72 research outputs found

    The building of a modern district seen from the perspective of its open spaces: Huerta del rey (Valladolid)

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    Huerta del Rey es un barrio residencial de Valladolid “de bloques y torres” en el que se han ido superponiendo en distintos estratos los puntos doctrinales del Movimiento Moderno, las expectativas del Ayuntamiento y las transformaciones que han hecho sus habitantes de este espacio, en un proceso que se dilata desde mediados hasta finales del siglo XX. Fruto de tal proceso, unas veces controlado y otras fortuito, su espacio libre ha ido adquiriendo espesor y carácter. Aunque la valoración actual del barrio no es unánime, frente a la agresividad de que se suele acusar hoy a los espacios libres de propuestas materializadas de forma rigurosa desde postulados de la Carta de Atenas, éste ha conseguido adquirir una gran coherencia formal y social. El artículo evidencia a partir de la historia urbanística del barrio el carácter paralelo de las diversas concepciones institucionales, sociales y disciplinares, que se han cernido sobre él y la contribución de cada una de ellas en la resultante final, que no definitivaHuerta del Rey is a residential district of Valladolid comprising tower blocks and high-rise buildings. In it the doctrines of the Modernist Movement, the expectations of the City Council and the adjustments made by those living in the area have gradually been superposed in different strata. This was a process that ran over the period from the middle of the twentieth century through until its end. As an outcome of this process, sometimes controlled, sometimes haphazard, its open spaces have gained depth and character. Although current assessments of the district are not unanimous, it has managed to achieve considerable formal and social coherence, in contrast with the aggressiveness which nowadays is attributed to the open spaces established by projects slavishly following the guidelines of the Athens Charter. This paper gives evidence from the town-planning history of the district to show the parallel nature of the various institutional, social and disciplinary concepts that have been applied to it and the contribution made by each to the final, though not definitive, resul

    El Plan General de Valladolid de 1984. En los orígenes de un nuevo modelo urbano

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    The expansive development cycle through Spanish cities have gone in last decades has its origin in the period of time between final seventies and early eighties, concurrently with political, economic and social important changes, and in urban discipline too. This research analyses that period through the case of Valladolid, comparing the city then existing to the spatial proposals from the Master Plan 1984.This plan proposed a new urban model oriented towards a radial-concentric expansion that has marked the city development until today and that was built on the analysis of the growth and transformation of Valladolid in the previous decades. This transformation was based on the addition of fragmentary actions and the social segregation, in default of an effective and inclusive, global urban model.El ciclo de desarrollo expansivo que las ciudades españolas han experimentado en las últimas décadas tuvo su origen en el periodo comprendido entre finales de los setenta y principios de los ochenta, coincidiendo con importantes cambios políticos, económicos y sociales, y también en la propia disciplina urbanística. La investigación analiza ese periodo a través del caso de Valladolid, confrontando la realidad urbana existente entonces con las propuestas espaciales del Plan General de 1984.Este plan propuso un nuevo modelo urbano de expansión radio-concéntrica que ha marcado el desarrollo de la ciudad hasta la actualidad, y que se construyó a partir del análisis del crecimiento y transformación de Valladolid en las décadas anteriores. Un desarrollo que se había basado en la suma de actuaciones fragmentarias y en la segregación social, en ausencia de un modelo urbano global que fuese eficaz e inclusivo

    Urbanismo y evolución urbana de Valladolid (1979-2012): del proyecto reformista a la hegemonía de lo inmobiliario

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    Durante el último ciclo urbano expansivo vivido en España, que se extendió entre finales de los años setenta y la crisis de 2008, Valladolid ha experimentado los fenómenos urbanos más característicos de este periodo, al tiempo que su planeamiento urbanístico ha reflejado con singular ejemplaridad los diversos cambios en la legislación urbanística, tanto nacional como autonómica, así como las principales tendencias disciplinares. Tras una síntesis de esta evolución reciente del sistema urbano y el marco urbanístico en España, este libro aborda en profundidad el análisis y la interpretación del urbanismo y la evolución urbana de Valladolid, tanto de la ciudad como del conjunto de su área urbana, en el periodo transcurrido entre 1979 y 2012. Partiendo del nuevo modelo de ciudad propuesto por el gobierno municipal socialista elegido en 1979, que se plasmó en el Plan General de 1984, se analiza seguidamente la pérdida del pulso reformista en los años noventa, durante los que se hizo evidente la realidad de Valladolid como área metropolitana en formación. Por último, se aborda la imposición de las lógicas inmobiliarias que marcó el comienzo del siglo XXI, hasta el estallido de la crisis y el inicio en 2012 de un nuevo ciclo en el urbanismo vallisoletano de mano de la revisión del Plan General.En conformidad con las condiciones del contrato de edición de "Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid", esta monografía se publicará inicialmente en papel. Transcurrido un periodo de embargo, se difundirá en formato digital y en acceso abierto

    Paisajes activos: imágenes del medio rural de la Europa meridional

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    Producción CientíficaEn el medio rural de los países del sur de Europa es posible encontrar territorios que son al mismo tiempo frágiles y resistentes, en los que no se desarrollan de forma exclusiva actividades agrarias y que tienen un gran potencial medioambiental, socioeconómico, etc.: son los que aquí denominamos “paisajes activos”. A través de las contribuciones de varios autores que abordan este tema desde perspectivas complementarias y desde diferentes países (España, Portugal, Francia, Italia y Grecia), se pone de manifiesto el dinamismo que ya existe y las posibilidades de construir a partir de ello una visión diferente del medio rural que supere estereotipos negativos y reduccionistas. Los textos que aquí se presentan tienen su origen el seminario internacional “Paisajes activos: imágenes del medio rural de la Europa meridional“, que se celebró en febrero de 2022 en Valladolid. Sin embargo, este volumen homónimo no es una mera recopilación de las actas de aquel seminario, sino que, junto a la reelaboración de los textos por sus autores, estos se presentan en una estructura articulada en tres secciones que pretende dar protagonismo al tema central del debate —los paisajes activos— sin menoscabo de la pluralidad de puntos de vista.Proyecto de Investigación “El Paisaje Urbano Histórico como recurso de planificación en los conjuntos históricos menores de la España interior (PUH-RePlan)” (Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020; MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE; PGC2018-097135-B-I00)

    Detecting opportunities: neighbourhood data dynamics for urban regeneration in Valladolid (Spain)

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    Urban regeneration has become a priority for urban planning in Spain, because it is one of the best ways to foster a more sustainable, compact and mixed-use urban model, founded in the improvement of existing city. The Master Plan of Valladolid (Spain) has been an opportunity to tackle this objective by a thorough study of existing urban fabrics, in order to program future actions and projects. The built city was divided into units, and each of them was carefully analysed in order to identify opportunities for improvement, such as vacant spaces or deprived areas. Every regeneration action was then designed to also generate a positive impact on its surroundings, which requires knowing the needs and structural deficits of each neighbourhood. That’s why a homogeneous “neighbourhood data system” was created, in order to propose the most appropriate action for each case. However, "measuring" the city is a difficult task. There are different official sources of urban data, but they are not oriented to this kind of evaluation. For instance, census data have lost accuracy due to its new methodology (2011), and their level of disaggregation is often inadequate. Other sources such as Cadastre are aimed at tax purposes and they must therefore be reinterpreted

    Urban Catalogues. Review and critical analysis of a tool for heritage protection

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    This paper aims to analyse the use of urban catalogues as a tool for the protection of the built heritage, the results that have been achieved so far and the possibilities for its integration in the current paradigm of urban regeneration. We intend to evaluate to what extent this kind of instruments have been effective to ensure the conservation of singular buildings, because at first sight the results do not seem satisfactory, at least in the way that they have been used in Spain. In this regard, it is necessary to explain the difficulties that they have to face and explore possible alternatives in a renovated context of multidisciplinary collaboration and integration of urban regeneration policies

    Modelling Multimodal Dialogues for Social Robots Using Communicative Acts

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    Social Robots need to communicate in a way that feels natural to humans if they are to effectively bond with the users and provide an engaging interaction. Inline with this natural, effective communication, robots need to perceive and manage multimodal information, both as input and output, and respond accordingly. Consequently, dialogue design is a key factor in creating an engaging multimodal interaction. These dialogues need to be flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen circumstances that arise during the conversation but should also be easy to create, so the development of new applications gets simpler. In this work, we present our approach to dialogue modelling based on basic atomic interaction units called Communicative Acts. They manage basic interactions considering who has the initiative (the robot or the user), and what is his/her intention. The two possible intentions are either ask for information or give information. In addition, because we focus on one-to-one interactions, the initiative can only be taken by the robot or the user. Communicative Acts can be parametrised and combined in a hierarchical manner to fulfil the needs of the robot’s applications, and they have been equipped with built-in functionalities that are in charge of low-level communication tasks. These tasks include communication error handling, turn-taking or user disengagement. This system has been integrated in Mini, a social robot that has been created to assist older adults with cognitive impairment. In a case of use, we demonstrate the operation of our system as well as its performance in real human–robot interactions.The research leading to these results has received funding from the projects Development of social robots to help seniors with cognitive impairment (ROBSEN), funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad; RoboCity2030-DIH-CM, Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub, S2018/NMT-4331, funded by “Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid” and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU; and Robots sociales para estimulación física, cognitiva y afectiva de mayores (ROSES) RTI2018-096338-B-I00 funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade

    Emotion and mood blending in embodied artificial agents: expressing affective states in the mini social robot

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    Robots that are devised for assisting and interacting with humans are becoming fundamental in many applications, including in healthcare, education, and entertainment. For these robots, the capacity to exhibit affective states plays a crucial role in creating emotional bonding with the user. In this work, we present an affective architecture that grounds biological foundations to shape the affective state of the Mini social robot in terms of mood and emotion blending. The affective state depends upon the perception of stimuli in the environment, which influence how the robot behaves and affectively communicates with other peers. According to research in neuroscience, mood typically rules our affective state in the long run, while emotions do it in the short term, although both processes can overlap. Consequently, the model that is presented in this manuscript deals with emotion and mood blending towards expressing the robot's internal state to the users. Thus, the primary novelty of our affective model is the expression of: (i) mood, (ii) punctual emotional reactions to stimuli, and (iii) the decay that mood and emotion undergo with time. The system evaluation explored whether users can correctly perceive the mood and emotions that the robot is expressing. In an online survey, users evaluated the robot's expressions showing different moods and emotions. The results reveal that users could correctly perceive the robot's mood and emotion. However, emotions were more easily recognized, probably because they are more intense affective states and mainly arise as a stimuli reaction. To conclude the manuscript, a case study shows how our model modulates Mini's expressiveness depending on its affective state during a human-robot interaction scenario.The research leading to these results has received funding from the projects Robots sociales para estimulación física, cognitiva y afectiva de mayores (ROSES) RTI2018-096338-B-I00 funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and RoboCity2030-DIH-CM, Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub, S2018/NMT-4331, funded by "Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid" and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Enantioselective amination of 4-substituted pyrazolones catalyzed by oxindole-containing thioureas and by a recyclable linear-polymer-supported analogue in a continuous flow process

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    Producción CientíficaA highly efficient organocatalytic amination of 4-substituted pyrazolones with azodicarboxylates mediated by a novel quinine-derived thiourea with a 3,3-diaryl-oxindole scaffold is reported. This synthetic method furnished 4-amino-5-pyrazolones in high yields and with excellent enantioselectivities (up to 97:3 er) at room temperature in short reaction times. Moreover, a linear-polymer-supported bifunctional thiourea, synthesized by reacting a bifunctional aromatic monomer (biphenyl) with isatin in superacidic media and further derivatization, was proven to be also an efficient heterogeneous organocatalyst for this α-amination reaction. The practical value of this process was demonstrated by the use of the immobilized catalyst in recycling experiments, maintaining the activity without additional reactivation, and in flow processes, allowing the synthesis of 4-amino-pyrazolone derivatives in a gram scale with high yield and enantioselectivity.Agencia Estatal de Investigación- FEDER-UE (PID2020-118547GB-I00)Junta de Castilla y León (VA224P20