127 research outputs found

    Use of WebQuest to improve Operating Systems learning

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    The impact of the Internet on the Society also affects the learning at the University. Students not only use printed books and their own notes, but also the information available in the Net. WebQuests are learning tools that help the students use the Internet, but under the supervision of the professor, who have previously selected the most interesting sites to visit. An experience of using WebQuests with first year Computer Science students is shown, as well as the good results obtained, both in the increase of successful examinations and in the good attitude of the students when using WebQuest

    Using Java and C# for educational simulators: the case of SIMPLE-2

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    P. 77-92Due to the impact of the new technologies in our Society, special efforts to use them for teaching-learning computer architectures have been done. This work presents a simulator of a simple architecture (Simple-2) using two different technologies: Java and C#. In the one hand, the Java version is an applet which runs inside a web browser; in the other hand, the C# version runs as an application that needs a virtual machine be installed in the system. The impact of both technologies on first year Computer Science students has been analyzed, as well as the degree of learning achieved when using the simulator for learning an architecture in a semi-autonomous wa

    Writing Abstracts: Technological Applications from a Corpus-Based Study

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    Paper (RP), have often been analyzed in order to observe how information has been rendered for translation or contrastive analysis purposes. However, in this genre, as in many others, “while there is a wealth of descriptive research, generally speaking, the information is not directly amenable to applied endevours” (Rabadán, 2008: 103). The aim of this paper was to describe the methodology and the tools devised by the ACTRES research group to bridge the transition between linguistic description and procedural information. The first step of this process was to design a small special corpus of scientific abstracts, the BioAbstracts_C-ACTRES. The macro and microlinguistic characteristics of this corpus were analyzed in order to find the most prototypical rhetorical, grammatical and lexical features of this genre. Then, we identified the “anchors” (Rabadán: in press) relevant for the native speakers of Spanish. Finally, a prototype of a writing application, the Scientific_Abstract_Generator, has been designed. Still under development, it aims at helping native Spanish users who are non-linguist field experts, to write scientific abstracts in English

    Impact of flight simulators on teaching and learning simulink in an aerospace engineering course

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    [EN] This paper presents the results of investigating two teaching approaches to students studying a course on Numerical Simulation in Aerospace Engineering. In one approach a group of students used Simulink only and in the second another group used Simulink and a physical flight simulator. The impact on students’ motivation and academic achievement was assessed by the use of hierarchical clustering and linear discriminant analysis. There were 42 undergraduate students split into two groups. The conclusion is that by using a flight simulator students enjoy to a larger extent the learning process and thus are more motivated and eventually obtain better marks.S

    Technical Audit of an Electronic Polling Station: A Case Study

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    P. 16-30This paper shows the lack of standard procedures to audit e-voting systems and also describes a practical process of auditing an e-voting experience based on a Direct-recording Electronic system (D.R.E). This system has been tested in a real situation, in the city council of Coahuila, Mexico, in November 2008. During the auditing, several things were kept in mind, in particular those critical in complex contexts, as democratic election processes are. The auditing process is divided into three main complementary stages: analysis of voting protocol, analysis of polling station hardware elements, and analysis of the software involved. Each stage contains several items which have to be analyzed at low level with the aim to detect and resolve possible security problemsS

    Thin servers for thin clients (TS4TC): a computer lab experience

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    El uso de terminales de bajo coste u obsoletos reconvertidos en equipos con prestaciones actualizadas, está de moda en todo el mundo y sobre todo en Hispanoamérica, son los denominados PXES. Están demostradas sus ventajas económicas, de ahorro energético y medioambientales. Para ello es necesario la utilización de un conjunto de programas para Linux que nos permiten crear, arrancar y usar esta clase de sistemas. La mayor dificultad es el ajuste óptimo de los diversos servicios sin sobrecargar la red. Existen muchas experiencias sobre este tema pero hay muy pocas sobre su uso combinado con servidores del mismo tipo. Estos están configurados para atender cada una de las necesidades de las prácticas de los alumnos de la titulación de Ingeniería Informática. Se ha querido utilizar esta configuración y experimentar con los alumnos de las asignaturas de Iniciación a la programación y Sistemas Operativos, con objeto de validar, comparar y obtener conclusiones de esta experienci

    Improve Quality of Service for the Internet of Things using Blockchain & Machine Learning Algorithms.

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    [EN] The quality of service (QoS) parameters in IoT applications plays a prominent role in determining the performance of an application. Considering the significance and popularity of IoT systems, it can be predicted that the number of users and IoT devices are going to increase exponentially shortly. Therefore, it is extremely important to improve the QoS provided by IoT applications to increase their adaptability. Majority of the IoT systems are characterized by their heterogeneous and diverse nature. It is challenging for these systems to provide high-quality access to all the connecting devices with uninterrupted connectivity. Considering their heterogeneity, it is equally difficult to achieve better QoS parameters. Artificial intelligence-based machine learning (ML) tools are considered a potential tool for improving the QoS parameters in IoT applications. This research proposes a novel approach for enhancing QoS parameters in IoT using ML and Blockchain techniques. The IoT network with Blockchain technology is simulated using an NS2 simulator. Different QoS parameters such as delay, throughput, packet delivery ratio, and packet drop are analyzed. The obtained QoS values are classified using different ML models such as Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Tree (DT), and Ensemble, learning techniques. Results show that the Ensemble classifier achieves the highest classification accuracy of 83.74% compared to NB and DT classifiers.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Aprendizaje basado en la implementación colaborativa de proyectos tecnológicos para el desarrollo de competencias emprendedoras bajo el concepto Learn by Doing

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    Mención honorífica 2016[ES] El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior otorga gran importancia a la empleabilidad, indicando que los títulos deben preparar para el acceso al ejercicio profesional (González, 2008). Unas personas tienen más empleabilidad que otras, lo cual depende del propio individuo, de las empresas y de las tendencias del mercado. En el Grado en Ingeniería Informática, las encuestas de nuevo ingreso muestran que la práctica totalidad de los estudiantes espera conseguir un trabajo como programador o informático, empleado por cuenta ajena en una empresa (León, 2014). No hay un porcentaje, aunque sea mínimo, que planee crear su propia empresa. En este campo, que cambia a velocidades vertiginosas, es común ver en las noticias cómo pequeñas empresas (incluso un grupo de amigos) que desarrollan aplicaciones que triunfan entre los usuarios, se convierten en empresas muy rentables, o bien que son vendidas a los gigantes de las comunicaciones. A pesar de que la mayoría de los estudiantes conocen estos casos, no se ven a sí mismos capaces de conseguirlo

    El modelo de gestión de la extensión universitaria para la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

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    Introduction: the current practice of university extension is still oriented mostly to the actions of artistic, sports and literary culture, which limits its scope as well as the participation of a variety of people inside and outside the university community in the medical universities.Objective: to support a model of management for the process of university extension that is integrated to the health system at Pinar del Río University of Medical Sciences.Material and method: a study of pedagogical bias, based on dialectical-materialist method based on a previous study about the management of extension activities at Pinar del Río Medical University carried out during 2009-2013. The essential documents concerning the extension activities were analyzed along with the application of a group of instruments, surveys, document review and monitoring of extension activities that finally allowed processing the model.Results: the model is structured from the systemic approach. Four essential levels were defined and dialectically interrelated: the University, the faculties, the departments, other areas and the academic years, all of them fall within the scope of health system.Conclusions: the management of extension activities at Pinar del Río University of Medical Sciences is defined as a system of health promotion-actions which are planned, organized, executed and controlled to achieve the objectives of the process. It is based on the principles of: inter-sectors, integrity of the system, social and community participation, creativity and contextualization, expressing a strong dialectical relationship between its two dimensions.Introducción: la práctica actual de la extensión universitaria sigue siendo orientada fundamentalmente a las acciones de la cultura artística, deportivas y literaria, lo que limita su alcance y la participación de diversos actores de la comunidad intra y extra universitaria en las universidades médicas. Objetivo: fundamentar un modelo de gestión del proceso de extensión universitaria integrada al sistema de salud en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río.Material y método: se realizó un estudio de corte pedagógico, basado en el método dialéctico-materialista, a partir de un estudio previo de la gestión de la extensión en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río en el periodo 2009-2013. Se analizaron, además, los documentos esenciales vinculados al trabajo extensionista junto a la aplicación de un grupo de instrumentos, encuestas, revisión documental y observación de las actividades extensionistas que permitió finalmente modelar dicho proceso.Resultados: el modelo se estructura desde el enfoque sistémico. Se definieron cuatro niveles esenciales, interrelacionados dialécticamente: la Universidad, las facultades, los departamentos y restantes áreas y el año académico, todos insertados dentro del sistema de salud. Conclusiones: la gestión de la extensión universitaria en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas se define como el sistema de acciones de promoción de salud que se planifican, organizan, ejecutan y controlan para lograr los objetivos del proceso. Se sustenta en los principios: intersectorialidad, integralidad del sistema, participación social y comunitaria, creatividad y contextualizado y expresa una marcada relación dialéctica entre sus dos dimensiones

    El modelo de gestión de la extensión universitaria para la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

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    Introduction: the current practice of university extension is still oriented mostly to the actions of artistic, sports and literary culture, which limits its scope as well as the participation of a variety of people inside and outside the university community in the medical universities.Objective: to support a model of management for the process of university extension that is integrated to the health system at Pinar del Río University of Medical Sciences.Material and method: a study of pedagogical bias, based on dialectical-materialist method based on a previous study about the management of extension activities at Pinar del Río Medical University carried out during 2009-2013. The essential documents concerning the extension activities were analyzed along with the application of a group of instruments, surveys, document review and monitoring of extension activities that finally allowed processing the model.Results: the model is structured from the systemic approach. Four essential levels were defined and dialectically interrelated: the University, the faculties, the departments, other areas and the academic years, all of them fall within the scope of health system.Conclusions: the management of extension activities at Pinar del Río University of Medical Sciences is defined as a system of health promotion-actions which are planned, organized, executed and controlled to achieve the objectives of the process. It is based on the principles of: inter-sectors, integrity of the system, social and community participation, creativity and contextualization, expressing a strong dialectical relationship between its two dimensions.Introducción: la práctica actual de la extensión universitaria sigue siendo orientada fundamentalmente a las acciones de la cultura artística, deportivas y literaria, lo que limita su alcance y la participación de diversos actores de la comunidad intra y extra universitaria en las universidades médicas. Objetivo: fundamentar un modelo de gestión del proceso de extensión universitaria integrada al sistema de salud en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río.Material y método: se realizó un estudio de corte pedagógico, basado en el método dialéctico-materialista, a partir de un estudio previo de la gestión de la extensión en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río en el periodo 2009-2013. Se analizaron, además, los documentos esenciales vinculados al trabajo extensionista junto a la aplicación de un grupo de instrumentos, encuestas, revisión documental y observación de las actividades extensionistas que permitió finalmente modelar dicho proceso.Resultados: el modelo se estructura desde el enfoque sistémico. Se definieron cuatro niveles esenciales, interrelacionados dialécticamente: la Universidad, las facultades, los departamentos y restantes áreas y el año académico, todos insertados dentro del sistema de salud. Conclusiones: la gestión de la extensión universitaria en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas se define como el sistema de acciones de promoción de salud que se planifican, organizan, ejecutan y controlan para lograr los objetivos del proceso. Se sustenta en los principios: intersectorialidad, integralidad del sistema, participación social y comunitaria, creatividad y contextualizado y expresa una marcada relación dialéctica entre sus dos dimensiones