse effects that could result from early-life exposure to pesticides. Asthma, bronchitis, and persistent cough in children have been linked to gestational exposure to pesticides. The respiratory effects of gestational exposure to pesticides are controversial. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between pesticide exposure in pregnant women and its effect on the respiratory system of their children. Methods: A narrative review was carried out by means of a search in the main databases. Results: Findings of studies confirmed the effects of pesticides on the child’s health. These substances cross the placenta and become transmitters of exposure to the individual at the most sensitive stage of her development. Conclusions: Chronic exposure to pesticides in fetuses is associated with chronic respiratory symptoms and disease

    Emotions, Feelings, and Experiences of Social Workers While Attending to Vulnerable Groups: A Qualitative Approach

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    [EN] Social workers in the community setting are in constant contact with the suffering experienced by the most vulnerable individual. Social interventions are complex and affect social workers’ emotional well-being. The aim of this study was to identify the emotions, feelings, and experiences social workers have while attending to individuals in situations of vulnerability and hardship. A qualitative methodology based on hermeneutic phenomenology was used. Six interviews and two focus group sessions were conducted with social workers from the community social services and health services of the Andalusian Public Health System in the province of Almería (Spain). Atlas.ti 8.0 software was used for discourse analysis. The professionals highlighted the vulnerability of certain groups, such as the elderly and minors, people with serious mental problems, and people with scarce or no economic resources. Daily contact with situations of suffering generates a variety of feelings and emotions (anger, sadness, fear, concern). Therefore, more attention should be paid to working with the emotions of social workers who are exposed to tense and threatening situations. Peer support, talking, and discussions of experiences are pointed out as relevant by all social workers. Receiving training and support (in formal settings) in order to learn how to deal with vulnerable groups could be positive for their work and their professional and personal quality of life.S

    Implementar procesos de marketing y herramientas digitales para incrementar las ventas y posicionar la marca Tangram

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    En el presente trabajo se trabajará con la Asociación Cultural de Servicios Educativos - TANGRAM, fundada en el Perú en el año 1996. Sus servicios se encuentran dirigidos a niños y adolescentes de 5 a 16 más alta calidad de los servicios que se ofrecen a cada padre de familia que los desee contratar, de la misma manera se busca dar a conocer más la marca y mejorar el posicionamiento de la marca en el mercado entre sus competidores. Con todo ello, lo que se busca es aumentar la cantidad de alumnos que utilicen los servicios ofrecidos para que de esa forma se aumenten las ventas y el alcance que tiene la empresa.El cual tiene como objetivo principal el brindar la más alta calidad de los servicios que ofrecemos a cada padre de familia que desee contratar nuestros servicios, de la misma manera se busca dar a conocer más la marca y mejorar el posicionamiento de la marca en el mercado entre sus competidores. Con todo eso, lo que se busca es aumentar la cantidad de alumnos que contratan nuestros servicios, de esa forma se aumentan las ventas y el alcance que tiene la empresa. Cabe mencionar que en el Perú cuenta con leyes relacionadas con la inclusión social de personas con necesidades especiales. Sin embargo, los centros educativos privados ordinarios no están preparados para aplicar plenamente estas leyes, por lo que los autores de este estudio buscan una alternativa completa para desarrollar las habilidades de los niños y brindar soluciones encaminadas a la inclusión educativa. Como parte de la experiencia referente a este tema, ambos autores de esta investigación trabajan actualmente en la empresa Tangram y se tiene un mejor conocimiento de lo que requiere la empresa para seguir creciendo y posicionarse en el mercado. Asimismo, el objetivo de este trabajo es implementar procesos de marketing y herramientas digitales para incrementar las ventas y posicionar la marca Tangram. De la misma forma, lo que se busca es optimizar cada actividad que realiza cada trabajador en su área correspondiente y buscar la manera de utilizar todos los recursos que se tienen en el momento. Hemos identificado cuatro elementos esenciales relacionados a procesos de marketing, los cuales son organización de actividades, planeamiento estratégico de marketing, comunicación entre áreas y segmentación de clientes. De acuerdo a ello se han planteado 3 alternativas respaldadas por teorías, estrategias y modelos, de las cuales se va a emplear la implementación de estrategias de fidelización. Finalmente, se han mencionado algunas conclusiones acorde a lo mencionado a lo largo del trabajo y para beneficio de la empresa Tangram en cuanto a la implementación de procesos de marketing. De la misma forma, se le brinda algunas recomendaciones a la empresa para que puedan utilizarlas en un futuro y de esa forma aprovechar cada recurso que esté al alcance y con bajos presupuestos.In this work we will work with the Cultural Association of Educational Services founded in Peru in 1996 called Tangram, its services are aimed at children and adolescents from 5 to 16 years old, which include children with special needs. Currently, the main objective of the company is to provide the highest quality of services offered to each parent who wishes to hire them, in the same way it seeks to make the brand more known and improve the positioning of the brand in the market among its competitors. With all this, what is sought is to increase the number of students who use the services offered so that in this way the sales and reach of the company are increased. The main objective of which is to provide the highest quality of the services. services that we offer to each parent who wishes to hire our services, in the same way we seek to raise awareness of the brand and improve the positioning of the brand in the market among its competitors. With all this, what we seek is to increase the number of students who hire our services, in this way sales and the reach of the company are increased. It is worth mentioning that Peru has laws related to the social inclusion of people with special needs. However, ordinary private educational centers are not prepared to fully apply these laws, so the authors of this study are looking for a complete alternative to develop children's skills and provide solutions aimed at educational inclusion. As part of the experience regarding this topic, both authors of this research currently work at the Tangram company and have a better knowledge of what the company requires to continue growing and positioning itself in the market. Likewise, the objective of this work is to implement marketing processes and digital tools to increase sales and position the Tangram brand. In the same way, what is sought is to optimize each activity carried out by each worker in their corresponding area and find a way to use all the resources that are available at the moment. We have identified four essential elements related to marketing processes, which are planning, strategic marketing planning, communication between areas and segmentation. According to this, 3 alternatives supported by theories, strategies and models have been proposed, of which the implementation of loyalty strategies will be used. Finally, some conclusions have been mentioned in accordance with what was mentioned throughout the work and for the benefit of the Tangram company in terms of the implementation of marketing processes. In the same way, some recommendations are provided to the company so that they can use them in the future and thus take advantage of every resource that is within reach and with low budgets.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Design and psychometric analysis of the COVID-19 prevention, recognition and home-management self-efficacy scale

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    In order to control the spread of COVID-19, people must adopt preventive behaviours that can affect their day-to-day life. People’s self-efficacy to adopt preventive behaviours to avoid COVID-19 contagion and spread should be studied. The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically test the COVID-19 prevention, detection, and home-management self-efficacy scale (COVID-19-SES). We conducted an observational cross-sectional study. Six-hundred and seventy-eight people participated in the study. Data were collected between March and May 2020. The COVID-19-SES’ validity (content, criterion, and construct), reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability), and legibility were studied. The COVID-19-SES’ reliability was high (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.906; intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.754). The COVID-19-SES showed good content validity (scale’s content validity index = 0.92) and good criterion validity when the participants’ results on the COVID-19-SES were compared to their general self-efficacy (r = 0.38; p 0.001). Construct validity analysis revealed that the COVID-19-SES’ three-factor structure explained 52.12% of the variance found and it was congruent with the World Health Organisation’s recommendations to prevent COVID-19 contagion and spread. Legibility analysis showed that the COVID-19-SES is easy to read and understand by laypeople. The COVID-19-SES is a psychometrically robust instrument that allows for a valid and reliable assessment of people’s self-efficacy in preventing, detecting symptoms, and home-managing COVID-19

    New Technologies to Improve Pain, Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents with Cancer: A Systematic Review

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    Pain, anxiety, or depression are very prevalent in children and adolescents with cancer, which is a great challenge for health professionals. Several studies pointing out the positive effect of technology on the management of symptoms have been published in recent years. Considering these studies is important in order to reduce the negative impact on the quality of life of this population. This study aimed to analyze the available evidence and to describe the benefits of the new technologies in the treatment of pain, anxiety, and depression in children and adolescents with cancer. A systematic search using six electronic databases was conducted to identify studies using technological interventions with a focus on pain, anxiety, and depression that were published from 2008 to 2018 including oncology patients from 0–18 years old. Out of the 1261 studies that were identified, five studies met the inclusion criteria for this systematic review. Robots were used in two studies, providing amusement and social interventions that showed significant improvements. Virtual reality, a mobile application, and a videogame were used in three studies and obtained beneficial results in pain and anxiety. The studies included in this review suggest that new technologies can be used as an innovative form of non-pharmacological intervention with therapeutic benefit

    Beneficios relacionales y calidad de relación en el ámbito turístico

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    El impacto diferencial que tiene la calidad de relación en función de ser desarrollada con los empleados, la firma o los productos, lleva a las empresas a cuestionarse qué dimensión de la calidad de relación generará una mayor lealtad por parte de los clientes. Asimismo, los dispares resultados obtenidos por aquellos trabajos que analizan el resultado de los programas de fidelización llevan a profundizar en su análisis para poder establecer pautas que faciliten el logro de sus objetivos por parte de las empresas. El presente trabajo analiza, para el ámbito específico del sector turístico, el desarrollo de un modelo que determine si existe un impacto diferencial de los beneficios relacionales sobre la calidad de relación hacia la firma y el establecimiento, así como el papel jugado por la inversión relacional percibida y el valor de la relación como mediadores de dicho impacto

    Sexuality and affectivity after a grieving process for an antenatal death: a qualitative study of fathers’ experiences

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    The loss of an infant at the prenatal stage is one of the most traumatic events parents can experience. Prenatal losses have several negative implications for parents’ physical, psychological, and social well-being, including intimacy and sexuality. Fathers who suffer from this experience have to cope not only with their grief, but also with the physical and emotional suffering of their partners. The social context gives the father a masculine role of strength, insensitivity, and protection of the mother, with the result that his pain and grief become invisible. The objective of this study is to understand fathers’ experience of affective-sexual relationships after a grieving process for an antenatal death; A qualitative study based on interviews with 11 fathers in Spain who have experienced an antenatal death was conducted. Data were analyzed with the help of ATLAS.ti software to discover emerging themes. 6 sub-themes were developed from the analysis, grouped into two main themes: the invisibility of grieving fathers and the relationships between the grieving parents are influenced by the death of their infants. The sexuality of fathers who suffer an antenatal death is altered. Gender stereotypes and the lack of social and professional awareness make their grief invisible. Fathers need to express their emotions to cope with their own grief and break the stereotypical gendered bereavement. In most cases, the couple’s relationship is altered, from a close union to a more distant relationship, in addition to a decrease in sexual desire and arousal. However, other fathers experienced greater closeness and intimacy in the couple. A communication based on sincerity, exposing their own grief, feelings, emotions and needs could help the couple’s relationship

    Bases para el desarrollo de la autoeficacia en programas para la promoción de la actividad física

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    Las investigaciones muestran que reforzar la autoeficacia de las personas es una de las estrategias más eficaces para promocionar la práctica regular de actividad física. Considerando que la autoeficacia es un determinante de las conductas de salud, se pone en evidencia la necesidad de implementar planes para la promoción de la actividad física que contemplen la autoeficacia como objetivo de cambio. Estos programas persiguen no sólo la ejecución del comportamiento sino también su mantenimiento en el tiempo como hábito saludable. En este trabajo se quiere dar respuestas a tres cuestiones esenciales que plantean este tipo de intervención: cómo evaluar la autoeficacia para el ejercicio físico, cómo lograr que las personas que se inician en un programa de actividad física ganen mayor confianza en sus propias capacidades para mantenerse bajo las contingencias del mismo, y cómo guiar a los profesionales de la salud en todo este proceso.Research shows that reinforcing self-efficacy of individuals is one of the most effective strategies to promote physical activity as a regular practice. Whereas self-efficacy is a determinant of health behaviors, the need to implement plans for the promotion of physical activity covering self-efficacy as goal of change becomes evident. These programs seek not only behavioral performance but also its maintenance over time as a healthy habit. This paper wants to give answers to three key questions posed by this type of intervention: how to assess self-efficacy for physical exercise, how to get people who start a physical activity program to gain more confidence in their own capacities to initiate and maintain physical activity, and how to guide health professionals in this process