60 research outputs found

    Reuse of Wastewater in Golf Courses

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    El espectacular aumento de campos de golf en el levante español durante las últimas décadas unido a la creciente preocupación sobre la sostenibilidad de los recursos hídricos ha suscitado un intenso debate sobre la relación entre los campos de golf y complejos inmobiliarios asociados y sus necesidades hídricas. Así, este artículo hará referencia a las tipologías emergentes de complejos urbanísticos ligados a campos de golf como punto de partida de análisis. A continuación, se hará un repaso a las necesidades de riego de un campo de golf y las posibilidades de reutilización, estimando el número de viviendas necesarias en el complejo urbanístico para que el campo de golf se pueda regar íntegramente con los efluentes depurados de las viviendas anexas al campo —2.000-3.000 viviendas—. El tema finalizará con un repaso a la legislación sobre el riego de campos de golf.The dramatic numerical increase of golf courses in the last decades in eastern Spain, along with the growing concern about the sustainability of water resources, has sparked an intense debate about the relationship between golf courses and real estate development over the demand for water. Thus, this article will focus on the emerging types of housing complexes linked to golf as a starting point for analysis. Next, we will consider the application of reused water for irrigating golf courses by estimating the number of homes in the real estate development complex —approximately 2.000 to 3.000— required to keep the sporting field watered with treated effluent from those private residences. Finally, the article provides an overview of legislation related to reused water and the irrigation of golf courses.El contenido de este artículo es fruto de la financiación de tres proyectos de investigación. El primero fue llevado a cabo desde el Departamento de Geografía Humana de la Universidad de Alicante gracias a un convenio con el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente en 2006. Este trabajo, titulado “Impacto territorial de los campos de golf y operaciones asociadas en el levante español” fue dirigido por José Ramón Navarro-Vera y Armando Ortuño-Padilla. El segundo fue parte del proyecto titulado “Procesos recientes de urbanización y gestión sostenible del agua: una exploración sobre las relaciones en la costa mediterránea de la Península Ibérica (1990-2008)”, financiado por el CYCIT en 2009 (CSO2009-12772-03-03) y dirigido por María Hernández, miembro del Instituto de Geografía de la Universidad de Alicante. El tercero, titulado “Urbanización y metabolismo hídrico en la costa de Alicante: análisis de tendencias en el periodo 2000-2010” (CSO2012-36997-C02-02), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad en el marco de los Programas de Investigación no orientados. Además, Patricia Fernández-Aracil es beneficiaria de las ayudas para contratos destinados a la formación predoctoral, enmarcadas en el Programa Propio del Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación para el fomento de la I+D+i en la Universidad de Alicante


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    [EN] This article provides an overview of the privatization of railway passengers market in Spain through a background to the most relevant cases studies in Europe, particularly the liberalization process in England. The English case study is a paradigmatic example to assess how the liberalization process was developed and its effect in the present. This assessment has been undertaken to analyse the railway franchise structure, ticketing measures, role of national and regional authorities, etc. and possible analogies to be adapted to the case of Spain. Firstly, this article reviews the origin of the privatization of the railway market in both Spain and England, describing every phase of the liberalization and the success of every stage. Secondly, a critical approach assessment exposes those market failures of the liberalization process in England that caused negative impacts on society. In addition, the role of the Government is analysed to measure their implication in order to solve that situation. Furthermore, the paper expounds a wide analysis of the rail ticketing in England, its effects on increased passenger number. Finally, this article proposes some measures to be followed on the privatization of passenger rail market in Spain, as well as some key concepts to guarantee its success as taken from the case studies that have been reviewed.Fernández Morote, G.; Ortuño Padilla, A.; Fernández Aracil, P. (2016). COMPARATIVE STUDY OF LIBERALIZATION PROCESS OF PASSENGERS RAILWAY MARKET IN SPAIN AND ENGLAND. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 553-560. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.3522OCS55356

    From Private Company to Water User Association and Natural Park over a Century: The Case of Riegos de Levante, Izquierda del Segura (Spain)

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    This work examines the transformations occurred with the shift from private company to water user association and natural park, looking at one collective irrigation system located in Alicante province (Spain): Riegos de Levante, Izquierda del Segura, one of the most extensive irrigation areas in Europe. Between 1918 and 2018, a process of change and transformation of both landscape and institutions occurred, considering: infrastructure expansion and its operation, the transfer of irrigation management responsibilities to water user association, after years of financial operations with water, thanks to state intervention, the coexistence of traditional agriculture with the modernisation of the irrigation systems, the history of an irrigation reservoir which was transformed into a natural site in 1988, or the evolution of the composition of water resources, taking into account the arrival of the Tajo-Segura transfer waters from the year 1979. The general objective is to understand key factors driving these changes, by means of a paradigmatic case study, as well as to identify policymaking and context-relevant dynamics that could enable it.This research was funded by the CampusHabitat5U network of excellence of Valencian public universities (https://iuaca.ua.es/es/campushabitat5u.html) and the Cátedra del Agua of the University of Alicante and the Diputación Provincial de Alicante (https://catedradelaguaua.org/)

    Urban Development Model and Municipal Fiscal Burden in Spain

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    Several studies have addressed the causes of urban sprawl, but consequences have been less studied in the literature. Therefore this paper considers the measurement of the effect that urban development model has on municipal fiscal burden. The geographical area of analysis is the Mediterranean area of Spain and Madrid. The main independent variable of the study is compact population, and its calculation allows a new approach to the study of the populated environment. Other control variables are also considered in the period from 2006 to 2014. The findings confirm that a scattered population could contribute to increased fiscal pressure.This work was supported by the Office of the Vice President of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Alicante through a scholarship for Patricia Fernández-Aracil for the training of university teachers

    Costs of providing local public services and compact population in Spanish urbanised areas

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    This paper addresses the impact of land use patterns associated with compact population on the costs of provision and maintenance of urban public services for local entities, controlling for other factors. The aim is to develop an econometric analysis using a panel data set of municipalities of the Spanish Mediterranean area and Madrid in the period 2006–2014. The estimations derived from the study confirm one main hypothesis and indicate that compact population impacts positively on the decrease of municipal costs of urban public services. This study suggests that municipal planning instruments of local entities could contribute to efficiently manage their budgets, as well as orients public policy in terms of its local land use decision-making.This work was supported by the Office of the Vice President of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Alicante

    Oportunidades socioeconómicas de la llegada del tren de alta velocidad a la ciudad de Alicante

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    National audienceEn el presente artículo se sintetizan los resultados del trabajo " El Impacto Económico del AVE en Alicante. Estrategias de aprovechamiento " , llevado a cabo por el Departamento de Edificación y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Alicante a petición de la sociedad AVANT. El desarrollo del estudio se fundamenta en dos vías metodológicas: el trabajo de campo llevado a cabo en diversos países europeos y las conclusiones extraídas a partir del cálculo del modelo matemático node-place (nodo-lugar). Por un lado, en lo que respecta al trabajo de campo, se han considerado aquellos casos análogos a la estación objeto del estudio y ubicados en ciudades de un tamaño similar al de Alicante, en España, Francia, Holanda y Alemania. De este modo ha sido posible extraer, mediante el análisis comparativo, cuáles son las variables con las que una estación central de alta velocidad encuentra sus mayores sinergias. Por otro lado, el modelo node-place se ha aplicado como herramienta capaz de medir la potencialidad económica en el entorno de una estación, sobre todo en cuanto a su capacidad de generación de empleo a largo plazo. La metodología empleada se basa en el análisis cuantitativo de las características que posee la estación como lugar – en función de su actividad urbana – y como nodo, es decir, cuantificando su accesibilidad y sus servicios de transporte

    Herramientas para la gestión territorial sostenible del agua

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    Materiales docentes del curso MOOC en: "Herramientas para la gestión territorial sostenible del agua". Enfoque multidisciplinar de la gestión de los recursos hídricos y las dinámicas territoriales asociadas

    El modelo T.O.D. (Transit-oriented development): estudio de casos internacionales y proceso de implementación

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    En este artículo se presenta un repaso a escala internacional de la aplicación del modelo de desarrollo urbanístico conocido como Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) en diversas partes del mundo, derivado del trabajo de campo de los autores: sus características, condicionantes y resultados. Así, el estudio de los casos expuestos en Estados Unidos, Holanda o Alemania, puede servir como base para una futura implementación en España considerando sus factores de éxito: el compromiso del sector público, de las empresas explotadoras del transporte público y la participación del sector inmobiliario


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    [EN] This research analyses how urban form, land use and urban density, may influence the incidence of traffic-related crashes injuries and deaths. It begins with a theoretical overview of studies which deal with the study of the relationship between urban patterns and road safety. Next, it details the development of a database of crash incidence and urban form at the district level for the city of Benidorm (Alicante, Spain) in 2010. Subsequently, it is developed a negative binomial approach for intra-city motor vehicle crash analysis. One-year crash data for Benidorm (the fourth largest tourism destination of Spain, after Barcelona, Madrid and San Bartolomé de Tirajana, and exclusively tourist-oriented city) are analyzed using a geographic information system (GIS) to generate relevant inputs for the analysis. In general, the study finds that a strong land use mix results on fewer road accidents, whereas accidents are more common but less severe in areas of high urban density. Finally, pedestrian accidents research showed that rural and low density environment is related to an important road accident numbers unlike tourism-oriented zones, much more safe for them. Based on these findings, the paper discusses the implications for urban design practice.Authors wish to acknowledge City Council of Benidorm for sharing databases and the Office of the Vice President for Research, Development and Innovation of University of Alicante within Programa Propio to encourage R&D&I, which beneficiary is the co-author Patricia Fernández Aracil.Casares Blanco, J.; Sánchez Galiano, J.; Fernández Aracil, P.; Ortuño Padilla, A. (2016). A CASE STUDY OF IDENTIFY IMPORTANCE OF LAND USE PLANNING IN ROAD SAFETY, BENIDORM. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1701-1708. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.3429OCS1701170