29 research outputs found

    Uraren azidotasunari buruzko ikerketa Bizkaiko hiru estuariotan: Urdaibai, Plentzia eta Nerbioi-Ibaizabal

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    Oceans cover around a 70% of the planet surface and play a key role in the Earth’s major processes. In the last 200 years, CO2 emissions have increased due to human activities. Atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased from the preindustrial level of 280 ppm to around 415 ppm nowadays, and according to some studies, it may reach values of 936 ppm by 2100, if emissions continue unabated. The increase of CO2 concentration has two main effects: the rise of the global temperature, known as the intensification of the greenhouse effect; and ocean acidification. Oceans absorb CO2 excess, lowering its concentration in the atmosphere but decreasing the pH of the water. Besides seawater, the necessity of researching other interesting water systems, such as estuaries, has been signaled. The effects of CO2 increase have not been widely studied in these systems, which are considered very important since they are the habitat for a lot of species of animals and plants. There are four measurable parameters to study the CO2 system: total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, pH and fugacity. Due to their thermodynamic relationship, it is only necessary to empirically measure two of them to calculate the other two. In this work, the total alkalinity and the dissolved inorganic carbon were measured. These four parameters were studied in three estuaries of Biscay: Urdaibai, Plentzia and Nerbioi-Ibaizabal. Samples were collected for 3 years, in each season, in order to see similarities and differences between the estuaries and to study possible trends with time.; Lurraren % 70 estaltzen dutelarik, ozeanoek zeresan handia dute planetaren prozesu gehienetan. Azken 200 urteetan CO2-aren emisioak gorakada handia izan du gizakien jarduera dela eta. Horren ondorioz, atmosferako CO2-aren kontzentrazioa 280 ppm-tik 415 ppm ingurura igo da garai aurreindustrialetik gaur egunera bitartean. Zenbait ikerketaren arabera, 2100. urterako kontzentrazioak 936 ppm-ko mailara irits daitezke, isuriek orain arte bezala jarraituz gero. CO2-aren hazkundeak bi efektu nagusi ditu: alde batetik, tenperatura globalaren igoera, hau da, berotegi efektuaren areagotzea; eta bestetik, ozeanoen azidotasuna. Ozeanoek CO2-a absorbatzen dute, eta, ondorioz, atmosferan dagoen kontzentrazioa murrizten da, baina horrek uraren pH-a jaitsiarazten du. Itsasoko uraz gain, bereziak diren hainbat gune ikertzearen beharra ere agertu da, hala nola estuarioak. CO2-aren hazkundeak ur-sistema horietan izan dituen efektuak ez dira gehiegi aztertu, eta oso garrantzitsuak dira, zeren eta animalia- eta landare-espezie askoren bizileku baitira. Azidotasuna aztertzeko, lau parametro erabiltzen dira: alkalinitate totala, disolbatutako karbono ezorganikoa, pH-a eta iheskortasuna. Haien arteko erlazio termodinamikoa dela eta, esperimentalki soilik bi neurtu behar dira beste biak kalkulatu ahal izateko. Lan honetan, alkalinitate totala eta disolbatutako karbono ezorganikoa neurtu dira. Lau parametro horien azterketa egin da Bizkaiko hiru estuariotan: Urdaibai, Plentzia eta Nerbioi-Ibaizabal. Laginketak hiru urtez egin ziren, urtaro guztietan, estuarioen arteko berdintasunak eta ezberdintasunak ikusi nahian, bai eta denborarekiko erlazioak aztertu nahian ere

    Ionogel-based Nitrite and Nitrate Sensor for Water Control at the Point-of-Need

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    Part of special issue: Proceedings of the 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference – Eurosensors 2016, 4-7. Sepember 2016, Budapest, HungaryThe increment of uncontrolled nutrients concentration in water is the subject of increasing environmental concern. In particular, the increment of nitrate causes the eutrophication of algae, leading to fauna and flora demise. In order to favour an easy and adequate monitoring of this environmental problem, we have developed an ionogel-based sensor for the colorimetric determination and image analysis detection of nitrite and nitrate in water. The sensor consists on a small poly(methyl)methacrilate (PMMA) device cut by a CO2 laser where both the detection and the calibration zones are integrated. A simple photograph of the whole device, followed by colour processing of the different sections of the chip was used for the determination of nitrite concentrations.The project was carried out with the support of the Ramón y Cajal programme (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad). FBL, LAF-C and JS thank to the European Union‘s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under grant agreement no. 604241 for economical support. FBL acknowledges the Gobierno Vasco, Dpto. Industria, Innovación, Comercio y Turismo under ELKARTEK KK-2015/00088. Authors personally acknowledge Marian M. De Pancorbo for letting them to use her laboratory facilities at UPV/EHU

    TECHNART 2017. Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage. Book of abstracts

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    440 p.TECHNART2017 is the international biannual congress on the application of Analytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. The aim of this European conference is to provide a scientific forum to present and promote the use of analytical spectroscopic techniques in cultural heritage on a worldwide scale to stimulate contacts and exchange experiences, making a bridge between science and art. This conference builds on the momentum of the previous TECHNART editions of Lisbon, Athens, Berlin, Amsterdam and Catania, offering an outstanding and unique opportunity for exchanging knowledge on leading edge developments. Cultural heritage studies are interpreted in a broad sense, including pigments, stones, metal, glass, ceramics, chemometrics on artwork studies, resins, fibers, forensic applications in art, history, archaeology and conservation science. The meeting is focused in different aspects: - X-ray analysis (XRF, PIXE, XRD, SEM-EDX). - Confocal X-ray microscopy (3D Micro-XRF, 3D Micro-PIXE). - Synchrotron, ion beam and neutron based techniques/instrumentation. - FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. - UV-Vis and NIR absorption/reflectance and fluorescence. - Laser-based analytical techniques (LIBS, etc.). - Magnetic resonance techniques. - Chromatography (GC, HPLC) and mass spectrometry. - Optical imaging and coherence techniques. - Mobile spectrometry and remote sensing

    Ionogel-based hybrid polymer-paper handheld platform for nitrite and nitrate determination in water samples.

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    [EN] Nowadays, miniaturization and portability are crucial characteristics that need to be considered for the development of water monitoring systems. In particular, the use of handheld technology, including microfluidics, is exponentially expanding due to its versatility, reduction of reagents and minimization of waste, fast analysis times and portability. Here, a hybrid handheld miniaturized polymer platform with a paper-based microfluidic device was developed for the simultaneous detection of nitrite and nitrate in real samples from both, fresh and seawaters. The platform contains an ionogel-based colorimetric sensor for nitrite detection and a paper-based microfluidic device for the in situ conversion of nitrate to nitrite. The platform was fully characterized in terms of its viability as a portable, cheap and quick pollutant detector at the point of need. The calibration was carried out by multivariate analysis of the color of the sensing areas obtained from a taken picture of the device. The limits of detection and quantification, for nitrite were 0.47 and 0.68mgL-1, while for nitrate were 2.3 and 3.4mgL-1, found to be within the limits allowed by the environmental authorities, for these two pollutants. Finally, the platform was validated with real water samples, demonstrating its potential to monitor nitrite and nitrate concentrations on-site as a first surveillance step before performing extensive analysis.This project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under grant agreement no. 604241. The funding support from Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación de España” under grant PID2020-120313 GB-I00/AIE/10.13039/501100011033, and Gobierno Vasco Dpto. Educación for the consolidation of the research groups (IT1271-19) are also acknowledged. RC-C acknowledges funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 778001. Special thanks to (SGIker) of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). FB-L and LB-D acknowledge the “Red de Microfluídica Española” RED2018-102829-T

    Lurzoruetako kutsagarri organikoen erauzketaren auzia

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    Egun lurzoruetako kutsagarri organikoen determinazio analitikoan arazo gehiendakarren etapa erauzketa da. Etapa honi dagozkion auziak bi dira: erauzketa-prozesuaren etekinaren kalkulua, hots, nola jakin zenbatekoa den erreskuratutako kutsagarrien etekina lurzoruan dagoen kontzentrazioa ezezaguna izanik, eta erauzketa-teknika berrien egokiera, batez ere, teknika horiek dakartzaten prozedura erosoagoak eta ziurragoak baitira eta aurreko auziaren argibide izan baitaitezke. Kontuan izan behar da ohiko erauzketa-teknikek erabiltzen dituztela disolbatzailearen bolumen altuak, erauzketa-denbora luzeak eta prozedura gogaikarriak. Honenbestez, azken hamarkadetan konposatu organikoen erauzketarako metodo berrien garapena eta optimizazioa nabarmenki ugaritu da

    The CD14 (−159 C/T) SNP is associated with sCD14 levels and allergic asthma, but not with CD14 expression on monocytes

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    LPS-ligation to CD14/TLR-4 on monocytes/macrophages triggers the production of IL-12-family cytokines. IL12/18 promote TH1-differentiation, counteracting the TH2-driven asthma. Therefore, CD14 modulation could alter the TH2-differentiation and should be taken into account when studying asthma. To analyse the alteration in CD14 levels and its association with CD14 (−159 C/T) SNP (rs2569190) in Caucasian adults with stable allergic asthma, we performed a cross-sectional study (277 healthy subjects vs. 277 patients) where clinical parameters, CD14 values and the CD14 (−159 C/T) SNP were studied. Apart from typical biomarkers, we found an increment of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in allergic asthma, probably linked to monocyte activity. Indeed, we evidenced increased monocyte numbers, but lower CD14 expression and normalised sCD14 values in patients. Moreover, we noticed an association of the T allele (P = 0.0162) and TT genotype (P = 0.0196) of the CD14 SNP with a decreased risk of allergic asthma and augmented sCD14 levels. In conclusion, monocyte CD14 expression and normalized sCD14 values were reduced in stable state asthmatics, and this could be related to the presence of an expanded CD14low monocyte subset. This study also demonstrates that the CD14 (−159 C/T) polymorphism is a risk factor for moderate-severe allergic asthma in adult CaucasiansThis study was funded by grants from Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica, (SEPAR) (121/2012) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, FIS; co-financed by European Union ERDF funds) (PI13/02046). JJNF is a recipient of a Xunta de Galicia Fellowship (Co-financed by European Social Fund (ESF))S

    CartoCell, a high-content pipeline for 3D image analysis, unveils cell morphology patterns in epithelia

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    Decades of research have not yet fully explained the mechanisms of epithelial self-organization and 3D packing. Single-cell analysis of large 3D epithelial libraries is crucial for understanding the assembly and function of whole tissues. Combining 3D epithelial imaging with advanced deep-learning segmentation methods is essential for enabling this high-content analysis. We introduce CartoCell, a deep-learning-based pipeline that uses small datasets to generate accurate labels for hundreds of whole 3D epithelial cysts. Our method detects the realistic morphology of epithelial cells and their contacts in the 3D structure of the tissue. CartoCell enables the quantification of geometric and packing features at the cellular level. Our single-cell cartography approach then maps the distribution of these features on 2D plots and 3D surface maps, revealing cell morphology patterns in epithelial cysts. Additionally, we show that CartoCell can be adapted to other types of epithelial tissues.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-103900GB-I00, PID2020-120367GB-I00, PID2021-126701OB-I00Junta de Andalucía US-1380953, PY18-631Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BES-2022-07778

    Mobilitzacions socials i esquerra radical : Actes del II Congrés Les altres protagonistes de la Transició Barcelona, 11 a 13 d'octubre de 2019

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